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Your technology needs help... lots of help... lots and LOTS of help. :(


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Only ever takes me about 5 seconds to get past a loading screen. I have a 3year old GTX295 and spent some additional cash on getting some extra RAM (12GB worth DDR3). I use the RAMdisk software/method. GF uses a 560GTi and only has about 6GB RAM, takes her about 10-15 seconds tops.

Just put in a SSD and it loads in seconds, not minutes.

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SSD doesn't help a lot so I would think that the technology is outdated and does not use SSD potential.


Doesn't really work like that...


But yeah, the problem is with their server polling and hi-res models FOR EVERYTHING... Generally you build your environment from low res textures (the floor, tree bark, etc), and use high res for things like the skybox, character models, effects, etc. As the division in their models are really high (for no real reason other than it being quicker to make a good looking model, at a HUGE hit to rendering time), then the majority of mid-range PC's will stutter a lot.


The majority of lag that I experience is down to my PC, and the more happening planets having too much going on in terms of high res effects (cannons going off in the background, etc). Things like the loading screens are their server issues, and they're far too frequent for a modern day game too.


The engine needs to be overhauled, server calls need to be reduced, and low-res/lower division artwork needs to be made, and have some TLC to make it look EXACTLY THE SAME. Yes, it is possible. But rushed development teams take this approach to save time, and work with less competent artists.


Will these ever be addressed? At least in our lifetime? Doubtful. EA is paying the bills, and as has already been mentioned sooo many times, they're driven by marketing and PR departments. They don't give a cr4p what the developers have to say, they're lackies, and they need to program what they're told. i.e., cute little tautaun pets.

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But yeah, the problem is with their server polling and hi-res models FOR EVERYTHING... Generally you build your environment from low res textures (the floor, tree bark, etc), and use high res for things like the skybox, character models, effects, etc. As the division in their models are really high (for no real reason other than it being quicker to make a good looking model, at a HUGE hit to rendering time), then the majority of mid-range PC's will stutter a lot.


The majority of lag that I experience is down to my PC, and the more happening planets having too much going on in terms of high res effects (cannons going off in the background, etc). Things like the loading screens are their server issues, and they're far too frequent for a modern day game too.


I know exactly what you mean here. Even on my quad core system with an unlocked AMD 6950, certain parts of the game (especially Balmorra or anywhere with lots going on) can bring me down to around 15 FPS or less at times. For a DX9 game that looks the way it does, it makes no sense how this game isn't flying along constantly for me.


I really hope that the engine gets overhauled in time, as it's absolutely shocking just how bad it is.

Edited by llesna
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I haven't researched your tech at all. I'm assuming you purchased licenses for the 3D engine and that the lead devs on the project had a solid streak of 3D game programming on their resumes..


The engine is called the hero engine. It's available for free download from the internet. You can go snag it up fully featured and make your own game right now for nothing....


And I agree with everything in your post.

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... you sir are correct. This issue was brought up many many times in closed beta, open beta, game release, etc. Many of us gave up as most of the beta testers' concerns were not even addressed and the game was pushed to a Christmas release so the fat cats at EA (voted the worse company in the US, good job!) could have a fat Christmas bonus. I feel for you folks who don't see what happened here and are blinded by your love for the genre...


T-minus 7h30m for my GW2 beta weekend, a game that will be released when "it's ready"! :wea_02:


See you all there :D

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... you sir are correct. This issue was brought up many many times in closed beta, open beta, game release, etc. Many of us gave up as most of the beta testers' concerns were not even addressed and the game was pushed to a Christmas release so the fat cats at EA (voted the worse company in the US, good job!) could have a fat Christmas bonus. I feel for you folks who don't see what happened here and are blinded by your love for the genre...


T-minus 7h30m for my GW2 beta weekend, a game that will be released when "it's ready"! :wea_02:


See you all there :D


You simultaneously expanded upon the problem, and the reason that problem exists in a single post without exposition. My hat is off to you sir.


