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The "Bubble" Tank 19/0/22


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So, overall, damage/threat seems to be significantly less than full ST. That's not really surprising...


No, it isn't, and something I've been saying all along. The proponents of this build have been more interested in nitpicking the finer points of my posts rather than real world testing and attempting to prove that this build is viable as opposed to just theorycrafting for the sake of having another cutely named spec on the Powertech boards. It should go without saying that this build would be significantly harder to maintain aggro in Operation boss fights where you're competing with 4 DPS classes or more.


Thanks to the previous poster for providing actual logs as well.

Edited by TheronFett
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So, I'm a sucker for playing around with the target dummies these days, so I respecced to this build, threw on my tanking gear and decided to give it a try. My theory, based on how many DPS talents you're losing from a standard shield tech, and the more difficult heat dispersion due to losing Heat Blast and having to keep up Incendiary Missile, is that the Threat output will be significantly lower.


Now, for clarification, hitting a training dummy is not a proper gauge of true threat output while tanking. In a live fire scenario, heat dispersion will be better (due to Shield Vents) and threat generation will be better (due to Flame Shield). However, since both of these builds have those talents, we can assume that any increases in threat generation for either of them will be roughly equal. Technically, the Shield Tech will gain slightly more, because their Rocket Punches do more damage, but for the sake of equity and simplicity we'll ignore that.


So, how'd I do?

Well for starters, here's a parse of me beating the crap out of a training dummy in full tank gear, with a full Shield Tech Spec for about 6 minutes. I do pretty well, and I really hit my stride maintaining about 650 DPS. A couple of important things to note here:

- I'm not using any Heat Management cooldowns. I never engage TSO or Vent Heat.

- I'm not using any Damage increasing cooldowns. No relics/adrenals/Explosive Fuel.

- No buffs.


So then, I switched to the Bubble spec and tried again. Well, my first try didn't go so wel. Using the same restrictions, I managed to hit about 510 DPS once I really got a hang of it. The heat management was more rough than ST, and I stopped using Flame Thrower because I had trouble cooling down enough to use it.


So I decided, hey, let's give it another shot, but bring on the Heat Cooldowns! Vent Heat is supposed to help. Better, but not much. I manage to spike close to 600, but my average remains around 530.


So, one more go, but this time, I'll use heat cooldowns, and prioritize cooling down to use Flame Thrower more often. It's a bit better. I manage to lock in around 550.


So, overall, damage/threat seems to be significantly less than full ST. That's not really surprising, considering how many damage/threat talents this gives up for Incendiary Missile. Threat output in live scenarios will probably be sufficient for maintaining threat against average DPS, but you'll be shorting your team some DPS.


Anavarra! What is up man? I figured you probably got tired of debating the finer points of 1 percent dps haha, glad to see you are still doing some live parsing. Did you ever parse a deep Pyro to find out your highest damage outputs.


Agooz, I have columnist tanking gear, but doubt I will ever tank. My guild has like 50 of them so i won't be testing any tank specs. However, I don't know what I would do without Jet Charge ;p

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So, I'm a sucker for playing around with the target dummies.


Good stuff. Does the taunt spam thing still work to jump your own threat? I haven't seen any patch notes fixing it. If that's still viable, this build may be good for some situations. Otherwise my DPSers will easily pull. I have a hard enough time with threat as it is.

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Good stuff. Does the taunt spam thing still work to jump your own threat? I haven't seen any patch notes fixing it. If that's still viable, this build may be good for some situations. Otherwise my DPSers will easily pull. I have a hard enough time with threat as it is.


Yes, both taunts still takes the highest threat on the target and multiplies it, which is why threat is a non-issue.

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I do pretty well, and I really hit my stride maintaining about 650 DPS. A couple of important things to note here:

- I'm not using any Heat Management cooldowns. I never engage TSO or Vent Heat.

- I'm not using any Damage increasing cooldowns. No relics/adrenals/Explosive Fuel.

- No buffs.


So, overall, damage/threat seems to be significantly less than full ST. That's not really surprising, considering how many damage/threat talents this gives up for Incendiary Missile. Threat output in live scenarios will probably be sufficient for maintaining threat against average DPS, but you'll be shorting your team some DPS.


