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What am I doing wrong (PVP)?


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So I like doing warzones. A lot. But it seems like I'm struggling. I see other Marauders/Sentinels just face rolling in WZ's. But I don't face roll. It sucks. But I can't find anything about post 1.2 pvp specs or on my server people just give me smart-*** remarks about what I should be doing. Can anyone help me? I'm annihilation right now with the normal PVP skill points. I read about annihilation being the spec to use, but I don't know, with almost a 2:1 KvD it just doesn't seem viable. On my Gunslinger and Operative I do great, not so much on my Marauder. Just want to do better than I'm doing and if anyone can give links to a site or builds that would be much appreciated.
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Well it is not just you, ive carried my Marauder from release to today and been pvping as lvl 50 and using skill tree annihilator after using the other 2 skill trees as well b4 settling on Annihl, I found it that it really makes to much difference which tree i used the problem is and i hope you and other Marauders see this as an issue and request bioware to do something about it. You see the issue is that while in story mode or Aoe we have all our abilities but in PVP/WZ we lose a couple of very important abilities that i like to point out that jedi seem to have their version of these abilities and thats the marauders savage kick and pommel strike, kick stuns and pommel strike can bring a huge amount of pain, but for some reason in pvp/WZ those abilities do not work grayed out while in pvp . If we could use those the Marauder would be able to stun as much as we get stunned by any and all classes and we would bring a hell of a lot more pain too. Next thing is our 2 minutes cool downs with the way we get stunned and froze and mind controlled, a 2minute cool down is to long when all that happens by 2 or 3 enemies at a time, we are most likely to die for sure, if we had a 40 to 45 second CD i know we would have a better chance of recovering and surviving more often. You may noticed we seem to slow down as soon as we are engaged or engaging our enemies we slow down to a snails crawl while our enemies zoom around us cutting us down to size where is the fairness in that, that needs to stop. Also we hardly have a chance with lightning users and any at ranged enemies as soon as we r engaged by them we slow down and their long ranged attacked tear us apart before we get close enough to melee them or even leap to them or get close enough to force choke them then its to late we end up dying any way. If they allowed us to maintain our speed and beef up our armor rating from medium to heavy medium or something like that, we wouldnt die as soon as we get into battle. Plus we get pushed around by what seems like all classes that have a push back ability, but us marauders, ok i can live with that if Marauders have a repel ability to not just block push backs but to try to block being stunned,froze or any other immobilizing affect like that.


If we had back the savage kick and pommel strike abilities and those other abilities i mentioned, we the marauders would survive a lot longer then we do.

And do not let others tell you your not playing the class right cause its bull, give us what i mentions and they would all see then what Marauders can truly do.....

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So I like doing warzones. A lot. But it seems like I'm struggling. I see other Marauders/Sentinels just face rolling in WZ's. But I don't face roll. It sucks. But I can't find anything about post 1.2 pvp specs or on my server people just give me smart-*** remarks about what I should be doing. Can anyone help me? I'm annihilation right now with the normal PVP skill points. I read about annihilation being the spec to use, but I don't know, with almost a 2:1 KvD it just doesn't seem viable. On my Gunslinger and Operative I do great, not so much on my Marauder. Just want to do better than I'm doing and if anyone can give links to a site or builds that would be much appreciated.


'Face-roll'....I do not think it means what you think it means..

Edited by Daemonlaud
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I am finding as Carnage that it is very hit or miss against some classes. I can eat anyone not in full BM gear alive. DPS Sages wilt before me, though the healers spend all thier time running from me. Yet shadow's both tank and especially DPS I have a hard time handling. Also, Gaurdians and sentinel's are EXTREMELY good on my server. It seems I do next to no damage versus them yet I am dead in moments when I fight 1v1 against them. And lastly, all smugglers I am having issues with. Scoundrel's take half my health before I get out of thier first stun, then finish me off in the second, or gunslingers sit there in cover with me whaling on them and then I die while thier at 40% or better health. We actually have a gunslinger that requires 3 people to kill on our server at a minimum, since the first two will be dead taking his health away. And the rest arent much better.


I know it's something I am doing. I actually had a bounty hunter sit there and let me kill him and he called me slow, but I don't know how to make my rotation any faster unless I pretty much use Beserk>Gore>Massacre spam all the time, which though looks pretty, doesnt quite use everything I need to. I am in full BM gear with one WH peice and two augmented sabers, yet I am sitting in the 150-200k damage range depending on the group we are going against.