*Capture market share before competitors*

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Doesn't really work like that...


But yeah, the problem is with their server polling and hi-res models FOR EVERYTHING... Generally you build your environment from low res textures (the floor, tree bark, etc), and use high res for things like the skybox, character models, effects, etc. As the division in their models are really high (for no real reason other than it being quicker to make a good looking model, at a HUGE hit to rendering time), then the majority of mid-range PC's will stutter a lot.


The majority of lag that I experience is down to my PC, and the more happening planets having too much going on in terms of high res effects (cannons going off in the background, etc). Things like the loading screens are their server issues, and they're far too frequent for a modern day game too.


The engine needs to be overhauled, server calls need to be reduced, and low-res/lower division artwork needs to be made, and have some TLC to make it look EXACTLY THE SAME. Yes, it is possible. But rushed development teams take this approach to save time, and work with less competent artists.


Will these ever be addressed? At least in our lifetime? Doubtful. EA is paying the bills, and as has already been mentioned sooo many times, they're driven by marketing and PR departments. They don't give a cr4p what the developers have to say, they're lackies, and they need to program what they're told. i.e., cute little tautaun pets.


Someone from EA/Bioware listen to this man!

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The engine is called the hero engine. It's available for free download from the internet. You can go snag it up fully featured and make your own game right now for nothing....


And I agree with everything in your post.


True, but BW´s version of the Hero Engine is not the same as the current "original" Hero Engine, they bought the code and started customizing inhouse, it has been stated that BW has not accepted updates from the original devs since years.

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Don't understand. I have a mid-range (now) system (64bit I7 on Win7 64 w ATI5750) and am not seeing any major performance issues. Perhaps our interpretation of "well" is different. For me, it's not seeing stuttering or lagging animations rather than top-notch fps. Possible problems for folks could be any of the following:

1. Slow or full / fragmented disk.

2. Minimum memory

3. Using an older mother board that restricts GPU

5. CPU barely up to task

6. Not using latest drivers for GPU

7. GPU overwhelmed by graphics settings in game or by large monitor

8. A GPU older than mine (grin)


Not saying the game engine couldn't stand some tweaks, but asking for a new engine (is this is where the OP is headed) is like asking for a hot rod engine to be installed in a Smart Car. Oh, it can be done, if you disregard things like surviving as a business because of all the money you just spent on a whole new team of developers over a long course of time (these things aren't exactly "plug n play").


1. 314GB free of 444GB 2% fragmented.

2. 6GB RAM (min requirements 2GB)

3. It's a laptop.

4. ????

5. Intel i5 m40 2.40 (min req: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor 2.0GHz)

6. Driver updated and maintaned since day three of me playing. Game actually plays worse.

7. In regards to display it's a Laptop, running low setting, bloom(think that's what it's called) and shadows off.

8. ^ ATI Radeon HD 5470


I can play every game I've tried with no issues at low to moderate settings(except this game), and the games are responsive and don't look bad at all. I choose to play on the laptop instead of my desktop because I constantly tinker on my desktop. And if I ran into issues using the desktop it actually wouldn't be their fault. Compared to other recent mmo's and even older ones the game runs like crap.

Edited by Rowandiki
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They fixed all the frame rate issues but the loading times really are just a joke. Morrowind on consoles loading times were insane , TOR is even worse than that. There have been lag spikes every day since 1.2 as well, I guess they happen at roughly the same time as the servers get more use.

This is what I noticed too, I get spikes and drops, combine that with an aggressive logout timer and you get instant frustration.

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Wait this is the hero engine: http://www.heroengine.com/



They seriously used that to dev this game on? I'm kind of surprised that a company with as many resources as Bioware/EA really went for such a cheap option, even after all the mods and "tweaks" they did to the engine.


