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No More Daily Grinds


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I agree and disagree at the same time. I dislike doing the same quests over and over and over again. But I also understand that the high end gear can't just b given out with a week long series of quests with a flashpoint ending either. I think things like the corellia dailies are really a good compromise. You get them all in one place, can run the circle and do them all in +/- an hour, and turn them all in in the same place. I can log in, do Black Hole, then log into an alt to have more fun for awhile, without getting bored to tears. Yes, it'll take me longer to earn my gear than if I run all 3 planets dailies, but I'm not feeling like i'm going home from work to log on and go back to work either. If future Daily systems are more like black hole and less like illum/balsavis, which require far too much running around, That'd be fine with me.
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You people realise you can get enough daily coms to buy one a week, guaranteed. Think about that, 1 week to get a BiS piece, I mean, c'mon. Can it it get any easier?


Actually, that is almost precisely the problem. It's TOO easy. There is no challenge. There is no entertainment. There is only the mind-numbing certainty of "If I repeat this easy quest X times, I will be allowed to buy an item."


Why spread out the boredom over 5/6/7 nights, when you can condense it into one multi-stage quest that will provide an appropriate challenge for an appropriate reward? Why does spending 10 minutes per night on an easy quest to buy an item mean I'm a more deserving player than if I would rather spend 40 minutes, once a week, doing a challenging quest chain to buy that item? Or make the item a reward from a weekly Flashpoint quest.


Unless a requirement for having a BiS item is the ability to endure massive amounts of tedium.

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Currently quests (and of course dailies) are the average player's biggest source of income, by a vastly large margin. Enabling items given as daily rewards through other, most likely quicker, means, would downturn the economy very drastically. This would encourage monopolies, and lower the average player's income to a very big degree. Changing one small aspect of the game, because it affects such a large portion of the economy, would be a detriment to the game as a whole. The only way I could see this happening is if we were given another way to produce as much, if not more, income through another source.
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Take a look at Eve, then you will think otherwise. The model BioWare is following is dead. It may work, but it is certainly outdated. Sure, the way they are creating content should continue, however. I feel that many seasoned mmo players want something fresh, something we have not seen yet. I believe that making the game world in a mmo more dynamic and lively is key to this.


Uh, Eve doesn't change in the way you are talking about in your posts. The only dynamic is player control of space, which would work exactly the same in this game if a group of several hundred players hung around the outside of an enemy city and killed any player coming or going from it. That's not content.

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This is really pointed at the daily comendations. Could we please get a quest line for the Rakata Implants that involve some basic quest a heroic or two and maybe wrap it up with a flash point? Please dont continue with these terrible, uninspired, grinding time sinks BioWare. This applies to relics as well. They are not fun to me. I want the feeling of acheivment and progress.


Rakata Implants drop from the first boss in Story Mode EC. Relics from the 4th boss in HM KP.

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oh please, please, can we just have a button that we press and it dispenses the goodies?




If you want the loot, work for it.


To the quoted guy:


Dailies give you the flexibility. Making you do them repeatedly weeds out the flash-in-the-pan crowd who wants to run through it once and OMGIJUSTWONSTARWARS! instead of actually having to put time and effort into acquiring the higher-end gear. Heaven forbid it takes 'em a little work, right?


I think that is the point he is trying to make. He is asking how can you do this with out the current dailies being done to get all that is needed or wanted.

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This is really pointed at the daily comendations. Could we please get a quest line for the Rakata Implants that involve some basic quest a heroic or two and maybe wrap it up with a flash point? Please dont continue with these terrible, uninspired, grinding time sinks BioWare. This applies to relics as well. They are not fun to me. I want the feeling of acheivment and progress.


I totally agree; daily grinds are like work/chores to me and it isn't fun.




Whatever happened to original, engaging, fun, deep and long epic quest chains? Imagine the potential in SWTOR for such an endeavour since story is the main focus.


