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Makes me sad


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Like the title says, this game makes me very sad, i had so much high hopes on swtor being a huge starwars fan and also a hardcore mmo player, it seemed to good to be true but after playing this game from launch it just baffles me.


Firstly this isnt a whine thread flaming the game and me trying to troll the forums, id also like to point out i have not got a masters in writing on forums so expect some walls of text.


My issues, well lets see, instanced/sharding zones, drives me bonkers, one of my favorite pvp mmo games of all times age of conan suffered so badly from this, i really dont get why they have implimented it into this game. ofcourse you will get the carebears who will say but i dont want people farming my quest mobs, or stealing my gathering materials, my reply to that is play skyrim? i mean seriously, why do people want to play a massively online game and not get the massively experience? anyways instanced zones is a horrible idea wish they would just remove/fix this.


My next issue is the design of planets, i goto Taris level 33 expecting at this stage into the game surely i will come across some serious pvp, after 30 minutes of questing and not seeing a single republic, i ask in /general, is there no pvp on this planet aswell, i got several responses "no republic quests on this planet" not to say i was floored with this one, i mean when i think back to the game we will not name, i remember in my 30#s going to STV and the pvp was ripe, i mean seriously ripe, i would go into stv and come across tons of action, it was just epic as you went through the jungle knowing at any minute you could come across a real person enemy, but in swtor it's like they said, well lets not have any pvp in this zone, so im like mm ok.


It seems to be the same deal with most planets, sure i can spend hours on end flying around tatooine looking for enemies but seriously its not even worth the effort, you find someone and might get some action then they rez up "stealthed" ad just mount up and move along. I just dont grasp why they designed the game in the method they have done, if they didnt want people getting jumped while they quest and gather there precious flowers well simple solution go onto a pve server? i mean whats the point?


My other issue is warzones, why o why can we not pick the warzone we want to play? i cant get my head around it, sure the queue times might be alittle longer but i personally wouldnt mind waiting 5 minutes to play a warzone i actually like *i personally hate huttball*.


Then there is the HUGE planets, i mean they are so stupidly big it again makes no sense, its bad enough the zones are instanced, most planets dont have opposite factions on them to encounter but they also make planets so big that its just stupid. If they increased server sizes then i could understand, like lets say a server could easily hold several thousand people like the game we will not mention, then i would embrace the large planets, but why o why have they designed the game so poorly, if they had of made planets huge but had some restrictions to reduce the actual size a player can visit until the servers had been increased i could of understood but its just wrong.


I want this game to succeed more then anything, i really do. i just wish they would understand that carebears can go on pve server's, and us pvp people can pvp on pvp servers.


in be4 go back to unsaid game, played it for 7 years ive had my fill, in be4 go play AoC, game failed for many reasons, go play rift? no thanks 1 button macro's not for me, i might try tera online but tbh i just want this game to fix the crappy deicisions they have made in regards pvp.


Does anyone know if the instanced zones is hardcoded like age of conan? i ask on twitter but swtor never replied. Does anyone think this game will ever offer serious world pvp or is it really just going to stay as is?


TLDR, why did they add instanced zones in a game that claims to have pvp? why did they add pvp server's in a game that clearly has no pvp in it other then warzones, why did they design a game with warzones that dont let us even pick what one we want to play? Will this game ever be fixed?

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Agree with most of your points, not on the planets beeing to big. I think they are way to small and offer no immersion

or free movement at all. Just 600 000 000 copy paste mobs all over the place.


When it comes to world PvP you can tell as we all know they have no clue what so ever.

But i think one of the problems is that they made to many planets in the lvl up experience.

3 planets (big planets) would have been enough with the rest of them as nothing but pure exploration planets with few

mobs and a secret quest here and there and world bosses giving half the planets a pure sandbox experience.


I mean look at Tatooine, what a joke, a great planet but as soon as you try to leave spaceport you get killed by this wall

the devs have put in because they wanna hand help players. Just patetic, really patetic....


And in the end they should have had a huge end game planet with day night cycle with flashpoints and raids

on the planet and rare crafting items droping to produce awesome world pvp and fun in every way.

But as always you have developers who is not gamers like us who cant come up with idees like this by themself.

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I certainly agree with this. I was leveling my Republic Character when I first started the game and leveled through Taris at about level 15. Seen no Imperial players so I was just like 'bugger'.

