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Griefing: Everyone's Problem


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Yep. Having another faction successfully infect you ALSO flag you PvP was a flaw- infection is treated as an attack, a successful attack on the other faction means you're both PvP, ergo the game flags you PvP and keeps you that way while infected. BANG.


On PvP servers, no big deal. On PvE ones, it really was griefing- the same way it used to be with Imps trying to sneak into AoE attacks I was doing to get flagged and kill me.

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I take it you're not from Baltimore...


About an hour north of there, actually. Still, it was a bad example. I liked my old example of "if Mike Tyson sneezes on you, then clearly it means you want to go twelve rounds with him in a ring!" but felt it was getting old.

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... customer service told me working as intended.


Could you post this message from the CS rep for us (edited for privacy's sake, of course). Bioware won't even acknowledge bug, exploit, or Working as Intended in any forum on this issue, and the message that I got only offered a non-apology when I asked them to address it, either as a warning to players or as a fix.


The CS who wrote me was somewhat cryptic when I reported the issue, and said: "we cannot provide you any specific information what is being done to stop this from happening since disclosing any information that is not final yet will cause our players to be more upset if it did not happen as you have expected."


A non-answer, to be sure. There's been widespread reporting of how the griefing was done. They could easily test it. Even if that were a problem, they could have at least said it was intended or not intended to work that way.

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Have you ever been on a PvP server and know the joy of defeating a rare Alliance spawn with spambush? I'll assume not, so please do not judge another person's way of life until you have tried it for yourself.


Don't know who that was directed at, but I don't have any beef with PvPers "PvPing it up" at all, on PvP or PvE servers. I actually like watching people duke it out. The thing is though, I do not want them to throw me into PvP when I'm on a non-PvP-focused server. That's like going to see a UFC match and then getting dragged into the ring yourself to fight. I don't care how they PvP, until I get forcibly and completely against my will dragged into it when I have taken steps to avoid it at all costs.

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Could you post this message from the CS rep for us (edited for privacy's sake, of course). Bioware won't even acknowledge bug, exploit, or Working as Intended in any forum on this issue, and the message that I got only offered a non-apology when I asked them to address it, either as a warning to players or as a fix.


The CS who wrote me was somewhat cryptic when I reported the issue, and said: "we cannot provide you any specific information what is being done to stop this from happening since disclosing any information that is not final yet will cause our players to be more upset if it did not happen as you have expected."


A non-answer, to be sure. There's been widespread reporting of how the griefing was done. They could easily test it. Even if that were a problem, they could have at least said it was intended or not intended to work that way.


I *rage-deleted* the email. Almost unsubbed on the spot, but decided to take today off playing the game instead. No rush decisions are ever good. I swear, customer service in this game will make me quit long before anything else will....

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I don't know about griefing but it was a stupid event and I hope the next one is more thought out.


On RP servers it turned one of the few places (Fleets) that people actually interact with each other into deadzones of exploding afk characters.

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Live in the area (for now), and have seen much worse, including South Florida, Baghdad, and Mosul.


Well, great. I"ll tell the Baltimore Chamber of Commerce to change their marketing slogan to "We're Better than Baghdad!"

Edited by amantheil
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Somehow, I knew that the event ending wouldn't stop the complaining.

IF BioWare saw a problem...they could have addressed it at anytime while the event was live. IF there were real issues, they could have hot fixed it.

Neither of these things happened.

I'm sure they saw all 12 versions of this thread. I'm sure they know that a handful of people were unhappy.

But they did not address it or fix a thing.

Why is that?

Because the event was working AS INTENDED.


Just because YOU are unhappy, doesn't mean something is broken or being abused.

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All Bioware had to do is have some Elite Containment Soldiers patrol the Space Station and take out anyone who is infected.... This would of kept the Space Station free of the disease and discourage players from camping on the station and provide a safe zone....


Their other mistake was they should of made the serum free instead of charging 2k credits.....


Pretty simple solution but as usually over looked by Bioware....


GASP, camping the station? perhaps they were there for the same reasons you were. if you do not want the plague then take the vaciene. also, not to mention you have plenty of time to run away from an exploding person.


The Rakghoul event was great, i hope they do more events!!!

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Just because YOU are unhappy, doesn't mean something is broken or being abused.


