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1.2 Best PvP Specs


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Hey all, Powerr here. Going to give a link to my newest TGN video that talks about the best 1.2 specs currently available.


It talks all about sentinels, powertechs, gunslingers, and shadow tanks so go and check out

on the TGNSWTOR youtube


The dynamics have changed, for the better, or for the worse?

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Hey all, Powerr here. Going to give a link to my newest TGN video that talks about the best 1.2 specs currently available.


It talks all about sentinels, powertechs, gunslingers, and shadow tanks so go and check out

on the TGNSWTOR youtube


The dynamics have changed, for the better, or for the worse?


Hope you all come join in on the discussion in my comments section

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Will agree with the principles of this vid.


Ptech/vgaurds, mara/sents and Tanksin/Tankshadows are def a prob. It not the Dmg alone. Its the utilaty/survivabilty they get with superior dps in combination that makes them a problem. Snipers/gunslingers on the otherhand are fine. They have incredible burst but they don't have anything else like the other 3 above classes.


So in summury Snipers are pretty balanced.


100% agree that sage/sorcs are all BUT useless. There is no reason for premades to run them in favour of other classes.

As healers they are the worst of the 3 healers.

As DPS other ranged class dps is better (sniper/slinger and merc/commando)

They are the squishiest class in the game in a group setting. Its not conicidense that in every warzone sages/sorcs suffer consistantly the most deaths per dmg taken over every other class.


It not unheard of seeing commandos and scoundrals healer take up to 300k dmg in a WZ with as little as 2 deaths but you will be hard pressed to find any instances of a sage/sorc take the same amount of dmg and not die less the 4-5 times.


The probs with 1.2 are not ONLY that classes were buffed/nerfed. The Problem is the way expertise works in comparison to 1.1.5.

Exerptise used to loolk like this





Now it is





Yes ppl will argue that the 18% negates the +22.5% when the formula is applied but the point is the way you take DMG and negate it from 1.1.5 for expertise has changed to 1.2.

So as i said its a combination of the buffs/nerfs and the change in the way expertise works.


If BW had done one change either expertise or class balance then the prob would not have been so terrible.

Edited by Stavroz
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haha.......I lawled my way to the roflcopter


your too used to fighting noobs our sorcs are ****** will cc you, kite you and we will peel off chain taunt your blitz , snare your maras or taunt them


you dont know what your talking about cause your used to stomping on noobs period against ANY of our good premades can handle what your saying is op about 1.2 cause we fight against other extremely powerful premades all the time so we became hardened and know how to handle it. We are prepared


Come to deathwind corridor and face power of heart and frogworms and see what happens......concider this a formal challenge cause the pubs suck on our server


-galateiya tank sin

-mindex heal sorc

-dialtone carnage mara

-mariis pyro PT


yes we play the most op classes but we've allways played them because we knew they were op since beta!

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ANY of our good premades can handle what your saying is op about 1.2


-galateiya tank sin

-mindex heal sorc

-dialtone carnage mara

-mariis pyro PT


yes we play the most op classes


This is supposed to be ironic right?

Edited by GrantyJPS
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Nice vid, just one criticism... you say you will leave it to the viewer to decide whether the changes are for the better or not, but you clearly don't.


No harm in saying you think its bad, but I wouldn't claim to not make a judgment before going ahead and making a judgment. :p

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Nice vid, just one criticism... you say you will leave it to the viewer to decide whether the changes are for the better or not, but you clearly don't.


No harm in saying you think its bad, but I wouldn't claim to not make a judgment before going ahead and making a judgment. :p


true, well... I think its bad :p

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So there are some things I left out that you guys hit SPOT ON.


This is all because of the changes to expertise which is mentioned in my 2nd episode if you havn't seen that. Dps players get roughly 22% increase and healers only get 12%, therefore creating the diverge in dynamic.


I forgot to say my shadow hits for 4.3 k force damage in my tank specs tops, and I still do over 5 k executes.


Also, snipers ability is NOT cleasable, as well as the new marauder trauma debuff

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So there are some things I left out that you guys hit SPOT ON.


This is all because of the changes to expertise which is mentioned in my 2nd episode if you havn't seen that. Dps players get roughly 22% increase and healers only get 12%, therefore creating the diverge in dynamic.


I forgot to say my shadow hits for 4.3 k force damage in my tank specs tops, and I still do over 5 k executes.


Also, snipers ability is NOT cleasable, as well as the new marauder trauma debuff


Which tank spec in particular are you using now?

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haha.......I lawled my way to the roflcopter


your too used to fighting noobs our sorcs are ****** will cc you, kite you and we will peel off chain taunt your blitz , snare your maras or taunt them


you dont know what your talking about cause your used to stomping on noobs period against ANY of our good premades can handle what your saying is op about 1.2 cause we fight against other extremely powerful premades all the time so we became hardened and know how to handle it. We are prepared


Come to deathwind corridor and face power of heart and frogworms and see what happens......concider this a formal challenge cause the pubs suck on our server


-galateiya tank sin

-mindex heal sorc

-dialtone carnage mara

-mariis pyro PT


yes we play the most op classes but we've allways played them because we knew they were op since beta!


