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Now They Have 19k HP -Delete Sorcerer


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God dam a class that only has one role as DPS be able to kill another class ???


Looks at the Specs..

3 DPS Specs for Mara..

there is no healing at all.


Maybe if you wanted to only DPS you should choose a DPS only class


common sense

plain ordinary good judgment; sound practical sense

adj common-sense also common-sensical

inspired by or displaying sound practical sense


- First Step.

QQ on forums.

- Second Step

Re-roll Class

- Third step

QQ on forums about the class you used to play being able to kill you.

- Final Step

Give yourself a uppercut.


Funny! Not really. End point: a single class should not have that much dps and cc that is not resolve dependant. Remember OPs? Its only a matter of time before you get balanced to other classes so enjoy it while it lasts.


Glad this crap will be addressed before Ranked.

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It does suck to be playing Sorc/Sage right now. We have ZERO defensive cooldowns save force armor and force speed, which aren't exactly defensive. Healing is what really gets me :\ someone can hit me for 5k without even trying but I have to sit around with my finger up my nose for 2.5 seconds to even cast a heal that may/may not hit 5k.


This is why i stopped playing my healing sage in pvp. I have turned my focuse to pve with it and pvp with my PT now only. The pvp has been ruined for any other then melee or powertechs.

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Sentinels and Marauders are, as noted by the Devs, supposed to be the HIGHEST DPS class.... given that, if you pick a sage and try to DPS 1v1 against a sentinel/marauder, you are going to most likely lose every single time. Sage is no where near the damage output needed to pull that off, and its by design... but maybe I should QQ that my sentinel cant outheal a sage, oh wait no healing spec... or maybe that I cant tank as good as a tank, oh wait no tank spec.... how about my ranged anything, nope none of that either... guess that just leaves my 3 DPS specs;)


Sentinels and Marauders are FULL DPS ONLY, why would any other class be higher DPS:rolleyes:

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But they are not available for every class..commandos have no interrupts, for example.


Could have sworn that was a commando that iced me and then knocked me back like have the hut ball field. Not for sure. Oh wait yes I am. No interups thats laughable.

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Sentinel/Marauder with 19k HP, as a Sorcerer am I supposed to leave TOR, go play another game or just be a free kill?


Honestly, I am being serious, I have +18k HP in WH/BM gear but the more gear these guys get te more useless I become.


Are they intended to scale this well and my Sorcerer scale this poorly?


Please tell us game designers because I'll just leave if the class I want to play is not needed.


ONE of his DoTs ends my bubble!


ONE of his DoTs perma snares me for 6 sec ....which is all the time he needs to take away half my HP.




Unbelievable, if EA wanted to drop share price and get rid of customer satisfaction they could not have done a better job!


I don't disagree on any particular point.


But how do you get 18k health on a sorcerer? I'm in 100% BM gear and I only have ~15,400 health on my sage, no more than 16,600 with a Rakata Fortitude Stim.

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Sentinels and Marauders are, as noted by the Devs, supposed to be the HIGHEST DPS class.... given that, if you pick a sage and try to DPS 1v1 against a sentinel/marauder, you are going to most likely lose every single time.


If 1v1 isn't balanced to a much higher degree than it is now, the game isn't balanced. I (and many others) won't resubscribe.


I prefer WoW's somewhat flawed "rock paper scissors" balance model to the current state of melee vs. ranged in this game.

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QFT. The thing of it is, most the people crying about it are crap PVPers. If you can play your class worth a damn and have a good build, any class can counter them. Then it just comes down to who's luckier when it comes to crits and timing.


Funny how none of the pvp folks QQing will ever have the guts to admit



that the people that killed them may simply be better at pvp than they are...


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If 1v1 isn't balanced to a degree far superior than it is now, the game isn't balanced, and I (and many others) won't resubscribe.


PvP is supposed to be played like HM and OPS.... people dont get that, its not about 1v1, its about teamwork and having the right combo of tank/heals/dps along with strategy.


You cant just run in PvP like Rambo and try to be the big hero of the game unless you are maxed WH gear, it just isnt going to work out well for you plain and simple... and even if you do Rambo and kill someone then you're probably not helping your team do the objectives and you lose the WZ anyway.

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Funny how none of the pvp folks QQing will ever have the guts to admit



that the people that killed them may simply be better at pvp than they are...


