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Mercenary is now useless in PvP

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I think Bioweare want us play this game and this nerf of BH in last patch is backstab bounty hunters backs.

Why the hell you nerf they DMG? OK i know pyrotech was a bit Op in pvp and who wasnt if was player good? and after your patch is Bounty hunter useles in PVP and in PVE too we find a way to get damage meter and when i see that dmg agains sorcerers it was really sad. And in PVP? Tracer missile is ridiciously weak and if you nerf it becouse some idiot start complain on BH its his fault that he cant use interupt, at least you coul lower cast but no you just make all BH weak like crap only way how play pvp now is play as force user or imperial agent. And i got another question why you nerfed Death from above to BH and dont nerf agents orbital strike? Dmg of both abilities is same and cooldown too i just askin WHY YOU DO THIS????

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I've tried to explain this to you guys - the game is not balanced based on class capability. It is balanced based on actual ingame productivity by the classes. Merc dps ingame is roughly similar to Mara/Sent dps ingame. That's why they aren't going to do anything to help Mercs.


The problem with this system is that the REASON ingame Merc dps is roughly equal to Mara/Sent dps is that Mara/Sent has seen a tidal wave of new players. These new 50s are undergeared and inexperienced with their class. So their productivity is naturally low. In contrast players have deserted the Merc dps ranks in droves. The people left are predominately those with a lot invested in their toons, i.e. they are experienced and well geared. So BW is essentially balancing good Mercs to be equal to crappy Mara/Sents.

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Try a different spec and see how great it can be in PvP. You know a spec like pyro, which is very good


Why should someone be forced into respec'ing simply to remain competitive in PVP? This line of thinking is completely ludicrous. I don't PVP but what I do have a level 38 Arsenal Merc which means I too was cut off at the knees--we all know the armor debuff isn't working, DFA's effective radius was reduced and there's evidence other "rebalances" have mysteriously taken place...in any case, respec'ing is like putting a band-aid on a bleeding artery...again, people shouldn't have to respec--in PVP, the Arsenal Merc should be just as competitive as any other class, period end of discussion...the reason it isn't is because the PVP community whined and complained we were too powerful...BW responded by gutting us like fish.


Again, I don't PVP but as someone whom has played his toon pre and post 1.2 I side and stand with those who say the Arsenal Merc is no longer PVP relevant, I say this because as a solo PVE player I've had to change my tactics, and rotation, in order to get where I need and want to be. Yes, I can still take down enemies having more than double my HP's but that doesn't mean I haven't been seriously gimped in the process--I do not at all mind a good fight, I'll even CM someone/something with more HP's than I have simply so I can run up to them and Rocket Punch them...probably not the smartest way to start a fight and if I get beat it's my own fault for being stupid while trying to have a bit of fun...I am okay with this as that one is on me...but when we start trading blows, I expect my TM to debuff that armor...when things are not happening as they should be, that's a serious problem...respec'ing is nowhere near a sufficient answer/response...

Edited by StaticJoe
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At first I just thought I was a crappy player even though I was employing every strategy I could do to survive. Then I watched another Merc healer and watched how quickly he would get torn up.

Hehe. It's not a player issue at all. I know my commando really well. Yet with the sage in a similar spec mechanic to the arsenal commando (ie turret mode) I can not only outdps mostly anyone without sweating much at all, but also end up with 0 deaths. Maybe I will reroll a gunslinger in these last days of my sub and laugh my *** off too.


Really there's no reason to play a merc or a commando.

Edited by sensiblepoast
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I was doing pretty good with arsenal I like the tree but ive recently become so bored with it so i switched to pyro.


There is too much standing still in arsenal i totally agree its a lil gimp but its still a reliable tree that can be fun on a day where you want to just casually nail ppl from afar.


I would like to see an entire Rework of the arsenal tree so there is not much spamming involved. I want more use of the jetpack and blasters in the mercenary class as a whole. We barely use our blasters other than friken channel unload.


Bioware please do a Rewash on Mercenary talent lines thanks. Pyro doesnt tingle me and Arsenal is very boring and I do not want to heal. I would really like to see major changes to both pyro and arsenal trees and I am sure many agree. :wea_02:

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I would just like to state in Bioware and any good mercs defense..


I think anyone who is saying Merc or arsenal is rubbish for pvp unless your ignored is over reacting big time.


I dont have alot of gear and i just spent the last few days gearing up as arsenal. Yea maybe we have a tough time compared to other classes but when you spec right and add a touch of skill you can get out of a fight and nab a chance at ****** someone even when they are bum rushing you. I die alot but ive had some good days as arsenal even when people take notice of me and attack.


We might be a lil gimp but its not that bad. I played a rogue in wow and they ****ed me so hard concerning my fav spec im use to being the underdog and as far as underdogs go Merc isnt that bad. Just boring and need some improvement. Hopefully Bioware will see this but merc is not USLESS for pvp.:)

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Try a different spec and see how great it can be in PvP. You know a spec like pyro, which is very good


Pyro is way overrated, everybody shouts how it is the most mobile spec in the game, which is just a big fat lie. You need to stand still just like in arsenal for unload and powershot to get your PPA procs.