Maybe if I put this out here I can get something more than "learn to play." My rotation is standard, I have the gear, hell, if we actually have healers, I get plenty of kills and the high end of the damage chart. I just don't see how I am still so far behind the republic melee counterparts.

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I am finding as Carnage that it is very hit or miss against some classes. I can eat anyone not in full BM gear alive. DPS Sages wilt before me, though the healers spend all thier time running from me. Yet shadow's both tank and especially DPS I have a hard time handling. Also, Gaurdians and sentinel's are EXTREMELY good on my server. It seems I do next to no damage versus them yet I am dead in moments when I fight 1v1 against them. And lastly, all smugglers I am having issues with. Scoundrel's take half my health before I get out of thier first stun, then finish me off in the second, or gunslingers sit there in cover with me whaling on them and then I die while thier at 40% or better health. We actually have a gunslinger that requires 3 people to kill on our server at a minimum, since the first two will be dead taking his health away. And the rest arent much better.


I know it's something I am doing. I actually had a bounty hunter sit there and let me kill him and he called me slow, but I don't know how to make my rotation any faster unless I pretty much use Beserk>Gore>Massacre spam all the time, which though looks pretty, doesnt quite use everything I need to. I am in full BM gear with one WH peice and two augmented sabers, yet I am sitting in the 150-200k damage range depending on the group we are going against.


Maybe if I put this out here I can get something more than "learn to play." My rotation is standard, I have the gear, hell, if we actually have healers, I get plenty of kills and the high end of the damage chart. I just don't see how I am still so far behind the republic melee counterparts.


Okay i can help you out a little bit:


In soloing, 1v1 fights in WZs , you have got to use your -90 accuracy debuff: its a must. Ands its much easier with carnage because of its better range in the spec.


defensively: use it plus cloak then old off just a little until you pop saberward. and of course use undying rage at about 20% ( if not stunned - more and more ppl are stunning at this point, as they should ) pop a medpac.


Offensively: Your bersker > gore > massacre is fine and its awesome acutally when its up. But between your 30 stacks of fury there are other basic combs that you have to make sure you are utilizing if you arent already.


standard combo : gore -> massacre -> scream

The big burst combo: massacre > gore > ravage > scream


between these CDs i try to keep my rage up while hitting massacre as much as possible.


Don't forget to use things like deadly throw, and crippling slash either but these are not really rotational as much as use when needed and bewteen the combos


And be tactical using your camo - if you need a second or two togather your thoughts or to give yourself some time for gore or ravage to be back up. use it - it throws the other player out of their pattern and allows you to breathe for a second.


Also - also remember to use your relics. One thing to remember when a stealther opens up on you in a 1v1 is that they choose to start the fight - meaning they probably have their surge/crit relic and their WZ adrenal up. A good operative/scoundral can get you to 40% before you even get out of the fist stun. - typically before they can do it to me again i try to hit our AoE mezz to throw them off their rotation and hopefully use their stun break. Always try to live through the first stun before using your stun break.


Sorry if this is too long - but i hope you or others might find this useful.

Or if anyone else has better suggestions/tactics - because i admit i'm only a decent marauder i'm not a superpro like some out there.

