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Healing Useless in PVP too WEAK


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Guard from what i have seen so far only has a rang eof 15 meters which is nothing really in this game, even 30m gun range still seems very very close so th efact im ranged and the guy guarding me is prob going to be in melle or elsewhere it dont really help unless i hug him 24/7 which is a nightmare.
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I didn't read all the posts, but I agree with original poster that commando (and maybe other healers too) is too weak in pvp with combat medic build. We are suppose to keep people alive, but in reality I can't do ****. Maybe if it is 2vs1 I can heal my buddy and win the fight but if it is 2vs2 and the opposing players are both dps specced they just trash healer and dps combo. I can't keep my dps alive and my dmg sucks so much I can't really do **** with that way either.


So what I'm saying buff healers while we still have few. Do you know what a pain in the *** it is trying to find a healer for a flashpoint? Buff buff buff and add one more buff. Healers just are useless especially in pvp at the moment.

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I think that other game ruined the perception of healers in PvP....because in that one, they were stupid OP.


I think they are ok in this incarnation right now. Your goal as a healer in PvP here is not to counter the dps 1:1...it wont happen as others have said. Your purpose should be to give an edge to your side and by time for that dps to get you through.


Your days of perma-spamming heals and never dying (or your buddy) are over...and that is prolly a good thing.


And yes, I am a CM also.....


No it's not, you can say what ever you want. We want strong healers and not stupid useless men taking dps spots in warzone. Imo the team who has a healer should win, but when looking the end stats in warzone, always a team with more dmg wins. And losing team has two useless healers and that's why they lost. So keep healers weak and soon very soon you don't have any healers at all. I think I'm going back to my sentinel now. Atleast I got MVP votes by dishing out ridicilous amount of dmg. You don't get those by weak heals.


PS. And yes I wouldn't troll here if my server wouldn't have 1400+ people queue.

Edited by snaketus
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I found healing power fine, the greatest weakness is the UI. Commando has some great buffs they can use to get through difficult times. Supercharge Cells, Kolto Bomb and Kolto Residue is very powerful then there is even more up the tree.


Use Recharge Cells and Reactive Shield and you can last for a long time unless you have smart opponents interrupting a lot. I've had 1-2 DPS bashing me and eventually giving up or only taking me down when another shows up.

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No it's not, you can say what ever you want. We want strong healers and not stupid useless men taking dps spots in warzone. Imo the team who has a healer should win, but when looking the end stats in warzone, always a team with more dmg wins. And losing team has two useless healers and that's why they lost. So keep healers weak and soon very soon you don't have any healers at all. I think I'm going back to my sentinel now. Atleast I got MVP votes by dishing out ridicilous amount of dmg. You don't get those by weak heals.


PS. And yes I wouldn't troll here if my server wouldn't have 1400+ people queue.



And if your team has healers, you still should win. I am undefeated in my Warzone matches (except one voidstar that we started 8 on 3 and never caught up), and I think it is in no shortness of me and a couple other healers in those matches. Are you invincible, no you are not. But you ARE capable to buy enough time for a good group to do what needs to be done. Using tools like line of sight and cc and your stuns makes the world of difference.


Also, lets talk again when we are 40-50 and have some tools to work with. DPS always leads things on the level curve as it takes some time for us to get our tools. But I do just fine healing and winning in warzones....

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The problem is once again a lazy developer fused pve and pvp into one. There should be segregated pve specs and pvp specs. They have to balance whatever they do on both ends. All they can do now is add some type of pvp heal to toons like they do the stims. Would not be a bad idea.
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I think people just dont understand the WAY a combat medic works. As a lvl33 Commando I can do upwards of 200k healing in battlegrounds. The difference between a level 30 Medic and a level 15 is staggering. You dont have your kolto bomb and all the talents that are associated with it as well as some better gear to help you out.


The BIGGEST ISSUE WITH HEALING IN PVP IS YOUR DPS DONT UNDERSTAND HOW THE COMBAT MEDIC HEALS!!! I capped it out so folks could understand it. CM's throw a kolto bomb you should stand in the green stuff and then we can heal you better. No need to run around in pvp if you ranged and have a healer. Sit in the green stuff and everything will be alright.


To the low level folks, until you get kolto bomb and the talents associated with it, healing in PvP and PvE is rough. Have your friends/allies learn how to help you heal better instead of healing like a flash heal flash heal flash heal paladin.

