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Cheating in PvP?


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I know I'll probably get slammed for qq, but I really feel there is something weird going on in pvp. I have literally played HUNDREDS of pvp matches across multiple characters, both repub and empire, so I feel like I have a pretty good handle on how the classes work and what's "normal" in pvp and what isn't. I'm not saying I'm the best pvp player btw, and I absolutely don't mind losing particularly if the match is closely fought (those are my favorite ones by the way, where it's close right up to the end)


What I have noticed is that some players seem to be able to perform crits at a rate that is way above what should be statistically possible. I have seen WZ's end with players at mid level doing twice as much overall damage as the next person on the list. I have been attacked by the same player and watched as I get slammed with crit after crit, basically taking me down in just a few seconds (even when I play "armored" classes) What makes this even more obvious is I watch other players targeted by the player experiencing the same thing, so I know it's not just a matter of using cooldowns.


During two games our team got totally smashed by the other side, most of whom were in the same guild. It wasn't even close. I "yelled" in pvp chat asking that they take a 30 minute break to allow regular folks a chance to compete even. At the next game they still played, but there was a HUGE difference in their dps and damage taken. Then, when there was a possibility they might lose it was like a switch was tossed and they proceeded to decimate us. Maybe they were just playing with us or whatever, but it certainly ruins the pvp experience.


I have put in a ticket asking for at least someone to have a look at the numbers on several occasions, but I kinda doubt Bioware will give this one any attention. Has anyone else experienced this?


You got to realise that there are hardcore players out there that will look out for any single way to exploit the game to their advantage. They don't care for the fun of pvp or the game itself and you are right there has been something not working the way it's supposed to be.

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You got to realise that there are hardcore players out there that will look out for any single way to exploit the game to their advantage. They don't care for the fun of pvp or the game itself and you are right there has been something not working the way it's supposed to be.


Let's not refer to them as "hardcore" pvp'rs. Hardcore pvp doesn't exist in this game (losing doesn't cost you anything). Call them what they really are: cheaters.

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Theres no point denying that theres major issues at the moment with hacks/exploits getting used blatantly ingame.


1\ Speed Hacking

2\ Teleporting

3\ Getting out of the safe zones to open doors as soon as match starts.

4\ Opening doors while stealthed/glitched into the door/wall's.

5\ Multiple crits /damage from attacks that have cooldowns that seem to be popped instantly.

6\ Unlimited spam of force attacks that dont use any force.

7\ Glitching under the score zone in huttball.

8\ Insanely high damage attacks from maras and sents,donno what they are doing but 2 shotting people even with all cooldowns popped on a tank specc 22k health indestructable jugg.

9/ Fighting while stealthed,ie able to hit you but you cant hit them,this is prolly a bug but im not so sure anymore.

Edited by khubla_khan
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there are cheats out there....and BW refuses to do anything about it. It is sad to say a thread was removed where someone did the research and found out some of the hacks and posted here and they removed the thread. I know it was removed so more people wouldn't take advantage of them but it was placed out there for all the people getting cheated upon....
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I hate to accuse people of cheating when It looks to me like the game so poorly designed. On average the Empire out DPSs the Republic 2.2 to 1. Six of those instances the Republic were out DPSed 3 to 1. On my republic toon I won 2 huttball games because of superior passing and 1 Ship battle because of the Door bug working in our favor. Most republic groups I am in can not out dps the Empires healers. We cant take or hold any objective without all 8 members of group being there. On my BH Merc I seldom lose. Not because of me. I will do between 140 and 200K of damage on average and will usually be the 3 or 4 best DPSer on my team. In 25 instances on my republice trooper the highest DPS score I saw for a team mate was 179K <Smuggler>. Most of the time all 8 people will be well below 100K.


This is the game being broken, not people cheating. I am not saying people dont cheat. A majority of the issues is with game, and the design of the classes. I beginning to think it may be unfixable. The classes are built for their roles in PVE not PVP. We may have to make do with what we got.


I don't know what it is...maybe the lowbie buff they give?? But right now I'm a 47 GS with with fairly decent gear. I'm capped on my valor to verify I'm not new. I just ran a Voidstar and got out DPS'd by a lvl 16 GS by over 140K. I may suck, but I don't suck that bad.

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Uhhh is this on your sentinel? What is your spec?


I am 32/9/0 post 1.2. I rarely pay attention to numbers but i sometimes hover over the dmg done at the end to see how much dps i get in pvp. In a game where i had good melee uptime its 600dps + . This is without guard or dedicated heal.


The sentinel is my alt and i feel i contribute more on my assault specced vanguard, higher dps and overall dmg is much easier to achieve here to. Only thing i would prefer the sentinel for is to ride healers ;)

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Theres no point denying that theres major issues at the moment with hacks/exploits getting used blatantly ingame.


1\ Speed Hacking

2\ Teleporting

3\ Getting out of the safe zones to open doors as soon as match starts.

4\ Opening doors while stealthed/glitched into the door/wall's.