Edited by Dacer
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I can see where any class in this game would have a hard time with pvp OR pve. I have to agree it’s a learn to play thing but I think that is a crap response for someone asking for help. I have a 50 Marauder in full BM and a 42 Jedi Sentinel I plan on getting full BM, on the same server. They are just too much fun to play, I rolled a Marauder during beta with every intention on having a Sorc as my main, but after getting to 35 in closed beta I never looked back. The thing about a marauder/sentinel is if are aren't always trying to improve yourself, give up the class. I used to use 1-6 on my keyboard and click everything else. I would say this was one of my biggest hurdles to get over. I bought a 4 button trackball (cause I am weird and like trackballs over mice) and bound two of the buttons to CTRL and SHIFT. Now, with minimal retraining I can hit 18 key binds. I set my bars up with a break in slot 7. 1-6 short cool down offensive skills like assault, battering assault, vicious slash, annihilation, rupture and vicious throw. 8-12 defensive skills Cloak of pain, saber ward, undying rage, medpack, and relic and adrenal. Row two underneath row one 1-6 longer cool down utility skills like force jump, deadly sabers, disruption, and ravage. This is just to demonstrate I know where my skills are and what keys they are from memory, you can set whatever up you want as long as you know what button to hit to do what you want without having to look at your screen. The other BIG tip I can give you and to learn your rotation for whatever spec you are and then learn your priority. People will say do this, then this, then this. But only through playing will you learn. Example, when you have someone under 20% health its more important to use deadly throw for the 20% healing debuff than hit vicious throw, with trauma already in effect you can kill that target no matter who is healing him. Although if a healer is up you are doing your job wrong. Anytime you go 1v1 with melee character use obfuscate. Hell I use it in pve now that I know it rocks, basically is like a second saber ward. Choose to use your force camo for fight or flight. Don’t waste it on flight unless you are sure you can get away, better to pop it, finish off a healer and die then run away and let him reheal everyone. Use your interrupts, we have sooooo many. Force jump, disruption, aoe mezz, force choke. force camo is to a point, it can interrupt a offensive skill like snipe.
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So I like doing warzones. A lot. But it seems like I'm struggling. I see other Marauders/Sentinels just face rolling in WZ's. But I don't face roll. It sucks. But I can't find anything about post 1.2 pvp specs or on my server people just give me smart-*** remarks about what I should be doing. Can anyone help me? I'm annihilation right now with the normal PVP skill points. I read about annihilation being the spec to use, but I don't know, with almost a 2:1 KvD it just doesn't seem viable. On my Gunslinger and Operative I do great, not so much on my Marauder. Just want to do better than I'm doing and if anyone can give links to a site or builds that would be much appreciated.


You have probably realized that, contrary to what the forums believe, Marauders actually do very poorly in the hands of "bad"(new) players compared to most classes. Proper DPS rotation is the difference between a 500 DPS marauder and a 1500 DPS marauder, and proper situational awareness and understanding of enemy classes is the difference between a marauder surviving 5 seconds, or surviving 30+ seconds.


I'll explain the simplest(not best but close) DPS priority(not rotation) for Annihilation(Our 1v1 solo queue spec).


Execute > Deadly Saber > Rupture > Annihilation > Battering Assault > Assault


That will get you solid damage, but with 100% uptime you will have excess rage to use for Vicious Slash. Also throw in Ravage whenever you think the enemy is stupid enough to stand in it.



For survivability it is a bit more tricky. You really have to understand how the other classes work, and know when you are about to get focused in PVP BEFORE you get focused.


Best case scenario you pop Blade Ward + cloak of Pain immediately before taking any serious damage.

Save Undying Rage for <20% hp.

Use Force Camo to reposition or to reduce/avoid incoming burst damage(Ravage/Assassin Force lightning/ETC).

Use Obfuscate against Marauders/Snipers/Powertechs/Juggernauts/Trooper. It is technically useful against other classes, but it is too situational to quickly explain.

Interrupt enemy casts at the last second with Interupt/Charge/Choke/Fear. Channels you interrupt immediately.


That is Marauder PVP 101. Now go out there and slaughter some Sorcerers/Troopers.

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Some things I learned, but at level 50. I hope it helps a little and there are tons more. This is a difficult class regardless of what others will say about being overpowered.


DOTs: Anni is a dot damage spec so you must make sure that you are applying the full amount of damage over time possible, even when you think a bigger force power is there to use. Be disciplined and build your damage over time.


Slows: You are a dot damage dealer that needs to be in melee range all the time. I start (usually, but there is no rule) with a slow (Crippling Slash). Then I can apply dots, stronger hits, follow a retreating player, or circle behind.


Interupts: Every other class wants to heal themselves or do something to you while you are trying to be a killing machine. You must interrupt them between damage with Disruption or you wont be around long.


Spec Tree: Spec into dps talents that expand key powers for pvp.


Use your group globals like Predation, Bloodthirst, and Beserk. I also have these in my skill bar with Frenzy so that I can proc one, hit frenzy, and proc a second right behind it. Imagine Hutball with everyone having speed burst and more heals and damage! Score!