Even the SWTOR fanboi's hated game - WoW - does this better. Especially during the vanilla age, you had the drakefire amulet, quel'serrar, class epic mounts, the tirion fordring quest into scarlet strath and many more which I can't recall - all of these quests gave something unique; in fact, lots of weapons/armor in WoW are derived from quest-chains. There hasn't been any single mission in SWTOR that goes to such extents; and this is a game which markets itself as a story-driven MMO. The class story is perhaps the only one that compares.

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Actually, that is almost precisely the problem. It's TOO easy. There is no challenge. There is no entertainment. There is only the mind-numbing certainty of "If I repeat this easy quest X times, I will be allowed to buy an item."


Why spread out the boredom over 5/6/7 nights, when you can condense it into one multi-stage quest that will provide an appropriate challenge for an appropriate reward? Why does spending 10 minutes per night on an easy quest to buy an item mean I'm a more deserving player than if I would rather spend 40 minutes, once a week, doing a challenging quest chain to buy that item? Or make the item a reward from a weekly Flashpoint quest.


Unless a requirement for having a BiS item is the ability to endure massive amounts of tedium.


Hmm...yeah I could agree to that if it was done properly. I think a one or the other aproach could work. Leave the current system for people who want to solo it and create some harder group content for it also. Yeah, that might work.

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I enjoy doing the daily missions, sorry you do not. Therefore what is a grind for you is fun for me. Crafters can make implants and earpieces, also SM EC drops implants, so doing the daily missions for these items is unneccessary.


What he said! I enjoy them as well, and helps me gear up companions and myself for heroics.

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I totally agree; daily grinds are like work/chores to me and it isn't fun.





As has been pointed out, Rakata Implants drop from Story Mode EC. Campaign Relics can be reverse engineered and Artificers can learn to make a BoE crafted version. Nothing is exclusive.

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I agree, 100%.


I think that one of the worst things blizz did with WoW was to turn everything into a grind-fest. You need reputation to buy an enchant? Spend a month grinding dailies for that faction. You need marks to buy gear? Spend a month grinding dailies to unlock a vendor so you can buy the gear. You want your epic level gear so that you can start raiding? Grind dailies to earn points to buy the gear you need. Everything you need to do in WoW involves a large amount of grinding. Please do not do this to SWTOR.

i guess u never played EQ before,

that was a nightmare of grinding.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow. And no, that's not a reference to Blizzard's grindfest. That's an observation on this thread.


First, let me give some context. I run 4 50th level characters. If you think grinding dailies is bad, try doing it more than once a day. For a while I was doing every one 4 times a day. I'm not kidding. However, the pure mindlessness of it is extremely boring. Once you get your 51 grade armors, it's a real grind to get each piece.


And you say, "Yes, they sell those on GTN" (Columi/Rakata grade earpieces and implants): Sure they do. Sometimes. When you can find them. And yes, I paid for some of those but they weren't the ones I needed. So grinding. Grinding to get 200 daily commendations to get a relic is... fine, I suppose. Figure about 10 days of grinding per campaign relic per character. Wow. That's uberawesomeness. If you like grinding. If, for your $15 a month, you like running through the same maze over and over to get a piece of cheese. You can, on the other hand, go buy cheese much cheaper. Really. Go to a store.


The point was made early in the thread about developers having their content outpaced. That *is* to be expected.


But there's another problem that the grinding is in there to compensate for: The tiers of gear. If we all hit pause for a moment, the real issue is the gear tiering. You go from 51 armor to 56, as an example. Where (the ....) are 52,53, 54 and 55? It's not like those are available from grinding.


Now, unlike a lot of other people on the forums, I do not claim to be the best player in the world but I will claim to not be the worst. I've leveled 4 characters to 50, I'm approaching my 41st legacy level and I would like to get all 4 of my characters geared. The alt argument, which always gets tossed out there, is worthless here. I leveled my alts to 50. What do I get for it? Some useless legacy crap and some interesting and useful stuff (like the mailbox on the ship, etc.). If you have more than 15 legacy levels, you get no love.


