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Im tired of Marauders and Sith warriors


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lol see why i am sticking to the pve content. Nubs roll the classes because bio has this system set up like the fail SoE did in the end. by introducing flavors. First off they should have invested in more classes than the 4 that branch to 8 with advance classes for each side. I am with you on the nub re-rolls, they failed in letting people have 8 slots when two should have been enough. However, the pve content is everything I thought bio and former kotor games could be. Forget pvp and join the Pve side.:wea_02:
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Well... To be fair, marauders/sentinels are the most desired melee class in PvE too.


is this why right before and after 1.2 all i see now is sentinels/guardians and juggernauts/marauders? nope, re-rolls, just like the ops re-rolls and the bh re-rolls all after they fixed that amazing dmg the sorc's once could do + healing.

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It's not that they're too hard to fight against, or that they're overused a lot; it's just people don't know how to fight them. Either that or they just get ganked by a group of them.

How often do you PVP, and what sort of proficiency do you have in your classes playstyle?

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im commando medic and in most of games, the 2-3 marauders jumps on me, stun me and IK me - there is nothing to do against it...as i told, they are 80 % of warzones now


for example, medic was nerfed, hes not able to heal nonstop now - few seconds of full heal and you are out of ammo. and your big long casted heal is making heal like their instant dmg ability


and with more and more expertise are things going more unbalanced - because expertise is for dps classes and heal is scaling very bad

Edited by Auxxi
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im commando medic and in most of games, the 2-3 marauders jumps on me, stun me and IK me - there is nothing to do against it...as i told, they are 80 % of warzones now


for example, medic was nerfed, hes not able to heal nonstop now - few seconds of full heal and you are out of ammo. and your big long casted heal is making heal like their instant dmg ability


and with more and more expertise are things going more unbalanced - because expertise is for dps classes and heal is scaling very bad


re-rolls you are seeing, I've been one since day one. It takes some getting use to in tree's. I roll over the re-rolls fairly easy. However, u are right about more than one. I get targeted out usually by 3 in wz. I noticed right away the differences in the tree's and certain things that were pointless before, becoming cool now to use in sentinel tree. I for one am not mad about the pvp classes, what made me quit pvp was the armors etc those problems. pvp gets boring doing the three...umm now 4 maps there are.

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Im seeing the same trend but lucky most are terrible at the class and are a free kill... if they know what they are doing its pretty much gg against them.. seems as tho everyone rolled mara/sents and tank shadows/assassins... i rarely see any healers in wzs now which is a shame
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tbh their should only be one healing class, each side has 3 classes that can heal very well if spec'd right. You have any idea how annoying that is in pvp when ur class lacks any type of heal? shields, heavy armor, pushes/waves/shoves plus healing, while my class is promised DPS yet we are the lowest to do top dmg any most wz pre-1.2.
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Thank Bioware for the changes in 1.2 that made Marauder/Sentinel the FOTM. Most of those people were probably tanks or healers who gave up and went with the flow since Bioware dropped TTK do badly there was no point in being a tank or healer anymore.
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and with more and more expertise are things going more unbalanced - because expertise is for dps classes and heal is scaling very bad


this isnt totally correct.... as you stack more expertise as a dps the dmg throughput increases but so does the mitigation.. so they cancel each other out if you can say that on an equal geared target.. healing however will never meet the same resistance it will just hit a DR cap

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Im seeing the same trend but lucky most are terrible at the class and are a free kill... if they know what they are doing its pretty much gg against them.. seems as tho everyone rolled mara/sents and tank shadows/assassins... i rarely see any healers in wzs now which is a shame


I agree, only ones able to fight are the ones that been them from start. A lot more button pushing in the marauder/sentinel trees than other classes tbh. I am bored as heck leveling a sage boring class/boring story line so far. Doing it because my grps lack pure healer sages.

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So true

Every WZ i play i see mara/sent , shadow/assasi and mostly sage/sorc heals, wheres rest of classes? In last 5 matches i was ONLY merc in WZ, no commando, no PTs, but around me warriors and shadow tanks. BW *** is that? Its not funny, its BORING, get your "best pvp dev team" and sack them, looks they blind , bring pvp to lvl before 1.2 or just watch ppl unsub or play 2 classses in your game

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It's not that they're too hard to fight against, or that they're overused a lot; it's just people don't know how to fight them. Either that or they just get ganked by a group of them.

How often do you PVP, and what sort of proficiency do you have in your classes playstyle?



So tell me good Sir how to fight team with lets say 4 warriors, 2 shadow tanks and 2 healers, cos most of team looks like this now. If i get focused by 1 war/assasi i will alive for lets say 10-15 sec, if i get focused by 2 or more im insta dead. Now explain to me how my pyro merc can counter warrior jumping on me? pushback? he he 25 sec cd, warrior will just vanish or put one of those amazing "god mode def cd" and chase me, in few sec he get his charge and u are dead dear sir, i cant kite them cos im all time snared or rooted, my amazing def cd SHIELD is useless, i get so much damage, my cc is on 1 min cd and last 4 sec, what hyou can do? nothing, thats why u can spot in WZ spamm of warr/assasin rerollers

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i heard that commando shield is god ability :) unlucky, it has no efefct - i get million times interrupted in it anayway, even its called by different name


point is: game is not made for non-jedi and non-sith characters, they are not so attractive, like in movie everybody wants to be migthy Jedi and not that boring trooper or smuggler

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So tell me good Sir how to fight team with lets say 4 warriors, 2 shadow tanks and 2 healers, cos most of team looks like this now. If i get focused by 1 war/assasi i will alive for lets say 10-15 sec, if i get focused by 2 or more im insta dead. Now explain to me how my pyro merc can counter warrior jumping on me? pushback? he he 25 sec cd, warrior will just vanish or put one of those amazing "god mode def cd" and chase me, in few sec he get his charge and u are dead dear sir, i cant kite them cos im all time snared or rooted, my amazing def cd SHIELD is useless, i get so much damage, my cc is on 1 min cd and last 4 sec, what hyou can do? nothing, thats why u can spot in WZ spamm of warr/assasin rerollers


I would start with getting some pvp armor.

Then, i would move into learning your class rotations and try to understand other classes.

Finishing up, i would learn that ranged has to kite melee, stun and dps, or stand there and dps if you have support.

Edited by Moosestick
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aehm, how you want with commando to kite anything? do you know they have no slowing spells?


I would start with getting some pvp armor.

Then, i would move into learning your class rotations and try to understand other classes.

Finishing up, i would learn that ranged has to kite melee, stun and dps, or stand there and dps if you have support.

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OK, lets clear: 1. full auto has effect only against weak PVE mobs

2. medic doesnt use plasma cells


Why you discuss when you didnt try to play? :p


knockback, stuns, mezzes, call for help.


In real trouble? Pop your heal bubble.


If you are rolling healer, you should know that you cant facetank 2+ dps anymore. You chose a support role, so you do need someone there to support and synergize with(tank/dps) if you want to faceplant someone. Otherwise, wear them down while avoiding damage(los ranged, kite melee)

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