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Yup i'm done healing.


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Yea after a op in HM Denova, I decided it's time to reroll all my healers to DPS. Healing in this game is just flat out broken, boring, and unfun. I play a game to have fun and right now healing does not bring any fun to me.


Game = Fun, enjoyment, and engaging

Healing in SWTOR isn't what I'm looking for in a game.


Considering I see a lot of guilds on my server come to a full halt due to lack of healers. I guess I'm not the only one who feels this way. Good job bioware.

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It's really not about whether people can heal. Honestly, I think it's possible to heal just about anything in the game still - with any class - although it's much harder for some than others.


If you read the OP again though, you'll notice that what he said was that it was just no fun and boring playing healers now. EVen if we can heal stuff, why would we want to, when it's a frustrating, dull play-style with tool-sets that seem to work against you rather than for you?


I can fully sympathise with this point of view.



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Even if we can heal stuff, why would we want to, when it's a frustrating, dull play-style with tool-sets that seem to work against you rather than for you?


I can fully sympathise with this point of view.

exactly. for most of us, this is a game.


being a challenge is a good part of a game, or else it's boring - but when the challenge is created by adjusting the numbers so that they're harder, rather than making the actual game play harder (more difficult / complex rotation, more tasks to perform, etc).


picking dog poop left by my 2 large dogs is difficult and challenging. it doesn't make it fun.


as is, healing has been made boring, at least for a BH. I don't know any BH healer who's still playing one. they've either quit the game completely, or gone on to another class/role.

Edited by oredith
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As an operative healer I love healing in this game. The challenge in the new raid instance is sufficient, especially since it's hardmode and not the final difficulty.


Cannot comment on merc healing. Never healed together with a merc in any operation... and no, that has nothing to do with this patch, never healed together with a merc during my entire time in this game.

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Merc healing is awful, no effective AoE heals for OPs (kolto missile only targets a max of 4 ppl for barely 2k crit heal at best). Compare with sith sorc's healing bubble. And let's not get started on PvP, while DPS can hit in excess of 6-7k crit, healers are lucky to hit 4k crit. And merc's big heals are all channelled so against any opponent with an interrupt (plus the stun that almost all classes have), you're screwed before you can even try to defend yourself against OP dps, where you would presumably die futilely despite your full Bmaster.


BW sucks at balancing roles in PvP. They just lick DPSs' shoes.

Edited by Adellion
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My guild gives me a lot of freedom and lets me bring whatever healer I think I can do the best with. I have all three healing classes, so I know what it's like being in another persons shoes. After playing HM EC, it was just very discouraging playing a healer, I was telling my friend that during our HM attempts it was the first time I flat out did not want to be a healer. I also agree with the above poster, operative/sorc healers have the best chance for HM EC but a merc can't keep up.


The entire time(prior 1.2), I had so much fun with all three healing classes while leveling them up. I learned and enjoyed seeing how each one works in ops and FP's. It was pretty fun until all these nerfs happened, I tried to tell myself I would adjust but it flat out became unfun and stressful. Why should a game make me feel stressed out and discouraged for playing a role that you enjoyed?


Oh well, I'm leveling a marauder now and i'm level 48. So far I'm having a blast and the enjoyment of the game has surged once I made the switch to full DPS. Too bad about 97% of the server are also DPS and you can get a group.


A sad day indeed.

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Playing a sorc-healer in 1.2 is absolutely no fun. I unsubbed after testing the new playstyle (and it's nothing else than that) for the sorc-healer on the PTR. We gave the feedback, that it will be an annoying way to play the class, we predicted that PVP would turn-out to be an zerg-rush... No Dev cared.


They're getting the customers comeuppance now: mass-unsubbing. My sub ended 4days ago and since then a dozen other players I used to play with canceled their sub. Even the strategic quite clever choosen due-date for the free month playtime, exactely a few day AFTER you would have had to resub for another month, couldn't change their and mine decision.

I still follow the patchnotes and the forum, because I really liked the game (Star Wars fan) and still got hopes that they will realize their mistakes and change something - but I loose my faith for that...


If they had nerfed the totally overpowered AOE-heal of the sorcs and fixed the double-dipping bug every reasonable sorc-healer would have agreed that it had to be done.

But changing the playstyle-experience to the point that, as a sorc, you're now a bubble, hot and AOE spamming autobot, with no emergeny heal capabilities, which main source of healing in every fu**ing fight is the AOE-heal is just ridiculous.


