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This game has the worst crowd control system ever to go live.


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i have played mmo since maridian59, you name it i have played it, and this game has the worst cc system of any mmo i have ever played, why? well lets think about it.


so we have many class roles, some classes have 1 stun other have 3 most classes get a knock-back or a root or a knock-back root.


we all only get ONE (1) cc remover on a 2 min cool-down... that alone is totally retarded but it doesnt end their..


firstly roots ignore resolve, meaning warriors can charge you and stun you, then use ravage(if trained) to root you again then push you then charge at you again. this is the perma root effect, sorcerers get a form of this with their knockback as do snipers and mercs... in a mass pvp skirmish you can be pretty much rooted forever.


then we have the stuns, since 1.2 the TTK has gone through the roof meaning one stun and your dead, but since you can be stuned 4 times before you get full resolve you can be locked down and killed with no issue and no way to counter(unless you are an assassin with shroud up)


but that isnt it, explain to me why a sleep skill will instantly fill resolve, even though most are casted and one hit removes the effect while stuns are instant and allow the whole group to hit you while you are under the effect. it makes no sense.


#Time to kill too high, making stuns too powerful, lower time to kill or lower stun duration to 2.5 sec

#Roots are not affected by resolve. allowing for perma root effect, they should be add to and be effected by resolve

#sleep should add less resolve, stun should add more resolve.

#cc remover should be on 60 sec cooldown not 2 min and should grant 6 sec immunity.

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#Time to kill too high, making stuns too powerful, lower time to kill or lower stun duration to 2.5 sec

#Roots are not affected by resolve. allowing for perma root effect, they should be add to and be effected by resolve

#sleep should add less resolve, stun should add more resolve.

#cc remover should be on 60 sec cooldown not 2 min and should grant 6 sec immunity.


1. I agree that TTK is completely out of control. The correct fix is not to chance CC, however, but rather "unbreak" the TTK.

2. Roots and Snares are not part of the CC metagame as they are part of the kiting metagame. BW is on the record to this effect and they have no intention of adding roots and snares to Resolve as that would break the kiting metagame completely.

3. Sleep and Stun are very well balanced right now. Sleep is special due ot the nature of the ability. Stuns add just enough resolve so that you cannot be Stunned more than 2 times in a 25 second period without gaining immunity.

4. The CC Break should not add immunity. It should, however, refresh on player death instead of forcing you to wait the full 2 minutes. You are already able to obtain quite a bit of CC immunity (more than in any other system I've ever seen) if you use your Breaker correctly.

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Get CC immunity if you use your CC breaker? On what planet do you live on? Maybe to that one player, but ANY of his buddies will just CC you then, I've been CC'd 4 times in a row and I'm dead almost every time I get near a premade, forget about even hitting anyone if they see me I'm dead without being able to do **** about it, even WITH my cc breaker.


Being an Imp Op (now anyways) you cannot kill anyone, in huttball you get constantly knocked off the ledges and its the most gimp class ever for playing that WZ. We are the most gimped class at the moment but wow does Huttball just make you wanna quit the game or what, EVERY class has SOMETHING for huttball apart from us, we have no knockback, no charge, no grapple, no force push, every class has something but us. On top of that our dmg is now gimped beyond believe, stuns are also, and to add to insult to injury the most squishiest class in the game.

Edited by KalTorrak
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These things annoy me.


1. The non-stop knockback spam. Christ, if I didn't have a Charge I'm not sure how I would be able to deal with it.

2. The 15s slows.

3. The 8s CC's that only fill 70% of your bar.

4. Huttball fire and pulls are too damn good right now.

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These things annoy me.


1. The non-stop knockback spam. Christ, if I didn't have a Charge I'm not sure how I would be able to deal with it.

2. The 15s slows.

3. The 8s CC's that only fill 70% of your bar.

4. Huttball fire and pulls are too damn good right now.


In response to item 3, what kind of timeframe are you referring to and what do you consider to be a "CC"?

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Get CC immunity if you use your CC breaker? On what planet do you live on?


We, the experienced folk, live on the planet called, "Learn what Resolve means."



Maybe to that one player, but ANY of his buddies will just CC you then, I've been CC'd 4 times in a row...


...which is simply exaggeratio maximus, and there is no such thing as a "CCd 4 times in a row" in this system...



...and I'm dead almost every time I get near a premade...