Played my Imperial Character and was horrified to find that Imperials head to Taris at level 30. Where is the PVP?


This is a game about war and rivalling ideologies. Why do we only get to fight when the game permits it? All out war isn't sanctioned and instanced.

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I agree with everything you said; the design of the planets are very obvious in separating Republic and Imperial players, a decision that makes me :confused:. Sure, getting ganked while questing might cause some nerdrage, but it is why I roll PvP server. Controlled PvP in the shape of Warzones I can do on any server. It is the open world PvP I live and breathe. SWTOR sadly, has none.


With that said, Tatooine have been quite fun with the latest rakghoul dailies. LOTS of 50's about in the same area.

More of that!

Edited by Senefera
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I've been playing since pre-launch. I play on a heavy server. I have only ever seen (and fought) 4 Republic players in "the open".


There is nothing MMO about this game. They took the same approach as the original Guild Wars and Hellgate London. This is not an MMO, it's a rail shooter with slightly more room to move left and right.

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Take a step back for one second, and think why they didn't implement PVP on to questing worlds. *just* for one minute. Might it stop some people being able to progress with their Bioware story ? So it wouldn't be just frustrating to come across one of your story quest area's to find it camped by 10 to 15 sith ? because they know Republic players or say sith players have to go their, to find it camped on by the *other* faction. Think this is why Ilum failed. In PVE content terms, it means some people *might* not be able to progress with their stories, because of the constant camping of story nodes.


Now look at the fact that you got 50's in full PVP expertise gear, hunting down lowbies and farming them for valor.. Probably not much, considering your killing low level players. But still annoying for any lowbie to be at the hands of this kind of player.


Just a thought.

Edited by dronepilot
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it's nice to see people who feel the same way, if i had posted this in general forum i would have got flamed, and ye i agree 3 huge planets for leveling is a great idea with lots of other planets just to explore or for future xpacks, but i shall still hold out for another few months, i know they have made many flaws but i do think alot of the issues could be fixed over time, we shall see what happens i guess.


I really dont know what to play if they do not improve the world pvp though, i mean tera online seems like the only other worth while mmo to play now and tbh it just looks like wow all over with aion gfx, i just miss good old world pvp, age of conan had more potential then any other game with this, its a real shame, the ganks where so brutal it was delicious.


i guess it's motor on lvling alts in SWTOR and playing some league of legends as a go between, WE NEED WORLD PVP DAMNIT!

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Take a step back for one second, and think why they didn't implement PVP on to questing worlds. *just* for one minute. Might it stop some people being able to progress with their Bioware story ? So it wouldn't be just frustrating to come across one of your story quest area's to find it camped by 10 to 15 sith ? because they know Republic players or say sith players have to go their, to find it camped on by the *other* faction. Think this is why Ilum failed. In PVE content terms, it means some people *might* not be able to progress with their stories, because of the constant camping of story nodes.


Now look at the fact that you got 50's in full PVP expertise gear, hunting down lowbies and farming them for valor.. Probably not much, considering your killing low level players. But still annoying for any lowbie to be at the hands of this kind of player.


Just a thought.

To be fair i dont think you are looking at the big picture, if they had of done it like the game we shall not name making almost all zones have both factions run into each other around quest areas apart from starter zone then the whole being camped by 15 people is highly unlikely, as for not being able to progress with story that is yet another carebear excuse, you have options in swtor that the game we shall not name hadnt and yet it still became the biggest mmo in history and also fine for leveling, 1 option is the whole "stealthed" upon rez.


I see where you are comming from but the whole being camped and cant progress is horse **** tbh, you could i dunno, log an alt or try sneak away, again i said if people do not want any of this to impede them they can simply go onto a pve server? i never understand why people dont want world pvp on a pvp server, its contradiction at it's best.