Instead of making the fights challenging for healers, by quick changing dmg-targets and/or dispell mechanics, etc... everything now is about counter-heal all the AOE-dmg the bosses are dealing right now.

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Yup, unsubbed, uninstalled and I refuse to play a game that simply frustrates me. It's one thing to nerf us a bit, I'd live with that, but making our class into "chess on coffee" or whatever is NOT fun. You try and do some burst healing, cos people are dropping fast and bam! you are either about to lose all ammo if you continue or you wait for the stupid cooldowns and watch your raid drop even lower or start dying.

This is not fun. There is no flow, there's no challenge. There's just waiting for the cooldowns.


I still can't comprehend why Commando Medics got this nerf. We were shouting "THIS IS A BAD IDEA" since the patch notes showed up. Clearly there is 0 brain storming at Bioware because all I see is *** kissing. Somebody was afraid to say "this is a bad idea" to the manager or whatever and now we have this.

Unless the whole group thought that it was a good idea in which case I don't want to ever have anything to do with a game developed by monkeys. This is an example of bad development and I see so many bad choices being made by the devs that I simply got tired of it.

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I'm not ready to give up yet but I am moving on. I'll hit 50 tonight with my sage...tomorrow I'm rolling a DPS toon. Maybe by the time he's 50 (I'm a casual gamer) they'll have "adjusted" my seer sage. 1.2 was a bit too much for my poor sage...and I was a bad healer before!!! Edited by MetalHed
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I'm assuming you guys have never played a healer in SW:G... If you did, you'd be applauding the healing engine in this game.


I played a Doctor in the original version of SWG, not the NGE or whatever.


To level up Doctor skills I literally would sit in the hospital and people who had died would stop in after coming from the cloning center. I would then heal their wounds (permanent HP and mana reductions that increase slowly with damage and a huge increase on death) so they could go back out and play.


There was no end-game or raids in SWG at the time. None in WoW either as that was before the MC patch (I played both at the same time).


SWG was a different game than this. SWG failed when it tried to become more like WoW.


SWTOR is far more like WoW than SWG was (pre-NGE, never played after). If you are going to compare healing mechanics, compare it to a relevant game. SWTOR healing mechanics are very similar to WoW's at the release of Burning Crusade in 2007.

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All of the healing nerfs are result of PvP, I'm pretty convinced of that.


People QQ because they can't kill a healer when there's 3-4 of them in a WZ. Guess what, focus fire. 4 DPS > 4 Heals, this is a really dumb POV and someone will say but...but...Guard! All I have to say about guard in PvP is that it's currently ruining the healing mechanics on that side of the game. If you don't have a guard you're boned, if you do (and the tank is taunting off you) you're unstoppable. Tanks are damn near too viable in the PvP environment to the extent that DPS is over inflated to deal with guards/taunts and healing is lackluster for the same reasons.


Tanks are going to roll in here and go "But we won't be viable!".


Please. Tanks are some of the strongest 1v1 specs in the game, you have three major DMG reduction CDs, tons of EHP, and most of the game types are objective based, meaning controlling an area/ball/turret is the way to win.


Once you factor in Trauma and MS you're literally healing for HALF what you would in a PvE environment. Nobody else has to deal with this kind of ridiculousness, and frankly PvE healing isn't overly strong. My Overall HPS is scarily similar to DPS of the best raiders. I tend to heal for ~1500-1700 HPS or so on Hardmodes. DPS are breaking the 1300-1400 mark relatively easily on most fights. How the hell can you cut 1500 HPS in HALF and call that balanced?


I'm an Operative healer and I did fine before the patch (clearing all NM content) and I'll do fine after the patch (cleared Story, working on HM). I'm actually a little beefier than before. Sorc/Sage was a bit over the top, and everyone knew it. I'm still trying to figure out why they nerfed Merc/Commando (bet it was PVP since they were easily the most durable healer).


Healing in this game is very different from other MMOs because the game expects you to heal like you would DPS, which is in short bursts, or a steady stream, neither of which are a good mirror to the mechanics present in the raid.


Still, at the end of the day I can play well enough to push my gang through any content out there, so I don't think there is anything wrong on the Operative side of PvE healing, but I have read/heard first hand that Mercs now are really really close to useless, which is a shame, really. We're going to take one to HM this week and he'll be parsing so we'll so what kind of HPS he throws out.


Ways to Fix PvE:

- Stop nerfing healers for PvP purposes

- Stop creating fights where it's possible to gib players randomly. (Kephess)

- Stop making the difference between HM and Story healing needed.