Sneezing on someone as a way of saying "I'm forcing you to fight me now" on a PvE server (not a PvP server) is pretty off-putting to a good portion of people, as this was something in the past they had to fix with AoEs and stealthed players causing other players to get flagged for PvP unwillingly. Also, using your own logic, because Bioware didn't come right out and say "yeah, exploding on or being exploded on by a flagged player marks you for PvP, as intended" then it's clearly not working as it should, because they have made no mention of the plague flagging other players for PvP combat.

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Sneezing on someone as a way of saying "I'm forcing you to fight me now" on a PvE server (not a PvP server) is pretty off-putting to a good portion of people, as this was something in the past they had to fix with AoEs and stealthed players causing other players to get flagged for PvP unwillingly. Also, using your own logic, because Bioware didn't come right out and say "yeah, exploding on or being exploded on by a flagged player marks you for PvP, as intended" then it's clearly not working as it should, because they have made no mention of the plague flagging other players for PvP combat.


once again you can run away from a player that is going to explode. this kinda nullifies your issue dont you think? or you can take the vaceine.

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Sneezing on someone as a way of saying "I'm forcing you to fight me now" on a PvE server (not a PvP server) is pretty off-putting to a good portion of people, as this was something in the past they had to fix with AoEs and stealthed players causing other players to get flagged for PvP unwillingly. Also, using your own logic, because Bioware didn't come right out and say "yeah, exploding on or being exploded on by a flagged player marks you for PvP, as intended" then it's clearly not working as it should, because they have made no mention of the plague flagging other players for PvP combat.


You were provided options to not participate. Via the vaccine or via simply running away. Exploding people are rooted in place, they can't chase you.


If it were broken, they could have simply hot fixed it during regular down time. The fact that it was not fixed tells me...that yes...it worked as it should have.

Again, just because you didn't like it...didn't mean it was unintended.

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Okay, let's try to clear some things up that people still can't seem to quite catch on to:


1: Being flagged for PvP on a PvE server when you didn't want to is bad. Everyone agrees on this.

2: Being flagged for PvP because you infected someone else, or they infected you, should be regarded as a bug. Virtually everyone agrees on this.

3: Being corpse camped (ie: camping the nearest med station) is poor sportsmanship. The majority of people agree on this, and those who don't are pretty hardcore PvPers and not really relevant in this primarily PvE discussion.

4: Bioware intended players to spread the Rakghoul Plague from one player to another. Virtually everyone agrees on this.

5: Spreading the Rakghoul Plague to another player is griefing. Pretty much only the OP is claiming this.


So, while I support giving more visibility to the PvP flagging issue, it's really already been sorted out. I don't think anyone is fighting about this. Nor do the majority believe that corpse camping is cool.


So... what are we arguing about?


Is it less agreeable among the people to say that since the plague lasted through death, the vaccine should have as well?

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People clamor for immersion, for a living breathing game world, and when we get one where there is actually an element of danger, that our precious few moments of gaming time could be affected and we have to react to a world event we get people complaining.
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People clamor for immersion, for a living breathing game world, and when we get one where there is actually an element of danger, that our precious few moments of gaming time could be affected and we have to react to a world event we get people complaining.


What immersion?


You really think that the governments would have allowed people to leave Tatooine? You really think it wouldn't have been better contained on the fleet? You call that immersion? Real immersion would have been squads of really big guys (not 3 hit dead guys from my SAGE healer) coming after you to keep you from entering the general population.


It could have been much better. But for a first event, it was to be expected. But don't pull the immersion bull, because so many things about it were way off, story wise.


Edit: Any government would have shot down ANY ship suspected of having the plague aboard. Especially with what they said on the news. A true quarantine, you would have never been able to leave the planet. They would have shot you down on sight. If it had done that, then you would have a lot less QQ... and immersion would not be broken.

Edited by Roccobb
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All Bioware had to do is have some Elite Containment Soldiers patrol the Space Station and take out anyone who is infected.... This would of kept the Space Station free of the disease and discourage players from camping on the station and provide a safe zone....


Their other mistake was they should of made the serum free instead of charging 2k credits.....


Pretty simple solution but as usually over looked by Bioware....


Overlooked? It was the point of the event. To be immune you had to dig into your pocket. 2k...big wow.

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All Bioware had to do is have some Elite Containment Soldiers patrol the Space Station and take out anyone who is infected.... This would of kept the Space Station free of the disease and discourage players from camping on the station and provide a safe zone....


Their other mistake was they should of made the serum free instead of charging 2k credits.....


Pretty simple solution but as usually over looked by Bioware....



Part about Elite patroling the fleet seems pretty good.

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