First of all, thanks for doing some testing. My respec cost finally reset to 0 today so I just did some DPS tests myself.


I'm not sure why you would test without use heat management cooldowns - I mean, this spec puts points into improving vent heat, so NOT using it skews the results.


That said, I did my tests fully buffed and using Explosive Fuel on cd, TSO on 25 heat abilities and Vent Heat on cd (by bursting up to 60 heat then venting). I believe in testing as close to a real-fight situation as possible personally.


One thing I noticed - you do not Death From Above in your tanking rotation?


Anywho, on to my results:

Full ST spec had these results: http://www.torparse.com/a/20421/1


Bubble Tank spec had these results: http://www.torparse.com/a/20494


My current tanking gear (used in this test) can be seen in my sig below.


I have to admit, the Bubble Tank has a pain in the rear rotation. I am still not convinced that I have it 100% figured out. The highest DPS I hit was ~700 after 4 minutes, but then I got distracted, wasn't maintaining my IM, was firing RS without IM up ... it gets messy. I am confident that with practice I can push the results higher.


Now, that's a lot lower than pure Shield Tech. In that spec I am easily pushing past 700 on the combat dummy. In "real world" numbers I parse anywhere from 550-600 on boss fights (lower end for HM EC). So using the Bubble Spec in HM raids I would likely hit ~500-550.


This is still enough DPS to maintain threat in my HM EC group. I usually do more DPS (by anywhere from 50-100) than the other tanks (jug and sin) I run with, and they have no problem holding threat.


So the question remains: is the added survivability vs elemental and internal damage enough to outweigh the loss in DPS? That depends on what your raid group is having problems with. For my group it's surviving the insane damage of HM EC. Therefore having easier healing > losing 50-100 DPS from the tank. For many groups that extra DPS loss might be the difference between enrage and victory.


I'll let you know how it fares in a raid setting when I have the chance to test it there.

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So I couldnt gather and mod 2 piece PvP Combat Medic for tanking. I have one so far that is empty shell, and 2 others modded for PvP as I run a Super Shield setup as a pyro in PvP. So just to get a feel of this spec, I put on my full T2 SuperCom set and respecs. My guild was raiding and I was bored, so I ran 2 HMs. First it was BP. Picked up a pug on the fly. I told the healer to keep an eye out on me, because I was testing a hybrid spec.

Pulling trash I stayed in CGC, we had 2 cc available, but I only marked one for CC every now and then. I wanted to test out the shield in a dps cylinder. It was extremely fast and easy. We were done in about 40min and decided lets hop to Foundry. Again, same thing. There was no problem. The healer whispered me "Is this the IronFist hybrid". I said no, that I only had 19points in the tank tree, and he was surprised, even more so when I told him that I only went in tank stance during boss fights and 2-3 hard pulls.


This was not a surprise. I knew it would be fine, but I just wanted to see first hand 2 things. 1st, if threat was an issue. 2nd, if not having the top tier ST talents would make a difference. Threat was absolutely no issue at all. Regarding the 2nd issue, definitely the Energy Shield made a difference. Being hit by multiple mobs, having Energy Rebounder work overtime, was awesome. It was pretty much having the bubble every other pull, or at least felt like that. On Boss fights, I dont think I felt any impact at all from the missing stats.


So as I experiment with this, I will try to give additional feedback. Next week my respec will reset, and I am planning on doing a dps parse between this Spec in IGC vs this Spec in CGC vs Full ST in IGC. I suspect I will be within 50dps between the Bubble and Full ST, and between 150-200dps with the Bubble in CGC vs Full ST. We'll see how far I am off. Hopefully I'll find an opportunity to tank an HM Ops, but I will have a hard time convincing my guild to not go in as a dps.

Edited by Agooz
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I'm not sure why you would test without use heat management cooldowns - I mean, this spec puts points into improving vent heat, so NOT using it skews the results.

If you check all the parses I linked and my comments, you'll see that, after my first, pretty poor showing with the Bubble, I threw in all the Heat Cooldowns I could muster. I omitted the heat cooldowns on the first two runs, because I was looking to establish a benchmark for sustainable DPS without external factors (like cooldowns). So, the first run was a full Shieldtech played with no cooldowns, hitting about 650 DPS. But since Bubble wasn't doing so good, I added in Cooldowns just to see what it could do, and tweaked the rotation I was using as best I could. The last one I linked was a Bubble spec, hitting every cooldown I had, and still only hitting about 550.


