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For the love of the Force, add a global search to the AH


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Agree with this , if i know i need "Aluminium" i should be able to just search for that...

Allso would be nice to have a option to choose what kind of armor piece i need allso...


So BW please take note of this thread.



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same as pvp merchant/other vendors, u cant sort out stuff on level, just by rarity or name, thats frikin stupid!! On top of that when u set Usable by myself it shows every type of armor even if i can only wear light, *** is that?? its bcz of companion?? Its horrible
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The rest of the UI is so smooth, generally, that it makes the AH issues stand out even more. It really is in a barely usable state, and I hope we see some upgrades slated sooner rather than later!


The basic UI still needs work. The AH is simply a continuation of bad UI design, only with the added bonus of being so poorly designed that it's about as user friendly as a grenade with the pin pulled.

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So incredibly horrible that I would give the dev of the AH his/her walking papers.

They obviously had NO IDEA what they were doing and took no time to look at any other AHs in any other game. The only possible exception is if his boss gave him no time to design it - if so, FIRE HIS BOSS!

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So incredibly horrible that I would give the dev of the AH his/her walking papers.

They obviously had NO IDEA what they were doing and took no time to look at any other AHs in any other game. The only possible exception is if his boss gave him no time to design it - if so, FIRE HIS BOSS!


Yeah, pretty much this.

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I think the UI of the game itself is intuitive for someone who has played wow since launch. Overall most things in the UI are easy to find and clearly labeled without too much extra stuff cramed in for no reason ie the general UI is fine.


With the AH it is not really the Interface itself but the usability part of that interface. I wonder what would be the reason to not provide a global search from the start.


There HAS to be a good reason why the dev team decided to not put it in. Could it be to lower the server load at start? Could it be simply a bad design of that part of the game? Could it be a requirement of the way their database is implemented?


One thing is certain is that I don t see this feature not coming in the next important content patch, if not I would expect the player base to keep asking for it.

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Please bioware...for the love of God fix this! It was extremely rushed and not thought out very well.


Also what would be nice is if we could link our items right into the AH to do an "auto search" on the item. This helps us find the relative prices.

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Please bioware...for the love of God fix this! It was extremely rushed and not thought out very well.


Also what would be nice is if we could link our items right into the AH to do an "auto search" on the item. This helps us find the relative prices.



You know I thought about this and it would probably be the best feature ever if the 'NEXT' version of the AH had a Average Galactic price in the info window. Imagine that...like in wow having 'auctioneer' be part of the UI.


You get an item and see imediately two prices:


- Seller price at one of those #7 people

- Average price for the last 5 days on the Galactic market


You could also introduce a future functionality for Crew skills later to be able to go and sell your stuff on the AH as a mission and sell that stuff at Average prices. Loads of possibilities.


The problem is I guess most of us have used 'Auctioneer' for so many years that any AH now makes it almost mandatory.

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One thing I do miss a lot from my last MMO experience (yes, it was WoW) was being able to drag and drop items into the search bar to look up that particular item. I used this to look at prices before I put my item up so I could post at competitive prices.
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The current system works fine for me but then again I'm still used to the FFXI system. For those unfamiliar with FFXI's AH and think that this game's GTN is "borderline unusable", well your head would probably explode.


But that's me, and I have used WoW's AH and I've used some actually good AH systems in other games. In General, more options are better. A search option helps a lot. Right now in ToR it wouldn't be that helpful because there's not enough variety in items to sift through to make it truly beneficial. But in the future it would be a great aid.


What I did find lacking was a choice for selecting armor by slot when searching the GTN. It was a minor inconvenience atm because there simply isn't that much up for sale in the Heavy Armor category on my server. But here in a few days it dould take me a while to sift through gloves, boots, and belts to find a helmet.

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The current system works fine for me but then again I'm still used to the FFXI system. For those unfamiliar with FFXI's AH and think that this game's GTN is "borderline unusable", well your head would probably explode.


But that's me, and I have used WoW's AH and I've used some actually good AH systems in other games. In General, more options are better. A search option helps a lot. Right now in ToR it wouldn't be that helpful because there's not enough variety in items to sift through to make it truly beneficial. But in the future it would be a great aid.


What I did find lacking was a choice for selecting armor by slot when searching the GTN. It was a minor inconvenience atm because there simply isn't that much up for sale in the Heavy Armor category on my server. But here in a few days it dould take me a while to sift through gloves, boots, and belts to find a helmet.


Did you ever think that the reason for lack of items in the GTN is because its a piece of crap and no one is using it? Just a thought.

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