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EU vs GL

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as a starwars fan, what do you prefer.


george lucas idea of starwars. ep1-6




expanded universe idea of starwars. everything else


Both. His version just started the Star Wars universe. The movies just dealt with the one aspect. The EU brought out different things, maybe not all good, but for me learning more about the other aspects of the universe was and is what keeps it interesteing.


If the movies was all there was it would eventually grow stale as there is nothing more to learn and discover.

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Ok, this answer is a bit complicated.


I prefer the OT (and by OT I do NOT mean the rewritten OT) and Expanded Universe over the Prequels.


Now, I don't like George as a person. He has shown no loyalty to his fans over the decades, and has constantly thrown constructive criticism back in peoples' faces. He seems to enjoy dashing everyone's hopes as to certain characters.


To be fair, that is his right. As I've stated before, it's his IP, and he can do with it whatever he wants. And even though he is getting PAID hardcore for every piece of Star Wars merchandise sold, and even TOR is making him some serious green, I am genuinely surprised that he hasn't pulled the plug on the entire Star Wars industry. Why? Because he seems like just that kind of guy. The kind that says "Screw you guys, I'm goin' home!" then takes all his toys and leaves.


I really hope he learns to appreciate the fans a bit more, and learns to take their criticism a bit better. Now, I've seen some of the reviews on the Prequels, and they are NOT very nice at all. I personally didn't like them, but they did have their good points. They weren't the worst movies I'd ever seen. In fact, I would classify them as mediochre. George was capable of so much more than that, but he once again pooched the dialogue and left some gaping plotholes in previously established lore/canon.


That said, he threw a QQ fit over the fans' reactions and didn't even bother to try and figure out why. He just said "If you don't like it, NO MOVIES FOR YOU!" That was when he pretty much said he was never going to make VII - IX.

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i love the origional trilogy as much as the next guy, but i actively hate almost every aspect of the prequels. making no sense. ruining most of the characters (anakin, obiwan, yoda ect.) pretty much everything about the characters in the prequels goes against everything said about them before.


the expanded universe basically open the flood gates of possibilities and interesting stuff, sure some of it is really dumb, but alot of it is great.

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GL has done both wonderful and terrible things with Star Wars. So has the EU. I suppose I'll have to say GL, simply because at least he managed to be relatively consistent with the lore.




A-chem. Sorry. Needed to get that out of my system.

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GL has done both wonderful and terrible things with Star Wars. So has the EU. I suppose I'll have to say GL, simply because at least he managed to be relatively consistent with the lore..


He did? :eek:


Step 1: Watch the Original OT before any rewrites.

Step 2: Watch the latest version of the OT where several key scenes have been written over or otherwise changed so the original message has been lost.

Step 3: Compare the two and judge for yourself which one is better.


In Step 2, there are several. For example, as I've already stated countless times, Han and Greedo. There ARE more than just that, however. That scene in Episode IV was supposed to show Han Solo as the drug runner for a criminal cartel BEFORE he became the hero he was at the end of Episode VI. With the latest rewrite, that message of a scoundrel becoming a true hero was lost.


But then, to me it was just proactive self-defense. :p

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