If you want mobility, check out PT pyro - they NEVER have to stand still, have 90% armor penetrating RS (compared to our 30%) and their CGC has 100% proc chance compared to our laughable 16%. So tell me, why would you play pyro merc?


From my experience, Pyro only shines in 1v1, otherwise arsenal, despite being gimped is still better. You get a lot more (and constant) burst and due to less overheating you can sustain your dps longer. Also, you are not as dependant on RNG - basically as pyro if you are lucky with the PPA procs you get great burst, but if you are unlucky you don't get anything.

Edited by oldshatterhand
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Pyro is way overrated, everybody shouts how it is the most mobile spec in the game, which is just a big fat lie. You need to stand still just like in arsenal for unload and powershot to get your PPA procs.

If you want mobility, check out PT pyro - they NEVER have to stand still, have 90% armor penetrating RS (compared to our 30%) and their CGC has 100% proc chance compared to our laughable 16%. So tell me, why would you play pyro merc?


From my experience, Pyro only shines in 1v1, otherwise arsenal, despite being gimped is still better. You get a lot more (and constant) burst and due to less overheating you can sustain your dps longer. Also, you are not as dependant on RNG - basically as pyro if you are lucky with the PPA procs you get great burst, but if you are unlucky you don't get anything.


QFT. Geez, it's nice to see someone who actually knows what they're talking about. I've posted this before as well. Pyro is no more mobile than Arsenal because we have to STAND STILL to refresh Rail Shot.


Pyro is better 1v1 than Arsenal but worse in group situations cause we can't burst down healers or tanks. Either way, both are pathetic in pvp compared to other classes.


As I've also said before, there would be no issue here leaving Merc as this obviously PvE class IF (real big IF) we could respec between ACs and switch to play powertech for PvP.


The fact that you can't respec between ACs is as big, if not bigger, failure with this game than the current state of PvP.

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the point with all the mobility talk is: a lot of people cant play this spec very well. the average pyro merc on my server does nothing else than IM - TD - and then just rapid shots 24/7. sure, they can run around like that (mostly they are snared though so dont ask me why they still try to what they call "kite"), but their dmg while doing just that is totally abysmal. they are basically a running joke on 2 legs.


to play the spec effectivly you HAVE to stand still and cast; not as often as arsenal, but you still have to do it. but again, the amount of **** pyro mercs running around spamming rapid shots is legion.

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to play the spec effectivly you HAVE to stand still and cast; not as often as arsenal, but you still have to do it. but again, the amount of **** pyro mercs running around spamming rapid shots is legion.


Are you kidding me? I can go an entire day in wzs and see only a single Merc Pyro other than myself. The crappy ones are like Elvis - they've left the building. The only ones remaining are the well geared ones that know their class. And THAT'S the problem. The Merc Pyro meta averages are skewed towards better players practically ensuring another nerf. And another - until good Merc Pyro players have productivity squashed down to equal those of Mara/Sent which are dominated by crappy players. This is exactly what caused the multi-nerf sequence for Concealment Operatives.

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the point with all the mobility talk is: a lot of people cant play this spec very well. the average pyro merc on my server does nothing else than IM - TD - and then just rapid shots 24/7. sure, they can run around like that (mostly they are snared though so dont ask me why they still try to what they call "kite"), but their dmg while doing just that is totally abysmal. they are basically a running joke on 2 legs.


to play the spec effectivly you HAVE to stand still and cast; not as often as arsenal, but you still have to do it. but again, the amount of **** pyro mercs running around spamming rapid shots is legion.



So that dude who keeps you snared and rooted doesn't get all up in your grill when you stop to cast?

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As I've also said before, there would be no issue here leaving Merc as this obviously PvE class IF (real big IF) we could respec between ACs and switch to play powertech for PvP.


The fact that you can't respec between ACs is as big, if not bigger, failure with this game than the current state of PvP.


Actually, this is where you completely missed the ball. Switching between AC's, and to use the other game as a reference, would be like wanting to respec from a Warrior to a Rogue/Mage/Hunter etc. Not allowing respec's from AC to AC is one of the few things that BW actually got right.


The problem is that they got lazy with merc pyro and tried to make it comparable to PT pyro. They either need to make it exactly the same as the PT one or they need to completely redo the tree and make it a Merc specific tree that allows as much mobility as possible. Hell, with a class running dual blasters you would think that it would be pretty easy.


Now, not having a dual spec feature (dual spec as w/in the same AC), heavy handed nerfs in certain abilities, broken abilities that they have yet to fix, and having 2 different DPS trees where both require you to turret for a majority of your damage or procs is where BW failed..imo.

