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Expansion Planets


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Mandalore. Flashpoint/Ops: Fight the Mandalore Crypt in search of the original helmet.


Maanan: Rebuilding.


Mustifar: Similar to Illum, fight for rare crystals that grow from a special ore from x planet and form from using Mustifar Lava.


Kasshyrrrr******k: Wookie Civil War


Telos: Kotor 2 conclusion of what happened there.


Duxun and or Onderon: Conclusion of Kotor 2


Dantooine: Rebuild to Jedi Temple?


Ruins of Malachor 5: Trayus Acadamy: Off branch of Sith of the Empire have reconstructed the remains of the Trayus Acadamy as well as connecting parts of the remains of the planet that have not drifted.


malachor would have to be a flashpoint

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Mustafar - we don't have a proper volcanic planet. And it will ballance out the bunch of "snowy" ones (Hoth, Belsavis, Ilum, portions of Alderaan).


Felucia - unique flora that will give the planet an interesting look.


Utapau - with the deep canyons and the vertical cities built into the bedrock, it will also have a unique look.


Lehon - it would make for great Heroics and Flashpoints involving the Rakata. And also has a unique vibe.


Yavin IV - with all the Sith tombs and secrets burried there, it's ideal place for high-level quests and Flashpoints involving evil spirits and such. It's as iconic as they go.

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a lot of people have mentioned Kashyyk. but it is surprising to me that no one has said Trandosha. which is in the same system. the Trandoshans are notorious in their hunting of wookiees. they could even set it up that the Trandoshans join the empire to be unleshed upon the wookee home world for some hunting points.
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a lot of people have mentioned Kashyyk. but it is surprising to me that no one has said Trandosha. which is in the same system. the Trandoshans are notorious in their hunting of wookiees. they could even set it up that the Trandoshans join the empire to be unleshed upon the wookee home world for some hunting points.


they could have a taxi system between the two planets and have a wookie trandosian war! could have potential with bowdaar and qyzen companion quests there

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Personally I'd like to see Manaan.

I loved the whole Ahto City part of KotOR and - given the fact, that we are at the brink of an all out war where kolto would be direly needed - it would make sense, too. Ahto City could be the other neutral place where both factions can trade with each other. Or secretly try to gain control over the kolto for that matter.


Ah, well I'll just wait and see I guess. :)


Well, the Sith Empire vaporized Ahto City and the rest of Manaan's surface cities, so if they do go back to Manaan, it would have to be Ahto City in rebuilding stages or underwater. I also don't see the Selkath being too Sith friendly or neutral after the whole aforementioned vaporizing of the surface cities.

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Exar Kun operation would make no sense whatsoever. There's no way the Jedi or the Sith would leave him there if they knew he was there, and canonicly he's there until the New Jedi Order series (Granted, said series is a complete disaster that doesn't make much sense, but, hey, we have to take the good with the bad in regards to canonocity)


Lots of great responses in this thread!


If Yavin 4 wouldn't work with the canon,


Steffizle I dont think you understand , a operation/flashpoint involving Exar Kun wouldnt work with canon but Yavin IV as in the planet itself would work perfectly.


My choices for planets -




Yavin IV
















Im sure theres plenty more of planets I didnt mention and Id like to see in the game :)

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Lots of great responses in this thread!


If Yavin 4 wouldn't work with the canon, then my next vote would be for Dagobah. Even though we are a few thousand years early, it would be cool to see some sort of flashpoint or operation dealing with the "dark cave" and possibly the spirit of Marka Ragnos.


Edit: If not Ragnos, then those giant spiders from the gamecube game


The Dark Cave didnt exist until a few hunderd years before the clone wars when the Jedi Minch battled and killed a powerful Bpfasshi Dark Jedi leader, and his energies absorbed into its surroundings, first tainting the passage with the dark side.

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I would like to see the Empire set up shop on Byss and the jedi set up an acadamy on Bpfassh, (its in the outer rim, near Dagobah).


As well as Bothawui and Geonosis, which surprised me by not being in the game at release.

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Hi! i just wanted to now what planets people want to see in future expansions, and what the story could be for the main story chain, or for specific classes!:jawa_smile:


I think there was a thread like this already but Ill bite.


Id like to see a water planet, so either Manaan (which was already in KOTOR 1) or Iskalon. Propably Manaan because I think Manaanian bodytypes are already in the game.


Kashyyyk would be nice too. A planet with really big trees.


