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Regarding server queues


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You can add my voice to the server wait time issue,


I get to play with my girlfriend in the evenings and our play time together is destinctly eaten into with these wait times.


I, like many love playing the game but i can agree with many posters on here that if we are paying money to play a game it should be available without having to wait for a silly amount of time before being able to do so.


Hopefully the devs are making a note of all the unhappiness with queue wait times and are planning to do something about it before "official" launch.





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This is why I never played WoW

And those queues where not close to what seen here.

Which was it? Did you 'never play WoW', or were 'those queues not close to, blah blah blah'? If you never played WoW, you've no right to comment on their queues early on.


Believe it or not, WoW STILL has queues. No, they're nowhere near where they were @ vanilla launch, but the first day or two of a new expansion, they're ALL queued up. First weekend? Same thing.


Speaking from personal experience:

WoW's queues back in the day were MUCH worse than anything I've gone through in the past week. We're talking 30-45 minutes just to login there. Here? I can rightfully say I haven't waited any more than 15 minutes, last night, AND today's been a 'no wait' day at all. In fact, I just logged out and logged back in to see if I'd hit one. Nothing...


NOT all servers have queues, just the ones your friends are on, sadly. I'ma be recommending those that I know hit up the server I'm on, because the queue times there have been great, just great.


Again, as I've said all along... I'll take a queue over a poor performing server any day of the week. Yeah, hours waiting in line sucks, but you know what? That's not EA/Bioware's fault. YOU chose the server, not them (unless your guild happens to be there, in which case, well, sorry about your luck).

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We can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them [queues] to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable.


@Rockjaw Been queued nearly 4 hours on Swiftsure. Actual in game pop is tiny compared to stress tests. Disappointed sir.


@nix3r There is a reason those were called stress tests. Like I said, we will increase population caps.


The past two days of 4+ hour queues have been pretty devastating to my guild and our plans for early game.


It's nice to hear that Bioware is aware of the issue but we really do need some action and updates on this ASAP please.

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Played 1 hour in few days, I have limited time (family, work etc) to play and that time Im spending on queues.


No. Im not rolling on another server because our guild assigned on peragus mining facility eu. If guild can move, maybe then. Question is, will moving help after early access ends and lots of new peoples come to play.


I really hope this will be fixed asap. 5... 10 minutes queue is ok, hours of waiting isnt.

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This really doesnt answer anything. My guild got deployed onto a server that was "deemed" australian by random people and because of that we all have to wait 2 hours to login just to play the game? Edited by Blynks
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The past two days of 4+ hour queues have been pretty devastating to my guild and our plans for early game.


It's nice to hear that Bioware is aware of the issue but we really do need some action and updates on this ASAP please.


4 1/2 hours in queue for swiftsure and still more to go i'm sure :/

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Guys I figured out the que times. There was a sudden plummeting of interaction on the Forums, and the Devs felt lonely, so they locked the servers down with que times so we would come back here and give them something to read.


Oh and theres Aussies on our servers. No offense to you guys tho.

Edited by Sartano
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I totally understand about balancing the servers, etc.; however when it happened to Blizzard, and myself at the time, they were able to correct it in short order and it never happened again. I'm currently assigned to the second worst server, The Harbringer, with waits over an hour being the norm.


A simple solution would be to look at the numbers in the evening when we all get to wait and add servers to bring the population down to "Heavy" status. The servers should fall to "Standard" status during off peak hours. This way there should be little to no queues during evening hours or peak hours.


I don't think people would mind if they had to wait 5-10 minutes in order to get into the game while you guys get this all worked out...


Added servers NEED to be brought online to try to correct the que issue BEFORE the game goes live on the 20th or else there's going to be a lot of pissed off people...


Bioware, if you need your employees to work overtime before the 20th launch I would highly recommend it or "all hell will break loose".

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I am a huge fan of Bioware. But server que's just suck. They should be apart of the launch plan, if you know they were going to happen plan for it. Don't piss your customers off, that is just bad business.


The first couple experiences that a customer has with a product is incredibly important and if you want to give us gamers ****** server que times then you can expect us to be pissed off, even not bother to subscribe and request refunds.


All in all fix que times or expect people to leave.


Oh and for all those people that have posted that you should expect this on a game launch and that game players usually drop off after launch.. No we shouldn't, it's not what we paid for, it's not what we will continue to pay for, it's just poor customer service, and no people don't drop off after launch, user numbers will most definitely grow quite obviously, so they better damn well have the servers to back it up.

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3 hrs queue later, Taris memory leak caused a crash. Relogged immediately to find myself in another 1579 queue. Good job on not adding a 5-10 mins grace period to relog without losing queue position. I suppose it is fun to spend 6 hrs in a queue and play the game for 30 mins.


I can probably put up with the 3 hrs queue but having the game crashed due to poor coding and not letting me back in despite immediate reconnect in plain unacceptable.

