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>> Arsenal Mercs Are Fine, Stop Complaining (PvP/PvE)


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If bioware hates tracer how about giving us a tree with more than one option. Its not our fault the tree is entirely reliant on one attack.


It must have been work in progress then becouse most thinks in SW looks unfinished. Talents looks like some beta test if i an compare it with WOlk talent tree its ridiciously without more options

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It does way too much damage for an attack that is supposed to debuff armor and to proc other abilities AND to bypass target defense. You do not deserve any buffs except for bug fixing.


i think i can say that every merc here would be fine with BW changing TM to a single shot (thus reduced percentage of our total damage) applying the full debuff.;)

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I have an idea why they did it. After gearing a little more/ differently and having augments on....just about everthing. Its harder to notice the nerf. It still "feels" off. And the numbers still look odd being so specific. But I went back to arsenal after learning some thing from pyro and playing other classes and it isn't so bad, dare I say. I still think something is still off though. The original poster may very well be closer to correct than we would like, the nerf was more for the top notch endgame gear, but it really hurt the ungeared.
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I have an idea why they did it. After gearing a little more/ differently and having augments on....just about everthing. Its harder to notice the nerf. It still "feels" off. And the numbers still look odd being so specific. But I went back to arsenal after learning some thing from pyro and playing other classes and it isn't so bad, dare I say. I still think something is still off though. The original poster may very well be closer to correct than we would like, the nerf was more for the top notch endgame gear, but it really hurt the ungeared.


So right now when you have a stat / gear advantage the nerf doest feel as bad? Sorry in pvp you still go down easy your burst is still anemic. Wait for others to catch up to your gear lvl and you will be back to square one.

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I have an idea why they did it.



They did it because they don't actually play the game, they simply don't so they have absolutely no clue whatsoever what actually happens within the game--oh sure, they beta and experiment at work but when they go home, they do not change clothes, feed the cat, grab a beer then sit down at their desk and play an Arsenal Merc for a couple hours...that is so blatantly obvious, the devs do not at all know what playing an Arsenal Merc is all about, all they did was listen to all the weeping and gnashing of teeth some PVP'ers did...then proceeded to gut us like fish...that's all they did and that's all that happened...they did absolutely NO testing whatsoever to see if the complaints were in fact valid, and even if there was some validity to all the kvetching to hit us as hard as they did proves the devs are completely and utterly clueless when it comes to us

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They did it because they don't actually play the game, they simply don't so they have absolutely no clue whatsoever what actually happens within the game--oh sure, they beta and experiment at work but when they go home, they do not change clothes, feed the cat, grab a beer then sit down at their desk and play an Arsenal Merc for a couple hours...that is so blatantly obvious, the devs do not at all know what playing an Arsenal Merc is all about, all they did was listen to all the weeping and gnashing of teeth some PVP'ers did...then proceeded to gut us like fish...that's all they did and that's all that happened...they did absolutely NO testing whatsoever to see if the complaints were in fact valid, and even if there was some validity to all the kvetching to hit us as hard as they did proves the devs are completely and utterly clueless when it comes to us


Given Mythic is part of BioWare's team now, I would not even be remotely surprised if this was the exact cause of our nerfs. Exactly the same thing happened in Warhammer Online where certain classes (Swordmaster for instance) remained utterly broken and mediocre because the devs didn't play them and "Working as intended" was the only reply given to requests to properly rebalance/rework them. Conversely classes that the devs did play (Bright Wizards) were regularly buffed and remained FOTM for years at a time to the point they destroyed any semblance of balance in RvR.


I'd love to force every dev to play any "Working as intended" class for two weeks for two hours a day to see how quickly changes would come.

Edited by ZeitgeistGlee
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Honestly, I just dont understand what is going on with Arsenal, its horrible right now. I have a full BM / WH aresenal merc and after 1.2 I logged on and was destroying people with heatseeker missiles hitting for 6k+. I dont think it was an issue because it was buffed by 10%. Now even with 5 stacks they are hitting for 2500, or 3k. Thats rediculous. Something has to be off here.


I played an alt sniper for about 15 levels, came back, and my favorite class is complete and utter crap now. I really dont want to spec pyro because I like aresenal, but I am not seeing much other choice other than maybe just playing my sniper exclusively.

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but I am not seeing much other choice other than maybe just playing my sniper exclusively.


If your focus is pvp that is your best bet really. Both merc dps specs are the worst pvp specs in the game due to mediocre damage and lack of utility. People say "pyro is great for pvp", but what they really mean is that pyro is not AS bad as arsenal is. You may be able to put up decent numbers by the end of the round as pyro, but good luck ever killing a healer or someone who is being healed since all your damage is dots (cleansable) and medium hitting shots. You can however spread those dots around and pretend like you made a difference.

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Honestly, I just dont understand what is going on with Arsenal, its horrible right now. I have a full BM / WH aresenal merc and after 1.2 I logged on and was destroying people with heatseeker missiles hitting for 6k+. I dont think it was an issue because it was buffed by 10%. Now even with 5 stacks they are hitting for 2500, or 3k. Thats rediculous. Something has to be off here.