Your simplistic ad hominem does not refute everything that those of opposing viewpoints have brought to the table.

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PvP is supposed to be played like HM and OPS.... people dont get that, its not about 1v1, its about teamwork and having the right combo of tank/heals/dps along with strategy.


You cant just run in PvP like Rambo and try to be the big hero of the game unless you are maxed WH gear, it just isnt going to work out well for you plain and simple... and even if you do Rambo and kill someone then you're probably not helping your team do the objectives and you lose the WZ anyway.


It's not all about one or the other. Both need to be taken into consideration.

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Neither does yours...


Maybe I should have linked this to save you the trouble. My response doesn't quite qualify under that definition.


Talk to the points of the thread. Attacking the arguer instead of the argument is a rhetorical fallacy that doesn't accomplish anything.

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Maybe I should have linked this to save you the trouble. My response doesn't quite qualify under that definition.


Talk to the points of the thread. Attacking the arguer instead of the argument is a rhetorical fallacy and doesn't accomplish anything.


Wasn't attacking the arguer. Just pointing out something that a lot of ppl are unwilling to admit....

Sometimes the one you're up against is simply better than you are. No shame in admitting that.

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Wasn't attacking the arguer. Just pointing out something that a lot of ppl are unwilling to admit....

Sometimes the one you're up against is simply better than you are. No shame in admitting that.


That may be true, but its only ostensible bearing on the discussion at hand is as ad hominem. It adds nothing to a conversation about melee-ranged class balance.

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It's not all about one or the other. Both need to be taken into consideration.


No, its about groups... PvP is NOT a solo thing, thats why theres a Q for getting other players... you either work as a TEAM and use TEAMWORK or you fail, plain and simple. The balance you seek is in the teamwork, not the 1v1.

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RDPS in this game plain suck, sorc not so much as commando/merc i guess, but still a marauder with half a brain will destroy pretty much anything apart maybe from jugg but then again thats just another can of worms...


This is the core of the problem.


The expertise and class changes of 1.2 really threw off the melee/ranged balance. Melee now have a significant advantage over nearly every ranged class in the game.

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This is the core of the problem.


The expertise and class changes of 1.2 really threw off the melee/ranged balance. Melee now have a significant advantage over nearly every ranged class in the game.


Try using your "range" to fight melee classes lol... cant count how many times I burned down a sorc/sage who just stood there and took it to the face like an idiot:rolleyes: The good ranged players use knockbacks, stuns, and interupts to slow us down, thus giving their team time to come in and help out.... back to that whole teamwork and not 1v1 thing, see how that worked;)

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nice to see other QQ and about my class only time my sent has over 19k health is when i am in my pve gear pvp i can lose 3k health at least have my abilities do not work i use force stases to stun and hold them after using awe so you cant brake it and what you running but taking damage nice i use my master strike and thats supose to impobise you and you run around me you dont take damage and i have to wait for the animation to stop some times i can brake it go up agaist range hard to catch up as my slow ability does not work unless imps are using speed hacks again so since patch 1.2 in it better for me nope sitll the same
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The best class atm to counter the maur, is gunslinger/sniper

the worst is commando/bh, sorc/sage is no where near as bad


people need to learn how to spot their counter class and stay away, and let someone else who is better at killing them do the job, if that means that you end up as bait and all ur doing is kiting then so be it

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You don't get it obviously. I can see from your signature, maybe you haven't updated it, that you don't know the other side of the story. I have a 50 Marauder, 50 BH, 50 Shadow and a 50 Sage. 2 are WH, 1 is BM the other almost BM. I stopped playing my Sage and Bounty Hunter about a week into 1.2. UNLESS you can hook up with a Tank friend and queue together, trying to survive as a healer alone is impossible. It's Bioware's game to do as they want, but if that is their intention I'll simply play the classes that don't have an issue surviving. At least they are still fun if not over powered.


So really the problem isn't that marauders are overpowered for you its that you can't find ppl to play with you?


the sorcs healers in my guild that i que with are awesome - they have no problems. Why? because we are team - I kill what is killing them first. i keep them alive they keep me alive. infact there have been plenty of WZs where my team's healer gets 400k+healing and they only died 3-6 times.


Woa... is this a team game?! Looks like it.


Face it- its not that marauders are overpowered its that ppl are solo queing with the other crappy pvpers and then complain when they get run over by an organized team.

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