Edited by Ishikur
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you assuming swtor was going to be for the hardcore MMO players was your mistake. bioware didn't make you sad, they told you how the game was going to be(aka what was going to be focused on)


I actually just checked out DCUO since it was free to play. after you finish your starter area, you port into a building, and then go outside. walk ONE block from the starter building to do a quest, and you have at least 1 capped toon(of the opposing faction) ready, waiting to kill you.


its fun to outrun them for a minute, but after dying 4 times trying to complete the first quest it just got old.


dont get me wrong, I would like to have more 'weaving' paths that give you the chance to come across more enemies on the opposing faction(in swtor), but following from the DCUO example, it's just not fun.


if you're in a guild this is fine, you can call your buddies up, or are leveling with them anyway, and can take out 1-2 ppl just trying to kill lowbies. but what about the person that just wants to get into the game, or get into the story. should they really punish the players for that(especially paying customers). i mean an MMO should be about anyone and everyone that wants to enjoy the game in however they like to enjoy it. whether this is crafting, soloing, or running with friends/guildies. but it shouldn't make the game un-enjoyable


it's just a very very fine line that the devs need to watch, without crossing.(yes yes, pve vs pvp servers solve this. . .but it was just an example).

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you assuming swtor was going to be for the hardcore MMO players was your mistake. bioware didn't make you sad, they told you how the game was going to be(aka what was going to be focused on)


I actually just checked out DCUO since it was free to play. after you finish your starter area, you port into a building, and then go outside. walk ONE block from the starter building to do a quest, and you have at least 1 capped toon(of the opposing faction) ready, waiting to kill you.


its fun to outrun them for a minute, but after dying 4 times trying to complete the first quest it just got old.


dont get me wrong, I would like to have more 'weaving' paths that give you the chance to come across more enemies on the opposing faction(in swtor), but following from the DCUO example, it's just not fun.


if you're in a guild this is fine, you can call your buddies up, or are leveling with them anyway, and can take out 1-2 ppl just trying to kill lowbies. but what about the person that just wants to get into the game, or get into the story. should they really punish the players for that(especially paying customers). i mean an MMO should be about anyone and everyone that wants to enjoy the game in however they like to enjoy it. whether this is crafting, soloing, or running with friends/guildies. but it shouldn't make the game un-enjoyable


it's just a very very fine line that the devs need to watch, without crossing.(yes yes, pve vs pvp servers solve this. . .but it was just an example).


I dont understand your post, you are saying being camped gets old, what about the guy who just wants to quest, my argument would be pve server, then you even say it at end of the post >.<

Edited by Ishikur
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I agree.


First, why do we have PVP servers?? serioulsy why?? There is no Open world pvp in this game, so, all the servers should be PVE. As a PVP player im tired of this, instanced PVP can be interesting just for a couple of hours, after that, it becomes boring, doing always the same thing bores the hell out of me. If carebears dont like to be killed in open world, fine, they have PVE servers for that....seriously, remove the PVP server name, there are none.


This game is failing and numbers demonstrate it...and its not because of PVE, its just because the PVP in this game has is really a shame.

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Alot of expectation for this game there was. PvP was not the focus but an epic story for all classes. I do not think this was achieved and agree with many of your points OP.


BW are great makers of games I think for this one as a first outing there was alot to be learned. Things have been picked up and changes made within record time by devs, I hope the future brings good stuff.


For now however I've unsubbed, as much fun as Huttball is I can only at it so long, and find those wonderful world vistas beautiful but pretty boring no matter what class you are.

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To be fair i dont think you are looking at the big picture, if they had of done it like the game we shall not name making almost all zones have both factions run into each other around quest areas apart from starter zone then the whole being camped by 15 people is highly unlikely, as for not being able to progress with story that is yet another carebear excuse, you have options in swtor that the game we shall not name hadnt and yet it still became the biggest mmo in history and also fine for leveling, 1 option is the whole "stealthed" upon rez.


I see where you are comming from but the whole being camped and cant progress is horse **** tbh, you could i dunno, log an alt or try sneak away, again i said if people do not want any of this to impede them they can simply go onto a pve server? i never understand why people dont want world pvp on a pvp server, its contradiction at it's best.


Have you seen a whole imps guild camps the event vendor on Tatoonie for hours? A bunch of war Heroes facerolls 30s is not something to be proud of but suprisingly, there are alot of "non-carebears" like that in MMOs. And most of "non-care bears" are usually impolite and rude, /Spit or /laugh at newbie corpses is one of common actions of these guys. Worse is they usually /say and start talking **** about the victim. When they got pwned by victim's friends, guess what the do they start crying about unfair fights or nub this nub that. Not mention to the imbalance of Rep/Imp in most servers would make those harassment even worse.


Dont you know about the Illum's center part? It haswhat exactly what you want: mix both factions in a place. Result? BW admitted the zone is a total failure and abandoned it. That is why BW tends to seperate quest zones of Rep and Imp to prevent those harassments.


