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Veteran PvP players are all gone


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On my server, Republic side, it seems like every day since 1.2 was released we get longer and longer Qs. The day of the patch we had 2-3 minutes between each match, and that has increased ever since. Right now, we never have more than 1 group of 50s playing in warzones at once outside peak times, and the Q is around 30-45mins or longer. But one thing I have noticed is that all the regular, veteran PvP players are gone. Either they login to get their 3 wins and go off again, or they just don't play at all. So not surprisingly, our win % went down to the floor, since all our matches have our team mostly filled with under-geared new 50s against pro Imp teams. So of course, it just makes more Republic players stop Qing as well, when all you get is constant losses.


Anyone else notice a similar situation on their server?

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they login to get their 3 wins and go off again


If they haven't quit outright due to the 1.2 RWZ debacle, it's probably this. I went home for lunch today. Finished my Daily 3 in less than an hour. Now I'll be playing my Imp tonight when I get home from work.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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A lot of the veteran pvpers I know on my server are also college students, myself included, and it's that time of the semester where finals are coming up and end of term projects are due :( I'm lucky if I find the time to get the daily in at all
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One of the highest populated PVP guilds on my servers recently vanished.


People had been asking about it for a couple days, then word got out they all seriously just got so fed up they left for Tera. :rolleyes:


This is a disturbingly, and alarmingly fast trend.


People just don't have patience anymore for poorly developed mmos that have producers who just flat out lie to you.

We are on the cusp of a very obvious end here, this mmo is toast.


Tera / Diablo 3 alone will suck up any veterans holding out for some nature of a resolution to the 1.2 rated WZs strife. I flat out can't understand why NO MENTION of merging or transfers has been aloud.


and don't use the.... "It shows a sign of weakness to your investors'


Bull.... whats shows a sign of weakness is an empty budget, due to no population.:eek:

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A lot of the veteran pvpers I know on my server are also college students, myself included, and it's that time of the semester where finals are coming up and end of term projects are due :( I'm lucky if I find the time to get the daily in at all


Cool story bro... I also work 55hours a week and still get on and play every day.


So no... don't use the "They just have school argument" that isn't the case here.;)

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I'm leveling other characters so I can do all 4 buffs in one character when rated WZ come out.


There probably isn't too much point to crazy grind on gear you'll be able to get for 1/3 the cost when rated WZ come out (assuming comm gain is same).

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Cool story bro... I also work 55hours a week and still get on and play every day.


So no... don't use the "They just have school argument" that isn't the case here.;)


I wasn't posting an argument, I was stating what was happening on my server. Wasn't aware this was a flame thread. So don't project, that isn't the case here ;)

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well I don't think they need to show signs of weakness. Dec 19 ea stock was trading at 20.60ish. its up today around 15.90 but it has been lowest in year recently. on the bright side its up on takeover mergers from nexcom. nexcom makes their money off f2p games....
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I wasn't posting an argument, I was stating what was happening on my server. Wasn't aware this was a flame thread. So don't project, that isn't the case here ;)


So you are the global spokesmen for your server.... did everybody email you letting you know the status of what they were doing?..... didn't think so.

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there is really no other explanation other then people being fed up with the current state of the game.


1.2 was supposed to rejuvenate this game but has actually made it worse somehow....


It was supposed to be the "fix-all" of pvp, and with the pulling of RWZ's, it all but put a dagger in those dreams for many who were here just for pvp. My server has nothing but crappy imps on or premade pubs, so you get an imbalance either way that has no signs of being fixed anytime soon.

Edited by BobaStyx
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So you are the global spokesmen for your server.... did everybody email you letting you know the status of what they were doing?..... didn't think so.


From my original post

"veteran pvpers I know on my server"


Guess reading is not a big part of those 55 hours you work huh?


Go troll somewhere else

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