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Majority of Star Wars fans Evil!


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The Evil Empire as most would've said int he past..

Apparently more appealing to the majority of SW fans than light hearted goody tooshie jedi nonsense!

from server populations in this game so far i think the majority of players see themselves with the empire more so than the republic/rebellion.


A sign of the times maybe?

Either way its good to see less indoctrinated jedi carebears.

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It's not just SWTOR. WoW has the same "problem".


And the motivation is simple - We all have to be "good guys" and follow the rules in real life so playing the "bad guy" is very appealing in one's online fantasy life.


Add to that the fact that this is really the first game where anyone gets to play an actual sith (other games are dark jedi and there is a difference).

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I just have more fun playing the Empire based missions. I tried playing Jedi characters but I wasn't having much fun with them. In KOTOR I generally was a light side person when playing, though. I just think the story and the missions are stronger this time around with the Empire in TOR.
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in a game where you can chose to be good or evil on other side why is the empire eveil? Bio naiver told us who is playing LS or DS chose despite the side there on, yet SOMETHING I love too see!


"Evil" imperial options are just outright cruel. "Evil" republic options are about putting Pragmatism ahead of your ideals.

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Nah, I'm an Imperial player but mainly because I was interested in the Imperial Agent. It was something new after so many games, much as I enjoy them, of playing as a Jedi or a Sith, and it just seemed the most interesting out of the non-Force sensitive classes. Also, as someone else said you don't have to be evil. Personally I prefer Jedi to Sith, but playing as an Imperial was just something new I couldn't pass up!


I think a lot of people might feel that way---so many games we've played as Jedi, but now we get choices from a whole different perspective.


"Evil" imperial options are just outright cruel. "Evil" republic options are about putting Pragmatism ahead of your ideals.


That's true...from a certain point of view. :p I've never played a Republic character, but as an Imperial Agent on Quesh I decided to kill a Hutt even after he conveniently "switched sides" to the Empire once his Jedi protector was killed. I got dark side points, but if you think about it, it makes sense pragmatically since Hutt loyalty is not particularly reliable.

Edited by BradTheImpaler
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"Evil" imperial options are just outright cruel. "Evil" republic options are about putting Pragmatism ahead of your ideals.


I found it different. After playing a JC and Trooper, Republic dark side options are more schizophrenic than anything. It seems horribly out of place with the rest of your character's lines if you ever do anything but light side choice after light side choice.


With all 4 Empire classes I've played, a huge number of LS/DS choices made me really stop and think about what I wanted to do, either because of morality of tactical soundness. And you could play either way without other lines and voice acting suffering.


Republic dark side options (that I've played) are generally just idiotic. "Death is a part of the Force" also seemed to be the only recorded voice line for a Consular throughout the entire game... It's like they never expected anyone to choose anything but light side options.

Edited by Jenzali
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actually I think the majority of Star Wars fans like to look cool, and the current republic outfits (trooper excluded) all look like either burlap sacks tied together with string, or like richard simmons ideal cowboy


I agree with that though I do like the jedi knight's gear, and some of the consulor gear. The hats for the consular are rediculous.

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Star Wars games, I always roll good first. First character was a level 50 LS Sentinel. Also have a 35 LS Vanguard and a 30 N Scoundrel.


New servers came out rolled Empire, got myself a 50 LS Mercenary (started DS, but Mako changed me :) ) and a 34 DS Sorcerer (I always played the Consular in KOTOR as evil shooting lightning). Also a level 12 LS Jugg, but too low level to really count.


Good chance when I start leveling them my Sniper will be either Neutral or LS, and my Shadow will definitely be LS. So for me Empire does not equal evil. I tend to play as the hero type, with one character being evil just to have some fun. Also most FP's I have done with the LS/DS options seem about equal for who chooses what. Other servers are probably different, but as somebody else said it would be really interesting to see the DS/LS breakdown from Bioware.


