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Myths About Marauders


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Cooldown: 60s

Range: 4 m

Obscures the target's vision, reducing its melee and ranged accuracy by 90% for 6 seconds. Cannot be used on Operation bosses. This ability does not respect the global cooldown.





Cooldown: 15s

Range: 4 m

Gores the target for 645 - 779 weapon damage and grants Gore for 6 seconds, which increases armor penetration by 100%. Requires two lightsabers.



These 3 abilities alone make vanilla rogues look weak. Giving 1 class these 3 abilities is beyond ridiculous. Either they need to be adjusted or the cool down period needs a serious looking into.


Obfuscate works on white damage, which means quite a few classes aren't even effected by this ability. Gore or Prescision strike is only picked up by one sent spec, and it's not the strongest. If you have dots or cauterize on you odds are you aren't fighting someone with that ability.

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For those of you that bring up about the clicker/keyboard turner, you should have figured out by now that this game does not punish such behaviors as much as other MMORPGs you're used to. In this game you're severely limited by resource management as opposed to GCDs. As long as you know what attacks to use, how fast you used these attacks doesn't actually matter very much.
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For those of you that bring up about the clicker/keyboard turner, you should have figured out by now that this game does not punish such behaviors as much as other MMORPGs you're used to. In this game you're severely limited by resource management as opposed to GCDs. As long as you know what attacks to use, how fast you used these attacks doesn't actually matter very much.


Pre 1.2 I'd agree. The need to move is quite a bit more dramatic now. You can't let someone beat on you for 3-4 seconds without strafing now.

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Obfuscate works on white damage, which means quite a few classes aren't even effected by this ability. Gore or Prescision strike is only picked up by one sent spec, and it's not the strongest. If you have dots or cauterize on you odds are you aren't fighting someone with that ability.


Sure, but when your low on rage and your ArP is 100% basic attacks are like special abilities. Likewise, when your opponent is forced to use special abilities they will run out of juice real quick. Then toss in a cheat death ability it is a combination meant for pwnage.


This doesn't include stuns or other abilties. It is easy to see how they could be overly powerful in good hands, but I scratch my head watching a keyboard turner make people look stupid.

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I'm gonna say it one more time:


When I can watch a keyboard turning, mouse clicking buddy literally wipe the floor with his Mara in a WZ... All I can say is "wow". Usually when we duel he will just spin circles and click away to a 50% win ratio. I have also seen him click win against other people in duels. I have PvP'd in WoW for years and I have never seen a keyboard turning person win as much.


Are you saying you are losing to a melee class keyboard turner? Whoever is losing to a keyboard turner regardless of class is just a bad player. I'm not sure what you are asking for other then "I Lost to a melee player that spun in circles all fight that used his keyboard to turn and clicked all his abilities with his mouse. Please nerf them because my keyboard and mouse(and brain) must have disconnected midfight.". I don't mean to be harsh on bad players but... that is just absurd.

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Are you saying you are losing to a melee class keyboard turner? Whoever is losing to a keyboard turner regardless of class is just a bad player. I'm not sure what you are asking for other then "I Lost to a melee player that spun in circles all fight that used his keyboard to turn and clicked all his abilities with his mouse. Please nerf them because my keyboard and mouse(and brain) must have disconnected midfight.". I don't mean to be harsh on bad players but... that is just absurd.


Yes, I am saying he can literally spin circles and still win. What I find funny is, it is the only class of his 3 that he can do it with and still win 50% of the time, go figure.....

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I'm gonna say it one more time:


When I can watch a keyboard turning, mouse clicking buddy literally wipe the floor with his Mara in a WZ... All I can say is "wow". Usually when we duel he will just spin circles and click away to a 50% win ratio. I have also seen him click win against other people in duels. I have PvP'd in WoW for years and I have never seen a keyboard turning person win as much.


I don't think WoW was ever quite as successful as turning off serious PvPers from their game.

Or the majority of the healing community for that matter.


Higher ratio of bads to competent PvPers

+ Lower ratio of healers to DPS


... ???

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Sure, but when your low on rage and your ArP is 100% basic attacks are like special abilities. Likewise, when your opponent is forced to use special abilities they will run out of juice real quick. Then toss in a cheat death ability it is a combination meant for pwnage.


This doesn't include stuns or other abilties. It is easy to see how they could be overly powerful in good hands, but I scratch my head watching a keyboard turner make people look stupid.


Our least used spec "Carnage" has the 100% ArP for 6 seconds every 15 seconds. As it stands 90% of marauders are still annihilation because Carnage is countered too easily by good players that avoid gore combos on top of Carnages lower survivability and overall dps. So you won't be being gored very often.


As for "stuns and other abilities" Marauders actually have comparatively less of of these "pulls/taunts/guards/stuns/knockbacks" then other classes. They make up for it by having better defensive CDs to help survive through those extra stuns/etc.


And again. Losing to a keyboard turner isn't the class. Its you.

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For those of you that bring up about the clicker/keyboard turner, you should have figured out by now that this game does not punish such behaviors as much as other MMORPGs you're used to. In this game you're severely limited by resource management as opposed to GCDs. As long as you know what attacks to use, how fast you used these attacks doesn't actually matter very much.