Enlish MF'er, use it!!!!!!!


So let me get this correct... You claim to play all of the OP classes, but at the same time claim greatness and brag how you beat on all the noob classes that aren't OP??



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yeah that spec


and 8 focus sentinels is by far the best 8 man if you've ever done it. Unhealable aoe, defensives that are too strong. You don't need healers, its actually laughable that you disagree

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Powerr, I agree with what you're saying in the video. But why did you only talk about the overpowered classes? There is also one class that is severely underpowered to the degree that noone even plays it anymore. It would have been worth mentioning I think.
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Nice video, keep it up.


Hopefully I get to play you guys whenever cross server WZs come out. Right now I believe we are the best on our server, so it would be nice to play someone who is best on there's.


Also, see you on GW2 soon.


Henni -- The Death Smile

Sawbones Scoundrel

Giradda the Hutt

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Nothing to see here. The rollface specs are quite obvious after playing wz's for 5-10 mins. However, the (bad?) publicity generated about the state of 1.2 could help in working towards better balance in the future. That's the optimist in me speaking.


The realist in me says, unfortunately, the swtor devs have already taken the low road with this game. Knee jerk patches to quiet forum whining, month after month, will leave this game in shambles perpetually. "Fix" one class, "break" two more. There will be no end to this.


It would have been better to change NOTHING at all and just let people adapt to the game as is. Darwinism in effect.

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I just want to note a concept about the expertise scaling…


Okay, intuitively the idea with expertise would be that its scaling effect is balanced. What I mean by that is, if one player has 1000 expertise, and the other player has 1000 expertise, fighting against each other it should cancel out and combat dynamic would be the same as if they both had zero. At least, that's a commonly held view of how things worked since early in the game and it seems like a pretty good idea in practice because if any level of expertise is balanced then they ALL are.


However, this has yet to ever be the case.


One reason is that healing gets boosted by expertise without ever getting evenly reduced by "opponent" expertise. If the damage and damage reduction portions of expertise cancel each other out things are already at square one…except for healing still gets boosted. Now, I'm not saying Healing shouldn't get boosted - I'm just noting how it works. If healing didn't, there ends up being gearing issues where expertise is purely a survivability stat for healers and they would likely stack mostly PvE gear to increase their healing potential and not just survivability.


So, what we had before was that even though the #%'s listed for +damage and damage reduction were equal, because of how inclusive and exclusive percentages work the strength of damage reduction was going up faster than damage done. Put that together with equally high healing modifers, and the dynamic of PvP changes completely at different expertise levels, even if everyone has the same amount. As people get more expertise, everyone gets harder to kill and easier to heal across the board. That makes it very difficult to keep PvP gameplay balanced at more than one gear level.


The change to +damage% vs. damage reduction%, even though appearing to make them different, has actually made them equal for once - and that's a very good thing that should definitely NOT be changed. It keeps the two in check and balanced at all gear levels. If balance is off in that regard, it needs to be changed in other places instead of expertise.


Healing modifier is another animal with no clear answer. It's a necessary evil because it must exist to provide a PvP alternative to PvE gear healing boosting, however it can also threaten to throw off gameplay balance as expertise quantities scale up. The thing with necessary evils is that you want to use them in the minimum possible sense, so the the current healing modifier scaling is probably an improvement over pre-1.2 for keeping gameplay balance "consistent".


If attacker expertise somehow debuffed a target's healing received (in the same amount as current damage reduction % modifier) then healing modifier could be the same as +damage modifier and everything would balance each other out perfectly at all gear levels. Such a debuff would have to be pretty complex to work well, though…and probably isn't worth doing from a game performance standpoint.

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It would have been better to change NOTHING at all and just let people adapt to the game as is. Darwinism in effect.


They shouldnt have buffed marauders, they shouldnt have changed expertise. They basically tried to make pvpers unable to raid, and pve'rs unable to use that gear for pvp, but what they did was severely tarnish the games balance. UNLESS somehow when people are FULLY Warhero geared everything is fine and dandy which I severely doubt, we are in trouble. What BioWare is unaware of is that their testers, whoever tests this on the pts, AREN'T GOOD NOR COMPETITIVE, so they really have no idea what is fine and what is not fine. Look at the forums threads in PvP, noob people starting up random un-needed/flat-out-wrong assumptions and opinions. Take advice from the hardcore players that know what they are talking about

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Yea Bio Ware testers they use seem to not have a clue as to what works best or not.


This video shows exaclty what I see is wrong with 1.2 patch.


My Guild Master as Sentinel now tops the PVP damage every single game.

Mean while I just gave up healing as it was useless to the amount of damage being put out.

6k damage against 5k heals is just a waste of time.


So as a Sage DPS I can also see we will not top the Damage chart as it is owned by the OP class now.


Patch 1.2 is fail.

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