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WH Gear pricing = too much?


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I got WH saber and boots, going for offhand right now. It seems to take longer than expected but the rate of getting comms is about 1/3. In fact I actually expect to win more often in rated RZs because I solo queue and seem to run into premades every time which are difficult to win against. In theory I should run into them less often if the ranked WZ works like it's suppose to (match PUG versus PUG), and if not, well, it's no different than what it is now.


As far as I can tell saber + offhand + boot X 3 should get you close to a full set (2 of those are the most expensive pieces by far), so the grind isn't that bad if there are actually ranked WZs to play in.


Why buy your weapons first? For me they offered very little increase for how expensive they were.

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Right now, I'm working my way up in WH gear, started with Bracers, moving onto Belt, so on, so on. I realize at some point I'll just quit and focus on other characters, but it's the best PVP gear in the game, and it's not always you can get the best; this was the problem with PVP Gear grinding before, heaps of people had BM Gear, best PVP gear before WH gear. If you got the determination and the commitment to acquire so much gear, then you must have a lot of patience. Regardless, I'm fine with the new WZ grinding procedure
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Why buy your weapons first? For me they offered very little increase for how expensive they were.


Because 30 Force Power straight upgrade is still better than shuffling accuracy into surge. In BM -> WH you basically gain a small amount of Power/Crit, and if you're lucky you get your accuracy stat shuffled into surge except at that point you'll be close to the diminishing returns.


Generator also has like 30 more Expertise which is more than the usual +10 expertise you get on other pieces.

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But there are not any ranked WZ's to play in....lol


That's why I'm currently leveling a character of each archtype to chapter 2 so I'll have all 4 buffs by myself for rated WZ. I can understand the grind feeling tiresome. After doing saber + boots in 10 days I realized this is pretty boring and cut back the time in WZ considerably.

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There isn't much of a diff between BM gear and WH gear. I like that it takes a long time, just to give you something to do.


Getting full BM gear doesn't take long in this system, and BM gear is more than enough to be competitive.


It's pretty similar to BM versus Champion since the introduction of augments reduces the relative difference. In a completely equal mirror match, someone in full WH will reliably beat someone in full BM just like someone in full BM (old) will reliably beat someone in full Champion but reliably here means 'have about 10% health left', but you'll definitely win. It gives you an incentive to get this gear but the guy with inferior gear can certainly still put up a fight.

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Calling BS here. The comm limit is 2000 and the most you get per match is 150 (assuming you always win and max out medals). Factor in buying healing/expertise adrenals and you have to at least look at the number you have. So, if you hit your limit at that point, then you're doing on purpose.


I don't buy medpacks or adrenals, so no, I dont "have to look".

But hey, you know.


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Calling BS again, but hey, you know........


A) Call BS all night if it makes you feel better

B) I never stated I earned 2k in a single night, I could have started with >1000 or even >1500 and just got distracted with the wzs and guild, So ya, it is possible.

C) I do know, cause I'm the one that has had it happen...

D) Way to miss the point completely.


Call BS again if it makes you feel better, I'm done responding to you.

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it is too much, nobody cares that you have gotten 3 whole pieces. If I play 3 hours a day that is maybe 3 warzone Q's on my server if I am lucky. lol how long will it take me to get full WH.


if I lose a Warzone tack on another 35 min Q. T H E G A M E I S D E A D.


its proven, log ins have virtually hit a brick wall, next is subs.

Edited by Meenos
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Like always- it'll be easier in the next patch. That's how gearing always is- starts out very grindy/long, then eventually is made easier.


In a month or two, those 16 hours a day players will be complaining that the WH gear they've been getting free wins with for a month and spent two weeks playing all day every day to get will be available to everyone- and they will start getting beat by good players who unfortunately have things like jobs or even responsibilities. Then, in another month or two, the next level of pvp gear comes out and the casuals complain while the 16 hours a day folks say 'the gear doesn't matter, it's all skill.'


It's the circle of gear QQ.

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I have Weapon, Helm, Gloves, Legs, Boots so far.


It's 87000 Comms or so for the full set from scratch.


Pre-Patch, just buying BM Comms it was about 73000 Comms.


That's a SMALL increase for the next tier of gear.


You're neglecting that you got 16 bags from dailies/weeklies- bags that didn't take too much time to get so even casuals could generally get most of them- and those bags had an average 1 in four chance of dropping one. For the average person- that's 4 tokens a week, more than what's needed to get the costliest piece.


So it's an increase in price, coupled with a decrease in comms you get from lost WZs, facing premades, etc..., and coupled with about three pieces every two weeks for dailies/weeklies.


Not so small after all.

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You're neglecting that you got 16 bags from dailies/weeklies- bags that didn't take too much time to get so even casuals could generally get most of them- and those bags had an average 1 in four chance of dropping one. For the average person- that's 4 tokens a week, more than what's needed to get the costliest piece.


So it's an increase in price, coupled with a decrease in comms you get from lost WZs, facing premades, etc..., and coupled with about three pieces every two weeks for dailies/weeklies.


Not so small after all.


I also didnt' get 140 Warzones Comms per win without even trying. So it's easier now IMO.

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I think the grind is fine.


I will give you a tip, keep buying the best piece of armor stat wise.


Then use augmented oranges. Put in the War Hero mods. You would get better stats than the people who use Pure war hero gear.


If you need the set bonus, war hero oranges get the set bonus if you put in war hero mods in them.


Luckily the best war hero armor piece for me is the boots. 2000k ranked commendations is easy to get.

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I think the worst part of it all is that even if I do manage to get full WH gear, I'll have to grind for 5 boots and then enough credits to strip mods out to actually optimize these stats. They are for the most part terrible.


And that's not even getting into the fact that if you truly want to be competitive you'd want the augmented gear. The WH gear looks terrible so augmented BM gear is probably a better bet, but you're still forced to rip mods out of WH pieces and then stick them into the augmented gear, and then you also need the augments.


The augmented gear annoys me a lot.

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I think the worst part of it all is that even if I do manage to get full WH gear, I'll have to grind for 5 boots and then enough credits to strip mods out to actually optimize these stats. They are for the most part terrible.


And that's not even getting into the fact that if you truly want to be competitive you'd want the augmented gear. The WH gear looks terrible so augmented BM gear is probably a better bet, but you're still forced to rip mods out of WH pieces and then stick them into the augmented gear, and then you also need the augments.


The augmented gear annoys me a lot.


Yes it is costly. But PvP'ers don't spend credits in anything. I am actually quite happy that i found use for my credits.


I think it saves a lot of time to do what i did with my 5 war hero pieces. I was just lucky that a guildy of mine gave me free augmented OJ's. Getting mods out of warhero stuff costs 45k... Now i am broke but very happy for the less time consumed on getting the armor pieces.

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