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The whole reason I rolled PvP was to kill lowbies


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Intent is not actionable, only actions are. To be considered grieffing, the player has to actively prevent gameplay, which is not the case here. The OP can shut down a zone, sure. But the lowbies have actions available to them as well. Primarily, they can travel to a different area to progress through the game. They can participate in warzones. They can participate in Flashpoints. As long as these actions are not inhibited, the OP's action is not considered grieffing. As such, PvP in the open world is almost never considered actionable. interactions with players of the opposing faction are rarely defined as grieffing. This is especially true on PvP servers.


This is absolute nonsense. By this logic, there is NOTHING IN THE ENTIRE GAME which would sufficiently meet the standard to violate BW's policy. Clearly, they put the policy in place for a reason. You are trying to grasp at straws here.

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I'm about the furthest thing from a carebear as you'll find on these forums, but even I'm shaking my head in pity at the OP. Dude, come on over to EVE Online, and let me know what your ingame name is. I'll take you down to nullsec and you can get some real PvP experience. Then maybe you won't be afraid of people your own level anymore. :)
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ganking lowbies on pvp and rp-pvp servers promotes social behavior.



If players don't want to talk to anyone, team with anyone, or ask others for help then I highly promote slaughtering them in the bundles until they wake up and realize that anti-social behavior hurts everyone.


Murdering the homeless promotes social behavior.


If the homeless don't want to talk to anyone, congregate in hordes, or ask others for help, then I highly promote slaughtering them in the bundles until they wake up and realize that anti-social behavior hurts everyone.

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No, no. His logic makes perfect sense. Let's extend this to basketball. Suppose LeBron James wanted to play Kobe Bryant or Kevin Durant 1-on-1 to determine who really is the best basketball player on the planet? Now, most people would think the best way to do this would be to call Kobe up and say "Hey, wanna play basketball?" Or go to Kobe's gym, and wait for him to come to the court and challenge him then and there.


NONSENSE. Let's use the same logic the poster and other griefers use.


What LeBron should do is go to a playground in Fargo, ND. He should then start dunking on the 12 year-olds. Eventually, one of them will call Kobe Byrant, and Kobe will adjust his schedule and fly to North Dakota to play LeBron there. And then, afterwards, since the community has been bolstered, Kobe will take everyone in Fargo out for ice cream.


Seems perfectly logical to me.


Touché worthy adversary!

Seriously, awesome analogy! Lol

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1.) They recruit some high level help who is able to come and kill me


At which point, like all true PvP tough guys, you fade into the sunset until it's safe to come out and kill lowbies again, all the while congratulating yourself on your prowess and posting nonsense to make yourself feel all warm about yourself.


Know you all too well. You are legion.

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You know, I'm very sure there are respectable PVP-type game players who are an asset to the community (and, yes, 'the community' includes both factions).


... I feel sorry for them, if their servers attract nerf-herders like the OP and those who've gleefully supported his modus operandi in this thread.


Not only does arrogant idiocy of the sort described here cause people to simply give up trying to level on PVP servers, thus impoverishing your community, but they also give PVP players in general a bad name which is, I hope, in the main undeserved, but does lead to the rest of the community not wanting to associate with them, rejecting and dismissing 'their' events, and so on etc etc.


I hope the wider community on the servers where the OP and those like him play have the sense to reject, block, refuse to participate in or assist this behaviour in any way. If you can stonewall imbecilic behaviour like this out of your community, then it can only be to the good of the community on your servers, and indeed across the game as a whole.

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I was trying to humorously poke holes in the argument of the same guy you were quoting. The one who thought the best way to draw level 50s into PvP was by attacking characters in a place that doesn't have any level 50s.


I got it too. I just wanted people to know how to make such logic work, and find a way to understand those whom believe such tactics are legit.


Its ok, I had your back. Need to remember those sarcasm inserts. ;)

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Meh... you seem bored and sad. I personally would find the same pleasure in real life with people like you. It is fine and dandy when its a digital avatar but I bet you would act quite differently if your real life address was attached to your toon and a guy like me showed up at your door. but that being said I doubt you have any PvP skills anyway and its because of people like you that I keep my geared out main toon (or one of them anyway) in the same area that I am leveling an alt. People like you are always squishy.
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You know I just don't see how this is fun.


I do not gank toons that are less then 2 levels below me... There is just no challenge in it... No challenge = no fun... atleast not for me. Maybe I am just too much of a purist, or old fashioned.


It's not fun at all to be lvl 20/30/40 etc and constantly ganked by a few lvl 50's. When too much of this happens... people tend to quit and look for a more mature community. People leaving means loss of revenue, which in turn means no new content or the continuance of the game.


It may be fun (don't see how) to specifically go after lowbies, but this immature mentality, can be very harmful to the game, due to previous paragraph. Ofcourse people now a days do not see that their actions have conciquences. Nor do they like to take responsibility for them.


Just remember if you piss off enough people with this type of immaturity, they will leave the game. Which mean loss of money and no game at all. This is just basic logic 101. This is not ************, just being realistic.