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They need to remove Unload/Powershot from the Arsenal Tree and put them in the Pyrotech Tree.

They need to add things for Fusion Missile/Missile Blast in the Arsenal Tree.



ATM, the trees DO not go together very well :/



Power Shot should be instant cast, it does very little damage.

http://www.torhead.com/ability/7dnfBcs/power-shot - 2 Second Cast, 30m range, same cost.

http://www.torhead.com/ability/4WwZBO8/quick-shot - Instant Cast, 10m range, same cost.

About the same damage. (8% difference.)

Edited by Daecollo
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200k? 5 deaths? lol, that's what we call poor performance son.


With my sage I can get to 0 deaths and way more damage without sweating.


I do 500k dmg on my sniper, with 0 deaths and over 50 kills.


I used to play pyro and pull good burst and good dps in warzones, but because my guild trying to compete in rateds I am forced to reroll sniper. And it is a far superior class in almost every aspect.


Better burst, better control better knockback with a root, the only thing it doesn't have is the ability to throw out crappy heals or cleanse which doesn't really work on some effects it should anyway.

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Quite honestly. If Bio ware were to reduce the cool down of Heat seeker Missile and Railshot by 5 seconds each and halve the cool down effect on barrage by 1-2 seconds, i think we would see a much more rounded and bursty Arsenal merc than what we are seeing now. DPS would improve as a whole for PVE and burst would get a much needed boost in pvp as well, it's such a simple solution that i am almost certain BW wont even make an attempt to make this change.

But BW is not known for making logical class changes based off of player feedback. They likely use old sample batches from 1-2 months back to dictate how damage should flow, when what they need to do is base it off of current weekly numbers.


Also, they need to make these class changes on a more timely fashion to avoid negative player feedback.


Call me bitter, but seeing my HSM go from a 6k crit on pvp to a 4600 crit when we are suppose to get a 10% increase to improve its damage has left a sour taste in my mouth. Sure they "fixed" our damage buffs finally, but now that they did, we finally see how much the Arsenal spec truly under performs. Near Zero pvp utility and survivability, zero mobility and mediocre at best damage.


With the state of Arsenal as it is, i wish more and more all the time that i rolled a powertech and saved myself the hardships just now coming to light

Edited by Artichokey
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i totally agree with OP.


Ive tried respec, ive tried all sorts of things but the mercs are the weakest of all classes. Seriously bad DPS and heals makes mercs in PVP useless. I try to ignore my weakness and have rage quited only a few times but I have also reached the end for my MERC. I just dont feel like loading in a game any more.


Mercs need some loving by the devs.

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I do 500k dmg on my sniper, with 0 deaths and over 50 kills.


I used to play pyro and pull good burst and good dps in warzones, but because my guild trying to compete in rateds I am forced to reroll sniper. And it is a far superior class in almost every aspect.


Better burst, better control better knockback with a root, the only thing it doesn't have is the ability to throw out crappy heals or cleanse which doesn't really work on some effects it should anyway.


oh boy, sniper will be no good in ranked wz, you'll be the first to die if not a sorc (if anyone is dumb enough to bring one).


Ranked WZ will basically be healer merc, marauder and assassin, maybe a pyro PT here and there, other classes won't be of much use.

Edited by Sookster
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just thought i'd add to this thread by saying i recently made a new Sorceror, and at lvl 10 with zero expertise i do more damage than my lvl 50 merc with 1000+ expertise. how can people argue that merc is not broken??
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I really don't believe that they are "broken." Obviously they are much less powerful, but something that is broken has no use. Countless times I've gotten slaughtered by Arsenal Mercs.... where my health bar drops inches at a time. (yes, post 1.2) If i can get killed over and over by a Merc in 1v1 (I'm a darkness assassin btw, and I like to think I'm not horrible at the game) , I don't think they're broken. You complainers just haven't found out how to adapt yet.
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I really don't believe that they are "broken." Obviously they are much less powerful, but something that is broken has no use. Countless times I've gotten slaughtered by Arsenal Mercs.... where my health bar drops inches at a time. (yes, post 1.2) If i can get killed over and over by a Merc in 1v1 (I'm a darkness assassin btw, and I like to think I'm not horrible at the game) , I don't think they're broken. You complainers just haven't found out how to adapt yet.


its broken, because some of our skills no longer work... we have a stacking armour debuff that is key to our dps and the debuff no longer does anything.

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I really don't believe that they are "broken." Obviously they are much less powerful, but something that is broken has no use. Countless times I've gotten slaughtered by Arsenal Mercs.... where my health bar drops inches at a time. (yes, post 1.2) If i can get killed over and over by a Merc in 1v1 (I'm a darkness assassin btw, and I like to think I'm not horrible at the game) , I don't think they're broken. You complainers just haven't found out how to adapt yet.


No its broken. Can you kill an unguarded healer? We can't. We can't kill anything unless we are left alone and even then it takes forever bc our burst and overall dps is anemic.

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