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EA to Release Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year 2012 Results on May 7, 2012


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They said the same about Warhammer.


In fact, they had people like you on forums posting the same sort of stuff while Warhammer collapsed.


Funny eh


1st off Warhammer hasnt collapsed. Secondly this game isnt Warhammer.

Edited by Leggomy
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1st off Warhammer hasnt collapsed. Secondly this game isnt Warhammer.


Warhammer has 2 servers, worldwide. It had 1.x million boxes sold, just like SWTOR. That is a collapse.


Half the team who developed SWTOR came from Warhammer and repeated the same mistakes.


It's very similar.

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They said the same about Warhammer.


In fact, they had people like you on forums posting the same sort of stuff while Warhammer collapsed.


Funny eh


Warhammer had 1.3 mill at one point? links or it didnt happen



I speculate this thread will be closed



Edited by ChazDoit
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Warhammer has 2 servers, worldwide. It had 1.x million boxes sold, just like SWTOR. That is a collapse.


Half the team who developed SWTOR came from Warhammer and repeated the same mistakes.


It's very similar.


BS warhammer never sold anywhere near a million much less 1.7 (and thats just in december 2012) like swtor. Second it is not star wars.

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Half the team who developed SWTOR came from Warhammer and repeated the same mistakes.


And where the hell did you get that? Did you take a look at Bioware's payroll or you just saw Gabe Amatangelo and went "well haf the swtor devs came from WAR"?

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Are you under the misconception EA doesnt run this game? Bioware is simply a name they were acquired by EA and Bioware is now a division of EA. You really think they would pull the plug on a game that has at LEAST 1.3 million subs by the experts in the industries worst estimates? They just expanded into the middle east etc too. You think they didnt pick up a single sub there either? Do you listen to yourself?


This 38 country expansion has not resulted in any increase in concurrent population , but it may have stemmed the increasing rate of decline.

Edited by Sanxxx
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Warhammer sold 1.2 million boxes at release.




Just google it.


Or check wikipedia even:


Warhammer Online initially received favorable reviews. GameSpy gave it 5 out of 5 stars and claimed, "[it] has hit the ground running with one of the best MMO experiences we've had in a long time."[28] GameSpot gave it a 8.5 out of 10 and said, "Questers and explorers may not find what they're looking for, and certain gameplay systems don't mesh as well as they should. Nevertheless, there's more than enough exciting PvP content here to keep newcomers and veterans alike immersed in the perpetually violent tug of war between the forces of Order and Destruction."[27] Warhammer Online has an aggregate score of 86% on metacritic.com[24] and 87% GameRankings.com.[23]


As of September 30, 2008, WAR had sold 1.2 million copies and had 800,000 registered users.[31]


As of October 10, 2008, Mythic Entertainment announced that 750,000 people were playing Warhammer Online.[32]


As of December 31, 2008, the number of active WAR subscribers had decreased to "over 300,000 paying subscribers in North America and Europe."[33]


As of May 5, 2009, Electronic Arts executives confirmed in an investor conference that they have 300,000 subscribers as of the end of March 2009,[34] shortly after the company reported a loss of $1.08 billion in the financial year for 2009.[35] Consequently, the number of servers was drastically reduced[36] in order to consolidate the remaining population. The total number of servers was reduced to 13 and the number of role-playing servers was reduced to 1.[37]


Since this date, several servers were stopped, particularly in Europe, and there remained only 9 servers : 4 in the USA and 5 in Europe (including 2 in German & 1 in French).


As of February 9, 2011, 2 other U.S. Servers and 1 German server have been removed, leaving a total of 6 servers worldwide (2 in the US, 4 in Europe).[38]


Since December 14, 2011, the game is now down to 3 servers, one for the US, one for Germany and one for the rest of Europe not including Germany.

Edited by Redmarx
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This 38 country expansion has not resulted in any increase in concurrent population , but it may have stemmed the increasing rate of decline.


What? Heh man are you crazy? You think that all those people dont play? They just bought the boxes and didnt login? Wow.

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What? Heh man are you crazy? You think that all those people dont play? They just bought the boxes and didnt login? Wow.