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Atm i'm lev 26 playing Gunnery.


Btw i'v reached level 27 on beta doing mainly warzone, Combat Medic specced.


In an competitive envirorment ( i was with 3 of my guild mates) i found healing pretty effective in PvP, and funny.


Combo: Supercharged Cells, Kolto Bomb and Advanced Medical Probe spam was great.


Btw you should use Concussion Charge, Concussive Round and Cyro Gren wisely if you wanna survive. Its i not just a ******** heal spam.


I've been playing since release to WoW, as an Holy Paladin pvp focused. I've done bg's, arenas, world pvp and rated Bg for long time, i loved my char.


I found something pretty new and funny in Commando Combat Medic, something similar but different.

And i repeat, in a competitive envirormet i found it effective.

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Guard from what i have seen so far only has a rang eof 15 meters which is nothing really in this game, even 30m gun range still seems very very close so th efact im ranged and the guy guarding me is prob going to be in melle or elsewhere it dont really help unless i hug him 24/7 which is a nightmare.


Ok... you need to slow down on the keyboard friend. You're posts are getting harder and harder to read...


Don't fret, we'll be here to read what you write... even if it is a few seconds later. :)

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I have several melee Jedi who can attest that my healing is not weak and useless in PvP. There's nothing better than seeing a stupid Shadow rolling a Jedi, only to drop a few big heals and watch him try to stealth away.


Game hasn't even officially launched yet, and I already hate Inquisitors. But I really love stockstriking them in the face just to see their death flop.

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I agree to an extent.. and just cause hes 25 doesn't matter.


I'm level 33, and I CANNOT out heal someones dps on me. Just seems like I might as well put out my **** dps vs a dps.


lolz this.Yeah going down as a healer in PvP and going into a 1 vs 1 i say run !


And as others are saying the commando is a lesser healer for PvP. There is a reason

the sage is always top of the list. I can do a few times with a good team that knows teamwork 15_200 k healing but that is not often

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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I have some PvP Mercenary Healing vids on my channel you guys should watch. I DO warn you I was in Beta and still getting used to the class, I am preparing newer videos, my skills with the class have gone up tenfold.


Regardless you can get an idea of what we can do...






I should note...... Bodyguard/Combat Medic are THE best healer to have a guard on.... so hard to kill o,o


Find yourself a tank buddy, and WRECK **** TOGETHER.

Edited by Spade_PK-XLVII
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Find yourself a tank buddy, and WRECK **** TOGETHER.


I'm at 38 and this here is key. If there is a tank I ask them to put guard on me then find the highest level dps'er and tell them to stick with the 2 of us. With the tank focused I can keep the 3 of us up even against 5 opponents.

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dps takes considerable less skill then playing, say, a healing specced imperial agent.

people need to get high level to have all skills available, they need to learn to use those appropiately etc.


Besides, even healers still have one or two heavy hitters.


If i see someone with a sliver of health i finish them off, then heal whoever chased them.

If i see someone charging somone with low health i cc them, then heal.

etc etc


If i am dps, what do i do ? All i can do is attack the guy, he probably manages to take down the hurt one on my team and we are one down.

I take him down and by the time i do that, his mates come and own me.


I take a good healer over a mediocre dps, of which are many, any day.

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You know what you do as a healer in pvp? Stick with a tank....seriously...ask for guard. Heal your tank. Watch your tank be a unstoppable juggernaught of destruction.


Tank + healer = nigh unstoppable


Its just rediculous. Then throw a dps in there and you'll be able to take on 4-5 people at a time. I've seen it multiple times. Even at low levels. If you have a tank...speced as a tank...sitting with a healer you have a force that will litterally just soaks damage and doesn't care. You won't kill things fast but you're not going to go down unless you get seriously focused.

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False im level 33 commando healer, and im quit useful, i get about 3 medals a game because they have 1 healing medal, but i digress, you get your HoT's around level 31, stick in there and you will be useful, pvp is broken without a bracket system, i have 3 more heals then you right now. Also consulars and IQ have 3 more stuns if they are higher level, i dont think that fair.
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Commando healing is extremely overpowered for pvp right now, just most people dont know how to heal in a warzone yet. First of all, in any warzone no matter what class you are every healer needs a guard or should bring a guard with them. This is pretty much the key to successful healing in warzones you should not try to heal without a guard unless you know what your doing. Because of the nature of ammo regen and the fact you can use supercharge every 5 MP unless the amount of grp dmg ur warzone is taking is insane, you will never go out of ammo if you're doing it right and are above lvl 30. Commandos are burst healers flat out with the best regen in game, add a guard to that and you have the potential to be unbeatable.
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The difference between a level 30 Medic and a level 15 is staggering.