About why BW doesnt allow you to choose which WZ to join, it is because BW knows that some maps will be totally abandonned by players. For example, range classes have significant advantage in Voidstar (stay at the middle and shot everything moving in left and right), thus melee classes would not join this map. Another example is Huttball, sin/shadow has crazy advantage in this map (sprint, pull, bubble), classes with less utilites would unlikely join this map. BW wants players to experience all the maps, random map pop is annoying but it is a correct method in some ways.

Edited by utuwer
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What is being said by some people is morons camping low levels on their 50s is stupid and is not what open world PvP is about. The only good open world PvP games have no levels. I love PvP, its the majority of what I do in this game. Yet, I chose a PvE server for my primary. Why? Because 50s camping lowbies is stupid. Companions in PvP is not what I consider good PvP either. <-- main reason right here. PvP, to me, is about coming across players of near equal level and gear, or at the very least level. It is not fun to one shot level 10s. It is not fun to fight people you have 0 chance against. Open world PvP, as I would like it in this game, will never exist except at 50 cap.


The rakghoul outbreak event was AWSOME. Everybody was flagged even on my PvE server, had awsome raid vs raid battles over world bosses even outside the outlaws den. It was amazing. That's the kind of open world PvP i want. I've run across open world pvp on belsavis too, again even on PvE. Found some flagged people.


I don't mind the PvE aspects. I dont mind taris being at two different time periods based on faction for story purposes.


There's plenty of fun planets for open PvP. Alot of spots on Nar Shadaa, tat, alderaan, ilum (east), belsavis, etc... alot of places to intersect sometimes. I don't mind having to go a lil out of the way sometimes. People will like what they like but honestly if you were expecting this to be attack everyone everywhere when it was advertised has a story driven game for leveling... i don't know what to tell you.

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I agree.


First, why do we have PVP servers?? serioulsy why?? There is no Open world pvp in this game, so, all the servers should be PVE. As a PVP player im tired of this, instanced PVP can be interesting just for a couple of hours, after that, it becomes boring, doing always the same thing bores the hell out of me. If carebears dont like to be killed in open world, fine, they have PVE servers for that....seriously, remove the PVP server name, there are none.


This game is failing and numbers demonstrate it...and its not because of PVE, its just because the PVP in this game has is really a shame.


No one wants to World PvP when it's easier to just go into a instance and farm your PvP currency any time you want. World PvP was about finding an enemy and fighting for fun, rather than profit. But PvP players were tired of doing all that work for no reward.


The Carebears did not kill your game. You did. You want rewards, you got them. When you found out it was hard to get enough tokens for the rewards because World PvP isn't 100% guaranteed when you log in, you wanted a place to PvP where you will always find a fight and get your tokens faster. So they gave you instanced PvP. Now while you and every other PvP player were fighting each other for tokens, griefers had full reign to camp the lowbies. And since the lowbies could no longer count on you for help since "I need just one more token for my l33t set to match", they were pretty much screwed. That is what happened in World of Warcraft.


Now Bioware knew this would happen. So they gave you Ilum as a place to World PvP where you can beat each other all day and night and no lowbies would be harmed. But guess what? Turns out, you STILL don't want World PvP! You know why they call your servers PvP servers? It's to let everyone know that that server is full of people sitting on the fleet waiting for queues to pop, so if you go to Ilum, expect to be there alone.


It's no one's fault but your own that World PvP died. You got greedy and now you get your just rewards. You weren't happy doing World PvP for fun, no you wanted sweet gear to go with it. And when you found out you couldn't get it quick enough, you cried for a sure chance to get the gear. And that wasn't the end, was it? No you wanted RATINGS and LEADERBOARDS. You wanted a giant Epeen fluffing contest that World PvP was never designed for and ditched the world for a single map.


Well guess what, PvP Guy? You got your wish. This is what you wanted, so dive right in. Only one way to save world PvP and that is to remove he instanced zones, the rated battles and the leaderboard and have world PvP be done solely for fun.




You can continue to earn gear and rewards in your tomb of barriers and let World PvP die out. Sure you'll be on the gear treadmill like the rest of us, but you want recognition. You want people to look at you and say "That guy is a PvP master!"



You can't have both. Pick one.