Don't you see though? That's what he wants. To grief someone to the point of quitting would fulfill his dream. People with this mindset have a void inside that can only be filled by making someone as frustrated and angry as they themselves feel. By ruining someone's experience, they feel that they're gaining some form of "control" they lack in the real world. They can't controlw here their own life is or where it's headed, but they can ruin your day and force your to vicariously experience their torment.

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I find those who think others are pathetic for raging over those who gank/grief to be even more pathetic than those who do the actual complaining about those who are doing the actual griefing.


So many a-hole jerkwads.


Lol. Feeling butthurt? Grow a pair and quit whining.

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Rage isn't my care bear power :( sorry to disappoint

My power is respect tho. I can send some of that your way :)


I have plenty of respect. If you're intent to throw that out there in that context, you might want to redefine your interpretation of the word.

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At which point, like all true PvP tough guys, you fade into the sunset until it's safe to come out and kill lowbies again, all the while congratulating yourself on your prowess and posting nonsense to make yourself feel all warm about yourself.


Know you all too well. You are legion.



It's nice to know that there are people who get me.

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Take yours out of your mouth when you speak, junior. LOL


LOLROFLMAO internet fail?


It's amazing how many premature (or perhaps overly mature) gamers you see on this forum who express an attitude and distress that could indicate they would fall over from a breeze.


I mean... seriously... I don't condone or encourage the OP's behaviour. But its within the mechanics of the game, and if you're playing on a server with PvP you're bound to expect some ganking.


What's the point otherwise?


Instead of ************ and crying, you could always just... you know... retaliate?

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No, I saw it. Intent still is not actionable. Neither is actively hunting other players in a lower-level PvP zone, even if you are so proficient at the task that they are unable to complete missions in that area. I also explained why that is, if you take the time to read my response.


Run up and stab someone in the back.

When you get arrested, tell them you were only doing it to kill a fly on the person's back.

See if they believe your intent, even after they find evidence of the fly.

Some people can go too far, and get carried away.


He admitted his intent, so your point is completey moot. If they find evidence in his chat log of his intent, which is to prevent players from being able to quest in a certain area as a tactic to draw out higher-lvl players, he certainly can be penalized for it, and Bioware would be well within the ToS to ban him for a period of time, especially since anyone with any sense knows, if you want to fight high lvls, you go to areas where you are sure to find them.


But the OP can't find high lvls to group with (suprise), so he goes ALONE into lowbie areas, then makes illogical justifications for his behaviour.


I disagree with your response.

Edited by CaptRavenous
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All these posts about the scourge of griefing, how dishonorable and disgusting it is, how something has to be done about it, etc, etc.


The whole reason I rolled on a PvP server was to level up and then re-visit the lowbie areas and cause havoc. My goal is to effectively shut down questing for the other side in an area until one of two things happens:


1.) They recruit some high level help who is able to come and kill me


2.) Some one rolls an alt on my side and asks me nicely to stop, possibly offering credits as a bribe at the same time.


If there is a point where I will get bored or tired of 1-shotting someone when all they are trying to do is complete a quest I have yet to reach it. My only regret is that there is no way to travel to the opposing factions fleet / capitals and be a nuisance there too...


That's the reason I rolled an Assassin on a pvp server.

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while i think OP has bad form, i think that if you roll on a pvp server, you should be prepared for such things and not whine about it to the devs and call it "griefing". theres even a warning when you do select a pvp server


There is also an item in the terms of service which prohibits the behavior the OP described. According to BW, it is griefing.

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There is also an item in the terms of service which prohibits the behavior the OP described. According to BW, it is griefing.


People keep saying that but could someone quote the exact ToS line that prohibits it?




One of the few good things the GM's ever said in AoC PvP servers "If there is a PVP solution, we don't interfere (Unless there is an exploit being used)."

Edited by zerosaint
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All these posts about the scourge of griefing, how dishonorable and disgusting it is, how something has to be done about it, etc, etc.


The whole reason I rolled on a PvP server was to level up and then re-visit the lowbie areas and cause havoc. My goal is to effectively shut down questing for the other side in an area until one of two things happens:


1.) They recruit some high level help who is able to come and kill me


2.) Some one rolls an alt on my side and asks me nicely to stop, possibly offering credits as a bribe at the same time.


If there is a point where I will get bored or tired of 1-shotting someone when all they are trying to do is complete a quest I have yet to reach it. My only regret is that there is no way to travel to the opposing factions fleet / capitals and be a nuisance there too...


Heh there is many Whitehats on Ajunta Pall that look for your type,you guys dont last long.

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There is a solution here, of course. Get some level 50 carebear death squads on Tatooine and Alderaan, and make sure nobody gets ganked by guarding the lowbies. (And if you buy that, I have a bridge down the street to sell you too.) :p


But seriously, while the OP has one of the ********* attitudes I've ever seen - and I know a guy who would love to get him in his office for some one-on-one counselling - what he's doing is perfectly legal under the EULA for the game on PvP servers. So if the people in the faction he's hunting want to bring in some bored 50s or have their main 50s on the same planet, then that MIGHT discourage him a bit. If you're on the OP's server and know who he is there, then that's my suggestion to you.

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