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Future 3D Space Combat


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I dunno...I remember SWG's space controls being very difficult to manage without a joystick attachment, and although there were many freedoms, orientation was weird as all get out, and I mostly only used spaceports or lightspeed to avoid it, unless absolutely necessary. I actually breathed a sigh of relief when I saw SWTOR's space combat was so linear.
actually, the controls of space were extremely simple. the mouse controlled which direction you went, and there were 2 buttons for yaw and pitch. i used a simple 2 button mouse and i was an ace pilot on 2 characters. maybe mmos are not for you?
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Also at gamescom they didnt say they had a team working on some "super secret 3d space thing."


They said they had a whole team that had been working for months on the upcoming HARD MODE SPACE MISSIONS. That was it.


That they were releasing space missions designed for characters who were 50 and had their ships fully upgraded. They didnt say anything about any new systems.

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I loved the space combat now. I should think that a complete overhaul would be too much, since I too also know a lot of people who love the current level. To me some of the things they should look into though is Flashpoints and Ops for space combat, enabling multiple players seeking to destroy large targets, bombarding planets, etc...


I too am looking forward to what they will implement in space combat, since to me it is a nice drop in and drop out feature considering my schedule, set my companions off to do some crafting or missions and then do a space battle or 4 before they return.

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I loved the space combat now. I should think that a complete overhaul would be too much, since I too also know a lot of people who love the current level. To me some of the things they should look into though is Flashpoints and Ops for space combat, enabling multiple players seeking to destroy large targets, bombarding planets, etc...


I too am looking forward to what they will implement in space combat, since to me it is a nice drop in and drop out feature considering my schedule, set my companions off to do some crafting or missions and then do a space battle or 4 before they return.


The current one wouldnt be so bad with some major tweaks.


1) tie it into the story


3) make it harder, I hardly have to move or dodge or do anything, just have to have upgrades and hold down left click.

4)Bosses. Maybe a huge boss ship flies in, camera changes a bit, you get to fly around this bad boy and help your team take it out!

5) PvP


Pretty much right now its single player starfox and boring.

Edited by Chiltonium
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The current one wouldnt be so bad with some major tweaks.


1) tie it into the story


3) make it harder, I hardly have to move or dodge or do anything, just have to have upgrades and hold down left click.

4)Bosses. Maybe a huge boss ship flies in, camera changes a bit, you get to fly around this bad boy and help your team take it out!

5) PvP


Pretty much right now its single player starfox and boring.


1) tieing it to story would be nice but not sure how repeatability would be.

2) not sure how well this would work with he current way the system works.

3)making it harder would be nice as long as the rewards were just as nice maybe have some nice ship upgrade drops or schematics drops

4) They have a few bosses that fly in if you can call them that though they are rather easy once you get fully upgraded.

5)again same as 2 not sure if that would work on the current system.


I enjoy space mission now and then though it would be cool if they did it like battle star Galatica online does it.. just with out the mining. :rak_03:

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I dunno...I remember SWG's space controls being very difficult to manage without a joystick attachment, and although there were many freedoms, orientation was weird as all get out, and I mostly only used spaceports or lightspeed to avoid it, unless absolutely necessary. I actually breathed a sigh of relief when I saw SWTOR's space combat was so linear.


Are you sure you are remembering the right game?

Perhaps you never adjusted the controls to suit you?


Mouse control was IMO far superior to joystick in JTL, much more precise.

Not to mention the simplest form of control, anything but "difficult to manage".

If you had problems with the controls in JTL, then you must also find games like 'skyrim' hard to play.


Now if you were a just plain 'bad pilot' and trying to fly say a Firespray, or better yet a B-wing, against a group of T5 droid fighters without the skill to make those ships work. Then, sure it could be tough.

That had nothing to do with the controls though.


There is nearly no difference in terms of mouse control between the rail shooter and the way JTL was, except that JTL's mouse control was fully customizable.

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I loved the space combat now. I should think that a complete overhaul would be too much, since I too also know a lot of people who love the current level. To me some of the things they should look into though is Flashpoints and Ops for space combat, enabling multiple players seeking to destroy large targets, bombarding planets, etc...


I too am looking forward to what they will implement in space combat, since to me it is a nice drop in and drop out feature considering my schedule, set my companions off to do some crafting or missions and then do a space battle or 4 before they return.



Yeah the current one is fine........... if basically you never play it. :D




Star Fox was a console game from 1993, and in its time it was cutting edge and great (although more for its "3D" graphics than gameplay to be fair (its gameplay was basically

from 1982 :eek:)).


However 2012 is NOT its time, games have move on faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar beyond Star Fox.


As a mini-game it is ok, but SWTOR deserves much, much more from "space" than just that. :csw_yoda:

Edited by Goretzu
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  • 1 month later...

They mentioned that they're still working on it during the meet and greet in Austin last week. Answers were predictably vauge with new info coming out "soon'ish". and that "[they] think we're going to like it"




Edit: listening to the audio feed again: additions to the space game that are coming "soon" are probably referring to the new space missions mentioned at E3. However, they also hinted at something else coming down the line after that, which i assume is the SSSP.


Also, there was some dude named "Ross" that apparently has info on the space game that we're not supposed to know about. Mysterious.