Your role: As I see it, my Marauder is not a one on one killing machine, he is a team go getter. Dont be afraid to look around and consider the goals and how you can help achieve them. "Hey that guy is fighting one on one, Ill help him out." "I can slow this pursuer!" It will do wonders for you instead of trying to do it all.


Tricks: Know when to use two special spells and dont be afraid to back away when its time.


The first is Undying Rage. Its not the "god spell" that everyone is qq'ing about but it has its moments. Sometimes Ill just hold off an advancing group a few extra seconds and sometimes it makes the difference between a kill and dying. Remember, if you applied your dots, then in those last few seconds the oppositions health is ticking away! I love watching as they suddenly realize they picked on the wrong Mara when they had me down to 15%!


The second is Force Camoflague which I need to get better at. It is a great way to scoot through fire, get loose, and get yourself safe quickly.


Tactical: Sometimes I do things that arent in the typical Maar mold. Like when the doors to Voidstar open Ill throw a goup Mezz out there and freeze most everyone who is advancing. This also helps in Hutball to help a team mate get passed that last bridge.


Also know when a fight is lost. If you see a healer with a shield around it (guard) and they can heal themselves and their team too, you wont win that fight then and there. Move on to a more viable opponent momentarily. Mezz them on the way out.


Classes: You will get to know the classes and players you match up well with over time. Some are anti-Mara and it comes down to the competence of the other player.


Extras: Dont forget to bar and use those relics! Also get your stims and med pacs handy. Anything that helps do damage or keep you going a little longer.


Man, sorry so much but again I hope that helps you. I am sure there are tons of other ideas as well! Good luck and dont quit Mara!

Edited by whatthefett
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i was looking for some advices also. my marauder is full bm with 2 parts of wh. using both pvp relics on cooldown combined with rakata attack adrenal when available.

the sad thing i wanted to find some clue about is the damage score during warzones. I fell myself quite damaging, ok. i can handle most 1 vs 1 pretty well, almost sure wins when i have my defensives ready. but overall damage score looks dim in comparision to some aoe sorcs or powertechs/vanguards. usually i end up matches with score like 150-250k, that is lower by 100-150k than my mate pt does. killing blows are ok, though.

no mouseclicks, no stupid rushing into the crowd to get killed in seconds. but i allways find myself in the crossfire, having hard time, poping camo just to escape that killzone.

what am i doing wrong? wanna notice, that i aint pocket healer or guard to get upper hand.

Edited by Akfourtys
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what am i doing wrong?

Nothing. Personal numbers mean pretty much nothing in PvP matches at the moment because there are no deathmatch WZs. The only numbers you should care about are your score in Huttball, the timer counting down in Void Star, and the health of enemy objectives in Novare Coast/Alderaan. If your entire team only puts out 500k damage combined but all of that damage is focused on securing cap points and then focused on holding down those points/defending doors/etc then you are doing everything right . Infact I usually look for the players that spend time defending points, even if they're just sitting there self-healing, and try to vote for them because we'd lose without that player willing to sit there and hold that point (I don't care how lazy that may seem to some people, 750k or a million damage/healing means nothing to me. A loss is a loss.)

Edited by KenseiMahou
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i was looking for some advices also. my marauder is full bm with 2 parts of wh. using both pvp relics on cooldown combined with rakata attack adrenal when available.

the sad thing i wanted to find some clue about is the damage score during warzones. I fell myself quite damaging, ok. i can handle most 1 vs 1 pretty well, almost sure wins when i have my defensives ready. but overall damage score looks dim in comparision to some aoe sorcs or powertechs/vanguards. usually i end up matches with score like 150-250k, that is lower by 100-150k than my mate pt does. killing blows are ok, though.

no mouseclicks, no stupid rushing into the crowd to get killed in seconds. but i allways find myself in the crossfire, having hard time, poping camo just to escape that killzone.

what am i doing wrong? wanna notice, that i aint pocket healer or guard to get upper hand.


Like Kensei says, nothing. I have the same deal. Remember, there are people who will attack a healer for five minutes staright and just build damage numbers, but it doesnt help win. If you just want one stat, build your objective around that stat. Just like there are some classes that have an opportunity to get all the medals, but Marauders are much more limited. Some players just run around making sure they get their medals and numbers instead of actually winning. No self respecting Mara would do such a thing :)

Edited by whatthefett
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