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Artifice: Duplicate Enhancement Schematics


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I don't know if it is intentional or not, but several of the Artifice Enhancement Schematics, though named differently, have the same statistics. For example, Acute Enhancement 22 has 13 Endurance, 28 Accuracy Rating, and 19 Critical Rating which is the same as the Intensity Enhancement 22. I have tested this with the higher quality blue enhancements, though not with the highest quality purples.


Although I made a comprehensive comparison of the Level 400 Enhancement 22s, I noticed that the same applies to the Level 340 Enhancement 19s and the Level 380 Enhancement 21s.


Acute = Intensity

Adroit = Wisdom

Assault = Wily

Astute = Intuition

Barrage = Savant

Bastion = Steadfast

Bulwark = Vigilant

Cognizant = Lucid

Discipline = Efficient

Erudition = Veracity

Foresight = Verity

Incisive = Severe

Inertial = Ward

Proficient = Studious

Sagacity = Sentient

Volition = Warfare


And while Reflective has four stats, it has three of the same statistics as Skirmish.


Because I haven't tried RE'ing blues to purples to compare (too expensive and time-consuming to test only to end up with two identical schematics), perhaps the intent was that, for example, Acute and Intensity purples would be slightly different?


Otherwise, what is the reasoning behind having differently-named schematics with identical stats unless Bioware wanted a money-sink for Artificers who want to have every schematic?

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Artifice has been in this state concerning enhancements since release. There are missing stat and rating combinations which would be much more useful than having, in some cases, the exact same bonuses on three different schematics. It seems that the itemization was not fully scrubbed prior to release.


The stats and ratings increase by a fixed value per step from Prototype to Advanced quality based on item rating. What this means is that you do not have to grind them all out to unlock them all for Advanced quality to see whether they are the same at that level - if they start off with matching bonuses, they will end with matching bonuses as well.

Edited by -Kaelis-
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yup we know, its been like this forever.. Truth is they are either too lazy or crafting is of such low priority that they cant be arsed to fix it.


We are just having to sufffer through crafting currently untill 1.3 / 1.4

I am not as up on this as I would like, but have they mentioned any information on crafting changes in either 1.3 or 1.4?

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Yeah, noticed this awhile back... I suspect that the ones which have identical stat catagories were meant to have different stat focuses. For example, two enhancements that both have endurance, accuracy, power would RE to one enhancement focusing in endurance and power while the other would focus on endurance and accuracy.


Anyway, I suspect this problem is somewhat intractable now. People have purchased and used their mods. To have them suddenly be changed would cause quite a stir. Better to simply add MORE enhancements with correct adjustments.

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Anyway, I suspect this problem is somewhat intractable now. People have purchased and used their mods. To have them suddenly be changed would cause quite a stir. Better to simply add MORE enhancements with correct adjustments.


Or just fix them going forward, leaving existing mods unchanged. I think they should fix it, it's confusing as hell and just seems lazy to me not to sort it all out. If they somehow magically become different items at the purple or blue level, then the base item should give you some meaningful clue about that (name isn't doing it for me).

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Or just fix them going forward, leaving existing mods unchanged. I think they should fix it, it's confusing as hell and just seems lazy to me not to sort it all out. If they somehow magically become different items at the purple or blue level, then the base item should give you some meaningful clue about that (name isn't doing it for me).


I'm sure they could fix them. For the people that own the enhancement that they could change, they could do a global replace on them first and then change the stats on the enhancement.


For example.. Enhancement A = Enhancement B

1. Globally replace B with A

2. Modify B with new stats

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In another thread I saw somebody suggest that the prototype and artifact versions of these might have different stats. Can anyone confirm or refute this hypothesis?


I have the artifact for Acute & Intensity, and they have exactly the same stats.

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For example.. Enhancement A = Enhancement B

1. Globally replace B with A

2. Modify B with new stats


They should be removed, not only there are duplicates but some are completely useless and i can't figure out who would use them (like absorption+surge)

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Simply and rather fast fix.

I see no need to merge existing schematics and screw the credit refund.


BW, just go through the list and identify all double and useless schematics, then delete the green and blue items of it form the game. (But keep the artifact ones, since these meant some true effort to RE them... took me over a week each to RE purple highend enhancements!)

Also some tiers can be deleted completly (again, not the purples ones), getting an enhancement tier for lvl 45, 47, and 49 makes totally no sense, since (at least I) players outlevel those items before they got more than a couple blues one RE'ed.



Also, please do add more (secondary) filters to the crafting windows, like to only show items with a certain stat.

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No need to overcomplicate a fix. Just remove the dupes from the trainer and let anyone who currently has them, keep them. This way they are fixed going forward for new Artificers, but no one that currently has prototype or artifact quality schematics unlocked has to lose anything.
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