Edited by Darth_Moonshadow
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My issues, well lets see, instanced/sharding zones, drives me bonkers, one of my favorite pvp mmo games of all times age of conan suffered so badly from this, i really dont get why they have implimented it into this game. ofcourse you will get the carebears who will say but i dont want people farming my quest mobs, or stealing my gathering materials, my reply to that is play skyrim? i mean seriously, why do people want to play a massively online game and not get the massively experience? anyways instanced zones is a horrible idea wish they would just remove/fix this.


I say there's not enough red walling griefers, when I walk through that door of green light those mobs belong to me, myself, and I onleh! :D


As for questing with people... hello! Flashpoints and story area heroic 4s anyone?

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Take a step back for one second, and think why they didn't implement PVP on to questing worlds. *just* for one minute. Might it stop some people being able to progress with their Bioware story ? So it wouldn't be just frustrating to come across one of your story quest area's to find it camped by 10 to 15 sith ? because they know Republic players or say sith players have to go their, to find it camped on by the *other* faction. Think this is why Ilum failed. In PVE content terms, it means some people *might* not be able to progress with their stories, because of the constant camping of story nodes.


Now look at the fact that you got 50's in full PVP expertise gear, hunting down lowbies and farming them for valor.. Probably not much, considering your killing low level players. But still annoying for any lowbie to be at the hands of this kind of player.


Just a thought.


So roll on a PVE sever, not a PVP Sever, ffs... There is no differance in PVP vs Pve in this game... The engine sucks. simple. they could not do it.. any more than 8 toons will crash best hardware for pub.


Played since beta, and they still have not fixed sli for 480 sli user's

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With that said, Tatooine have been quite fun with the latest rakghoul dailies. LOTS of 50's about in the same area.

More of that!


This. It has been a lot of fun having world PVP while doing those quests, and so much of the fun of playing on a PVP server is stripped by SWTOR. Why even warn people about logging on to PVP servers when there are very few natural intersections of Imp/Rep quests. I was hoping the Black Hole dailies would be similar, but again they divide the Imp/Rep quests.

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My issues, well lets see, instanced/sharding zones, drives me bonkers, one of my favorite pvp mmo games of all times age of conan suffered so badly from this, i really dont get why they have implimented it into this game. ofcourse you will get the carebears who will say but i dont want people farming my quest mobs, or stealing my gathering materials, my reply to that is play skyrim? i mean seriously, why do people want to play a massively online game and not get the massively experience? anyways instanced zones is a horrible idea wish they would just remove/fix this.


While they do shard planets when the population gets too high, I can honestly say that I very rarely see it happening. The only area that I have seen actually get a 2nd shard on my server since 2 weeks after EGA is the fleet, which has zero imapct on world PvP. I don't like excessive sharding either, but I honestly don't see it as a problem here.


My next issue is the design of planets, i goto Taris level 33 expecting at this stage into the game surely i will come across some serious pvp, after 30 minutes of questing and not seeing a single republic, i ask in /general, is there no pvp on this planet aswell, i got several responses "no republic quests on this planet" not to say i was floored with this one, i mean when i think back to the game we will not name, i remember in my 30#s going to STV and the pvp was ripe, i mean seriously ripe, i would go into stv and come across tons of action, it was just epic as you went through the jungle knowing at any minute you could come across a real person enemy, but in swtor it's like they said, well lets not have any pvp in this zone, so im like mm ok.


You just got unlucky and picked the one planet that both factions don't share after going to Nar Shaddaa. Either that, or you deliberately use Taris as your example to make things look worse than they really are. Every single chapter 2 and chapter 3 planet other than Taris/Balmorra and the last 3 chapter 1 planets are shared and there are lots of overlapping quest areas. The real culprit is the low populations and the fact that there are 120 NA servers that spread the populations so thin that you don't encounter world PvP as often as you should. I've played both factions to max level and there are many areas where republic and empire quest in the exact same places but since there's only 3 people on the entire planet, you don't get the world PvP.


It seems to be the same deal with most planets, sure i can spend hours on end flying around tatooine looking for enemies but seriously its not even worth the effort, you find someone and might get some action then they rez up "stealthed" ad just mount up and move along. I just dont grasp why they designed the game in the method they have done, if they didnt want people getting jumped while they quest and gather there precious flowers well simple solution go onto a pve server? i mean whats the point?


