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1.2 age of bandwagon warriors..


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LOL it's clearly L2p right 'cause we all know Marauders and Sentinels are perfectly balanced to other classes in 1.2.






What's really funny is they say L2P but then they throw a fit when you just roll a Mara. There's a post a few posts down from you that does just that.


Basically they're pretty much admitting they know they're OPed but they don't want anyone else to get in on it too, because then they lose that advantage. If everyone runs around playing a Mara (or a Sent) you'd actually have to be good at the class in order to do well. Otherwise you'd just get torn up by the better ones. Right now you can take advantage of a lot of class imbalance.


On my Mara I always go after Sages first, although nobody gives me too much trouble, they're just really easy to kill so you should just kill them first. When I play my Sage, the good opposing Maras know the same thing, so they go after me first. It would be more frustrating if I didn't do pretty much the same thing myself.


I think while having a main is a fine idea, ideally people should roll 3 classes. The likelihood of all three ACs being awful at the same time is very low, whereas there is a fairly solid possibility at least one will be very good. Right now the three I have are Sage, Mara, Vanguard. I'm rather fond of the Gunslinger/Sniper style but I don't really have the time to add that into the rotation, maybe after 1.3 legacy exp buffs. It's not a terrible idea to get 4 base classes past chapter 2 for the buff unlocks, but even that can be quite a bit of time. I mostly level off of rest experience on my alts.

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geez the same tired arguements get trotted out anytime someone points out something negative:


"shut up you noob"

have you seen how many threads there are about mara/sent being overpowered? this guy is hardly alone in thinking that mara/sent is the fotm thanks to Bioware's attrocious balancing.


"L2P ur class"

true, no data was provided about level of his toon, what gear he's using, etc., etc,. etc. again i've seen many well thought out threads written by experienced PVPers who talking about mara/sent TTK being too low. Sure if this happend once you could ignore it, twice start to wonder, third/forth/---th time there's probably someting there. just love how many people want to blame the victim or kill the messenger


"move, interrupt, knockback, stun"

let's see... force charge/force leap roots for 2 seconds (more if spec'd), Ravage/Master Strike is uninteruptable (you DID read the patch notes for 1.2 right?), knockback are great if your class has them, stuns are great if you have leveled up enough to get them. Someone said it best " this game isnt based around 1 v 1 where your scenario would be true..."


"get better gear/get more expertise"

Since we don't know what level toon the OP was talking about we don't know if the toon can wear recruit equipment. OP might have, might not we don't know. just auto assuming experise/gear was the problem seems like a knee-jerk reaction. the amount of expertise level 10-49 toons can get is very low. That I am aware they can only be gotten from PVP weapons which only cost 900 wz coms. If you strip old enhancements (the ones that have expertise) from your weapons as you level up you might be able to have 50 expertise by the time you reach level 46. I don't think that much will make a big difference.


just amazing how many people want to blame the OP rather than admit that class balance it out of wack. have you really invested so much of your self-esteem in liking SWTOR that you can't admit that there are flaws in it?

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There's a reason why the forums are aflame with these complaints, deal with it.


i agree. players of classes that used to be OP have suddenly discovered what it was like to be a warrior/knight pre 1.2.


they now not only have to L2P if they wish to succeed, they also need to unlearn their previous facerolling ways. something that is much harder to do.


since it is so hard to L2P, and so much easier to QQ on the forums, we see the result here.

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Rerolled on a new server and started a Sorc and a Mara... gotta say both are ridiculously fun! I knew going into the Mara that it's next up for the nerf bat, but w/e, it's pretty much the only thing I hadn't played yet other than a Sniper/GS...
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Liono - hits for about 6-7k or more in van zwhallow or w.e


Liono has wrecked me a couple times. But he always has backup. Ive yet to face him in anything close to a 1v1.


Matic Landar, jedi guardian since day one!

Edited by maticlandarr
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i did post my spec, but i will again.



I have full BM set with one warhero part, my gear is modded for dps.


i have 45% mitigation almost, i have 1100 expertise<21.5%> biochem



just so people know.

all i do is pvp, i know all the counters, i do fine in one on one, the issue is when everyone is playing the warrior classes and slaping down instant aoe while in in a skirmish you cannot defend against it.


mara can become immune or stealth to posistion them selves to use it, jugs can push someone and jump to wherever the crowed is largest.


i will state again, the issue is with the classes in groups not solo, this complained has nothing to do with solo.

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But any group of the same class (or different classes) focusing people is going to wreck face. Which is what your argument boils down to. So. Yeah. Not much you can do about that.


But this thread is making me want to respec focus to see how it performs for me post 1.2

Edited by maticlandarr
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But any group of the same class (or different classes) focusing people is going to wreck face. Which is what your argument boils down to. So. Yeah. Not much you can do about that.


not true..


this game is never 1 on 1, but while you can focus fire what happens after the alpha strike is what really matters.


operative can focus one after another true, but they can be easily countered after their alpha strike.


troopers AOE is lulz easy to avoid due to slow start and floor becon, while they can focus fire really well, and out last, they are easy to spot and counter with group support.




they are dynamic, highly mobile. they jump from one target to the next and offer a wide range of group supressing skills, be it detauts for the jugs or aoe stun for the mara, they have many defense skills even in dps mode, but what makes them overpowered is the way they can build up a for a burst aoe hit of 5 to 7k, and you wont see this coming in a skirmish, and healing that kinda damage is not easy if 2 or 3 warrior just unleashed it..