One thing I noticed - you do not Death From Above in your tanking rotation?

I find dropping DFA's targeting reticule in a fight to be kind of a hassle. That combined with the fact that it's less DPS per GCD on single targets than anything in your rotation except Flame Burst (which this parse you linked demonstrates nicely) means I don't really bother with it. For such a marginal gain (you might gain about 10 DPS every minute, if you don't prioritize it over Flame Thrower, Rocket Punch or Rail Shot), it's more of a nuisance to use than it's worth.

Full ST spec had these results: http://www.torparse.com/a/20421/1


So the question remains: is the added survivability vs elemental and internal damage enough to outweigh the loss in DPS? That depends on what your raid group is having problems with. For my group it's surviving the insane damage of HM EC. Therefore having easier healing > losing 50-100 DPS from the tank. For many groups that extra DPS loss might be the difference between enrage and victory.


Remember though, the only scenario where this might have more damage mitigation is a scenario where you're taking only Force/Tech attacks (Soa for example). And then, you're actually still taking more 2% more damage all the time, because you lost power armor.


It might be good in scenarios with predictable damage spikes, where the primary incoming damage is Force/Tech attacks...

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Sorry, I just went by what you said, assuming when you said you did something you did it. *** u me = My bad. :p


Ok yeah, DFA isn't the BEST but it's still a net gain if you're on a stationary target. Not a big deal either way. Was just pointing it out.


Remember though, the only scenario where this might have more damage mitigation is a scenario where you're taking only Force/Tech attacks (Soa for example). And then, you're actually still taking more 2% more damage all the time, because you lost power armor.


It might be good in scenarios with predictable damage spikes, where the primary incoming damage is Force/Tech attacks...


Actually, no that's not correct. It's not more mitigation on Force/Tech attacks, it's extra damage mitigation vs Elemental/Internal attacks. A Force attack can deal Energy, Kinetic, Internal or Elemental damage. Same with a Tech attack etc. Only Kinetic and Energy attacks can be Shielded or 'glanced'. Therefore vs every Elemental and Internal attack in the game the Bubble Tank provides more mitigation. This has been worked out multiple times and I'm not repeating the math here again.

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Actually, no that's not correct. It's not more mitigation on Force/Tech attacks, it's extra damage mitigation vs Elemental/Internal attacks. A Force attack can deal Energy, Kinetic, Internal or Elemental damage. Same with a Tech attack etc. Only Kinetic and Energy attacks can be Shielded or 'glanced'. Therefore vs every Elemental and Internal attack in the game the Bubble Tank provides more mitigation. This has been worked out multiple times and I'm not repeating the math here again.


Um, no, you're kind of combining some mechanics here, and mistaking how they work.


There are four types of attacks.






Now, of the 4 types of attacks, Melee and Ranged attacks are subject to Defense and Shield mechanics. Force and Tech attacks are subject to Force and Tech Resist mechanics respectively. However, they bypass Defense and Shield mechanics.


Now, there are also 4 types of damage.






Kinetic and Energy damage are reduced by armor. Elemental and Internal damage are reduced by Elemental and Internal Resistance, respectively, but they bypass armor.


Now, any of the 4 types of attacks can deal any of the 4 types of damage. Whether the attack can be shielded or not depends not on the damage type, but on how it's delivered.


For example, Soa's basic attack is a Tech attack that deals Energy damage. It can be resisted with Tech Resistance, but it bypasses Defense and Shield mechanics. However, it deals Energy Damage so it's damage is reduced by your armor.


Conversely, if someone hit you with a Melee attack, that dealt Elemental damage, you would be able to shield the attack and reduce the damage, but it would not be affected by armor.


You can refresh yourself on how all this stuff works by reviewing mechanics page on Sithwarrior.com


in short, because of the significant loss of Shield and Absorb with this spec, if your opponent is primarily attacking you with ranged or melee attacks, regardless of damage type, you're losing damage mitigation. If you're taking primarily Force and Tech attacks, you might get a small boost in overall mitigation, assuming the fight mechanics allow you to maximize your use of energy shield.

