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Your technology needs help... lots of help... lots and LOTS of help. :(


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Could not agree more OP, this game is crippled by it's own design and performance.


- The engine is so poorly optimized that it strains hardware that runs multiple times better on games that look multiple times better.


- The animations look inorganic, static and demonstrate little fluidity, combat is affected as a result. They need to revamp them if there is to be any hope. I mean they have only ONE type of frame (as opposed to BLizzards 6+ races) for all player characters and they still managed to make a mockery of it,. This was never Bioware's strong suit to be honest but they needed to get it right to make this game a success. They still haven't. Lightsaber combat looks ****, walking, running, stopping, it all looks very static. I think Guild Wars has some of the most impressive animations I've ever seen. If only Bioware took a page from them,..



Yes I'm bumping thsi thread as it needs to be seen by actual developers.

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Haven't read past first page...but at least someone seem to know w t f they are talking about ...good post


Shame it will most likely fall on deaf ears

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On the one hand, I can see why they chose the HERO engine. It's the same reason Elder Scrolls Online did. The superior facial movement for VO.


But the long load times really do need to be addressed. I'm tired of waiting on guildies every time we have to load into a new area.

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I enjoyed this thread, it was an excellent read. Admittedly I play this game on an old laptop, and aside from the evident snags during resource acquisition plus the @#%$# loading screen (it sits and does nothing at around 20% for upwards of a minute loading anywhere except fleet/my ship), the game is playable. I'm still currently subscribed but have found it increasingly cumbersome to log in recently due to the above issues combined with being stuck on one of the dying servers.


I don't expect to get awesome performance, but I have observed a number of sources of slow downs. Quite a few (those discussed earlier in the thread, people coming into view and what not) do seem like they could be related to accessing slower resources (hard drive/network), the OP's conclusions would explain those. Others may also be related to that problem but less obviously, such as particle effects, I've also observed huge slow downs due to those. That may be a separate issue entirely though. While I don't expect the game to perform perfectly on my older machine, I'm of course all for squeezing anything I can get out of what I have.


I had high hopes for this game, I really did. As time goes on, though, it becomes more apparent that this game is driven more by the MBA approach than that of someone who's truly passionate, who has a vision. As the status quo remains the bottom line, destiny will be bathed in mediocrity.

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Can we get an Official response to this thread?


There will not be an official response to this thread. Simply because the thing is unfixable due to developers' lack of knowledge, resources, passion and will to do it. They are working on server merges (oh sry, super-servers) right now and then when they maybe get that right they will have to work on new content and then they will come up with another world event etc.


This game has already served it's purpose - the box sales before Christmas were great. EA realized that Bioware can't actually do MMOs so they already accepted the fact that this game will drop to 500k subscribers or less. And that playerbase (which is still huge and worth taking care of in my opinion) will never see a rewritten engine.


How do I know this all? Well first off I think that's what any person with some common sense believes in. Lack of any response to this thread proves all my points. And even if by some miracle some dev responded here it would be: "We are fully dedicated to optimizing the game's performance. We have a dedicated team working on that specific issue. You should notice some improvements in the incoming game updates." Translation: "We put 1 guy to do low shader option 3 months ago so nobody can say we ain't doing nothing. Hopefully that will shut all those pesky whiners."

Edited by vandana_
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On the one hand, I can see why they chose the HERO engine. It's the same reason Elder Scrolls Online did. The superior facial movement for VO.


But the long load times really do need to be addressed. I'm tired of waiting on guildies every time we have to load into a new area.


Except ESO scrapped it very early on in the dev cycle and opted to utilise there own engine, did they see issues with it that they just won;t state publicly ??

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I've been having increasingly problematic lag from populated zones like the fleet, warzones, or ops groups. I've always had a tiny bit of lag when around a lot of people for a short while, then it stops, but whats really got me writing on the forums is warzones. Just a week or so ago I could play warzones fine with no lag, or so small and infrequent that i could hardly notice. Now I cant even perform in warzones. I usually end up logging out in the middle because the lag is so terrible. maybe 2 or 3 FPS at times. Its so frustrating because I finally got a 50, trying to get commendations for gear and I cant do that, I feel like its beggining to be a waste if i cant even do warzones, I'm a PvP guy. So my big question is, how could I have been playing warzones fine a week or two ago and now its just bearing through the lag, semi-blindly running around maybe hitting a couple of people, waiting for it to be over. I know my comp isnt the best, I've been running the game on low, and i still get the same lag with very low, I can tell it's not the graphics causing it, it's just being around a lot of people. Any advice or tips or similar stories?
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Bump. Engine still not optimized in 1.3.

FPS in 16man is still crap on 1 year old machine. It's not like there is 100 people there.

Do something Bioware. This problem won't go away even if you pretend it doesn't exist.

This game needs a new engine.

Edited by vandana_
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well - don't know about multiclient network architecuture or blocking calls, but subscribed never the less for updates.

Yes, WoW feels a lot more like being in the world as the zoning or other affects feel less intrusive.


The Loading screen time which did not even speed up by huge factors on a SSD does annoy me.


Having more flow in the game would really increase the overall experience (e.g. running and opening / closing the guild page, inventory used to make the character jump). Where one can assume that the inventory cannot change within seconds unless you looted / equipped / reverse engineered / dropped thus changed the inventory content.

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