Well said, brother.


I really wish I could remember where I saw it, but sadly I lost the link. There was a guy who did a report on his healing totals over the course of a few WZs during beta. Trauma Probe topped the charts by a long shot. Keep in mind that Trauma Probe is free cast, insta cast and lasts up to 5 minutes. That is a massive tool that you don't get until lvl 30.


As a combat medic: I have to say that I am very happy with the way healing is right now. Our healing develops late, but that really lets you master your skills before you are introduced to new ones. And I believe that if 2 dps focus on you, you shouldn't be able to last more than 10 seconds without help.


I mean seriously... look at it from a dps point of view. If you and your buddy were playing dps and teamed up on a healer, I bet you would be pretty pissed if the dude just danced around CCing you and healing through your damage :p


Hang in there guys. In the mean time: just try and play smart. Hang back, use terrain and los to your advantage and try not to put yourself in the middle of the fight and get yourself overwhelmed.

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You do realize the name of the build is COMBAT MEDIC lol, it's meant for emergency healing an works better if u attempt to help ur target take down the enemy. Standing back and healing is not what a real combat medic does, so yes ur heals aren't mobile all and ppl can dps you down because thats the design of an actual medic. U don't weild the force so are reliant on other devices to get you through the fight. Remember this and you will not be a fail healer trying to heal like like a Jedi. Fight and heal when needed in pvp stand still an heal in pve WINNING
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I agree, Healing is way underpowered. i understand that in wow and other MMO's healing might've been considered OP but in this case its just not. my lvl 25 heals as a IA Operative full heal spec is healing myself for 2.5-3.5k in pvp. where as a lvl 25 jedi knight is hitting me for 4k. its easy for anyone to die in seconds even without being outplayed (disables interupts etc) In the end they'll kill me even with "vanish" and my disables


i just want the numbers to be the same, dps can keep their disables. point is, one person should not be able to kill a healer just by following a pve dps rotation.

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I saw this thread when I was like 15 but refrained from posting. Now I am 42 and feel I can speak about it a little better.


Healing in PvP is fine. This is definitely not going to hold true if you are a DPS trying to offheal, but heal specced commandos can heal for a very long time and keep people up very efficiently. We get good heal mobility with our grenades and instant, and if we can remain relatively unmolested we can put out some serious HPS.


The keys are knowing how to position yourself and use the tools that are at your disposal. Your concussive shot, cryo grenade, and concussive round are key to this, in addition to learning how to properly space yourself while having good LOS options nearby. Obviously guard is going to help, but in 9/10 battles guard isnt going to save you if you dont know how to take care of yourself without it.


I can do 150k to 200k without breaking a sweat as a 42 with bad gear in BG's right now, but more importantly I can keep key people up for long periods of time. ;)

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watch some streams from healers, read some faqs from healers.

healing is fine. healing is excellent in PvP.


but healing is also a different model in this game than you may be used to from previous games.


As a lvl 43 trooper healer who can do more then over 200 k healing in a PvP match i can tell you healing is not what it can be ! It is to weak and i'm talking about the kolto bomb and the bacta heal one get at lvl 40.One would think the last heal one gets actually could be a lifesaver but no. In a 1 vs 1 lets say against a SI with those DOTS that will burn you dowwn in 10 seconds it doesnt matter at all.


I throw a kolto bomb and get 600 to 1500 heal and use the bacta heal that has a 21 second cooldown for around 1000-2000 heal thats maybe 2-3 k out of my dying 12000 healtpool.The other two heals i cant use in most cases because then i must play as a salt pillar and will dye even faster in a 1 vs 1. For team pvp i will do better yeah as a pure support class from range.


It is a fun class but as a healer you DPS is not good and in a 1 vs 1 you will not be able to winn unless the other player is not so skilled just for the simpel fact he will out DPS you way faster then you can heal yourself.And lets face it you will not use the probes against a mele user then you will die even faster standing there like a statue in sement boots.


Edit: I should say the probe and adr rush helps some.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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