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Looks really interesting. I'll give it a go when we run a HM/NM OP.


I didnt bother to read the last page but no1 have mentioned the new trinket (the on you can buy for 200 dailies)

I'm thinking about the one that gives u a chance to proc 400+ absorb rating.

A combo with that one and the bubble spec should be really interesting....

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Um, no, you're kind of combining some mechanics here, and mistaking how they work.


Now, of the 4 types of attacks, Melee and Ranged attacks are subject to Defense and Shield mechanics. Force and Tech attacks are subject to Force and Tech Resist mechanics respectively. However, they bypass Defense and Shield mechanics.


Kinetic and Energy damage are reduced by armor. Elemental and Internal damage are reduced by Elemental and Internal Resistance, respectively, but they bypass armor.


Yes, this is true and I was not accurate or precise in my post. Thank you for the clarification. But to my knowledge every elemental and internal attack in the game is also a tech or force attack. (At least, as far as bosses go). In Explosive Conflict this seems to continue to be the case in my logs (as I glance no elemental or internal damage) although I do not know where to go to look up the details/code on EC bosses. Additionally, some abilities that would normally be Ranged (like Rail Shot) are in fact Tech abilities on bosses (such as Jarg/Sorno). Your clarification seems to indicate that this spec might be even more valuable.


All that is to say, the abilities that hurt the most are the unavoidable, unshielded and often armor-ignoring abilities on bosses, and the only protection we have vs them is our HP, pathetic resists, sometimes our armor - and energy shield. Which is the ONLY merit I see for the Bubble Tank spec.

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........All that is to say, the abilities that hurt the most are the unavoidable, unshielded and often armor-ignoring abilities on bosses, and the only protection we have vs them is our HP, pathetic resists, sometimes our armor - and energy shield. Which is the ONLY merit I see for the Bubble Tank spec.


With all due respect, I disagree that this is the ONLY merit of the Bubble Tank. I think having the ability to switch Tank/dps makes this spec excellent for offtanking. Going dps on bonethrasher, or final phase of Soa, makes this superior to a full ST. Running ANY HM FP in this spec, is more efficient and lead to a faster finish. Running dailies and such, again makes this spec excellent.


I understand your point however. I think you are more making these comments focusing on End Game content in highest difficulty. While you and others, for or against this spec, could be right/wrong for running HM EC, the majority of tanks arent doing that. I just feel this spec would offer them an edge running the other 90% lvl50 content.


I still have not had a chance to test it in HM Ops as I am always dps, I am very confident that this spec is viable for HM EV/KP.

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I still have not had a chance to test it in HM Ops as I am always dps, I am very confident that this spec is viable for HM EV/KP.


When are you going to stop championing this spec until you've had a chance to actually test it yourself? :rolleyes:


7 pages deep, you disagree with everyone who comes along...and you're still just theorycrafting.

Edited by TheronFett
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When are you going to stop championing this spec until you've had a chance to actually test it yourself? :rolleyes:


7 pages deep, you disagree with everyone who comes along...and you're still just theorycrafting.


Just because you arent capable of having an original thought and limited to your tunnel vision, doesnt mean the rest of us live in the same cocoons. Again you're making yourself look bad by not reading the posts and from my point of view just trolling for the sake of trolling since you haven't added an once of logical input in this whole thread.

You've made it very clear that you can not understand synergy of talents/abilities. You've shown that you are not experienced with the class or its mechanics. You claimed you are a tank yet you were wrong on several things related to that tree.


I, and others, already started experimenting with this spec, unlike you. The question at this moment is not whether or not it is a viable spec. It's now a matter of what situations/encounters would this spec trail behind a full ST and where it would prove superior.

Maybe you can give it a try and give us feedback from a perspective of a fresh lvl50 tank. :) It would be greatly appreciated.


PS. Thanks for the bump.

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I am seriously considering giving this a go in EC tonight (Story Mode), but I think it'll have to wait till I go to EV or KP as we have both on farm.


I can certainly see some situations where this build would be useful such as Foreman Crusher (maybe shield available on every Frenzy?), Fabricator (Since armor is reduced with stacks, isn't it?), Bonethrasher (swap to DPS), Soa (DPS).