Additionally, after leveling the Sorc fighting all orange mobs server transfers happened. Started to play my Scoundrel fighting green mobs and was having a hard time. My friends also agree, not only does Empire have the cooler looking gear it also seems easier to level. That could have something to do with higher Empire numbers if others are finding the same thing.

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With all 4 Empire classes I've played, a huge number of LS/DS choices made me really stop and think about what I wanted to do, either because of morality of tactical soundness. And you could play either way without other lines and voice acting suffering.


With my SI, I have been working on 100% DS points (so far most of the way through Dark 4 and still 0 LS points), but there have been some times where I've looked at the options and been really tempted by the LS option, even though I want my SI to be a psycho, evil, vindictive *****.

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tbh since almost every Star Wars games has you play a good guy. Sometimes with a non-canon 'dark' side ending it's nice to see the other side of the coin for once. It's mainly why I prefer the Empire, though even in SWG I preferred the Empire over the Rebels. They just seem to have all the cool stuff and like I said it's fun to get a look at how the other side is for once.


I do wonder sometimes about certain quests, where the Republic nearly comes off as relentless foes. Like the space mission where you're doing the escort? It just seems weird that the Republic would throw so much resources at it, I can't imagine the Rebels or the Republic during the clone wars doing something similar other than send one Jedi or something after them. Some stuff makes more sense it seems when you play as a Sith on the Empire side, not sure why but the Bounty Hunter feels like it doesn't belong in some of the quests. I suppose it depends on how you play the Bounty Hunter though.


Anyway, I don't see either side as evil or good. It seems to me that both sides are so huge and inflated that you have evil and good on both sides. What I do notice is that both sides have different ideals, it's almost like two different political opposites or countries with different cultures. Since a lot of the Imperial citizens seem content with the way life is over in the Empire.


So I don't get why you think it's evil. It's sort of like saying communism is evil, it's just a different way of life or political ideal that they follow. You will always have bad apples on both sides, the Sith Empire in SWTOR is way different from the Empire during the GCW era.

Edited by Hendar
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Personally part of it is vanity. Sith armor looks better to me. I want body paint like a Brahman. Or some sacred tattoos for my Jedi. Maybe something primal looking for a Jedi Consular to wear. Then from my experience. People playing on the Empire side(harbinger sever) seem more friendly, talkative, and helpful. For a while I was uncomfortable with some of the dark side choices. Yet it's just a game so I got over it. I'll eventually make Jedi alts though.
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The empire is just fun. I can't explain WHY I prefer it, I tryed to make two republic characters at launch. The first was a trooper/commando- no, I want a lightsaber.

Then a Jedi knight/sentinel- well, I'll stick with it.. Can't change advanced classes

Then one night, I thought: "ive wanted to do this since back in 2007, and I did it in beta. What so I have to lose?"

So I made a sith inquisitor... Now he's level 50...


So, ya. Ive turn over a new leaf, and now Ive defected, and became a JEDI KNIGHT.

if you know why the Jedi knight story ends... It's a little ironic that I'm a defected sith...


I don't know, the empire is fun!

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Nah, I'm an Imperial player but mainly because I was interested in the Imperial Agent. It was something new after so many games, much as I enjoy them, of playing as a Jedi or a Sith, and it just seemed the most interesting out of the non-Force sensitive classes. Also, as someone else said you don't have to be evil. Personally I prefer Jedi to Sith, but playing as an Imperial was just something new I couldn't pass up!


Ditto. One of my characters is an Imperial Agent with Light Side III. Why? Many of the choices I look at are from a second and third order effect perspective: How do my choices best serve the Empire or the mission at hand? Many of them are Light Side choices.

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ppl are nice in real life, in general we are polite and courteous to one another


we play a fantasy/sci-fi role playing game to escape real life. so for this reason its not a surprise we want to break the shackles of being nice.


no we are not evil, tomorrow at work we go back to beign nice, in general

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the jedi are a bunch of dirty hippies and need to be wiped from the galaxy


Darksiders are a bunch of disgusting, zombie looking, psychopaths who get wiped out and lose every war they take part in.

Edited by Pathlight-
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