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Sniper Boost? WFT?


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Nice bioware, very nice.....


one spiner lvl 20 with 2 shoots own 50 % of my live and you up the dmg of sniper? NICE BIOWARE NICE.






PD: Please up marauders DmG i need a kill button, thanks :)

Edited by monopeleon
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I did find that a bit odd when i read the notes.



Snipers that play well easily can put out some of the most amazing damage in a Warzone. (I think it's the fact though it feels like most Snipers can NOT play their class properly....it's one of the few classes I can tell 100% when going up against if they have an idea on how to use their cooldowns etc compared to other classes)


Oh well, Every class deserves their time in the sun as being the OP one in warzones though.

Edited by exphryl
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Nice bioware, very nice.....


one spiner lvl 20 with 2 shoots own 50 % of my live and you up the dmg of sniper? NICE BIOWARE NICE.






PD: Please up marauders DmG i need a kill button, thanks :)

Dont open threads unless you have at least 3 pieces of warhero gear. Thx.


Every skilled player knows that marksman sniper scale awefull At level 50 against geared players.

And thats because of the class mechanics. This is a pure pve buff due to the fact that over 50 different snipers posted combat logs prooving that marksman were about 1300 dps, when other DD were at 1500

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I had a Sniper do easily over 8k in one hit on me two days ago,i have no clue about the class but i have never droppped from one hit before like that,i wish i could of seen the number but i know i was above half health and my full health is 16,677 all BM and one War Hero piece,i know he was very well geared and he might have just had a huge crit or something but again i have never seen this done or had this done to me before.
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The buff was to fix marks damage relative to other pure DD classes in endgame ops. It's a nice change, but it's only 5% across the board, it's nowhere near gamebreaking, ewspecially considering snipers have none of the massively powerful defensive CD which make maras (the other massive damage class) so dangerous. Edited by Goldenstar
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The buff was to fix marks damage relative to other pure DD classes in endgame ops. It's a nice change, but it's only 5% across the board, it's nowhere near gamebreaking, ewspecially considering snipers have none of the massively powerful defensive CD which make maras (the other massive damage class) so dangerous.


Tell that to a DPS Operative. :rolleyes:

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Tell that to a DPS Operative. :rolleyes:


DPS operatives have one defensive cooldown (which is useless in PvP) and a combot break stealth skill (which is on a 3s cooldown. Snipers have only the defensive cooldown (evasion) and cover. If you think that's lots of defense you've never played a sin, mara, jug, sorc, or powertech >.>

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I had a Sniper do easily over 8k in one hit on me two days ago


It probably wasn't really 1 hit. Explosive Probe+Ambush, both crits, with appropriate Adrenals, and possibly an armor debuff on the target could hit for a combined 8k+ all at once, but it's not really "one hit" the way some other classes can hit for 8k in a single hit.


In my personal experience with my Sniper from 10-37, I don't think this buff was necessary. As for issues with scaling at 50, a flat 5% buff doesn't really help scaling, so Snipers will likely fall behind again the next time a new tier of gear is released.

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lol yeah clearly bioware don't know what they doing... I'm merc dps i used to be able to do around 500k+ dps now max 400k if lucky, while snipers still does +700k, and now they are buffed so they do around 1000k now? lol.... No wonder i'm leaving this game!!!!!!!!!!

They keep buffing strong classes, i'm 100% sure they have NO clue whats going on in pvp. What about nerf marauders? noooooo they are "fine", "sure".

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lol yeah clearly bioware don't know what they doing... I'm merc dps i used to be able to do around 500k+ dps now max 400k if lucky, while snipers still does +700k, and now they are buffed so they do around 1000k now? lol.... No wonder i'm leaving this game!!!!!!!!!!

They keep buffing strong classes, i'm 100% sure they have NO clue whats going on in pvp. What about nerf marauders? noooooo they are "fine", "sure".


Umm, what?

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Dont open threads unless you have at least 3 pieces of warhero gear. Thx.


Every skilled player knows that marksman sniper scale awefull At level 50 against geared players.

And thats because of the class mechanics. This is a pure pve buff due to the fact that over 50 different snipers posted combat logs prooving that marksman were about 1300 dps, when other DD were at 1500


All i can say is LOL. 3 Pieces of WAR HERO doent mean ur good, bad, or fail. all it means is you grind the game. so please stop with these pathetic comments.


I have a Gunslinger and Sniper. i welcome the dmg buff but wasnt needed by any means.

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The buff was to fix marks damage relative to other pure DD classes in endgame ops. It's a nice change, but it's only 5% across the board, it's nowhere near gamebreaking, ewspecially considering snipers have none of the massively powerful defensive CD which make maras (the other massive damage class) so dangerous.


I find not being able to be interrupted and a cooldown to prevent Stuns very defensive.


Perhaps you have a different view though.

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The buff was to fix marks damage relative to other pure DD classes in endgame ops. It's a nice change, but it's only 5% across the board, it's nowhere near gamebreaking, ewspecially considering snipers have none of the massively powerful defensive CD which make maras (the other massive damage class) so dangerous.


5% across the board?


Try 5% to four abilities, only two of which are commonly used by builds other than deep MM.


It was a PvE buff that will have next to no impact on PvP play.

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I had a Sniper do easily over 8k in one hit on me two days ago,i have no clue about the class but i have never droppped from one hit before like that,i wish i could of seen the number but i know i was above half health and my full health is 16,677 all BM and one War Hero piece,i know he was very well geared and he might have just had a huge crit or something but again i have never seen this done or had this done to me before.


maybe by some weird coincidence he was relic/adrenal/whatever buffed and you had many debuffs on you. Or maybe you had your PvE gear on in WZ.


Fact is that 5% boost is nothing much. it is 5% boost to base (white!) damage which may translate to 7-9% of crit dmg (also white) boost. So in best case scenario I can hit ppl for lil over 4k in WZ (without relic/adrenals popped) and usually I hit for no more than 2,5k (many times much much less).


People act as if Snipers/GS got 50% boost and turned all their attacks into Force ones lol. Also, if I recall correctly, Sniper/GS (MM/SS spec mind you as this boost is mainly for this tree) are THE LEAST played classes so chances are you may pop on one of those 1 out of 30 WZs.

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Dont open threads unless you have at least 3 pieces of warhero gear. Thx.


Every skilled player knows that marksman sniper scale awefull At level 50 against geared players.

And thats because of the class mechanics. This is a pure pve buff due to the fact that over 50 different snipers posted combat logs prooving that marksman were about 1300 dps, when other DD were at 1500


This is what I'm talking about. 3 pieces of war hero gear and skill in the same post. The pvp community in this game is completely overrun by mediocre pvpers pretending they aren't mediocre. Please stay here when other games launch. You are bioeas type of paid sub.

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