The game is not designed to prevent PvP,. Actually, to the contrary, the planets are setup specifically to drive both factions to the same areas and encourages the conflict. Again, after playing both factions to max level, I can see all the areas of overlap where someone who has only played one faction will not. Bioware can't make people go back and hang out in the leveling areas and most people camp the fleet with their max level toon leaving the leveling planets pretty empty.


My other issue is warzones, why o why can we not pick the warzone we want to play? i cant get my head around it, sure the queue times might be alittle longer but i personally wouldnt mind waiting 5 minutes to play a warzone i actually like *i personally hate huttball*.


I agree with you here. It's absolutely ridiculous that we can't select specific maps or have a "veto" option. I've heard comments from developers about their reasoning, but it still makes no sense to me. Their reasoning comes across as "we're developers and we know better than you so we're going to retain control and you players can just suck it. You'll play the maps we let you play and you'll like it."


Then there is the HUGE planets, i mean they are so stupidly big it again makes no sense, its bad enough the zones are instanced, most planets dont have opposite factions on them to encounter but they also make planets so big that its just stupid. If they increased server sizes then i could understand, like lets say a server could easily hold several thousand people like the game we will not mention, then i would embrace the large planets, but why o why have they designed the game so poorly, if they had of made planets huge but had some restrictions to reduce the actual size a player can visit until the servers had been increased i could of understood but its just wrong.


I don't think I've ever seen a huge planet like Hoth instanced and my very best world PvP encounters have all happened on Hoth, the largest, most open planet in the game. Personally, I like large planets and wouldn't change them. What I would change is server populations.


Does anyone know if the instanced zones is hardcoded like age of conan? i ask on twitter but swtor never replied. Does anyone think this game will ever offer serious world pvp or is it really just going to stay as is?


The instances are dynamic, meaning they only open a 2nd instance if the first one is very full (which almost never happens). 99% of the time, there are no multiple instances of a planet so I'm confused as to why this seems to be your major complaint.

Edited by ViperI
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I don't understand the "But if the zones were designed differently a bunch of 50's will be griefing lowbies!" argument.

You do know that it is very much possible for a member of one faction to go to the other factions questing area and grief if they wanted to? The areas are not separated.


What's been asked for is a shared questing area so PvP will happen while questing. You know.. to give players the feeling that they're never safe, never alone. Don't pull too many mobs at once, always stay alert, etc. Hoth had one of those; some cave with class quests if I remember correctly. Man, did I have some fun scraps in there, I got ganked by a group of 3 so hard I felt I was in AoC again. :) Then I found another republic player who had the same fate happen to her, we teamed up and gave them a taste of their own medicine, and we did it again and again and again until they got a 50 to help. That is an automatic loss on their behalf so we laughed at it and went afk for 15. She was my first SWTOR friend. During all that leveling i hadn't had a reason to talk to one single player before that.


PvP brings people together. :o

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World pvp has always been dead. I played wow for a couple years on heavy populated server and all the alliance xfrer off or faction changed so practically it's a horde only server. Leveling in post woltk in wow, I never encountered world pvp all the way up to 80 and in cataclysm that is more true. Face reality, world pvp isn't going to happen unless the developers specifically design the game for it like GW2. Although due to the legacy system and cross faction mailing change, swtor actually encourages you to level chars of opposing faction on the same server. Otherwise, you get what happen in wow. People flock to the alliance pvp server or the horde pvp server that is heavy populated and it basically cause world pvp to go extinct on those respective servers. Edited by Knockerz
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Firstly this isnt a whine thread flaming the game and me trying to troll the forums, id also like to point out i have not got a masters in writing on forums so expect some walls of text.?


I always chuckle when I see another complaint thread that begins with "now, I'm not whining"....

Edited by Kthx
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Take a step back for one second, and think why they didn't implement PVP on to questing worlds. *just* for one minute. Might it stop some people being able to progress with their Bioware story ? So it wouldn't be just frustrating to come across one of your story quest area's to find it camped by 10 to 15 sith ? because they know Republic players or say sith players have to go their, to find it camped on by the *other* faction. Think this is why Ilum failed. In PVE content terms, it means some people *might* not be able to progress with their stories, because of the constant camping of story nodes.


Now look at the fact that you got 50's in full PVP expertise gear, hunting down lowbies and farming them for valor.. Probably not much, considering your killing low level players. But still annoying for any lowbie to be at the hands of this kind of player.


Just a thought.


Then roll on a PVE server

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