My worry is that you have to be 100% coordinated with your healer. If they're not on the ball and listening to you you're a sitting duck when un-shielded - i.e. they may get complacent. I have a free re-spec so might try it tonight, will see if the raid agrees/disagrees since the 1st boss in EC is easy once the mechanics are sorted, but if I die the raid's a wipe. One other good thing is that you don't have to remember to keep 4 stacks up for your tank bonus! The amount of time's i've forgotten while re-positioning a boss is unbelieveable.

Edited by Agthomson
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I am seriously considering giving this a go in EC tonight (Story Mode), but I think it'll have to wait till I go to EV or KP as we have both on farm.


I can certainly see some situations where this build would be useful such as Foreman Crusher (maybe shield available on every Frenzy?), Fabricator (Since armor is reduced with stacks, isn't it?), Bonethrasher (swap to DPS), Soa (DPS).


My worry is that you have to be 100% coordinated with your healer. If they're not on the ball and listening to you you're a sitting duck when un-shielded - i.e. they may get complacent. I have a free re-spec so might try it tonight, will see if the raid agrees/disagrees since the 1st boss in EC is easy once the mechanics are sorted, but if I die the raid's a wipe. One other good thing is that you don't have to remember to keep 4 stacks up for your tank bonus! The amount of time's i've forgotten while re-positioning a boss is unbelieveable.


I wouldnt try a new spec when running new content. So I agree, you should test it first in EV/KP, and I have no doubt it will work. Whether it will be better or worse, will mainly depend on you and your playstyle. I also agree that you need to make your healer aware of your new spec, just so they know what to expect, both the good and the bad.

I do however disagree with your assessment of being a "sitting-duck" when un-shielded. Loosing 6% shield chance, 8% absorb, 2% mitigation, hardly qualifies as being a sitting duck. You're still very much a capable tank. That said, certain strategies can be taken to make the un-shielded phases very manageable. Save your cooldowns for when the shield expires. Kolto, shield relic, absorb relic, oil slick, calling for a healer's bubble, etc...

Again, I will never claim that a spec like this is superior in every way to a full ST spec. I just think it has its advantages/disadvantages depending on the encounter.

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I, and others, already started experimenting with this spec, unlike you.


You haven't experimented with anything, except on paper. You're talking out of your arse about a spec that you haven't even tried yet and expect the rest of us to just take your word for it on how great it would be.


The only conclusive evidence I've seen in this thread, from actual testing, shows a DPS/Threat drop, which is no good for a tank. And don't lecture me about synergy. You're cherry picking from two different skill trees in an attempt to pick up a single skill that gives increased survivability for 18 seconds of an encounter. Where is the synergy in this spec? You're dropping tank talents and picking up those for DPS. In addition, picking up a different armor set.

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You haven't experimented with anything, except on paper. You're talking out of your arse about a spec that you haven't even tried yet and expect the rest of us to just take your word for it on how great it would be.


The only conclusive evidence I've seen in this thread, from actual testing, shows a DPS/Threat drop, which is no good for a tank. And don't lecture me about synergy. You're cherry picking from two different skill trees in an attempt to pick up a single skill that gives increased survivability for 18 seconds of an encounter. Where is the synergy in this spec? You're dropping tank talents and picking up those for DPS. In addition, picking up a different armor set.


Clearly you're a lost cause. I really have no idea why you are on this thread. At least anyone else who came and criticized some aspect of this spec, actually understood the class and tanking mechanism. At least I am not a hypocrite. You criticize this spec for lower defenses, then go on another thread and say Defense is worthless for a tank. You keep trolling here, and you will continuously loose credibility.

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...You criticize this spec for lower defenses, then go on another thread and say Defense is worthless for a tank. You keep trolling here, and you will continuously loose credibility.


In respects to the other thread, which for anyone keeping score at home, asked whether to choose power or defense for tanking. Below is my response:


As a tank, I would choose power over defense. Harder hitting attacks generate more threat. There isn't enough defense stacking available on our gear to make it worthwhile.


And again, as I told you in the other thread, nowhere in my response did I say that defense was worthless. The only one trolling here is you. I'm sorry to burst your little bubble, but I don't like your spec. Get over it. Better yet, do some actual testing and prove me wrong. Until then, you're just QQing because common sense overrules your theorycrafting. The only one losing credibility here is you.

