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Malak, Malgus, or Revan?


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Good lord, the fanboyism is scary.


You cant really be one of the greatest Sith Lords of all time when the greatest of all time would wipe the floor with you while doing a load of laundry.


Militarily - Brilliant.....Sith / Jedi wise, theres dozens that could eat cake and whoop his candy *** in concert.



To the original question...Malgus....he's f'ing scary and a zelot.


Don't bother my friend, you will get nowhere.

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Both revan and malak were made sith Darths if you will by the Sith emperor.


Only as puppets, as a weak vanguard, just like the Mandalorians were beforehand.


They themselves never excepted Sith-hood if you will, they were brainwashed into it, despite what the Revan fans will try and tell you, this wasn't some Revan master plan, indeed it was his new puppet master's.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Only as puppets, as a weak vanguard, just like the Mandalorians were beforehand.


They themselves never excepted Sith-hood if you will, they were brainwashed into it, despite what the Revan fans will try and tell you, this wasn't some Revan master plan, indeed it was his new puppet master's.


Regardless they were made sith. And they were halph way there before they meet the emperor. So the lore says

They were brainwashed by the emperor to do his biding, however their journey into the dark side, and the sith teachings was begun at malachor V and the Trayus academy.

Edited by Spartanik
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Good lord, the fanboyism is scary.


You cant really be one of the greatest Sith Lords of all time when the greatest of all time would wipe the floor with you while doing a load of laundry.


Militarily - Brilliant.....Sith / Jedi wise, theres dozens that could eat cake and whoop his candy *** in concert.



To the original question...Malgus....he's f'ing scary and a zelot.


But... Malgus is a carboncopy of Malak !

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Regardless they were made sith. And they were halph way there so the lore says before they meet the emperor.

They were brainwashed by the emperor to do his biding, however they journey into the dark side, and the sith teachings was begun at malachor V.


They were half-way to being just more Dark Jedi, they were never a true Sith like Darth Malgus.

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Malgus is the only real SIth out of the 3. He was born and raised Sith, he is pure Sith and nothing else.


Revan is a Jedi, a corrupted one but always a Jedi. Malak was a Jedi, but then he became a wannabe SIth, following Revans own fake Sithness following the Emperors corruption of him.

They converted to sithism and are approved by the Emperor. So why not?

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Having played through KOTOR and KOTOR2 (which is ultimately why I'm here!) I have a MASSIVE soft spot for Revan.

Malak did make a great 'bad guy' but he was a brute and even when he tried to kill Revan he failed - until Revan paid him back in kind... only better (cuz he actually killed him).


But playing through KOTOR and making Revan my own made me love her (I always played as a female character), and since starting SW:TOR and doing the Revan quests and learning Bioware's take on the Revan storyline, I've found myself liking him less and less...


Malgus is pretty awesome, but when I first saw him I thought he looked like a Malak-clone.


In conclusion, I guess I'll pick Malgus as my favourite of the three. ^_^


My view may be a little more narrow than some others who have commented though, because I have only played through the games and not read any spin-off/peripheral fiction regarding these characters, so my decisions are only based on my experience playing through KOTOR, KOTOR2 and SW:TOR.

Edited by Mia_Sohma
grammatical restructuring
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I dont know an infinite armada.. seems, well like infinite. ;)


The Infinite armada wasn't truly implemented till two years into the Jedi Civil War, in-fact it was never really constructed, Malak's Empire finally started to get the Star Forge to peak efficiency whilst the mind-wiped Revan was searching for the Star Forge.


Not to mention the fact that the Sith Empire probably has it's own Rakatan Factories considering the Emperor knew where the Foundry was and knew of the Star Forge's existence and the Star Maps' locations.


Yes a very strong replacement of Ships is great, but Revan's ground forces were very weak in comparison, he had mainly droids and Republic turned Empire soldiers and officers, the Dark Jedi were also nowhere near as strong in numbers as the Sith themselves were.


You must remember, Darth Revan was clearly not reliant on the Star Forge, he had set out to turn the Republic infrastructure and use it for himself, he didn't really have an empire, Malak's Empire was much stronger later into the war.


The Vanguard that was first sent was nowhere near as powerful as the Empire itself.

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Having played through KOTOR and KOTOR2 (which is ultimately why I'm here!) I have a MASSIVE soft spot for Revan.

Malak did make a great 'bad guy' but he was a brute and even when he tried to kill Revan he failed - until Revan paid him back in kind... only better (cuz he actually killed him).


But playing through KOTOR and making Revan my own made me love her (I always played as a female character), and since starting SW:TOR and doing the Revan quests and learning Bioware's take on the Revan storyline, I've found myself liking him less and less...


I'd say this is probably because Revan was still a Mystery in KotoR and his/her fate was decided by You, the player. You got to choose how things turned out, what Revan would do or had done. You got to make Revan into a super bada**. What TOR and the Revan Novel did was bring things down to earth, solidify his story, give him gender and appearance and Complete the story to fit in with what they were doing.


But you need to think of the up side from there. Now with SWTOR, you still get to feel like you're insanely powerful. You can follow Revan's story, seek to help or condemn him, maybe even Roleplay as becoming something more of a Revanite and trying to follow in his footsteps. The Inquisitor storyline is pretty boss.



Vitiate had no idea where it was, or if it was even real. Revan found it on his own using clues he himself had discovered. As TOR points out, Revan became a master of discovering and using the lost Rakatan technology. He discovered the device on Kashyyyk that xenoformed the planet and grew the massive trees. He found the Star Forge and, as we know, claimed the Foundry. The Empire only knew of them because Revan found them first.


Yes a very strong replacement of Ships is great, but Revan's ground forces were very weak in comparison, he had mainly droids and Republic turned Empire soldiers and officers, the Dark Jedi were also nowhere near as strong in numbers as the Sith themselves were.


Uh, when Revan turned on the Republic, the Republic was weak from the Mandalorian wars and the majority of the soldiers who followed him (he commanded a 3rd of the Republic military at the end of the war) joined with him against the Republic. Not to menion many Jedi who survived also join his cause as they were brought in by his charisma or, as Atton Rand will testify, tortured until they were turned or killed. Revan was a dominating force. The Republic couldn't do jack to stop him. Bastila only managed to slow his advances somewhat, but that was it.



Malak didn't really have an empire either. He didn't control anything. What he didn't bomb from orbit he...bombed from orbit. He wasn't controlling anything except the Fleet after stabbing Revan in the back. And Unlike Revan, Malak was enthralled by the Star Forge's power and came to rely heavily upon it. Revan never made that mistake.


The Vanguard that was first sent was nowhere near as powerful as the Empire itself.


Put it this way. Had Malak not betrayed Revan, Revan would've created a fleet so massive that the Sith Empire would've been completely dominated by it. Because Revan would've had infinite resources while the Empire does not. Empire didn't start building knockoffs of the Star Forge until after the Treaty of Coruscant was signed, and even their capacity was considerably less than that of the Star Forge itslf.

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Put it this way. Had Malak not betrayed Revan, Revan would've created a fleet so massive that the Sith Empire would've been completely dominated by it. Because Revan would've had infinite resources while the Empire does not. Empire didn't start building knockoffs of the Star Forge until after the Treaty of Coruscant was signed, and even their capacity was considerably less than that of the Star Forge itslf.

Yes well put it, that was what i had in mind.

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