I played an alt sniper for about 15 levels, came back, and my favorite class is complete and utter crap now. I really dont want to spec pyro because I like aresenal, but I am not seeing much other choice other than maybe just playing my sniper exclusively.



Last night I did some gathering with my Deception Assassin then rolled a new BH to AC as a Pyro PT--I'm going to get my Arsenal Merc to 50 (currently 38 on Quesh) then retire him and send the gear to my new toon, at this point I'm not the least bit interested in running the dailies

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... You may be able to put up decent numbers by the end of the round as pyro, but good luck ever killing a healer or someone who is being healed since all your damage is dots (cleansable) and medium hitting shots. You can however spread those dots around and pretend like you made a difference.


This very much. I almost made the switch to Pyrotech due to the hype but after viewing a few videos it really just seemed like people were getting high match damage ratings because they could DoT the entire opposing team. Not once did I see anything resembling an impact play. Arsenal has its issues and is a subpar PvP spec overall, but at least it can hammer some decent single target DPS and help knock players off.

Edited by djlowballer
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Funny, how when the mods close a thread ************ about Arsenal, they'll direct it to one called 'Arsenal Mercs Are Fine, Stop Complaining'. lol.


Yes it is very funny, or when you call the Op of this post a bad name like a Mor** your post gets removed and you get a warning lol.


I am not the brighest tool in the tool bag, but i know how to play my class and play it fairly well, I have been sticking it out ever sence all the nerfs and i can say that arsenal mercs are not fine, they are crap, they do need re tooling, but yet we see every op class getting buffed like snipers.. but yet they think we dumb mercs dont notice this and expect us to belevie that 'Arsenal Mercs Are Fine, Stop Complaining'. lol... give me a break

Edited by Omegaman
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  • 2 weeks later...

My suggestion for people who don't find arsenal merc good enough for PvP: Do what I did. Play your alt. I switched to my Juggernaut alt, and been leveling him and playing 10-49 levels PvP. He is almost level 50 now, and I have to say it is great to play a character that has a lot of utilities. It makes you feel useful. I have 5 intterrupts, one AoE stun (though it breaks on damage, but still... AOE!!!), one AoE instant slow that can be cast indefinitely, Force Charge that can be used to get in someone's face or get out of a dangerous area (such as focus fire), armor debuff that work properly, and an AoE attack (that can be specced to) crit "every single time". Like I have been seeing 4k+ AoE attacks without buff since I was level 40. I can only imagine it will hit 6k+ after I get level 50 and start wearing expertise+ ge the gear set bonus + buff.


So... Do what I did. Switch. It sure saves a lot of frustration, and it puts you back on the "having fun" bus. If you do like bounty hunter, I suggest Powertech. Those guys can kite melee, do a HELL LOT MORE DAMAGE than a merc in any form ever can (even though they have one less blaster, go figure), they are the most mobile class in the game with the most armor penetration, along with a jump, and a pull and many more.


Seriously. Do yourself a favor. Pick another class and put your merc to the shelf. I promise you won't ever want to pick it up. I sure don't want to pick mine up.

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My suggestion for people who don't find arsenal merc good enough for PvP: Do what I did. Play your alt. I switched to my Juggernaut alt, and been leveling him and playing 10-49 levels PvP. He is almost level 50 now, and I have to say it is great to play a character that has a lot of utilities. It makes you feel useful. I have 5 intterrupts, one AoE stun (though it breaks on damage, but still... AOE!!!), one AoE instant slow that can be cast indefinitely, Force Charge that can be used to get in someone's face or get out of a dangerous area (such as focus fire), armor debuff that work properly, and an AoE attack (that can be specced to) crit "every single time". Like I have been seeing 4k+ AoE attacks without buff since I was level 40. I can only imagine it will hit 6k+ after I get level 50 and start wearing expertise+ ge the gear set bonus + buff.


So... Do what I did. Switch. It sure saves a lot of frustration, and it puts you back on the "having fun" bus. If you do like bounty hunter, I suggest Powertech. Those guys can kite melee, do a HELL LOT MORE DAMAGE than a merc in any form ever can (even though they have one less blaster, go figure), they are the most mobile class in the game with the most armor penetration, along with a jump, and a pull and many more.


Seriously. Do yourself a favor. Pick another class and put your merc to the shelf. I promise you won't ever want to pick it up. I sure don't want to pick mine up.


I wish I didn't have to do this, but alas. Though I do dust off my merc every now and then, since I don't feel like grinding for WH on yet another toon, it still gets to me whenever I'm shut down by Fotm rerolled marauders/sentinels (they're like locusts on my server). Powertech Shieldtech is boss. So I play merc till my temperature boils over, then switch to my Powertech to exact my bloody revenge. Kinda fun I guess. I do get a kick out of playing handicapped I guess, makes victory sweeter. It does get old though.

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