- Give healers some interesting heals, besides Single Target + a Hot and a group heal with extremely short range.

- Differentiate the healers so they actually bring unique values to the group. Currently most HPS = Best healer. Where are the mitigation type CDs? Where are the CDs at all? Where is pain suppression? Where the hell is the game for us Bioware? It's seriously ridiculous that the only CD I have is a Relic and Adrenaline Rush.


In case you haven't noticed the difference between NM and HM and Story mode is basically a little bit of DPS and a whole metric boat load of healing. I'd say the difference in healing neccesary is roughly 25%. This is a very large difference, especially when I've rarely ever seen a boss go into Enrage, even on HM.


Ways to Fix PvP

- Get rid of Resolve and put in diminishing returns. Resolve is the worst system I've ever seen in an MMO. The mentality: "You're stunned for 10 seconds, but then you're immune for 10 seconds (or however long it is)!"


Bioware you're dead if you're stunned for 10 seconds. You made the game, how can this be considered a valid mechanic? Diminishing returns is in every other game for a reason, it works.


And being able to perma root and snare people? Yeah, that's fun.


- Keep Expertise. Take off the % DMG bonus. Allow it to give a nice health bonus, and make the PvP set bonuses much more relevant to competitive play.


- Get rid of Trauma.


- Reduce effectiveness of guard by ~15%.


- Reduce effectiveness of Taunts.


Trust me tanks, you'll have a lot more fun if you can actually stay alive when we're trying to heal you.



Did I miss anything?


Oh yeah,


- 6 sec CD interrupts with a 3 second lockout, but if they take Trauma out.


Just my rather long laundry list of things I'd fix. I've been playing since Beta as a healer. I've cleared all PvE content except for the last boss in the EC HM and am Valor 61 from back before Ilum was free Battlemaster in a week. I've played about every aspect of the game and feel that of the three roles healers are definitely being pushed aside in favor of a DPS/CC centric mentality. If we want to play that then we'll go play guildwars 2.

Edited by Sireene
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- Keep Expertise. Take off the % DMG bonus. Allow it to give a nice health bonus, and make the PvP set bonuses much more relevant to competitive play.


- Get rid of Trauma.


Did I miss anything?



Don't keep expertise, ditch it entirely.


Use either flagged mods/armoring so that only PvP gear counts in PvP, or use complete stat normalization in WZs.


PvP should be about skill, not who has the better gear. If you just want to slaughter people due to gear imbalance, go to Alderaan on a PvP server and grief people.


Don't ditch Trauma Debuff, make it class dependent and use it to tune the DPS, HPS, and mitigation of various ACs.

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After much testing, it is still possible to heal on Trooper, but now I simply love trying to heal with no ammo. I will still play TOR, because on a the whole the game is pretty nice, but I've changed over to DPS. And I agree with people that say the nerfs were not well thought out. I'm not really getting the feeling that the devs take much consideration to what is being said on the forums. Responding to forums posts and actually taking in and digesting forum posts are two very different concepts. Heck, at least the Star Trek Online devs actually adjusted the game from time to time based on player feedback.
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After much testing, it is still possible to heal on Trooper, but now I simply love trying to heal with no ammo. I will still play TOR, because on a the whole the game is pretty nice, but I've changed over to DPS. And I agree with people that say the nerfs were not well thought out. I'm not really getting the feeling that the devs take much consideration to what is being said on the forums. Responding to forums posts and actually taking in and digesting forum posts are two very different concepts. Heck, at least the Star Trek Online devs actually adjusted the game from time to time based on player feedback.

my perception of the game devs for SWTOR is that We, the players, are allowed to play THEIR game, at their pleasure.


at least as far as healing is concerned, they don't seem to care a lick about what the community has to say about it. They have their metrics, and anyone who doesn't agree with it, can go play something else (which is what a lot of people are choosing to do).

Edited by oredith
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I'm assuming you guys have never played a healer in SW:G... If you did, you'd be applauding the healing engine in this game.


SW:G didn't have healing..... it had medic packs....


True there was a Medic / Combat Medic Class....


But cmon you and I both know those were not true healing classes rofl.:p


28 Holocrons to unlock my Jedi!!!!!! :mad:

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All of the healing nerfs are result of PvP, I'm pretty convinced of that.

A laughable presumption considering we were explicitly told that the healing nerfs were done in response to raids being too easy.


