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Bioware dont change a thing for Marauders!


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Well the good news is that Maras are not getting nerfed. There is nothing in these posts that suggests it should. Just a bunch of people complaining because they got beat and now they are not as good as yesterday, or pre 1.2, or before that. There are just more and better people playing Maras.


Its a brave new world.

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Let me help you with your post.


1. Ravage channel uninterruptable - except when you CC, knockback, or you know move...

2. Interrupt cost no rage, yes.. CC ( aoe mezz that breaks on damage?!) Cost rage. 6 seconds of 90% loss of accuracy on WHITE damage.. sure

3. 20% less healing on already nerfed healing. Makes very little difference the way the game is now.

4. Looks like a buff to EVERYONE on the team with a marauder.

5. Viscous throw @ 30%. So we can use our finisher at the same % everyone else can use theirs. With your logic, looks like a buff for everybody.


Of course, the grass is always greener when you find yourself pummeled into it by a class you do not understand how to play.


I lawled.


Well done sir. #1 is my favorite. Anyone who eats the third hit on ravage and comes to complain about it is an idiot.

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A very bad president has been set, how many times have people screamed "NERF THEM THEY ARE OP !!11111!!", and BW does exactly that.?


It happened with Sorcs, Mercs and Ops (<---- 3x now btw). And when they do, people stop playing those classes and re-roll something un-nerfed. Shortly after people switch, the "NERF THEM NAO!!!111!!!" Squad picks a new target and has another tantrum.


Just a suggestion folks, but unless you want every class and every mechanic dumbed down and nerfed to the point of 'no-fun-ness" maybe you should start asking for buffs for the classes you love, instead of trying to neuter the classes you dont.


BW keeps adjusting things to deliver to you the game you ask for, ... Stop asking for a game where nothing is fun and all classes are exactly the same.

Edited by Vishuz
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On my Merc, I consider Maras/Sents free kills.


This thread is weird.


Agreed, they tend to come at me like they are the Kings of all WZs ... after they rezz they seem to try an avoid me at all costs and I have to chase em around to get at em..


And I aint even a Merc

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IMO outside of ravage, marauder can still do lots of hurt, but with that 15% increase in damage on ravage plus the 8% ravager talent, 99% of marauder/sents I face in WZ's do the same damn thing- jump at you, proc gore/prec slash and ravage you while you're rooted, I've had it happen to me every single time one attacks me. But I get on my marauder, spec carnage and do the same damn thing and it pisses people off.


The 15% damage increase to ravage should not have happened IMO. Maybe it should've only been added to juggernaut's vengeance and guardian's vig tree.


Since when we're 99% of the sents you play against combat spec? All I hear is watchman this watchman that and combat isnt as viable as watchman. So I believe you're mistaken unless you Play against the exact same person everytime.

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Sorc wasn't OP.


The main thing that was OP about sorcs were sorc healers with their unlimited amounts of force which got corrected. Now with me admitting that I still don't believe that sents/marad are as op as everyone thinks. Yea they have one move that can hit big but usually is something that's easily avoidable. It's just some people that really know how to play the class take the reins and faceroll most people and those same people cry for nerfs.


Keep the classes where they are.


Btw I play a ss slinger, dps assassin, and a tank jug. I can take out the marauder on my slinger and assassin no problem, my jug I just have to learn my class and it's capabilities better because I hit like a wet noodle making it difficult to 1v1 anything.

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my main is gunslinger, i play this game from star and on Wz i get powned everytime by shadow tank and maras, everytime...they see me then jump on me , when i almost kill on then another finish me..just imposible to play.

almost to me...and, i cant survive chain stun's....and i cant lvl up a ton anymore, just cant do again and again the same things..

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my main is gunslinger, i play this game from star and on Wz i get powned everytime by shadow tank and maras, everytime...they see me then jump on me , when i almost kill on then another finish me..just imposible to play.

almost to me...and, i cant survive chain stun's....and i cant lvl up a ton anymore, just cant do again and again the same things..


You're bad or you're playing a bad spec if a marauder even touches your gunslinger more than twice.

Edited by Vetril
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1- Still forces you to waste a CC, for most classes that's your one CC to get away from a marauder who still has many options afterwards. Also, in the spec where ravage hurts most- it also roots. But, you didn't know that, so that's ok.