It is amazing to see how they paid hundreds of millions of dollars for story production but neglected the very basis (engine). It's like fitting high quality leather seats into an old car with head gasket failure :)


They could have spent a tenth of their budget and hire people capable of getting the job done but they preferred to try themselves with zero knowledge of how to build an MMO. And they failed (they kept on surface by production value initially, but now people are starting to raise concerns).


Mistakes like that are expensive and most probably it is to late to do anything about it. Until my guild is alive I will just play and hope for the better (not much hope though). If they prove me wrong - even better.

Edited by vandana_
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I wish so much that all these game designers/former game designers etc etc would get off the forums and go make the perfect games that it's so obvious how to make.


This particular genius knows so much that he has to guess where they got their 3D engine from and what they did with it. I know nothing about making games but the engines called Hero, the dev's heavily recoded it for their needs, there's a load of blogs and videos about it.


OP opinion is only slightly less useless than all the people posting 'this is why I unsubbed', you don't even play the game but you hang out in the forums?? lol



I unsubbed. I still have close to three months playtime left and since it's paid for I use it. I may resub if the problems are fixed and we are given some indication of where they plan to take the game. I'm sure many are in the same situation. I find your post and others like it utterly useless. Why does it bother you that I and others unsubbed ? Are you some type of forum crusader ? Those types are as bad as the trolls they claim people to be.


I hope something positive comes from this thread, I imagine most people posting here do. Post like yours just clutters up the thread.

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Well said.

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I don't have any problems whatsoever with SWTOR and my PC is certainly not new high end state of the art machine.

My Sapphire Radeon 6850 does get a bit warmer after playing this game for several hours, around 78 degrees, but that temperature is nowhere near harmful to the card so i am perfectly fine with it.

Even when i clock the card it never goes past 80 which again, is perfectly acceptable.

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But I love when the game freezes anytime another player comes near me. When I'm out on a planet it's like a warning that another player is near even though I don't have line of sight on him


Actually it's not funny at all.

All these weekly DEV Q&As and I still haven't seen them address why the game freezes anytime you open a ui window, or another player comes near or a quest updates.

Also what the hell is with the game taking 60 seconds to close. You know I had gotten used to it "not responding" when I tried to exit out of SWTOR. Then I played the D3 open beta last weekend and when it closed in 1 second it struck me again how broke SWTOR is.. :eek:


Your computer sucks. How is that their fault. I mean, I'm running a 5 to 6 year old machine with 3 gig of usable ram and I'm not experiencing this at all, nor have I heard of this from anyone. I'm also leading 8 man raids with zero lag, zero delays, zero problems. My loading screens, except for Quesh, take a matter of 10 seconds or less, to the point where I cannot believe that people will actually complain so much about something that one may experience maybe once or twice a day while visiting a new planet. The game closes in about 10 seconds for me also.


Maybe it is you, just as that purple color you are using makes it difficult for people to read your posts. ;p

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I don't have any problems whatsoever with SWTOR and my PC is certainly not new high end state of the art machine.

My Sapphire Radeon 6850 does get a bit warmer after playing this game for several hours, around 78 degrees, but that temperature is nowhere near harmful to the card so i am perfectly fine with it.

Even when i clock the card it never goes past 80 which again, is perfectly acceptable.


Same here. I get some lag on fleet when there are like 150 people there, but i've never, ever experienced the problems that I see being argued here and blamed on the game, or parroted from some rant about game engine. If it were a client side problem, we would all be having it.

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Your technology needs help... lots of help... lots and LOTS of help. :(


Well, maybe in the eyes of computer geeks that like to examine the most minute intricacies of the equipment and software they are using like a bunch of gear heads standing around a 1968 Road Runner marveling at the chrome valve covers for hours on end, but I'm guessing that those of us that log on, play the game, and log off could care less what engine they are using.


I'm on a five year old machine. I leveled with no problems, I'm leading our raids with no problems, my loading times are insignificant. The game is fun. I could care less what's under the hood. lol

Edited by Blackardin
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