Don't feel bad. Happens to every pug who meets premades. It's not even a CC issue.

Same happens to foolish people who dwell near multiple enemies.



...forget about even hitting anyone if they see me I'm dead without being able to do **** about it, even WITH my cc breaker.


...because you are inexperienced, do not know how Resolve works, carelessly remain in the vicinity of multiple enemies that can chain stun you (...for a theoretical GRAND maximum of TWO times in a row).


It all goes away after you learn to play.



Being an Imp Op (now anyways) you cannot kill anyone...


I see Ops shredding defense Guardians (or Scoundrels to immortal Juggs for that matter) to shreds all the time.



...in huttball you get constantly knocked off the ledges and its the most gimp class ever for playing that WZ.


Different classes have different strengths in different terrain.



We are the most gimped class at the moment but wow does Huttball just make you wanna quit the game or what, EVERY class has SOMETHING for huttball apart from us, we have no knockback, no charge, no grapple, no force push, every class has something but us.


Brush off enemy receivers that come alone and move ahead of the party to gain access on the ramps.



On top of that our dmg is now gimped beyond believe, stuns are also, and to add to insult to injury the most squishiest class in the game.


Actually, Ops/Scoundy damage has recovered a bit since the expertise change. People generally hit harder than 1.15.




Any more rants?

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In response to item 3, what kind of timeframe are you referring to and what do you consider to be a "CC"?


Crowd control are abilities that remove control of your character temporarily. The 8s AOE sleeps for example can ruin your day if you don't have your trinket up and nobody hits you. They don't full resolve bar you and you can actually be double sleeped back to back.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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Get CC immunity if you use your CC breaker? On what planet do you live on? Maybe to that one player, but ANY of his buddies will just CC you then, I've been CC'd 4 times in a row and I'm dead almost every time I get near a premade, forget about even hitting anyone if they see me I'm dead without being able to do **** about it, even WITH my cc breaker.


Being an Imp Op (now anyways) you cannot kill anyone, in huttball you get constantly knocked off the ledges and its the most gimp class ever for playing that WZ. We are the most gimped class at the moment but wow does Huttball just make you wanna quit the game or what, EVERY class has SOMETHING for huttball apart from us, we have no knockback, no charge, no grapple, no force push, every class has something but us. On top of that our dmg is now gimped beyond believe, stuns are also, and to add to insult to injury the most squishiest class in the game.


To be fair - OPs are good at controlling mid after one side scores. Stealth and plenty of CC.

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Crowd control are abilities that remove control of your character temporarily. The 8s AOE sleeps for example can ruin your day if you don't have your trinket up and nobody hits you. They don't full resolve bar you and you can actually be double sleeped back to back.


...at the price of not being harmed at all, and in most cases against two enemies.

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Crowd control are abilities that remove control of your character temporarily. The 8s AOE sleeps for example can ruin your day if you don't have your trinket up and nobody hits you. They don't full resolve bar you and you can actually be double sleeped back to back.


Bioware defines loss of control as "unable to use abilities" and therefore does not consider Roots or Snares to be CCs.


The Mezzes are working as intended, require two people to execute, and as you mentioned require you to be undamaged for the entire 9-16 seconds for it to be successful (if your CC Break is available, you can get out of the second one). It sucks to be daisy-chained like that, but the other team had to commit quite a bit in order to lock you out.

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The spell for removing cc should also put a 4 secs inmunity for cc too, because as it is right now, its only usefull on a 1v1 fight because in wz as soon as you use it, you are stuned again and snared etc etc


In a many vs many fight, you don't use just your stun breaker. You use your team. They have this thing called "free friend from stuns" and "remove bad debuff stuff". If your teammates cannot do that, then they have L2P issues.

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I agree 100%, who the hell thought knockback, stun, knockback/root, break, stun and slowed 75% of the time is fun?


Just Remove ALL stuns/knockbacks and slows from the game and selectively give them as via the skill tree and 1 per tree, so tree A gets a stun, tree B gets a knockback, tree C gets a slow.


They're simply not fun for anyone in PVP, so whats the point?

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I agree 100%, who the hell thought knockback, stun, knockback/root, break, stun and slowed 75% of the time is fun?


Just Remove ALL stuns/knockbacks and slows from the game and selectively give them as via the skill tree and 1 per tree, so tree A gets a stun, tree B gets a knockback, tree C gets a slow.