2- It's an increase in the usefulness of an already very useful extra ability that good marauders know how to use to give them a big advantage over the only class that can kill them- and bad marauders... well, like you, will continue to brush it off as a useless ability

3- Yeah, no big deal- healers were already very easy to kill, giving them weaker healing and then making our heal debuff uncleansable isn't a big deal... on what planet exactly? Have you even played this game?

4- It's still a buff only marauders get... why exactly does the top mobility, damage, healer killer and defensive CD class also have some of the most useful short term raid buffs? Shouldn't such great utility go to a class that has nothing but utility? Nope- let's make marauders utility kings too- next we'll give them one of the only aoe instant mezzes in the game too... oh wait a second

5- I'm looking for my powertech and my sorcerer's execute buttons... is it affliction? 2k damage over 21 seconds sounds like an execute right?


I love to tear down bad players. I understand that some players feel that it is their Bioware given right to just faceroll anybody and everybody. That their GCD for any ability should be like 1.5 seconds, that their stuns should ALWAYS be available for use. That they should have unlimitted POWAAAA! Muahahaha!


Ok so point being, number 1, you have CCs to use them, whether it is for offense or defense. Why are you so special that you get a CC that is 4 seconds, non channeled, and another one which is 8 seconds that can be spec'd for a 2 sec CC post damage. Obviously you should have the CC available at all times, with a GCD of 0. Why on DK should you possibly ever have to be selective of when to use an ability, no let's just Sorcerors/Sages an at will CC spam for all, because you're so special.


Point 2, ok so you want to take an ability that is key to the class for both PVP and PVE and make the class totally useless? I get it, you don't like interrupts, but I don't like you healing, or channeling. Because Maras/Juggs should not have an interrupt, since obviously if you're a good Marauder this guy wants to make you bad and the bad ones will just stay bad. Good thinking buddy, keep the bad Maras bad and take away key abilities from the good Maras.


Point 3, I don't know what planet you're on, where you think that you should be able to heal through any damage, just by standing in 1 spot. I mean obviously all healers should be invincible, right... right... right?


Point 4, the Marauder is designed at the Assault class. They help tanks lead the charge against the enemy. That's how the class is designed and envisioned. I know it's hard to understand that all of the classes are Star Wars stereotypes such as Vader, Palpatine, Yoda, etc. The dual-wielding Marauder is iconic of Anakin and others. The reason that this 'buff' was given to Marauders was because BEFORE launch Marauders had very little usefulness to offer PVE content, it was just so much better to have a group of all Ranged DPS, and even now, than to have a melee Marauder. This was added so that Marauders are not automatically excluded from premades and OPs groups. But I guess ignorance is an excuse.


Point 5, well Assassins do have Assassinate available when opponent is down to 30% health. And Pyro spec Mercs/Powertechs can spec to do significant extra damage when opponent is at 30% health. I'm pretty sure it was to even out with the Assassin/Assassinate ability, which I fully support because at 20% I'm often already using another ability and don't have time to notice Vicious Throw, so it gets used significantly less than it would if I could actually use it. I shouldn't be using Vicious Throw only when opponent is at about 10%, because that's how it happens in reality.


Obviously anyone that reads the OP and then this respnse to the OP and then my response can tell that the guy I've quoted thinks that Marauders should be the useless class that they were because launch. That bad Marauders/Sentinels should stay bad and the good ones should be stripped of their abilities. Should Bioware just give you the EZ button? Do you sir like to have insta-kill cheat codes? Obviously you don't want to kite or use strategy or anything else associated with skillful play.


L2P, please. It would make the world a much better place for you and for everyone else including your teammates.

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You're bad or you're playing a bad spec if a marauder even touches your gunslinger more than twice.


I can see that if the Tankssin comes out of stealth and knocks you out of cover and gets the attacks off first then you are probably in deep trouble. But against a Marauder/Sentinel, Snipers/Gunslingers should not have an issue. You can consistenly root and hit with high damage abilities, run away, kite, root, rinse repeat.


Snipers/Gunslingers and Assassin tanks are 2 of the most difficult classes for melee damage classes to deal with. This is a case of L2P by using roots correctly and keeping distance.

