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Regarding server queues


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/sigh such an awesome game such an epic fail start. Everything in game is amazing and so far one of my best mmo experiences but the logging in 1 hour estimate? turning into 3 hours? 2 hours turning into 5 hours? This has to stop, seriously no one in the world is patient enaugh to deal with this only people i see being happy are the lucky few who are on servers without queues. Give people longer estimates than you know its going to take for them to get in so they get a nice shock and think woo theyre actually moving things quicker or something! stop lieing to people about bloody queue times... Edited by Demoniceus
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I'm sorry but allowing queues at all is not acceptable. You have a great game, but I disagree with your solution for handling eventual player loss on servers. I will be very surprised if your 'solution' has any effect in the long term of inevitable player loss on servers. The day will come sooner or later where you will have to merge servers. Delaying that using this method is not the answer, because you are punishing people who only have an hour or two to play each day by forcing them to wait 25%+ of that time in a queue.


I like the game a lot, but I am unsure if I like it enough to spend 25% of my play time sitting in a queue. You had best think about because I would rather play a lesser game if it means I actually get to play instead of posting my dissatisfaction of matters on a forum when as a paying customer I should be in the game enjoying myself with my friends.

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Mr. Jeff Hickman,


I am impressed with the rate at which you are deploying new servers, and I can see that you are attempting to address the situation. The problem stared with the order in which you chose to assign guilds to servers. By the looks of it, you followed a similar method to which you threw out early-access invites. i.e. first guild registered = assigned to first server... and kept assigning guilds to that server until full... at which time you started with the 2nd server. The reason this wasn't well-though-out was that most of the "build-guilds" types are also the ones who were clicking the pre-order button 2 seconds after the game was able to be ordered.


Well, this is good & all to know, but it does nothing to solve the current predicament. So, the next question is... how can we fix it?


Are there going to be guild-transfers offered sometime? (sooner rather than later please) ... is your stand on the subject more along the lines of "go re-roll on a new server"? ... or just grit our teeth & rage over 2.5 hour queues? (yes, you may say there's approx 45 min ... but the reality is more like 2.5 hours) I've seen my own server's queue estimating well over 1 hour... I can't even begin to consider how long it actually took for players to get in.

Edited by TheCompWiz
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I'm sorry but allowing queues at all is not acceptable. You have a great game, but I disagree with your solution for handling eventual player loss on servers. I will be very surprised if your 'solution' has any effect in the long term of inevitable player loss on servers. The day will come sooner or later where you will have to merge servers. Delaying that using this method is not the answer, because you are punishing people who only have an hour or two to play each day by forcing them to wait 25%+ of that time in a queue.


I like the game a lot, but I am unsure if I like it enough to spend 25% of my play time sitting in a queue. You had best think about because I would rather play a lesser game if it means I actually get to play instead of posting my dissatisfaction of matters on a forum when as a paying customer I should be in the game enjoying myself with my friends.


Hour or two! I dream of getting into this game in an hour or two :(

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@Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Joined queue at 15:15 CET

There is now 19:44 CET and there is 345 ppl before me.


Have mercy.



I'n in - 20:50.


5h 35m in queue!

I think this is my big issue, only because this was the server my Guild were assigned to and I have hardly been able to play with them as we are unable to get onto this server...


I have rolled characters on other EU servers for now, but really want to get back to my friends and guildmates, who all came across from SWG together and want to stay together.

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6hrs in queue... thanks to 2 disconnects while waiting. Am I expected to wait another 6hrs just so I can play with my guild?


I am not gonna complain too much but after I have to start actually paying for the game you better have a solution cause no game is worth 6hrs of my time at $25/hr cause you would currently owe me $300.


To clairify the $300 so people don't think I am bad at math that's accumulated over 3 days

Edited by Kabulla
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Telling your customers to simply change servers is a null argument.. First of this this is early access, you expect everyone to sacrifice their progress because you failed us at launch? You failed us with the "waves", you failed us bringing new servers online, and now you're failing us by not fixing this mess. This is a self inflicted wound, you BW utterly worsened this launch with every decision you made. Mismanaged.