People QQ because they can't kill a healer when there's 3-4 of them in a WZ. Guess what, focus fire. 4 DPS > 4 Heals, this is a really dumb POV and someone will say but...but...Guard! All I have to say about guard in PvP is that it's currently ruining the healing mechanics on that side of the game. If you don't have a guard you're boned, if you do (and the tank is taunting off you) you're unstoppable. Tanks are damn near too viable in the PvP environment to the extent that DPS is over inflated to deal with guards/taunts and healing is lackluster for the same reasons.

Ah, good old "complaining about tanks" posts. I haven't seen any since Warhammer. How I've missed the inflated sense of self worth and unspoken condescension.


Tanks are going to roll in here and go "But we won't be viable!".


Please. Tanks are some of the strongest 1v1 specs in the game, you have three major DMG reduction CDs, tons of EHP, and most of the game types are objective based, meaning controlling an area/ball/turret is the way to win.

Being good at 1v1 is not a viable role for any class in a team based PvP environment and advocating such pigeonholing makes you an utter pillock. Furthermore your knowledge of the tools the different tanking specs have is pathetically inadequate. I challenge you to name these 3 damage reduction CDs you think all tanks get.


Once you factor in Trauma and MS you're literally healing for HALF what you would in a PvE environment. Nobody else has to deal with this kind of ridiculousness, and frankly PvE healing isn't overly strong. My Overall HPS is scarily similar to DPS of the best raiders. I tend to heal for ~1500-1700 HPS or so on Hardmodes. DPS are breaking the 1300-1400 mark relatively easily on most fights. How the hell can you cut 1500 HPS in HALF and call that balanced?

Easily. DPS and HPS are effectively meaningless terms in PvP. So referencing them in this context is flawed. What matters is burst, for both damage and healing.


Pre-1.2 healers had a large advantage in that department since they have very little to no ramp up on their burst heals, and what little they do can trivially be triggered before the fight, whereas many dps specs need several seconds to ramp up to their burst. That is a significant advantage.


Or was until they decided that burst healing shouldn't exist, which was stupid as all hell. The complete castration of burst healing is the main issue for healers in 1.2, not HPS.


Ways to Fix PvP

- Get rid of Resolve and put in diminishing returns. Resolve is the worst system I've ever seen in an MMO. The mentality: "You're stunned for 10 seconds, but then you're immune for 10 seconds (or however long it is)!"


Bioware you're dead if you're stunned for 10 seconds. You made the game, how can this be considered a valid mechanic? Diminishing returns is in every other game for a reason, it works.

You obviously have no idea how resolve works. Go read Taugrims guide or something. What needs to be fixed are the display issues surrounding other forums of CC immunity like Force Shroud, Unstoppable, and Entrench.


Keep Expertise. Take off the % DMG bonus. Allow it to give a nice health bonus, and make the PvP set bonuses much more relevant to competitive play.

No. Apart from the soft cap issues Expertise was fine pre-1.2. If anything it should return that that model.


- Get rid of Trauma.


- Reduce effectiveness of guard by ~15%.


- Reduce effectiveness of Taunts.

No, no, and no. Without Trauma heals are too powerful for their opportunity cost when compared to damage, see what I said about ramp up time earlier. Nerfing Guard and Taunt does nothing but dilute the already weak differences between tanks and dps specs.


I've played about every aspect of the game and feel that of the three roles healers are definitely being pushed aside in favor of a DPS/CC centric mentality.

I can almost agree with you here. Healers still have an important part to play in PvP. But post-1.2 I don't consider a solitary healer viable. You need the support of a dedicated tank and/or another healer to prosper, and even then it can be an iffy proposition.


Basically, 1.1.5 PvP was largely balanced with a few outliers. They should return to that instead of following the hamfisted nerfs and buffs of 1.2 with even more hamfisted, reactionary adjustments like you're proposing

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my perception of the game devs for SWTOR is that We, the players, are allowed to play THEIR game, at their pleasure.


at least as far as healing is concerned, they don't seem to care a lick about what the community has to say about it. They have their metrics, and anyone who doesn't agree with it, can go play something else (which is what a lot of people are choosing to do).


yyyuuupppp. Most of my guild have pre-ordered D3 and GW2. They still plan to dabble in TOR, but with a game as shaky as this and other options opening up, it'll be interesting to see what happens. Le sigh....I think I need to take a 10 year vacation from MMO's and come once the next generation (of MMO) comes around.


"Kids, back in my day we only had a handful of MMO's to play. In the 20 or so first years of MMO's, it was known as the beta era! Even games that had been out for years were still being worked on!"