5\ Multiple crits /damage from attacks that have cooldowns that seem to be popped instantly.

6\ Unlimited spam of force attacks that dont use any force.

7\ Glitching under the score zone in huttball.

8\ Insanely high damage attacks from maras and sents,donno what they are doing but 2 shotting people even with all cooldowns popped on a tank specc 22k health indestructable jugg.

9/ Fighting while stealthed,ie able to hit you but you cant hit them,this is prolly a bug but im not so sure anymore.


Saw an Operative today that had five people on her and the resolve bar showed nothing,even with my Dirty Kick and Flash Grenade,yes i reported her.

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I don't know what it is...maybe the lowbie buff they give?? But right now I'm a 47 GS with with fairly decent gear. I'm capped on my valor to verify I'm not new. I just ran a Voidstar and got out DPS'd by a lvl 16 GS by over 140K. I may suck, but I don't suck that bad.


This is something i noticed to though. There seems to be a lvl range somewhere from ~ 10-16 where you seem to get a nice dmg boost. Maybe its to offset the limited number off abilities one has accesss to. Or maybe its just that people do overall better if they have less keys/skills to keep track off ;)


In the end imho the best advice for getting better at pvp or esp. dishing out dmg is (besides "keybinds!"): Never stop doing something, never just stand there, baseshot, reposition or get into melee asap.

Edited by Lhaim
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In the end imho the best advice for getting better at pvp or esp. dishing out dmg is (besides "keybinds!"): Never stop doing something, never just stand there, baseshot, reposition or get into melee asap.


That might be it...never stop firing. it might be I concentrate on capturing objectives to win the contest instead of stat padding. Sadly, that generates few MVP votes to get that little extra. On the brighter side it better than losing.;)

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Met one ASIN last night on Alderaan. He deflected all my slinger shots for about 20 seconds and was immune to CC w/o any resolve. Hit him with flashbang , knock back and he kept on going w/o his resolve bar filling while he kept deflecting ALL my damage. He was alone fighting me and a team mate. For being that awesome he got a ticket commendation.
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Saw one sentinel blatantly cheating on Ajunta Pall. I was playing my operative. He leaped on me - I used debilitate and started to kite. When debilitate wore off, he leaped on me again. I used flashbang, moved away. He used the CC breaker, and leaped on me again. I slowed him and lost him in the pit, and he leaped on me again while I was running for the speed boost. All of this in maybe 12 seconds?
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Saw one sentinel blatantly cheating on Ajunta Pall. I was playing my operative. He leaped on me - I used debilitate and started to kite. When debilitate wore off, he leaped on me again. I used flashbang, moved away. He used the CC breaker, and leaped on me again. I slowed him and lost him in the pit, and he leaped on me again while I was running for the speed boost. All of this in maybe 12 seconds?


focus sentinel have 2 separated leap, force leap and zealous leap

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So math isnt really my thing but I wanted to post this in this thread. In Huttball last night I had someone hit me for 120 damage with guarded by the force up when i was going to score. As I said math isnt my thing but with 99% damage reduction wouldnt that have been an 11.8k hit?
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I've been QQ'ing about this since release. Exploits and Cheats, my server is rampant with it. Screenshot, and tickets and after 3-4 months of constant complaints NOT just by myself, still the same players are doing the same filthy underhanded tactics no matter what WZ you are in.


Hence the pretty long que's now especially at 50 as no one wants too waste their money or time until this is fixed, that said if its ever gonna be fixed at all.

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I saw a Jugg use Intercede to get out of the pit with no targets anywhere by the goal line in huttball.


Well, this at least could be explained with an good positioned stealther.


I saw a jugg score, run back get the ball as it re-spawned and score again. He did this several times in the same game, but this stopped when someone accused him of hacking.


A Jugger can do this at least one way in no time, if the enemies and team mates are in the right position. Intercede->Force Charge->Force Push->Force Charge->Obliterate->+40% speed for 5 seconds. This are 100+ meters in about 4 GCDs.

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a couple games of huttball i have been in lately i have seen people jump from the top ramp to the goal line. now obviously the range on leap is not that far. what makes this really odd is it was not a knight or a warrior making these jumps. it was once a sorcerer and the other time an assassin. i was so thrown off by it i could not believe what i seen. this happened a few times in each match i played against these two and yes they were in the same premade. yes they were reported. i am calling it the leap of faith it was a long jump for a class that has nothing like it.
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If only you had a combat log you could check to see how often attacks against you crit.


It probably is cheating since there are no classes that are able to spec into having a very high crit rate on certain attacks.


Actually combat sent and carnage marauders do on one move but it's not spamable and it doesn't hit for the biggest amounts.

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mix some campaign/black hole gear with battlemaster and your damage goes through the roof. that is why you see some people with crazy high numbers.


Then how do you explain a lvl 16 agent doing nearly 550k (2 WZ last night I saw this same person break 500k). I believe there is some sort of hacking going on also. Im so glad people have came here to confirm this.

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