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Healing Useless in PVP too WEAK


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Im lv 25 and a main spec healer as a commando combat medic, to me i find healing extreamly underpowered in pvp especialy as maintaining ammo at a regen of 4 doe snot allow burst spam, and the heals are weak compaired to the dmg that a dps player can dish out in a few seconds along with the -30% healing debuff we have for whatever MAD reason... i just feel healing is pointless and i may as well go full dps and provide 10x more support killing then the painfull task of enevitably healing a ally till m yhealing is out dpsed by 1 guy...
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I've been pvping on my combat medic from lv 10-15 today and I think it's a lot of fun even at that level. Healing is definifely not useless. I can keep someone alive through 2 people dpsing, but if a third gets in the mix I can't outheal. That's working as intended. I don't want healers to be able to turtle a game. 3 people should be able to burst through the healing.


Also, there's many a time when I've ran together with a healer friend of mine and we've healed each other through the attack of 3-4 empire players so long that other people had time to run in and take them on. Healing is completely overtuned in wow atm and I hope they don't balance it to that level in tor. I like dps being able to kill my targets for once.


Edit: I've been fighting mostly people lv 10-25 so I agree that their dps might get higher on higher levels so it can be different then. Last time I had a duel with an inquisitor though, he couldn't outdps my healing and it turtled until a third player joined in.

Edited by Praecipua
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I've been pvping on my combat medic from lv 10-15 today and I think it's a lot of fun even at that level. Healing is definifely not useless. I can keep someone alive through 2 people dpsing, but if a third gets in the mix I can't outheal. That's working as intended. I don't want healers to be able to turtle a game. 3 people should be able to burst through the healing.


Also, there's many a time when I've ran together with a healer friend of mine and we've healed each other through the attack of 3-4 empire players so long that other people had time to run in and take them on. Healing is completely overtuned in wow atm and I hope they don't balance it to that level in tor. I like dps being able to kill my targets for once.


well 2 dps killed me in under 10 seconds, so i dont know who you were fighting but the guys i fight know how to kill healers very very fast

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I actually agree, it seems way too weak, it takes a long time to heal someone to full from almost nothing. It would be better to have another dps to focus people down faster, and in turn, take less damage. Hopefully when I start to get to higher level and acquire more hots and aoe heals it will become worth it.
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Good. I'm glad it's weak. In WoW huge numbers in the community complained because the healers could just heal themselves into invincibility and then top up everyone around them. A healer should make it so that if it is them and one other character against two dps characters of the same skill and level then they should have a minuscule advantage over them if not just making them equal.
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I also agree as a lvl 24 rank 21(i know it aint much) healing is really weak.(sorc. heal.) Our biggest heal is a staggering 2.5 cast time...in pvp thats just aint viabel...i know i can bring it down 1 sec. but thats only every 6 sec..
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Good. I'm glad it's weak. In WoW huge numbers in the community complained because the healers could just heal themselves into invincibility and then top up everyone around them. A healer should make it so that if it is them and one other character against two dps characters of the same skill and level then they should have a minuscule advantage over them if not just making them equal.


you go from one extream to another, wow paladins living forever with unlimited mana to swtor run out of ammo in 5 seconds die against 1-2 guys, healing completly useless, healers are underplayed, rare and few skilled, healing is important and need to be worthwhile speccing it, as it is, there will be no healers, so dont moan when there ar enone end game because its such a pain to play and so undervalued

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you go from one extream to another, wow paladins living forever with unlimited mana to swtor run out of ammo in 5 seconds die against 1-2 guys, healing completly useless, healers are underplayed, rare and few skilled, healing is important and need to be worthwhile speccing it, as it is, there will be no healers, so dont moan when there ar enone end game because its such a pain to play and so undervalued


Have to agree, healing in its current state will drive a lot of people away from it.

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Wow, you kids complaining before you even get your full healing talent trees.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with healing in PvP once you have your full tree. It's not god mode, but it's perfectly fine.


Trauma is also fine, once you get over the fact that it's there at all. It's a little jarring.

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Wow, you kids complaining before you even get your full healing talent trees.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with healing in PvP once you have your full tree. It's not god mode, but it's perfectly fine.


Trauma is also fine, once you get over the fact that it's there at all. It's a little jarring.


Healing should never be god mode and I personally would not want it to be.

A lot of the problem (with Trooper and Smuggler in particular) is the resource mechanics are not really suited to PvP. PvP as I am sure we all know is about burst and DESPITE what Bioware says this game is not a great deal different. Shadow/Assassin's can easily do two 3.5k crits in the space of 1gcd and I can only heal for maybe one of those in 2.5seconds. Combine that with the inability to chain in excess of 3 heals without near crippling yourself and herein lies the problem.

Edited by Nakemi
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I might just link this thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=427624#post427624


398k healing 103k DMG Yeah thats really weak.


Maybe wait with assumptions till endgame?


Was that aimed at me? As if so thats a bit of an odd arguement to make really.. 398k is an obscene number I am sure we can both agree on that. From level 12 upwards on my sage I usually finish with about 215k. It doesnt change the fact that in 2.5 seconds I heal for lets say 4k and in 1.5 seconds a dps can do ~8k.

However with gear at 50 we will take less damage, but the DPS will do more damage so it all balances out right? ;)

Edited by Nakemi
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you can heal everyone once over in a roation and do 200k healing it does not mean just because you did 200k healing all that 200k was to one person making him an unkillable god, we heal multi people dps focus on 1 person and kill him, your argument is invalid, on wow you ran around puting weak hot son 20 people and came out bes thealer but did that hot actualy help anyone stay alive ?
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I think that other game ruined the perception of healers in PvP....because in that one, they were stupid OP.


I think they are ok in this incarnation right now. Your goal as a healer in PvP here is not to counter the dps 1:1...it wont happen as others have said. Your purpose should be to give an edge to your side and by time for that dps to get you through.


Your days of perma-spamming heals and never dying (or your buddy) are over...and that is prolly a good thing.


And yes, I am a CM also.....

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DPS improves a little as they level up...not much more but they do improve. The bolster mechanic favors the dps.


Healers and Tanks improve a great deal post 30 once they get all of their skills and gear...the leveling can be frustrating but there is a reason for the 30% reduction in healing. Once you are 50 in gear with guard you will be very very hard to kill....least you should be.

Edited by Aaoogaa
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Iam CM too LVL 16. And iam dissapointed with PVP healing comparing with Jedi Seer. Now iam seer, not a CM. BIOWARE failed.


Bacta infusion must be placed in tier 3 instead of Kolto Bomb. And CD must be reduced by talents from 21 to 15.

Edited by Greensiberia
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Find a Vanguard Trooper bro to protect you or failing that a jedi guardian (Vanguard works better), Guard on you will make you super tanky if you get jumped and if the tanks good he will stick close to you and support you with cc. Edited by Artai
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Well, there are 2 factors in all this -

First, you can't really heal unless you invest heavily into healing tree, most of your abilities in their base state are waste of GCD until augmented with talents.

I think BW sorta tried to balance out DPS+Healing capable classes that way, so they can't really have both at the same time.


Second, healing debuff is there to kill off "slap DoTs on the enemy and then keep on healing through damage" scenario WE ALL KNOW AND HATE. I don't think it's a good solution, but at least it removes the issue when one side have no chance to win at all. Since all healing classes are ranged, as for now I see the only way to deal with DPS mano-a-mano is to control and run away. Nowhere near perfect, but it's a start.

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