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Role of DPS Commando Once Rated WZs Go Live?


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muhaha, hilarious story :) The thing that you probably do not know is that snipe is the weakest ability and the most energy expensive in the normal rotation. And seriously, how many ppl complain on forums about getting sniped? No one, or at least 99%.


As for marauders, they can dominate snipers just as well, the difference bieng that we have cover, yet still they can leap to us with obliterate.

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muhaha, hilarious story :) The thing that you probably do not know is that snipe is the weakest ability and the most energy expensive in the normal rotation. And seriously, how many ppl complain on forums about getting sniped? No one, or at least 99%.


As for marauders, they can dominate snipers just as well, the difference bieng that we have cover, yet still they can leap to us with obliterate.


I would never take a commando to my premade. It's too easy to shut him/her down. Even if you're the best player ever. You have no tools, simple.


Sniper/Slinger on the other is much more promising, but you need a skilled, capable player behind it.


In the end though, melee trains rule.

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what are you all guys smoking? would you rather be a sniper than a commando? Everytime i see a team of troopers i see lots of heavy armors that take ages to kill. When somebody is being focused by 2 grav round spammers he is dead in a matter of mere seconds.


You have the comfort of heavy armors and TECH ATTACKS. Are you reading me? Right! Tech attacks. You ignore any sort of target defense (except for assasins force shrowd / shadow resilence tech immunity for 6s). Ppl with defense, shield, absorbtion is stacking hundreds of useless stats against you, ABSOLUTELY USELESS.


Those that don't have these, are light/medium armored squishy classes.


In all honesty you deserve to have trouble with marauders as basically you having a field day with everything else. Because the WZ are literally crawling with troopers, 80% of snipers are simply forced to spec in lethality or endure the crap of having a good chunk of their damage being mitigated.


You want more utility? What utility for God's sake?? Sniper's don't even have a ranged stun. Our only advantage is that we can stay entrenched (CC immunity), and being able to survive some initial burst with our defensive skills (balistic dampeners 30% DR + shield probe).


I really don't know what do you expect from your class? Roflstomping everyone from ranged without any sort of discomfort in any match up?



Its not even close man, i frequently que with a Gunslinger from another guild, he plays to his strengths and very tactical. Even if we end up with pugs, morale is high and everyone knows how good he is. 2 or 3 gunslinger / sniper players on my server that always play this class well. Commando grav on the other hand in actual warzone situation hardly make a difference. Can't think of even one Commando that won us games. They are just waiting to die. I think its gotten pretty bad cause i see so few on either side these days.

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Commando grav on the other hand in actual warzone situation hardly make a difference. Can't think of even one Commando that won us games. They are just waiting to die. I think its gotten pretty bad cause i see so few on either side these days.


Nobody likes to be a free kill for any class.

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In the end though, melee trains rule.


Gotta agree with this. I've seen nothing but melee trains in warzones lately. Easily half their team is warriors. They all just clumped up and instagibbed everything one at a time. It wasn't even remotely fun, and there was nothing you could do.

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Commando is a trick factor for your enemies.


It works like this:


scenario №1

the foes see a commando and are supposing the match is done and they won. Then the commando is leaving the wz and his friend Sentinel is pushing queue button at the same moment. The enemy team is still thinking they play against noobs and start making mistakes being too relaxed meanwhile your team beats all the shi* out of them and win the game!


scenario №2

Commando is taking on vanguard's tank gear with tank relics and adrenals. Runs in the middle of the mess and starts spamming grav round. People who got used to kill easy frags are taunted by this rude gesture and start chasing the escaping commando. Our hero is ussing reactive shield, relics and endurance adrenal leading all the enemy crowd away from nodes/gates/panels, then he dies while the team finishes the objectives.


scenario №3

Gather 8 commandos premade and your enemies will die rolling on the ground laughing.



Edited by dejavy
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Too all you funny people out there in forum land who are having a good time watching the commando class die just remember , the same incompetent devs that did this to the commando will soon be re-tasked to FIX another class........ "laugh it up fuzzball" -han solo, the empire strikes back
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No role.


I would not dare bring a commando into A Rated WZ.


And I play one very good. I've been every spec. Assault is the only Viable and you need full War Hero/Aug to get the DPS.


My shadow tank is way more useful in any WZ, than any spec commando.



I REPEAT, never bring a commando into a rated WZ!!!

Edited by Joshrus
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