Moving forward there are measures that can be taken.. Limit new characters to those of us who have existing characters on a server.. Raise server capacity, allocate more resources per virtual box.. Allow guild migration.. At worse and likely a guild killer, allow character migration. Please note those last two as being far fetched and requiring dev resources.


Whatever measure you choose START talking to the community about this issue openly and STOP talking to us in press release marketing bs talk. We need to know you understand this issue, have a decisive course of action, and care about our progression.

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6hrs in queue... thanks to 2 disconnects while waiting. Am I expected to wait another 6hrs just so I can play with my guild?


I am not gonna complain too much but after I have to start actually paying for the game you better have a solution cause no game is worth 6hrs of my time at $25/hr cause you would currently owe me $300.


To clairify the $300 so people don't think I am bad at math that's accumulated over 3 days


No kidding. There are a lot of things I will tolerate in releases of games. Bugs, glitches, performance issues. What I will not tolerate is not being able to play at all.

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A lot of people complaining... too many people complaining..


How many of you utilized Guild HQ? How many of you just decided to ignore it and roll on whatever server you liked?


Bioware was using GHQ to attempt to balance servers as much as possible to prevent this from happening. Those of you complaining that didn't utilize it and sign up with a guild to play with; this is on you. Just move servers.


Queues are going to happen, especially so when people decide to roll on a heavy server instead of a standard.


If you don't feel like paying for it, either move to another server or stop complaining about it; the queue isn't going to disappear because of you're complaining. The only thing that would allow for larger server population is more powerful servers, which would involve lengthy stress testing and hours of maintenance downtime to bring online. Not to mention it would be an exceedingly expensive solution to a problem caused by people not wanting to reroll.

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The following is a brief statement from Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer, Live Services:


"We know there have been questions about the queues on the servers, so we wanted to take a moment to give you some insight.


In order to ensure that the service would be smooth and stable, we staged how we brought people into the Early Game Access program, adding people in waves. As you know, there are a lot of folks who want to play the game right now and we want to make sure they have lots of people to play with. Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch. Either way, we have one clear objective – to make sure folks have fun.


While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."



I don't know if this has been said already as I'm late to this thread but having a 3 hour queue time (as I currently do) during the pre-launch phase when you controlled how many people would have access and where they would go is sad. As a production team you have known for months if not years that you would be allowing pre-orders and early access to the game. If your capacity planning team couldn't figure out that they should not assign more than 1000 people over what the server can support I hope someone is being shown the door.


If we were 3 months in where people had been choosing their own servers and there was a content release that's one thing but you had full control of this and were woefully negligent in the handling of your customers. I fear for what is going to happen after Tuesday, if things are this bad with just your pre-orders what is going to happen when those that didn't feel like preordering and the Christmas shoppers start picking up the game?


I want to commit to the game for an extended period of time but if i have to commit 3 hours of my day just to the queue I can't imagine that i will be paying for any significant play time come Tuesday when i get my cd key from my pre-order.

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Queues are expected especially on a launch and i fully expected to wait 20-30 min to log in for the first 1-2 weeks mibbe even an hour tops. but on my second day of playing i spent 8 hours trying to get in due to errors during queues of up to 2.8k people. and every night after i finish work i spent 1h 30 min, minimum to get on. I cannot phsyically play this game nor can 50% of the current player base from the sounds of it.

this game might be the WOW killer but its going to kill itself before anything else.

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A lot of people complaining... too many people complaining..


How many of you utilized Guild HQ? How many of you just decided to ignore it and roll on whatever server you liked?


Bioware was using GHQ to attempt to balance servers as much as possible to prevent this from happening. Those of you complaining that didn't utilize it and sign up with a guild to play with; this is on you. Just move servers.


Queues are going to happen, especially so when people decide to roll on a heavy server instead of a standard.


If you don't feel like paying for it, either move to another server or stop complaining about it; the queue isn't going to disappear because of you're complaining. The only thing that would allow for larger server population is more powerful servers, which would involve lengthy stress testing and hours of maintenance downtime to bring online. Not to mention it would be an exceedingly expensive solution to a problem caused by people not wanting to reroll.