So let us hit pause again. I have 40 legacy levels. I'm still trying to get my characters geared properly to do some of the HMs. And the HMs to do? Ahh. Now there's another clear path, right? Everyone has an opinion on which HMs to do, but there's no clear path and because LFG is still something that they are going to deal with, it becomes... 'might as well do dailies'. Aww shucks.


There's a dependency on guilds to fill the space. Someone mentioned social points. Valid.


So I'll say what *does* need to happen:


(1) You shouldn't have to run dailies for a month per character. Make columi/rakata transferable within a legacy. Not hard. We can do it with the legacy stuff, right? But not gear. Is that to stall fluffing? That's where the level requirement comes in on the equipment (which is what helped kill twinking, thank you very much!)


(2) 200 daily commendations for a campaign relic isn't fun. The commendation amount aren't at issue. The grind is. And it probably wouldn't be such a grind if there was another tier in the content that allowed characters to grow into HMs instead of putzing around on Belsavis, Corellia and Ilum.


(3) Stop trashing other players because you're not bored or because you passed through it. or got a heavy group to pull you through the hard parts so you could get gear. I don't believe in griping for no reason, but ya know - there is a reason when it comes to dailies. As it is, it comes across as data entry that I pay to do. What? :-)


(4) Don't trash the game. Yes, some things suck. Overall it's a good game and when I'm not doing dailies I sometimes have an opportunity to enjoy my characters. But I don't enjoy them as much when I rinse and repeat.


(5) More content is needed. I'll assume it is being worked on. Still, things like the last event are nice and break the monotony. Stuff doesn't have to be at that level. Introduce new NPCs that show up and disappear with dailies. Make us wonder what is around the corner instead of having us think, "run to group, force slow, force breach, whirling blow, whirling blow, slash..." New content doesn't have to be epic. It could even be funny.


(6) On RP servers, people are doing PvP simply for the gear to get to the next level. Understandable on a PvP server. Wonky on a RP server. There should be content which gives comparable gear on RP servers. After all, people chose a RP server...


Yeah, I grind. But I'm not sure how much longer I'd want to. And I hear better geared 50s telling me... that they are grinding HMs to get gear. Doing the same thing more than 10 times is likely to get complaints of monotony. With good reason.


Now, this is the first I've written on this and I will not write anything like it for a month. Why? Because grinding for new content is something I've done for 40 legacy levels. I ain't gonna do it in the forums. :)


Oh, and please fix that 'go to Ship' thing on Belsavis. And why can't I go to the Black Hole directly from the Corellian orbital and go to my ship directly from the Black Hole?

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Daily quests are going to be a grind no matter how you dress them up, becuase they are DAILIES.


MMOs are grinds, if you are complaining about them you need to find a new genre.


MMOs don't have to be grinds. People who tolerate grinding make the MMOs into grindfests.


There's your one line answer to your one line response to a multi-paragraphed post. Enjoy.

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What grind? Oh, you do three whole daily hubs and maybe one HM? A really good grind is exactly what this game is missing. They need to add in rep and make certain pieces rep faction specific. This is really one of the biggest reasons I'm strongly considering just switching completely to TERA, there you can log in for six hours and feel like you've worked toward something, as opposed to here where it's a couple of hours spent with people who act like this is hard.


In addition to this, they nerfed Valor (the only real grind there was) into meaninglessness by just giving it away. In this game, you don't really even grind out your professions, you have NPCs to do it for you. Lowering the amount of grind is part of what killed WoW for me, and in this game it's billed as a feature and there's still people crying that you have to actually play the game to get stuff.

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Dailies are mind numbingly boring, even when you have nothing to do.


The only Dailies and weeklys I do are the PVP ones so I can get some comms at least and a warzone is different everytime (well, most of the time) The scenery might be the same, but the fight is always different.


Dailies on blesavis, Illum or Corellia etc? someone please shoot me.

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