*grandchildren gasp in fear, little Timmy starts crying*


"Grandpa, today in history class we learned about lag, and how players used to stay awake ALL night on one raid trying to complete it!" "......grandpa?"


*grandpa zones out as he disappears into the void of his mind pondering so many memories*

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*grandchildren gasp in fear, little Timmy starts crying*


"Grandpa, today in history class we learned about lag, and how players used to stay awake ALL night on one raid trying to complete it!" "......grandpa?"


*wipes tear from eye*


{shaking his fist at the heavens}: Ohhhhh.... the Humanity!!!!





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A laughable presumption considering we were explicitly told that the healing nerfs were done in response to raids being too easy.


Unless you're referring specifically to combat medics and their ammo usage, please provide a link showing what dev posted this and when.


Ah, good old "complaining about tanks" posts. I haven't seen any since Warhammer. How I've missed the inflated sense of self worth and unspoken condescension.


He wasn't complaining about tanks. As a healer, he loves them. They're simply TOO useful. They made healers go from near-unkillable to completely unkillable pre-1.2. Now, they make healers go from free kills to somewhat difficult to kill.



Being good at 1v1 is not a viable role for any class in a team based PvP environment and advocating such pigeonholing makes you an utter pillock. Furthermore your knowledge of the tools the different tanking specs have is pathetically inadequate. I challenge you to name these 3 damage reduction CDs you think all tanks get.


He wasn't wanting to pigeonhole anyone. They're fantastic on their own and if you read what he said earlier, they're just too good when paired with other players. Either way, his post wasn't meant to QQ on tanks. He was simply stating that "tanking in pvp" exacerbates the issue of healers being unkillable.


You honestly think that a healer and a tank going head-to-head with 6 people is balanced? It wasn't balanced, which is why it was changed. Unfortunately, healers are the ones that got the nerf because people whined about them.



Easily. DPS and HPS are effectively meaningless terms in PvP. So referencing them in this context is flawed. What matters is burst, for both damage and healing.


Sorry, but throughput is throughput. 1500 DPS is still 1500 DPS, but when you take 1500 HPS and turn it into 750 HPS, how is that balanced? Healers don't have "burst" in case you missed the memo. We heal in a (relatively) steady stream even including our "oh ****" buttons, and DPS players have their insane amounts of burst that levels out to 1500 dps. How are we supposed to keep up with that? Zergfests where DPS is king is not a good game design, pal.


You obviously have no idea how resolve works. Go read Taugrims guide or something. What needs to be fixed are the display issues surrounding other forums of CC immunity like Force Shroud, Unstoppable, and Entrench.


As if resolve was hard to understand in the first place. He posted a simple "in a nutshell" explanation and you ripped it apart. Sorry, but simplification is sometimes best, especially when you're trying to get a point across. That's not even the point of what he said: if you're stunned long enough for your resolve bar to fill up, you're either already dead or at a point where you'll never recover. With the overabundance of CC in this game, this system needs to be adjusted.


No. Apart from the soft cap issues Expertise was fine pre-1.2. If anything it should return that that model.


Yes. Revert to pre-1.2 values. Maybe you're not totally clueless.


No, no, and no. Without Trauma heals are too powerful for their opportunity cost when compared to damage, see what I said about ramp up time earlier. Nerfing Guard and Taunt does nothing but dilute the already weak differences between tanks and dps specs.


As a combat medic in Columi/Rakata gear, some of my largest crits are for 5.5k. In recruit gear, I'm lucky to get a heal over 3.5k in pvp combat. When dps can hit me for a much larger portion of my health in a much shorter amount of time, how is that balanced? Penalizing healers just for playing as a healer is not cool.


I can almost agree with you here. Healers still have an important part to play in PvP. But post-1.2 I don't consider a solitary healer viable. You need the support of a dedicated tank and/or another healer to prosper, and even then it can be an iffy proposition.


Yes. Healers are not viable in PvP combat at this point in the game. I wish it were different, but that is the point we are trying to get across.


Basically, 1.1.5 PvP was largely balanced with a few outliers. They should return to that instead of following the hamfisted nerfs and buffs of 1.2 with even more hamfisted, reactionary adjustments like you're proposing


Basically. If they were to revert to pre-1.2 PvP, guard / taunt WOULD need to be adjusted. I don't want to be an unstoppable juggernaut of a healer if I were to run around as a tank / healer combo again. 50% transfer is just to good, make the split 65/35% (or in that area) and reduce taunt to 20-25% reduction. I say again, healer / tank combo was just ridiculously good and there is no denying it. This is coming from a healer.