2 healers + 4 warriors >>>> any other class combo

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I play full BM mara and I never take people from 100%-20% in 1 Ravage. Can you post a SS of that crazy dmg?


BTW I love casters just standing there and trying to hard cast while I pop my CDs and kill them in 5 sec. It's a l2play issue, casters had it too easy before the patch and most still think they can tank melee and outheal their dmg as dps specc.


Given that it's impossible to kite us, what exactly are they supposed to do?

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not true..


this game is never 1 on 1, but while you can focus fire what happens after the alpha strike is what really matters.


operative can focus one after another true, but they can be easily countered after their alpha


2 healers + 4 warriors >>>> any other class combo


I definitely see and understand your points. I play a gaurdian. I also havent had any problems with rage warriors. Could just be more prevalent on your server. Most knights/warriors on ven zallow are vig/veng.


Rhis thread is making me want to spec focus again just to see.

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I dont understand why people complain about warriors, their buff was insignificant, 7k ? Are you kidding me ? Care to show me a screenshot ? Marauders are easy to counter if they use ravage.. all you need to do is move, you cant move ? Interrupt it. Uninterruptable? Knockbacks.. No knockbacks ? Stun, no stuns ? Stand there and die then.


Youve got 4 ways to stop ravage, USE THEM.


You can't use your interupt on ravage anymore, that changed in 1.2. Moving is always a good idea tho, why yould you stand in front of a channeled melee ability and not move.


Hint* you can run through them and it stops hitting you.

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You can't use your interupt on ravage anymore, that changed in 1.2. Moving is always a good idea tho, why yould you stand in front of a channeled melee ability and not move.


Hint* you can run through them and it stops hitting you.


i would just like to add, while running through might work, it isnt 100% running way does not work unless you have speed, most warriors will only channel upto 3 hits unless they know they will get the full duration.


also if you run you will be hit for uptp 10y away. its the same for all channeled attacks, you have a little give in the range once it has been started, for ravage its 10y

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so, what do you all think of the warriors? i mean they are all over the place now, bouncing from one target to the next aoe smashing everything in sight for 7k ravaging people from 100% health down to 20% health in one go.


I'm actually seeing games where there are nothing but warriors and sages.. its kinda silly.


Also the time to kill is so insane now that it makes cc removal a moot point, since you are dead within the first stun anyway, but while im talking about that, anyone notice the insane stun locking now? i was immobile for 50 sec half of 13 of which i was fully stunned, the rest was chain root.


this game has gone from fun for all to fun for only premade in one patch...


i assume this will be blocked or filtered like every other forum post since 1.2 though... sigh


Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal.


besides the classes that lock you down aren't just warriors, all classes have access to cc. Assassins and Sorcs being the main offenders.

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not true..


this game is never 1 on 1, but while you can focus fire what happens after the alpha strike is what really matters.


operative can focus one after another true, but they can be easily countered after their alpha strike.


troopers AOE is lulz easy to avoid due to slow start and floor becon, while they can focus fire really well, and out last, they are easy to spot and counter with group support.




they are dynamic, highly mobile. they jump from one target to the next and offer a wide range of group supressing skills, be it detauts for the jugs or aoe stun for the mara, they have many defense skills even in dps mode, but what makes them overpowered is the way they can build up a for a burst aoe hit of 5 to 7k, and you wont see this coming in a skirmish, and healing that kinda damage is not easy if 2 or 3 warrior just unleashed it..


2 healers + 4 warriors >>>> any other class combo


how about 3k to 5.5k? and 5.5k is assuming everybody is in llight armor with no bubble or def cd on.


Plus the more ppl you try to aoe the less chance you have to successfully hit your smash since they can all stun you.


And all this is assuming nobody taunted you. When i hit a guarded healer sorc the number i read on the scree when they dont have their bubble is 1.7k to 3k


So plz stop making up some random numbers


Oh and btw, i can smash 4-5 times in 1 minute... thats if i dont get interupted/stun, if my smash actully work( because sometimes it misses for no reason) and thats if i survive long enough

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Funny how many people say things like 'interrupt ravage' or 'move away from it'. Did you people not realize it can't be interrupted, and in the spec where it hits hardest- it roots you so you can't move, even if you have full resolve?


I don't think people are complaining about annihilation ravages- which still do hit pretty hard, but unless someone else roots/stuns you you can easily avoid the last tick- the hardest tick. (though, stealth won't end until your second tick, so I like to ravage out of stealth, they pretty much are guaranteed to eat the whole thing).

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Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal.


besides the classes that lock you down aren't just warriors, all classes have access to cc. Assassins and Sorcs being the main offenders.


A stun on one min CD, a mez with a cast time on one min CD, a knockback on 20 sec CD- the ability to add in a root in the dps spec... yeah, not really much of a locking down there. Not to mention, you might see a sorc crit for over 3k once a minute- not all that scary.

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