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Regarding server queues


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queues are good and they should stay, at least for a while.


And btw, if you are on a server that has a queue chances are your in luck, servers that have a healthy population are the most fun.


That is true, the more people on the server, the quicker it is to find a group for flashpoints/group quests. Not to mention its a lot easier to sell items in general chat :o

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Oh and I wouldn't have complained if I saw other servers with the same queue time as ours, but I can't seem to see one.


Listen. Disregard the estimated queue time. What I'm telliing you is that if 10 servers all have a 1000 person queue, chances are you're waiting 4 hours. The estimated queue time is not accurate. Get it now? Swiftsure, Dark Reaper... name any server you like.

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Listen. Disregard the estimated queue time. What I'm telliing you is that if 10 servers all have a 1000 person queue, chances are you're waiting 4 hours. The estimated queue time is not accurate. Get it now? Swiftsure, Dark Reaper... name any server you like.


The Harbinger

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First, I have to say that I am really impressed with this game. The graphics are amazing, the music and audio quality are just beyond fantastic, the story lines are great, the videos spectacular, game design, etc. - I LOVE IT!


Unfortunately it's so popular that there are some horribly long queue times... c'est la vie.


I'm sure y'all are doing your best to get it worked out. If there is anything I can do to help, I'm more than happy to bake cookies, make candy, or otherwise feed the dear souls working overtime. And if there are any in Austin suffering from cedar, let me know and I can make up a batch of cedar berry tea. In the meantime, y'all are in my prayers.


You've come this far; I know you can do it :)




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1) Boot of people who are just auto running and staying logged in.

2) Put a grace login of 5-10 minutes for people who crash or disconnect so they don't have to re-queue

3) Open up server transfers


I would have honestly thought with such a popular game being launched the top two would have already been considered.


Also, just as an FYI - part of this problem is due to the failure to sell the game in NZ and AUS and the 'unofficial' Oceanic servers being absolutely swamped. If Bioware had decided to support these regions and offer Oceanic servers, it would have given Aus/NZ people more choice and direction and we wouldn't all want to be squishing into a single server.




I think the decision to not sell to the oceanic region will have repercussions well into and past official release...

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I think the decision to not sell to the oceanic region will have repercussions well into and past official release...


You think they will have server transfer, I have been informed the server I'm on is the unofficial Oceanic Server, Server Queue Cat is not Amused.

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Like I said, I don't mind waiting 1-2 hours as long as we are all bearing the punishment. But, when only, for example, a server out of 50 has a queue time way bigger than all others then I say something. I'll wait 1-2 hours but 4-6 hours is just dumb.


I was 1800 in queue.

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Like I said, I don't mind waiting 1-2 hours as long as we are all bearing the punishment. But, when only, for example, a server out of 50 has a queue time way bigger than all others then I say something. I'll wait 1-2 hours but 4-6 hours is just dumb.


I was 1800 in queue.


Your server is no different from the rest. Estimated wait time is not accurate. I'm done with you.

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Your server is no different from the rest. Estimated wait time is not accurate. I'm done with you.


^^ This is NOT accurate. My server has never had a que above 300 people, at least not the 10 times ive logged in.


So NO not all the servers are the same.

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Oh, great.


Get back home from work, log in to TOR, the wife and I go to dinner at my folks while we wait for the queue.


Get home and character select is waiting for me. Play 5 minutes before getting DQd for some unknown reason and booted back to a 2 hour queue.


How has this BS not been fixed? Its standard on any other MMO with queues.


I LOVE this game, but I can only play 5 mins a day? Seriously?

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Waiting in the queue is really no big deal its bound to happen with a game of this scale. However i find it *********** utterly ******** how you get disconnected for a few seconds and now you have to wait 3 more *********** hours please copy world of warcraft and add a grace period.
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You idiot Bioware techs should implement some sort of protection for those who disconnect. I propose a 5 minute grace period before a character is deemed offline. If a person disconnects then they have 5 minutes to get back online before they have to wait a 4 hour queue all over again. This should not be difficult to implement. Get it done or lose customers.
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I for one will be sticking with my choice of servers and braving the 1hr45min queue time to get in on The Swiftsure US until such time as Bioware raise the limit on players per server or offer people on ridiculously populated servers a free transfer to the server of their choosing. Hoping for a swift fix to this (sure is a) problem :p Edited by PhDinTHC
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^^ This is NOT accurate. My server has never had a que above 300 people, at least not the 10 times ive logged in.


So NO not all the servers are the same.


Am I not being clear? I'm not saying they're all the same. Your queue shows you a number. Let's take 1000. Your queue might be 1000. Mine might be 100. Your estimated wait time might be 1 hour, mine might be 10 minutes. Server populations (queue numbers), and estimated wait times vary from server to server.


Here's what I'm saying. The 'estimated wait time' is usually wrong.

Here's what I'm also saying. If your queue is 1000 and my queue is 1000, we're probably both waiting 4 hours. Mmmk?

Edited by jkowalski
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If they don't expand the server capacity or add a grace period to disconnects, they should at least ban all the aussies and red zoners from playing on north american servers. People who are in the indended countries should not have their playtime hampered by people bending the rules and not waiting for their own launch.
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