Actually Marauders Resources are limited by GCDs. Their resource management is based on how many GCDs you are able to stay in melee combat to use Assault. So yes marauders that DON'T press a key every 1.5 seconds are severely gimping themselves compared to other classes whose energy passively regens.

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Are you saying you are losing to a melee class keyboard turner? Whoever is losing to a keyboard turner regardless of class is just a bad player. I'm not sure what you are asking for other then "I Lost to a melee player that spun in circles all fight that used his keyboard to turn and clicked all his abilities with his mouse. Please nerf them because my keyboard and mouse(and brain) must have disconnected midfight.". I don't mean to be harsh on bad players but... that is just absurd.


^^^^ this

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Yes, I am saying he can literally spin circles and still win. What I find funny is, it is the only class of his 3 that he can do it with and still win 50% of the time, go figure.....


This is a perfect case of "Its not the class. Its you.". Marauders do have large advantages against classes like Sorcerers/Troopers, but if they are even average players they will beat a keyboard turner Marauder. In fact I can't even imagine how you would even play a Marauder with keyboard turning and clicking all their abilities.


"You are so bad at this game you lose to keyboard turners". When that becomes a fact(that you seem to be bragging about) instead of a poor insult their is a problem.

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This is a perfect case of "Its not the class. Its you.". Marauders do have large advantages against classes like Sorcerers/Troopers, but if they are even average players they will beat a keyboard turner Marauder. In fact I can't even imagine how you would even play a Marauder with keyboard turning and clicking all their abilities.


"You are so bad at this game you lose to keyboard turners". When that becomes a fact(that you seem to be bragging about) instead of a poor insult their is a problem.


beside the fact... if you see key turning... you should be abusing the heck out of LOS and destroy them... if you lose to someone key turning, you seriously need to L2P

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Pre 1.2 I'd agree. The need to move is quite a bit more dramatic now. You can't let someone beat on you for 3-4 seconds without strafing now.


The bigger issue for keyboard turning ist hat Marauder and Jugg need to hit something to generate Rage so here keyboard turning obviously puts you at a disadvantage if you generated resource slower than expected, though once those resources are generated you're again limited by CDs. If you're a Tankasin who can have 20 Force after 3 moves, it literally doens't matter if you have to click your next ability because you won't have the Force to use anything anyway.


So far as evasive actions go, strafing tends to work better than any amount of turning and strafing does not require a mouse.

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Here's a Marauder Myth :


I hear that there's a 1% chance when undying rage is used to summon Chuck Norris in to the warzone. Chuck Norris counts down from three before obliterating everyone in the warzone and forcing an automatic win for the marauder's team.

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I don't see how so many people can post on the forums with such nonsense... I've seen other MMO forums but this is just ridiculous. All I've seen so far are posts like.


"LOL Marauders are so OP they will be nerfed"


"I can't beat a keyboard turning marauder who stands in one place spinning in circle clicking his abilities with a mouse, and I am obviously a good player so plz nerf this class"


"I used to play X class, but now I play a marauder and I win 1v3 with no problems because I 2 shot everyone while being immune to all damage. Nerf this now lol"



This is about the extent of reasoning that 99% of the people on these forums have. There doesn't seem to be any logic behind any of it beyond "its not my class so nerf it". It's like people are just trying to further exaggerate claims with every post to one up each other.

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Dear OP: Orly? My points:


Everything I hear about marauders nowadays is that they are unkillable and uncounterable tanks that 2 shot everything with ravage and are unbeatable in 1v1 and so on. So I feel like I should clear up some of these "myths".


Myth #1- Marauders are the best 1v1 class.


I'll start by saying. NOPE. In fact marauders actually lose to A LOT of classes 1v1. I will list the classes that will beat marauders given equal gear and skill.


I almost never lose a straight up 1v. Ever.


The only two you listed that present any real threat are Tanksins IF you: 1) Don't stun them out of their Force Lightning Heal (Charge, Choke, Roar) and 2) Don't camo during their Shroud to eliminate their DPS while they attempt to eliminate yours.


And snipers: You -can- get them out of cover, you -can- camo during snared knockback and get back into melee range. L2P? :(


Myth #2 - Marauders are harder to kill than tanks.


I believe people saying this is merely exaggeration - however, we do have some of -the- best defensive cooldowns in game. Cloak of Pain, anybody?



Myth #3 - Marauders are unstoppable in Group PVP.


Uh, well, if you're any good and have a PvP guild and subsequently roll in a premade - a competent healer on you WILL make you unstoppable. That's for pretty much any DPS with pocket heals. Welcome to PREMADE group PvP.


Sounds like you're solo-queuing into warzones. Good luck with that, breh.


Myth #4- Marauders are finally topping "Damage Done" in WZs


We're competing for top damage? Well, if you're actually playing objective (and are not in a Voidstar,) you really shouldn't top damage vs. the people who queue warzones and just run around tunneling. But when I have tunnellol'd, I'm going to be 1st in damage 95% of the time.