I speculate that if they really have a super secret space expansion in the works, they'll probably announce it shortly after releasing 1.6 which is approximately the one year anniversary of the game.

Edited by Nethgilne
Correcting misinformation
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  • 3 months later...

I feel it is my duty to state.


X-Wing from the DOS days updated graphics and added as the "Space Combat" would kick ***. Just shift around the the faction names from the old to the new, for the story and it would fit perfectly. Through in a fur-ball Warzone to satisfy the PvP crowd where the players just wipe each other out. Not that this would add a few years to the production of a patch, but if it is good and it lasts, you will have won the heart of so many more Star Wars fans. I would play SW:ToR for that alone.

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I don't think its a good idea.


1.) It takes lots of resources which could be used in better ways

2.) 3D space combat is a complete different game. I don't see the benefit for TOR

3.) Only a small number of players will be interested in such a feature. 3D space combat is much too difficult for most of the players.


Most requested feature in their polls and you say only a small number of players will be interested in it...


Longest running consecutive thread on the forums (until it finally got deleted in its 27th or 28th iteration) and you say only a small number of players will be interested in it...


im sure you are completely unbiased and not at all influenced by the fact that YOU dont care about it...

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Most requested feature in their polls and you say only a small number of players will be interested in it...


Longest running consecutive thread on the forums (until it finally got deleted in its 27th or 28th iteration) and you say only a small number of players will be interested in it...


im sure you are completely unbiased and not at all influenced by the fact that YOU dont care about it...


Actually.. looking at how it went in SWG.. it was fun for the people who enjoyed it, but what it created was a game within a game. And, for SWG at least, it made the empty planets even more empty. Now, that last bit isn't much of a problem for TOR and how it works and manages populations, but there are risks to it, even if it is the most requested feature (which is, for many people, also because it would basicly be a new game within a game they hope to get for free).

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Actually.. looking at how it went in SWG.. it was fun for the people who enjoyed it, but what it created was a game within a game. And, for SWG at least, it made the empty planets even more empty. Now, that last bit isn't much of a problem for TOR and how it works and manages populations, but there are risks to it, even if it is the most requested feature (which is, for many people, also because it would basicly be a new game within a game they hope to get for free).


Considering how few people actually played SWG i dont think that is a good example.

It will be a game-within-a-game but so is PvP. I know plenty of people who only play warzones and barely play "the game" any longer than the first starter planet.

Doesnt mean we have empty planets...

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Are you sure you are remembering the right game?

Perhaps you never adjusted the controls to suit you?


Mouse control was IMO far superior to joystick in JTL, much more precise.

Not to mention the simplest form of control, anything but "difficult to manage".

If you had problems with the controls in JTL, then you must also find games like 'skyrim' hard to play.


Now if you were a just plain 'bad pilot' and trying to fly say a Firespray, or better yet a B-wing, against a group of T5 droid fighters without the skill to make those ships work. Then, sure it could be tough.

That had nothing to do with the controls though.


There is nearly no difference in terms of mouse control between the rail shooter and the way JTL was, except that JTL's mouse control was fully customizable.



I spent many joy filled hours killing T5 driod fighters. Nothing like having 5 of them on your 6.

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  • 2 months later...
I can already picture all the complaining when they decide to implement it


"Why are they taking so long to finish it?!"


"Why is it so difficult?!"


"Why is the difference between a well geared and a "normal" starfighter so huge?!"


"Why did they spend time creating this when they should have fixed bugs?!"


"Where's capital ship combat?!"


Man you called that one.

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I'm confused, did they announce something real about space combat? Other than this mickey-mouse......a term now massively ironic....track games?


Here is what was said in the Livestream event. You can judge for yourself.


Q: SSSP – Super Secret Space Project?

A: We never should have talked about it. Now it just sounds we are mean to you guys by not talking about it. Let me think about it before the meet and greet in 3 days. Let me see if I can give you something about it. Yes it exists and it is something we are doing specifically based on your feedback.


SWTOR Patch 2.2 developer livestream notes

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I saw this on Google news and its got me REALLY interested!




For anyone who hasn't read it, basically SWTOR's "Lead Designer has told NowGamer that "the next iteration of space is the single thing" he's most excited about across all of SWTOR's incoming new features."


The article also mentions how 3D space combat came out on top on the poll Bioware gave a few weeks back out of a list of features we want in the future.


Could this mean 3D space combat is in the future for SWTOR?


Nintendo announcing back catalog of games coming to Wii U on virtual console WOULD get me really interested. Looking forward to playing my old friend Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader again.


The news of 3d space battles, my expectations are set so low THAT I'd be amazed if this 3d space battles stuff isn't going to be the exact same space missions we currently have, except random junk flies at your face and off the screen from time to time. A laser bolt or asteroid at your direction every now and then.


Because that's all 3d actually is, giving a developer or filmmaker the opportunity to punch you in the face. Hurling objects into your eyes and tricking your brain that you're getting punched is the closest they can get.

Edited by Falensawino
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I will give my account for free if it exists , contains 12 55 chars with 60m+ on account . As you can see i'm a fanboy but no it doesnt exist and it will never. We won't see a good 3d space combat till next sw mmo unfortunately. They started selling lore missions via cartel market , i don't think we will get any new amazing stuff other then recoloured s**t once every 2 months . So milk who is left, invest in 3d space ? Noway
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