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In respects to the other thread, which for anyone keeping score at home, asked whether to choose power or defense for tanking. Below is my response:




And again, as I told you in the other thread, nowhere in my response did I say that defense was worthless. The only one trolling here is you. I'm sorry to burst your little bubble, but I don't like your spec. Get over it. Better yet, do some actual testing and prove me wrong. Until then, you're just QQing because common sense overrules your theorycrafting. The only one losing credibility here is you.


I dont recall in the OP me forcing anyone to like it. You're also using QQing in the wrong context, but that's ok after all you said you had jet boost, an imaginary 30% crit, pvp talents used for pve, etc..But of course, you're an experienced tank. Thank you for your amazing insight so far.

For the rest, I will continue testing, eventhough one person is oblivious of that fact, and welcome any other good/bad feedback about this spec.

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I dont recall in the OP me forcing anyone to like it. You're also using QQing in the wrong context, but that's ok after all you said you had jet boost, an imaginary 30% crit, pvp talents used for pve, etc..But of course, you're an experienced tank. Thank you for your amazing insight so far.

For the rest, I will continue testing, eventhough one person is oblivious of that fact, and welcome any other good/bad feedback about this spec.


He isn't worth attacking mate. Theron is sold on his point of view and no one elses. I still think the Bubble build would be pretty strong for pvp survival. 18 second bubble that pops every 30 seconds, because in pvp you get hit all the time, is pretty freaking great.


I am not sure it's viability in pve environments, but from a pvp perspective it's valid.

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He isn't worth attacking mate. Theron is sold on his point of view and no one elses. I still think the Bubble build would be pretty strong for pvp survival. 18 second bubble that pops every 30 seconds, because in pvp you get hit all the time, is pretty freaking great.


I am not sure it's viability in pve environments, but from a pvp perspective it's valid.


I run a super shield as a deep Pyro in PvP, 2pc combat medic PvP + 2pc SC PvE, and it is awesome. I am trying so hard to delay my upgrade to WH pcs, because I dont want to loose the 18sec shield+Energy Rebounder in PvP. In my opinion I prefer it to 15% RS or RP crit. Many times in PvP I end the game with 0-1 death, and that's Solo Queue, top damage, top kills, highest medals. I am loving it. Those extra 6seconds on the shield, makes me win pretty much every marauder encounter 1v1.

That said. The bubble, to me, is not as viable in PvP as a full ST, or a dps spec. If you are in IGC, then yes you have high survivability, but that's it. In CGC, you lack the bursts to take out someone.

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Did anyone actually test this spec in an Operation?


I decided against using this in Operations, at least for the time being. I don't need extra survivability for EV or KP, but I do need extra damage for EC - something that this spec doesn't provide.

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I wouldnt try a new spec when running new content. So I agree, you should test it first in EV/KP, and I have no doubt it will work. Whether it will be better or worse, will mainly depend on you and your playstyle. I also agree that you need to make your healer aware of your new spec, just so they know what to expect, both the good and the bad.

I do however disagree with your assessment of being a "sitting-duck" when un-shielded. Loosing 6% shield chance, 8% absorb, 2% mitigation, hardly qualifies as being a sitting duck. You're still very much a capable tank. That said, certain strategies can be taken to make the un-shielded phases very manageable. Save your cooldowns for when the shield expires. Kolto, shield relic, absorb relic, oil slick, calling for a healer's bubble, etc...

Again, I will never claim that a spec like this is superior in every way to a full ST spec. I just think it has its advantages/disadvantages depending on the encounter.



Actually there are 0 advantages to this spec. I can't honestly believe that you're in this thread to begin with. That spec is the most ABYSMAL thing I have even seen for tanking. It's purely hideous. I'm not even going to break this spec down by piece, I'm just going to merely say it's not even worth my time considering the amount of wasted talents in this spec.


Going for the idea. Sacrificing more than 20% of added up mitigation is not worth somehow coming up with that joke of a spec that could MAYBE bring the cd of your bubble down by ONE MINUTE. Get out of here with this hideous excuse of a spec.


Down voted, terrible read.


http://www.swtor.raidranks.com/#!guild:302 (Go ahead try and say I'm inexperienced at tanking, you won't win this one sir.

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