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yes i know that mate but there no 1 vs 1 on wz...i cant handle more than 1 but they can take damage on that god mode time from all team, and now a day there more than 3 maras , seems to be a unbalance on WZ not sure on open world..



EDIT: This the problem now a day... all team are warrior/mage and we win by far...



Edited by bioenergy
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i cant handle more than 1 but they can take damage on that god mode time from all team

For 5 sec, and then die.

Maybe survive 10 more sec with invisibility and AoE mezz, but no damage over that time.

I personally find it funny how one Sentinel at half health that 2 people could finish off without any effort can stop in one place so many people for so long.

Because it's not in his skills - it's in his enemies will to kill that one target instead of pursuing objectives.

Edited by Elear
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as an concealment operative, good luck on that whole learn to play argument, cause it doesnt work.


That being said are there issues with marauder? i think the answer is yes. Granted marauders enjoyed a long period of under performing but that doesn't exclude the possibility of them being over buffed. My main argument here is the rate at which they kill people,its severely similar to the rate at which operatives killed people pre nerf, and i emphasize the "pre nerf" part. It doesnt get any better when you get into groups of marauders, and as the devs have pointed out groups of classes doing things cause people to quit, and cause you to get nerfed.

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Trying to figure out if the original post is just one big troll, or if the guy is actually serious. It basically read like this, "When I had no expertise, I got owned in PvP. Now that I have BM gear, I faceroll EVERYONE all the time! [Force Persuade] Marauders are not overpowered. Marauders are, in fact, perfectly balanced."


It's pretty clear to almost anyone that PvPs (even Marauders and Sentinels) that there are balance issues with DPS. Deny it all you want. Claim it's skill, or whatever. Fact is, pretty much any dual wield DPS who is geared well is going to plow through everyone in equal or lesser gear, so either all the most skill players in the game rolled button mashing DPS classes (I know, this is usually the case right?), or there's a big old glowy nerf bat coming ;)

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i dont want nerf and nerf and nerf...i want a balance game where i see all classes work together, im not a new on mmo's im start playing tibia to many time ago..and on every game i play..this things happend again and again.


on that pick u can see how 2 classes defeat a mix team...that boring me here and every game

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It comes down to the well roundness of the class. They are doing too much damage for the amount of survivability they have.


Guarded By the Force/Undying Rage - 1.5 min CD = 50% dmg reduction for 5 seconds spending 50% of current health

Rebuke/Cloak of Pain - 60 second CD = 20% dmg reduction for 6 seconds and doing dmg to the attacker(could last 30 seconds)

Saber Ward - 3 min CD = 50% increase in melee and ranged defenses and reduces force/tech attacks by 25%


Come on guys be honest with yourself. This is way too much defense for such a bursty class. If specced correctly these CDs can be reduced as well. It's always nice to play the FOTM class, but maras/sents are not helping with the PvP imbalances.


My 50 sent is on the shelf until he is fixed.

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It comes down to the well roundness of the class. They are doing too much damage for the amount of survivability they have.


Guarded By the Force/Undying Rage - 1.5 min CD = 50% dmg reduction for 5 seconds spending 50% of current health

Rebuke/Cloak of Pain - 60 second CD = 20% dmg reduction for 6 seconds and doing dmg to the attacker(could last 30 seconds)

Saber Ward - 3 min CD = 50% increase in melee and ranged defenses and reduces force/tech attacks by 25%


Come on guys be honest with yourself. This is way too much defense for such a bursty class. If specced correctly these CDs can be reduced as well. It's always nice to play the FOTM class, but maras/sents are not helping with the PvP imbalances.


My 50 sent is on the shelf until he is fixed.


This has been addressed a million times. Saber ward? Once per match? Thats OP?

Look in pasts posts regarding the actual use of undying rage. Its not a god power. People read "Invincible" but ignore the context.

Cloak of Pain is our bread and butter. Doesnt every class have one?


There are so many variables to succesful game play, but to suggest with the minor changes last patch that Marauders are suddenly the greatest over powered class ever is ridiculous and just whining. It just stresses more of the real issues with the imbalance in gear, groupings, rankings, and player ability which is what really needs to be fixed.

Edited by whatthefett
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