Actually it's worse, they didn't buy many boxes. Sales of SWTOR have been poor in those new countries.

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What? Heh man are you crazy? You think that all those people dont play? They just bought the boxes and didnt login? Wow.


Obviously not, check TorStatus which as you know measures population trends, if they were logging in the trend would be positive.


As I said, they probably are logging in however 'net out' > 'net in'

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Obviously not, check TorStatus which as you know measures population trends, if they were logging in the trend would be positive.


As I said, they probably are logging in however 'net out' > 'net in'


Oh please torstatus isnt a guide for nothing. Get so sick of people quoting it. Ya know I am done with these forums. Its nothing but a cess pool. Im tired of it. If anything kills this game it will be that.

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oh please torstatus isnt a guide for nothing. Get so sick of people quoting it. Ya know i am done with these forums. Its nothing but a cess pool. Im tired of it. If anything kills this game it will be that.



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u dont get his point,

if there were 1.7 PCs,

it wont be so many dead servers,

and PCs wont reroll on few servers,

if swtor is as health as Jan 2012,

u wont see so many problems.


BTW last day is my sub last day, only 21 ppl on imp fleet, and most of them r my old guild crew, how ironic, where is other PCs? all reroll on fatman?


This proves you are a troll, because I have seen you posting this everywhere. every day.

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Oh please torstatus isnt a guide for nothing. Get so sick of people quoting it. Ya know I am done with these forums. Its nothing but a cess pool. Im tired of it. If anything kills this game it will be that.


Maybe BIOWARE should read the forums. They spent $300 million on developing a story and voice over stuff. Maybe they might start working on the OTHER half of the game.

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Oh please torstatus isnt a guide for nothing. Get so sick of people quoting it. Ya know I am done with these forums. Its nothing but a cess pool. Im tired of it. If anything kills this game it will be that.


Good riddance, though it was fun reading your posts 99% of the time you were always wrong but it sure gave me a good laugh.

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Actually it's worse, they didn't buy many boxes. Sales of SWTOR have been poor in those new countries.


That's a given considering we all got it through cd key vendors when EA wouldn't even sell us this **** online back in december.

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Well Daniel Erickson has said as recently as today that Subs for TOR haven't dropped So I'm going to take a wild guess and say 1.7 million active subscriptions for TOR.




So much for the Omgzorz mass exodus!!!

I know: "Just you wait till next quarter!" :rolleyes:


Yeah thats only because they gave out the free month.. people really arent subbed they are just here for free.

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So if this game shut down tomorrow, all of you guys would cheer?


You'd be happy that the current subscribers, and people who enjoy the game, have had their MMO taken away?




You are the only one making the assumption. Perhaps you can link some posts that show people wanting the game to be shut down?


If it shut down, I wouldn't cheer at all, frankly I wouldn't care, I already canceled my sub, and quit playing about 1 month ago, and I still have 72 days left (bought 6 month sub on launch)

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So if this game shut down tomorrow, all of you guys would cheer?


You'd be happy that the current subscribers, and people who enjoy the game, have had their MMO taken away?




Honestly? Yeah, I'd be happy. I'd love to see this game sacrificed as an example to developers everywhere that you can't take a popular IP, throw a bunch of money at it, and expect people to pay for your crap. This game is mediocre at best. Bioware had this game handed to them on a silver spoon, so many people love Star Wars. The fact that they screwed it up so badly points to their incompetence. The industry needs to be sent a message, otherwise the trend of the last 8 years will continue. Mediocre, half-assed MMO's rising and falling in less than a year.


But this game won't shut down tomorrow. It will limp along, just look at Warhammer. And yes, this game is Warhammer all over again. Believe me, I was there.

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Bah...I'm to tired to argue anymore.


I like this game, and I know it's not perfect, but I still get lots of enjoyment from playing it....and if that makes me some kinda weirdo, then so be it.



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I've got my foil hat ready and waiting when BW announces that subs have remained steady. Can't wait to hear what the conspiracy theorists have to say about that!


lol, so you really dont think the fact that they gave everyone with legacy level 6 or a level 50 a free month is going to make their sub numbers totaly useless?

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