In fact, post-1.2, those minor nerfs to pvp tanking would make things MUCH more balanced.

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I am a Sorcerer healer, and I heal Hardmode Denova for my guild, together with a Mercenary Healer.

I've yet to kill the first boss, but have had low percentage tries where the boss randomly resets.


From my point of view Sorcerer heals are fine, when mixed with a Merc in a operation environment, but a double sorc or sorc/operative combo makes Sorcerers overpowered. I have never healed together with an Operative healer, but the 2nd raid group of my guild runs Hardmode EV/KP with Merc/Operative healing setup. Speaking with the mercenary of group 2, she tells me healing together with an operative is a dream.


My group(Sorc/Merc), usually end up with Sorc at 60-70% healing done, merc the rest. This is unacceptable in my eyes, I work my *** off to be able to heal the Zorn & Toth HM fight, but it's doable. While I can keep the tank on Toth when he's Berserk steady at his current % of hp, during the whole Bereserk, I see the Mercenary healer is having trouble keeping the 2nd tank alive on any stage of the fight, making me have to help him heal. When fighting Zorn & Toth, healers can keep resource pool relativly good, unless someone unintentionally gets Fearful or run too close during the tankswitch(it's going a bit slow still for us. so both bosses will usually do an AoE while being too close to eachother).


When I hear the Mercenary say he's overheated or struggling, I end up healing that much more, draining me of Force. This is usually not a problem though, tactics have been finalized and raid damage has been decreased by insane amounts.


I feel that the Sorcerer AoE(usually about 23% of my healing done) is a bit strong. I suggest that this gets looked at, and possibly gets reduced healing output, I am not talking large numbers here, I am talking by maybe ~7-10%(?), and accordingly buff Mercenaries healing output. I can't speak for Operatives, as my 50 Operative hasn't healed anything else then KuS HM(in none purple gear, mind you). Seing as most Operatives overheal alot due to their hots(?), they might want to look at the other heals the operatives have?


I have trouble getting reliable healers, and I stick to what I have, a Mercenary and my self. I don't like the idea of kicking my co-healer because every other healing class exceeds him. Either give Mercenaries a buff to be able to put out equal HPS/Total healing as sorcerers/Operatives, or make the healers meet midway.


If healers are going to meet midway, you have a lot to do with the sorcerer to make it a better single target healer, because Dark Heal is healing too little and Dark Infusion is too long cast. Resurgeance I believe to be ok, Innervate is good. Revivification a bit too good. I have 1 real cooldown as a Sorcerer and that's Recklesness, I use this in conjunction with Triage Adrenal, but rarely get to use it in Operations, because if I have need of it, it's usually already too late.


Now, I also PvP a bit on my Sorcerer(Valor: 78), and I can see the dilema the Devs have with balancing PvE/PvP healing. I have a feeling that PvP healing as it is at the moment is fine, a couple of small exception to Dark Infusion having an insane cast time and 1 Damage Dealers currently being able to keep a healer too occupied healing him self(since 1.2 I've had matches with 600k healing done, where I am quite sure 500k of that went on self healing).


There are still a few abilities that don't add to resolve, or gets applied at max resolve, that are a pain in the butt. if there was a way to make Resolve make the effectiveness of CC reduced th e higher it gets, and negate all CC when at max that would be a good way of doing it imo. Also Interrupts should be included in Resolve, say 1 interrup adds 10% Resolve, that would be great. Another way is to make Interrupts lock out abilities in that class for a amount of time, and that together with effectivness of CC/Interrupt being reduced with Resolve percentages.


We have gotten our selves a new Tier of gear, both for PvP and PvE, I guess the reason they havn't updated them with new Set bonuses is because you either found the old one to be necessary, or because you couldn't come up with something to replace them. going to put up a few suggestions(just from the top of my head).



Innervate ticks one extra time healing the same amount as the previous heals

Innervate heals for an additional 10%



Dark Infusion cast time is reduced by ~0.7 seconds

Dark Infusion Critical hit finishes the cooldown of Force Speed.


These are aimed at fixing current issues in PvP, and help boost single target healing in PvE, and will help their own environment in their own way, without making PvP/PvE too OP(?).


Just my thoughts on the subject. I am in no way saying this is the sollusion, I am just throwing out ideas.


In ending, I am fairly bad at explaining my thoughts/ideas in any language, but also english not being my main language it makes it harder, hope you get the point.

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