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was in a que of 1100 took about 1 hour while it is frustrating i can live with it as biware is bound to rectify the situation. They gonna have to raise the pop caps pretty significantly though to cope with the influx of general release players that will be flooding the servers come the 20th.
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Here's a good one....


Queues were over 45 minutes for my server (Krayt Dragon) yesterday, and my router is absolute crap (drops my connection every few hours - sometimes more). So...I went and bought a new router today, $85.


Came home and installed my new router immediately. Tried to log in to SWTOR because I knew I'd have long wait times and I wanted to go ahead and get in queue....when the security question "What's the name of your favorite cousin?" pops up. I'm assuming the change in routers prompted the security question (as this is what happens when you log in from another computer, so that's just my guess). Problem is, that is not one of the five security questions I initially set up.


I had seen this security question pop up the prior day when I tried to log into my SWTOR account (not the game, just the site) from my tablet. I simply closed it out and went and got on my normal PC and then tried to check my security question (as I could log in no issues from my PC). No luck checking questions though, as I could not verify my security questions without answering the "cousin" one, which I have never set up, so I tried calling Customer Service. No luck. I could not even sit on hold, just got an immediate message telling me they were busy to call back later, so I sent an email. I got a response back saying I had to call that they would not discuss security questions via email. So I tried calling again (SEVERAL more times), but got the same thing....too busy, call later. So I emailed them back and provided my phone # requesting someone call me since I was unable to get through. Of course I got an email back stating that they know there are long hold times on the phone (and tons of other useless stuff - which was not surprising) but they could not discuss security questions via email (which obviously I already knew, hence why I gave my phone #).


Ok, so now here I sit with my new $85 router which I bought JUST for SWTOR and I am getting this security question which I did not set up. What can I do but try to guess the answer and hope that I had gone completely mad and set up this question during my sleep one afternoon and just didn't remember doing it. So, I guess the ONLY cousin which I would have EVER even considered putting as an answer. Wrong. I enter her first name only, Wrong. First name and last name, Wrong. Last name, Wrong. First and Last again.....LOCKED. So, here I am now locked out of my account.


This prompted me (out of desperation to play SWTOR) to spam the dang Customer Service phone lines until I at least get to wait on the line in hopes of one day speaking with someone. Finally, I got through!!! I get to wait on a customer service rep!! ...and by "got through" I mean their automated message didn't hang up on me after simply telling me they were busy to call back later.


This was about 4 hours ago. So I have now been sitting on HOLD for 4 hours trying to get them to unlock my account all because there was some sort of ******** error (on their part I might add) where they chose to validate my account with a security question that is not one of the five I set up on my account.


I am waiting 4 hours now, and still have a queue to look forward to....IF they ever unlock my account. My phone battery is close to dead and sadly is an aftermarket battery that will cause the phone to disconnect if I try to charge it by plugging the phone in (crazy I know, but it was at 100% when I started the call so I didn't think this would be an issue - I swap batteries and charge in a charger, and do not plug the phone up directly...the aftermarket battery doesn't work like that for some reason). AND since I am on my cell phone I am eating through minutes. Win Win right. Yeah, this is loads of fun.....thanks for the great customer service guys. It is very appreciated.


I can only hope that one day, when my account is unlocked they may have this queue issue resolved and I won't have to wait 1-4 hours to actually play. SOOOO glad I rushed out on DAY ONE the game went on sale for preorder and immediately registered my early access code so I could get in early! It's also quite exciting to hear loads of other folks are having the "security question" issue....you'd think if this were the case you could fix it online and not have to sit on hold hoping for a cust svc rep that's never going to answer. I honestly believe at this point they are just not answering the phones. Good times playing SWTOR.....can't wait for actual release when it's even busier!!! Yay!!

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I don't like bothering or complaining to Bioware, but maybe they should take a look at the server Swiftsure's queue. It says 1.5 hour queue to join. While all other servers at maximum have a 50minute wait.


Hey I don't mind waiting an hour, ok 2 hours, but 4-6 hour queue. Now I am planning to queue a day before I actually play.


Bioware, if you are not going to add transfers on this server, at least put a more accurate queue time on the server. So at least I can know how much time needs to elapse before I can calculate when I can play the next day.

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Why are we still waiting for some sort of information from the Devs?


Um Update? or do we have to wait in queue for that info too?


Thought this would be TOP priority and some trickle down info to the community (your consumers) would create understanding and patience.

Edited by Xoralis
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1) Boot of people who are just auto running and staying logged in.

2) Put a grace login of 5-10 minutes for people who crash or disconnect so they don't have to re-queue

3) Open up server transfers


I would have honestly thought with such a popular game being launched the top two would have already been considered.


Also, just as an FYI - part of this problem is due to the failure to sell the game in NZ and AUS and the 'unofficial' Oceanic servers being absolutely swamped. If Bioware had decided to support these regions and offer Oceanic servers, it would have given Aus/NZ people more choice and direction and we wouldn't all want to be squishing into a single server.

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