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What Bioware did wrong...


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Im not in yet, and Im realy impressed that everyone who is in is playing away happily.



This is nothing short of miraculous as far as MMO launches go. The EGA system has been common knowledge for ages, and we have the added bonus of 2 days further, so even late pre-orderers can look forward to 2 days free play at least, before the game truly drops.



I suppose come the 20th, or maybe even on Christmas Day there will be dozens of forum posts about how unfair it is that people got a weeks head start, how elitist it all is and how it hurt peoples e-peens.







etc etc Ad Infinitum.



This will all come to pass. As I have forseen.

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Why again did they make a mistake? They have a massive amount of players to put into the game and staggering makes perfect sense. Hell, they even upped early release to the 13th to help accomodate this. But no, it's the end of the world to everyone who didn't get in on the first day. We have known about this method since pre orders opened and we were even expecting the 15th. But through crazy star wars fans and nerdy wow players into the mix and suddenly there is this big issue.
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Well here is the thing... Every argument here is based on the premise of what Bioware said for Early Access, everyone is missing the whole point.


The big picture is that other companies or games have handled Early Access way differently, Early Access in EVERY OTHER GAME has been just that, "early access", and it was not staggered or elitist.


By Bioware doing this it leaves a sour feeling in everyone's head in regards to future purchases which is the bottom line.


For example an expansion or anything else I am one of the people that will base my decision on this one incident and will say no to anything in the future.


What's with the handfull of disgruntled posters having Delusions of Grandeur believing that their opinion is the opinion of everyone else, even when majority says otherwise.


In my opinion, they've done exactly what they said they'd do (they even threw in 2 possible days extra) and the staggered early game access is the best way to increase the chance of a smooth start.

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Well here is the thing... Every argument here is based on the premise of what Bioware said for Early Access, everyone is missing the whole point.


The big picture is that other companies or games have handled Early Access way differently, Early Access in EVERY OTHER GAME has been just that, "early access", and it was not staggered or elitist.


By Bioware doing this it leaves a sour feeling in everyone's head in regards to future purchases which is the bottom line.


For example an expansion or anything else I am one of the people that will base my decision on this one incident and will say no to anything in the future.


WAAHHHHHHH! (pat. pend. 2011)

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Well here is the thing... Every argument here is based on the premise of what Bioware said for Early Access, everyone is missing the whole point.


The big picture is that other companies or games have handled Early Access way differently, Early Access in EVERY OTHER GAME has been just that, "early access", and it was not staggered or elitist.


By Bioware doing this it leaves a sour feeling in everyone's head in regards to future purchases which is the bottom line.


For example an expansion or anything else I am one of the people that will base my decision on this one incident and will say no to anything in the future.


They never promised you ANYTHING for early access. They are doing things their way. Why can't you just accept that you're not getting in this very second and play when you get to play. As long as you're in the game before December 20th Bioware has fulfilled every promise they have made to you--assuming you've preordered.

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Bioware made a mistake handling the early access like they have. No matter how smooth they may claim it to have been later on, it will be countered by the many annoyed players that could not get access. Not the greatest start.


I'd say more likely that two weeks from now no one will care about early access. It's an annoyance till you get into the game. Then people will either enjoy the game or quit for other reasons. It won't be because of early access.


I admit the anticipation can become irritation while we wait tho, because waiting sucks.

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What Bioware did wrong


Invite some to early access who are going to whine no matter what. I agree.


I imagine them being little blond girls of about 5 years in age crying because they got a Barbie doll that didn't have the dress they wanted. Then proceeds to throw it against the wall in a rage.


Yep, Bioware should have screened people for emotional stability prior to Early Access. :)

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So far they have not done anything wrong.. it is going very very well.


At this rate a very large majority of players will have early access for the full 5 days mentioned on the site.


It actually is. Some people are here for reasons other than playing SWTOR. We know that all too well.

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Well here is the thing... Every argument here is based on the premise of what Bioware said for Early Access, everyone is missing the whole point.


The big picture is that other companies or games have handled Early Access way differently, Early Access in EVERY OTHER GAME has been just that, "early access", and it was not staggered or elitist.


By Bioware doing this it leaves a sour feeling in everyone's head in regards to future purchases which is the bottom line.


For example an expansion or anything else I am one of the people that will base my decision on this one incident and will say no to anything in the future.


So you go to your doctor's office but because there are other people waiting in line to get in there before you because they had the brains to make an earlier appointment than you is elitism....ok


Or are you self entitled enough to go on berserk and kick everyone's arse so that your doctor accepts you first even with late appointment....my hat off to you sir....

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For the sake of argument lets say they instead had tested servers that can handle the load (learning from past games) and they gave early access to everyone that pre ordered at the same time regardless of when you pre ordered.


Would this not be better than staggered?

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There are better ways of doing this, and it is annoying. But then a lot of how they've handled things could be said the same for. They seem to like twitter more than the official site, which is often left way way behind in terms of information and updates.

Being honest, they could of done it in smaller waves, so as soon as a certain %% get in the next wave goes. Also, 4 or 5 waves a day? Not impressed by that at all. Considering this is a world wide launch, this should be 18 hours atleast, not 7. Not to mention 9 waves, not 4 or 5. I get what they want to do, but people as a rule are not patient, and logical, and considering the hammering them and the games taken, especially in the PR department I would have thought they may have done more to atleast prove that they're trying for the customers sakes. Stating "we had the smoothest launch ever" is only good if those who where there thought so too. I could launch a server tomorrow and have the smoothest launch ever, if i block most of my customers and fans from getting on. As i say, i get what they're doing, but the tempo needs to be sped up a bit.

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Lesson for future mmo's *cough guild wars 2*, don't do idiotic staggered releases.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with staggered release. We knew for months how it was going to work and only simpletons would be complaining about it this late in the game.

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The only people unhappy are those that were too broke or absent minded to buy the game on release day. There was nothing elitist about this launch, they have done exactly what they said they would do.


The way people have complained about EVERYTHING under the sun the last several months, can you blame them for not saying what day people would get access? Look at the forums now of all the whiny people, and the sad part is I bet a LOT of them are adults even though they are acting like 5 year olds with no parenting. If the server went down or there was a delay, these forums would go insane with "You said I'd be on in 2 hours and the servers aren't even up! **** YOU ARE SCREWING US" posts from the children that post this garbage.


Sure, there are other ways to handle this but this is the way BW and EA said it would be done LONG ago so get over it or don't play. You have those options.


They have done exactly what they said they would, and if you find that you are complaining about what they told you would be done long ago then the issue is you and your childish brain. Seek help elsewhere, cause you won't find the help you need on these forums. geez!

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They have done nothing wrong and have done exactly what they promised in my opinion. Those who bought early are getting in first.


People will always find something to complain about but what I don't understand is why complain? If you don't like the product that is being sold then don't buy it. If you pre-ordered and aren't happy then just cancel.


But to each their own, I disagree with the OP but if we all agreed it would be a boring world.

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