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Player-Driven Events (Massively Multiplayer Communities?)


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Hello everyone. I just wanted to gather some thoughts as to player-driven events, and their impact on a server community as a whole. Hopefully this thread won't be ignored like the last one. So, for about four days straight, I spread word across every planet, the Republic Fleet, through various guild Mumble/Teamspeak/Ventrilo servers across both factions, about an event I was running. I ran a hide-and-go-seek and a trivia event on Nar Shaddaa, offering PAX East Taun Fawn Codes as prizes. My turnout can be roughly summarized as seen in this screenshot. Roughly 40 Republic players showed up, with at least 10 Imperial players, if not more. This was mostly intended to be a community building attempt. I'd say it was mostly successful, as this took place during the Rakghoul event, so a large number of players were on Tatooine or on the Fleet... still, I think it could do better. My question to you fine mentlegen, is how can I improve turnout to these events?


My personal opinion as it stands though, is that for this game to reach any feeling of "massively multiplayer," players need to take it upon themselves to form those communities. It would certainly help if Bioware provided server-specific forums, an LFG tool, and so on. I'm not denying that. Bioware can provide all the tools that we want, but if players don't organize anything... well, we may as well go back to farming hard modes, warzones, or whatever it is that the average player does.


Thoughts? This isn't really an objective driven post (beyond asking for ideas on improving turnout). I just want to get some opinions on what you (plural) as players feel would be integral to forming a community.

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I would have joined the even even without the prize, it sounded like fun. as for ways to improve, i posted some suggestions on another thread for improving the community on BW's end:


LFG/Dungeon finder for like minded individuals who like to quest and quest with other people.

Ingame voice chat for groups (talking to each other is still the best way to get to know people)

Social events like a cantina raves(we already have the glowsticks:csw_bluesaber:), cantina foam party:D, dance offs, battle raps, pazaak games, pod racing, swoop racing, planet wide scavenger hunts, dueling arenas on the fleet, etc. games that are pretty much social oriented.

Guild bulliten board: recruitment, contacts, mission statements (not everyone reads the forums and even less people like to cipher through the labrynth called the server group forums.

Social areas: trooper cantina, smuggler cantina, LS cantina, DS cantina, (instert craft) cantina, singles cantina(sorry, had to throw that in there,,,,Giggity:D), Jedi lounge, or any area that would attract people of like minds.


as for what we could do on the community end, on my server we once had a dance party in the PvP area of the fleet and i got an awesome line from it: "The green guy dancing next to me in his underwear just commited suicide."(that is what i told my guild mate after the guy dancing next to me jumped of the ledge) if was fun, and we got to meet some nice people. unfortunately for social events, it depends highly on the player, but if the devs did some pushing with social content, then more players may be inticed to participate.

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I tried twice to make an event and people don't seem all interested in general.


My first event was a Jedi Gathering on Tython. The goal was to have a few Masters giving out a master class. Anyone from any server was invited to make a Jedi and meet us at the Academy, not a single person showed any interest... yet, there's about 200 post a day with questions about our specs, rotations and such... even roleplayers ignored the idea of creating an event.


The second event was a Dueling PVP night on Nar Shadaa. Prizes and such would have been made available. The goal was to just have some solid fun and allow people from both faction to see some good match up. Only a handful were interested but it never picked up.


Ok, they were not super RP event with big sponsors and all but they got people together for a night...


People on this game see content to just do their own stuff alone in their own corner.

Edited by Zag_Stratos
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I tried twice to make an event and people don't seem all interested in general.


My first event was a Jedi Gathering on Tython. The goal was to have a few Masters giving out a master class. Anyone from any server was invited to make a Jedi and meet us at the Academy, not a single person showed any interest... yet, there's about 200 post a day with questions about our specs, rotations and such... even roleplayers ignored the idea of creating an event.


The second event was a Dueling PVP night on Nar Shadaa. Prizes and such would have been made available. The goal was to just have some solid fun and allow people from both faction to see some good match up. Only a handful were interested but it never picked up.


Ok, they were not super RP event with big sponsors and all but they got people together for a night...


People on this game see content to just do their own stuff alone in their own corner.


I had a lot of trouble getting people to show up to my events... until I started offering something of value, that would otherwise be exclusive.


What server are you on?

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My first event was a Jedi Gathering on Tython. The goal was to have a few Masters giving out a master class. Anyone from any server was invited to make a Jedi and meet us at the Academy, not a single person showed any interest... yet, there's about 200 post a day with questions about our specs, rotations and such... even roleplayers ignored the idea of creating an event.


What server are you on...if you hosted an event like this in the future I'd be interested.

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All of this shows how badly we need specific server forums BAD I think it wouls at least HELP with getting more things off the ground.


I agree ...


peeps dont communicate well enough in this game on so many many levels but also community events may fail due to suspicion.


I think suspicion for many that have played mmos before. There are not many among us who have played other mmos that have not had trouble with groupings cause of gear or had to question the legality of an event or been treated roughly in a group because they weren't part of a certain guild or had to wonder what the 'catch is'.


Think your best bet if possible is to have the back up of bioware in some sort of official capacity ... (in some games this sort of thing can happen I dunno bout this one)


I am glad there are determined peeps like you and hope you dont give up.. least not yet XD

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One of the easiest and fastest things BIoware could implement that would guarantee an increase in community response and participation for Player Created Server Events is a Global Chat Channel. That is, a chat channel that broadcasts across the entire server and not just across the planet you happen to be on. It's kind of impossible to drum up interest in a Race Across Tatooine when the only people you can contact are the four other people on Tatooine with you!
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