They're simply not fun for anyone in PVP, so whats the point?


We would also need to remove all the gap closers like Force Jump and intercede and remove all those pesky interrupts in order to balance it out.


CC and Kiting are parts of the game. You either learn how to use them to your advantage or you complain about them on the forums. Kiting is required in order to balance the melee versus ranged meta game and CC is required in all objective based PvP.

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DAoC launched with instant AoE stuns of 9 seconds and instant AoE mezzes of over a minute. Both could hit hundreds of players.


There were no diminishing returns; there were no immunities.


and if you looked at a caster funny, they stopped casting... forcing players to actually think instead of face mashing... let's not forget that there was 0 ZERO "rvr gear" only abilities and well built templates... still the best pvp system the MMO world has ever seen.

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i have played mmo since maridian59, you name it i have played it, and this game has the worst cc system of any mmo i have ever played, why? well lets think about it.


so we have many class roles, some classes have 1 stun other have 3 most classes get a knock-back or a root or a knock-back root.


we all only get ONE (1) cc remover on a 2 min cool-down... that alone is totally retarded but it doesnt end their..


firstly roots ignore resolve, meaning warriors can charge you and stun you, then use ravage(if trained) to root you again then push you then charge at you again. this is the perma root effect, sorcerers get a form of this with their knockback as do snipers and mercs... in a mass pvp skirmish you can be pretty much rooted forever.


then we have the stuns, since 1.2 the TTK has gone through the roof meaning one stun and your dead, but since you can be stuned 4 times before you get full resolve you can be locked down and killed with no issue and no way to counter(unless you are an assassin with shroud up)


but that isnt it, explain to me why a sleep skill will instantly fill resolve, even though most are casted and one hit removes the effect while stuns are instant and allow the whole group to hit you while you are under the effect. it makes no sense.


#Time to kill too high, making stuns too powerful, lower time to kill or lower stun duration to 2.5 sec

#Roots are not affected by resolve. allowing for perma root effect, they should be add to and be effected by resolve

#sleep should add less resolve, stun should add more resolve.

#cc remover should be on 60 sec cooldown not 2 min and should grant 6 sec immunity.


For someone who claims to have played MMO's since Meridian 59, you know absolute crap about MMO history and mechanics.


We'll ignore easy ones, like DAOC which completely makes you look like a tard muffin, instead use something more recent, like WoW, where a Rogue could Chain CC you until you died..or crap.. I can do one better..


RIFT, This is very recent, and completely blows your moronic history out of water..


As a Dominator Specced Mage, I had a bloody instant cast polymorph with no cooldown that applied a bloody 50% damage bonus on the hit the next target took, It lasted over 20 seconds...


There was no bloody immunity to it, I could CC you, Drain all your mana away while you were polymorphed, Then CC you again right before a Sab detonated his Bombs pretty much one shotting you, and if it didn't, you had no mana anyway...


So please, spare me the stupidity of this CC system being remotely bad.. cause really.. it's not...

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i was going to make a thread about resolve but seen this


i have to agree, ive just come out of a wz and spent 90% of the time stunlocked or routed on the spot...

i play a sential and my damage is good, i have one cc, which needs to be chanlled, so no instant cast for me, unlike over 50% of the class.


either nerf CC across the board or fix resolve so that any CC be it a stun or a knockback fills the bar, and not just alittle bit but faster than it does


becuase really at the moment pvp is like been in a frost mage orgie, just really isnt fun

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For someone who claims to have played MMO's since Meridian 59, you know absolute crap about MMO history and mechanics.


We'll ignore easy ones, like DAOC which completely makes you look like a tard muffin, instead use something more recent, like WoW, where a Rogue could Chain CC you until you died..or crap.. I can do one better..


RIFT, This is very recent, and completely blows your moronic history out of water..


As a Dominator Specced Mage, I had a bloody instant cast polymorph with no cooldown that applied a bloody 50% damage bonus on the hit the next target took, It lasted over 20 seconds...


There was no bloody immunity to it, I could CC you, Drain all your mana away while you were polymorphed, Then CC you again right before a Sab detonated his Bombs pretty much one shotting you, and if it didn't, you had no mana anyway...


So please, spare me the stupidity of this CC system being remotely bad.. cause really.. it's not...


this person plays a sorc or sage or an oprative or smuggler

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