Myth #5- Marauders are unkiteable.


Based on knockbacks, like in Huttball? Lol. Huttball is gimmicky - period. You can't base a classes "Overpowered-ness" or "Underpowered-ness" because of knockbacks in Huttball. Lol. There are ways to NOT get knocked off, you know? As in - don't let them position to knock you off the steel, etc. That's more of a 1v situation. In group PvP, EVERYBODY is kiteable if the enemy group is doing it's job and throwing out slows and CC's.



Marauder apparently isn't for you, back to the drawing board, OP.



<Tactical Wookiee Assault Team>

50 Annihilation Marauder


Edited by Jishnu
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So now marauders can't kill anyone that isn't a noob or undergeared? Your logic is just bad.


Now, your perception of reality and grasp of the english language is just bad.


Its no wonder you are whinging about marauders. You are using inferior and totally incorrect intelligence in a piss poor attempt to look smart... You failed.


I said if YOU cannot kill a MARAUDER. Then you are one of those 2 things.


Now you tried to flip it around. The reverse of what I said would be, "If you are a marauder and did not get killed, then they are one of two categories. A. Undergeared. Or B. A complete Noob."

Which is completely correct STILL.


See what I did there? See what you failed to do?


There is now a third category.


A. Undergeared - Not your fault. Give it some time and you will close that gap.

B. A Noob - It is your fault. You have no idea how to play your class and believe the reason you are losing is because they are OP, Cheat, Gear > Skill, whatever pissy excuse you tell yourself to make you feel good.

C. You are a scrub - You, the person I quoted, fit perfectly into this category. A player who has no idea what he is doing, or even saying, cannot play his class, and TRIES so very hard to sound intelligent to make his QQ's seem valid.


Truth is this. Some people can't swim. Some people cant play golf. Some people can't fix cars. You are a person who can't play games. L2P or go back to collecting stamps.

Edited by Tyranoc
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I have a marauder, and I'll tell people the truth and facts.


Myth 1 - Marauders kill people in 1 hit or 1 global cooldown.

False. It takes 3 abilities and 3-4 global cooldown. I'll kill 1 guy and live with still 75% health then proceed to killing his buddy by using 90% accuracy debuff. I should have 25% health left. I will then go for the next one, pop 99% dmg reduction, kill the guy in 6 seconds then regain my health back.


Myth 2 - Marauders are squishy

False. With 99% dmg reduction, 20% dmg reduction and stealth, I hardly ever die.

Only people that see red and charge blindly die. But they usually kill their target anyway so it is all good.


Myth 3 - Snipers are hard to kill

This is actually very wrong. I use deadly saber, as walking to the sniper. Dude gets me at half health. Then when I'm near, he punts me back. I then use stealth, get near him. Then proceed to own his face.


This ^

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There are counters and then there are counters, what a mara does to a sage is absolutley extreme.


An easy fix for me would be to have force leap or w/e its called and force speed on the same cooldown (30sec), something as simple as this would give me a small chance of winning, and since maras are a direct counter a small chance of winning is fair, as it stands its pretty much impossible.

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Myth 3 - Snipers are hard to kill

This is actually very wrong. I use deadly saber, as walking to the sniper. Dude gets me at half health. Then when I'm near, he punts me back. I then use stealth, get near him. Then proceed to own his face.


Once you break stealth, he nut shots you, lays heat on you while making distance. If you happen to break that early, he snares you, then continues making max distance. He returns to cover before you're loose and keeps laying heat on your face as you stroll over to him. You pop your Undying Rage and he then flashes you. He then counts to four and uses one of his channeled big hits to stuff your head even further up your *** and it's gg. Snipers if played well can easily knock a Sent/Mara's lights out.

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Huh, OP is playng marauder differently than I am- because I haven't noticed any of the problems he has had. Seems like a l2p issue.


Only class that can beat a marauder 1v1 is a sniper provided the sniper has an environmental advantage and there's zero LoS around.


Marauders aren't invincible- they are however the most survivable class by far.


Marauders can't 1 shot people- they can keep pressure on someone til they're dead, lock them up with snares and in the case of carnage, roots- and they can kill someone faster than anyone else can while moving- in pvp that mobility is key, and the reason why several other classes are terrible- can't move while dealing damage.


Marauders can top DPS charts- this is a problem. Why? Because they can top DPS charts with single target damage- other classes tend to top them by casting often useless aoe- aoe that can be outhealed very easily. On the flip side- outhealing marauder single target even on another player is extremely hard- a healer cannot outheal a marauder attacking him, and if you 1v1 a healer and can't either beat them or get them to run far from the battle within six seconds- you are doing it wrong.

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Myth #1- Marauders are the best 1v1 class.


I'll start by saying. NOPE. In fact marauders actually lose to A LOT of classes 1v1. I will list the classes that will beat marauders given equal gear and skill.



DPS operatives


Vigilance Juggernauts




Unless the Operative gets a lucky chain of Jesus-crits from stealth (and re-opens with vanish during the fight) a Marauder will rip them to shreds.

Edited by Squatdog_nz
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