Id also like a vulcaninc planet like Mustafar.

Edited by Karkais
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what would be cool would be race specific planets only certain races could acess, like ccilla (sp?) and the like.

more ice planets ether way..i like ice planets


that would be cool! ryloth for twileks, rattitaki for rattitaki, irodonia for zabraks, and so on and so forth.

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a lot of people have mentioned Kashyyk. but it is surprising to me that no one has said Trandosha. which is in the same system. the Trandoshans are notorious in their hunting of wookiees. they could even set it up that the Trandoshans join the empire to be unleshed upon the wookee home world for some hunting points.


they could have a taxi system between the two planets and have a wookie trandosian war! could have potential with bowdaar and qyzen companion quests there



They could build a whole expansion around this concept alone. Two intermingled planetary quest lines with additional content for companions (not just Bowdaar and Quyzen, I'm sure some of the other companions could also have plausible issues in the area drawn from their back stories, maybe Doc or one of the other healer companions wants to research Trandoshan regeneration or Torian is invited to join a Mandalorian Wookie pelt hunt) and classes (like maybe the Sith Inquisitor finds another use for the Trandoshan Relic he recovered on Drummond Kaas) with two new racial classes, Wookie Scout and Trandoshan Hunter, which detail from the race's perspective how they come into the war and why they choose their respective sides. Maybe we could even get an in universe explanation for why Wookies are almost never Force Sensitive through their story.


The classes themselves could combine ranged and melee skills with the advanced classes focusing on one or the other. Imagine a Wookie bezerker dual wielding ryyk blades and tearing into a Sith Juggernaut while his companion, a human Jedi Padawan saddled with the weight of carrying on the Qel Droma name, crosses sabers with Jaesa Willsaam. Or a Trandoshan hunt-master mowing down Republic invaders with a combination of his concussion rifle, claws, and traditional sword.


Yeah, that would be an awesome second expansion.

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They could build a whole expansion around this concept alone. Two intermingled planetary quest lines with additional content for companions (not just Bowdaar and Quyzen, I'm sure some of the other companions could also have plausible issues in the area drawn from their back stories, maybe Doc or one of the other healer companions wants to research Trandoshan regeneration or Torian is invited to join a Mandalorian Wookie pelt hunt) and classes (like maybe the Sith Inquisitor finds another use for the Trandoshan Relic he recovered on Drummond Kaas) with two new racial classes, Wookie Scout and Trandoshan Hunter, which detail from the race's perspective how they come into the war and why they choose their respective sides. Maybe we could even get an in universe explanation for why Wookies are almost never Force Sensitive through their story.


The classes themselves could combine ranged and melee skills with the advanced classes focusing on one or the other. Imagine a Wookie bezerker dual wielding ryyk blades and tearing into a Sith Juggernaut while his companion, a human Jedi Padawan saddled with the weight of carrying on the Qel Droma name, crosses sabers with Jaesa Willsaam. Or a Trandoshan hunt-master mowing down Republic invaders with a combination of his concussion rifle, claws, and traditional sword.


Yeah, that would be an awesome second expansion.


That would be such a cool expansion!!!!! i want it now

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I'd love to see Ziost for the Sith Empire, and Ossus for the Republic. More planets with historical significance for either faction would be awesome. But any planet would probably be done well, so I just look forward to being surprised lol
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1. I agree with the Kashyyk/Trandosha expansion idea, maybe when they increse the level cap to 60 or something.

2. Yavin IV has to be incorparated somehow, at least a flashpoint.

3. Mon Calamari slightly over Manaan, because we have to have a water world. Probably part of the expansion stroy arc.

4. If/when they implement open space battles, a warzone or flash point to battle over the Hypori, Kuat, or Mon Calamari ship yards.

5. Ziost in some way.

6. Maybe an operation on Onderon and Dxun.

7. Mustafar because we need a volcanic planet in some way,

8. Geonosis for either a warzone or even an open world PVP

9. Chiss space. Either an operation or story arc of some sort.

10. Mandalore

11. Bothowi

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Hey no one has mention Endor yet. im sure the Republic can find some good two shoes things to do there while the Empire can have a Ewok slaughter fest


I'd rather hunt Gungans than Ewoks. Because since getting beat down by an Ewok is basically the Star Wars equivalent of being beat down by a teddy bear, I would prefer to kill, or in the case of lag/disconnect death, have been beaten down by bunnyfrogs. :p

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