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Jedi Knight Robes = Large Butt?!


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When I think about what a jedi looks like, two things stand out: (1) lightsaber, (2) robes. For jedi robes to render improperly is, dare I say it, like a slap to face. ;)


As mentioned by others: skirts (that is, lower body armor pieces that look like robes as opposed to chest pieces) flow normally and seem free of clipping issues. Something is very, very wrong with the way chest robe mesh hangs from the model.

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Here's the preview image for a robe.




Here's the robe on my JK.




Pretty clearly broken and absolutely horrid. Please fix this bug. I would encourge everybody to open in-game tickets about this bug.


That is really odd and silly looking. However, this problem doesn't seem to happen with all Jedi robes, which may explain why some people aren't aware of it, or are stating that their robes look fine.

Edited by Apax
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- Removing any Force abilities from Sentinels


- No hood toggle (everyone looks the freakin' same :/ it ruins the cutscenes, they clip through a lot of stuff, meh)


- Huge Butts that don't appear on NPC wearing the same robes nor Char Preview ? That gotta be on purpose, come on.


When you also know it's the hardest class to play / level up / pvp with, you really have to think they wanted to make everyone so sick about it they would just reroll as a trooper or something, to avoid them from being too popular :/ ...


Though, while I can deal with "hardness" and lack of Force powers ( "use the.... whatever Luke, just swing your lightsaber it will do it"), I just can't stand how horrible they make me look with this horrible butt and hood that makes me a clone of every single Jedi I play with / team with / meet. :/


Let's not talk about everyone having Kira around, very plausible (why couldn't we just CREATE human companions ??? Just forced sex and body type so it doesn't mess with cutscenes and story, the lip sync and animations are not hand by hand, they are generic. It's a clever way to make it possible for the characters and hundreds of NPC. So why not the characters EVERYBODY has around :/ ... ?)

Edited by Strayth
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- Removing any Force abilities from Sentinels


- No hood toggle (everyone looks the freakin' same :/ it ruins the cutscenes, they clip through a lot of stuff, meh)


- Huge Butts that don't appear on NPC wearing the same robes nor Char Preview ? That gotta be on purpose, come on.


When you also know it's the hardest class to play / level up / pvp with, you really have to think they wanted to make everyone so sick about it they would just reroll as a trooper or something, to avoid them from being too popular :/ ...


Though, while I can deal with "hardness" and lack of Force powers ( "use the.... whatever Luke, just swing your lightsaber it will do it"), I just can't stand how horrible they make me look with this horrible butt and hood that makes me a clone of every single Jedi I play with / team with / meet. :/


Let's not talk about everyone having Kira around, very plausible (why couldn't we just CREATE human companions ??? Just forced sex and body type so it doesn't mess with cutscenes and story, the lip sync and animations are not hand by hand, they are generic. It's a clever way to make it possible for the characters and hundreds of NPC. So why not the characters EVERYBODY has around :/ ... ?)


agreed on all points

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I agree this big butt thing needs fixed i domt lkke my guy looking goofy really takes you out of the role playing...... And i did make a ticket about this on beta weekend hoping it would get fixed.


Not sure how they think this is acceptable please fix immediately thanks in advance

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I think the reason it is like this is how they designed the JK robes, if you look at the Consular robes, the belt used is inside the robe and the physics on the robe starts above the belt, while the JK robes has the belt outside the robe but this makes the physics start under the belt which will cause lots of clipping when running, so they had to push the robe a bit out from the body. Unfortunaly I don't know how they can fix this, because it seems like a design flawn in the body type, or at least in how the running animation works. The bad part is that there is still lots of clipping when running while wearing a JK robe.
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It does look terrible, funny at first, but when you're level 20ish you think about making body type 3.. Don't know about women but guys got a huge butts in body type 2 when wearing robes.. looks awful.. also, puting a belt on top of the robe doesn't look that good either but it is acceptable ^_^
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I think the reason it is like this is how they designed the JK robes, if you look at the Consular robes, the belt used is inside the robe and the physics on the robe starts above the belt, while the JK robes has the belt outside the robe but this makes the physics start under the belt which will cause lots of clipping when running, so they had to push the robe a bit out from the body. Unfortunaly I don't know how they can fix this, because it seems like a design flawn in the body type, or at least in how the running animation works. The bad part is that there is still lots of clipping when running while wearing a JK robe.


Thing is, the preview of the char, and the NPC do not have this problem. So it's not "bad art", it's just "a mess". A shameful mess on top of everything else that is trash about the Jedi Knight class.


If at least we had decent other pieces of equipment to put on. But 90% of ours IS those glitchy robes -_- .


If you realize something isn't right, just change it. No, they STUCK WITH IT.


Like "meh it doesn't matter if they get owned by everybody until they get hardcode pvpers, doesn't matter if the PVE is almost broken for the class reaching level 25, meeh doesn't matter if everyone looks the same and can't see their faces nor hair, I'm sure nobody will mind a huge ridiculous butt." . Come on. We truly need to be more vocal about this, I'm sure we'll all get 50 before they fix this crap :/ .


And I don't like being forced to be "weaker" just because I wear Smuggler stuff, in order to actually SEE my character, and not having a horrible butt too. And it's also lame that the iconic "jedi" couldn't have any beautiful or amazing equipment like everbody else. (LOOK AT THE SITH WARRIOR)

Edited by Strayth
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Has there been any official word about this from Bioware at all?


If not, It sure would be nice if Bioware would take 10 seconds to just say weather or not a fix is in progress or if they are just going to leave it like that.


If your not going to fix it at least be straight with us. We're paying customers now, not beta testers, we deserve to know.

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They've been IGNORING the problem for months. It's like total denial about ANY of the major class problems.




- Hoods


- JLO ***


- Having to be "hardcore" in order to EQUAL most players


- Absolutely not a single force power for the sentinel besides "jump" (which removed our gap closers, while letting them to trooper etc... of course, and of course makes "being a jedi" kinda all about being a cheerleader with lightstick)

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