I used guild HQ. And stop complaining about complaining hypocrite. This is a valid issue. If you don't want to listen to it, don't read this thread, again... hypocrite.

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Not being funny but why the limits?


Eve Online last time I played was hitting records of 55k users on a single server (users not servers for the actual game areas)


Other MMO's successfully launched without issue such as this and I don't see you fixing this in 3 days : (


If its like this at launch, all those players who install then login will leave in droves (not paying subs) so your issues with player population wont happen months after launch it will happen on launch.


Queuing is Fail.


I see 5 EU servers are full (inc one im trying to join) with queues but I see loads of servers in yellow or orange please move me to one of those as I have no friends ingame I just want to play.




Edited by Xawe
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While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."[/indent]


So, 2h 30min is reasonable and manageable PRE-RELEASE?


Either raise the roof, or give us INSTANT char transfer now..

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Most players just use the "auto run into a wall thing" so thy stay online thats why you need to wait ... if not they have a G19 / G15 (logitech) and macro it to random hit buttons with random time (you can set the max. and min. time.


So if you want to go offline for lets say 2H and know you have to wait for 2H to get back online when you do. You hit the G1 til G12 key and you don't have to wait.


I know the world isn't fair, but why isn't it ever unfair in my favor?


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So, over an hour ago, I call my wife when I leave work to log me in. An hour and 15 minutes later I get home, and I'm stll 256 in line and STILL have "Estimate Wait: < 55m 00s" Hour and a half into this silly little login game of yours, and theres still over a hundred people in front of me.....


As a GM who's been working to pull people into this game from all the other MMO's I've lead guilds in over the past decade, I'm seeing nothing other than a bold faced lie from the OP....


The queues have done nothing other than get markedly worse as more people have been provided their early access. The FACTS do not in any way shape or form even HINT that


You promise? REALLY????



Then riddle me this batman. Why do I have my guildies leaving the server YOU ASSIGNED US TO to find random servers they can play on that don't have a TWO HOUR queue???


If your network engineers and software developers aren't competent enough, and don't have adequate forward thinking to have ALREADY established a mechanism to dynamically allocate resources on your server farm to compensate for the numbers of people that you ALREADY KNOW will be logging on, then you don't deserve a penny of my hard earned cash. You don't deserve a penny of any of my guildie's hard earned cash. Or my friends. Or even the rebel scum that I *had* intended to crush beneath my boot heel....


It's blatantly obvious that you failed to put adequate mechanisms in place to address the server loading you had ALL of the information to anticipate. Simple math.... Even after DAYS of PAYING CUSTOMERS SCREAMING about the login queues, nothing has been done to resolve, or even IMPROVE the situation. Leaving such a blatantly insulting lie posted as the quote above does nothing but add insult to injury.


Hopefully, there is NO question in your mind regarding exactly how I feel about whether Bioware deserves any of the extreme customer loyalty and extensive free advertising they have enjoyed from me from the launch of Baldur's Gate up UNTIL today...


I'm about ready to put a block on my credit card and cancel my subscription. I WILL NOT pay to play a game that shuts the door in my face.....




@ Elfluffo:

BRAVO on your post.




On the plus side their forum servers seem to be coping just fine....

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A lot of people complaining... too many people complaining..


How many of you utilized Guild HQ? How many of you just decided to ignore it and roll on whatever server you liked?


Bioware was using GHQ to attempt to balance servers as much as possible to prevent this from happening. Those of you complaining that didn't utilize it and sign up with a guild to play with; this is on you. Just move servers.


Queues are going to happen, especially so when people decide to roll on a heavy server instead of a standard.


If you don't feel like paying for it, either move to another server or stop complaining about it; the queue isn't going to disappear because of you're complaining. The only thing that would allow for larger server population is more powerful servers, which would involve lengthy stress testing and hours of maintenance downtime to bring online. Not to mention it would be an exceedingly expensive solution to a problem caused by people not wanting to reroll.


If they wanted guilds to use the servers they were put on by BW then they should have locked those servers til those guilds got a chance to create their toons and play with their guilds instead of having to compete with randoms for server time.

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