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Healing, definately out of control at the moment. need some sort of check on them


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Here's the question:


If you got facerolled by a team of DPS coming through and just obliterating you, zerging every player, well coordinated, etc., would you come through to the forums and complain?


Probably not.


So, children, it's OK to win a Warzone because of DPS but *not* OK to win it because of healing. Sounds like they had a strategy you just haven't learned how to deal with.


DPS elitists FTL.



You are aware that for PvP to even work that players have to die right? I mean, you DO know that right?


That's the role of DPS. Healers, on the other hand, try to put that off as long as they can.

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The healers here saying they were nerfed or healing has changed in 1.2 really need to learn to play or actually spec for healing now and not just have a dps build with a little healing. if you spec for healing and survival and gear yourself for the healing and survival you are going to be very close to un-killable by bad players and teams who do not focus and use CC properly. I have to hand it to Bioware for pvp in 1.2. Team v team format now needing much more skill and teamwork than before was suprising. The divide between bad players and good players has increased a ton since 1.2, reading these and class forums have shown it. Maybe some should think about returning to WoW or Hello Kitty Island instead of wasting time posting on the forums. As a heal spec operative it pretty easy to 3v1 bad players who do not look at buffs and watch cast bars. PvP is already easy with tab targeting, heaven forbid you actually have to learn other class ability animations, cast times, and buff symbols. Its also seems its too complex for some to put cast bars in the middle of their UI and use interupts. Really hope bioware does not listen to bad players who should not even be on a pvp server to begin with.


Please read my signature and help me out. I have been asking for this for a week. do not tell me to learn to play unless you are willing to go back to what I have to.

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If you ran premade: your premade sucks big time.


CC is the key to bring multiple healers down. Sage/Sorc healers can be nuked down easy right now. Only ones to look out are trooper/BH heals, those need to be ccd. Now, kill the other ones, then the trooper/bh. Scoundrel/Operative healers are great but can be taken out of commision almost as easy as sages/sorcs.


If you run with "premade" with less then 300k-600k damage per dd trough single target damage, reconsider taking one or two of those with you. Good damage plus some cc and the healears drop like flies.


Of course the other premades do it, too. Then it all comes down to skill and luck.

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Yes... a well coordinated team of healers are a pain... IF your team is not as well coordinated as they are, and you are only mashing buttons without focusing fire or without using stuns and pulls and ridiculously high amount of CC abilities that this game offers.


I know it IS frustrating when you come up against a coordinated team (i am not even saying team of healers here) where you are in an uncoordinated PUG.

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If you ran premade: your premade sucks big time.


CC is the key to bring multiple healers down. Sage/Sorc healers can be nuked down easy right now. Only ones to look out are trooper/BH heals, those need to be ccd. Now, kill the other ones, then the trooper/bh. Scoundrel/Operative healers are great but can be taken out of commision almost as easy as sages/sorcs.


If you run with "premade" with less then 300k-600k damage per dd trough single target damage, reconsider taking one or two of those with you. Good damage plus some cc and the healears drop like flies.


Of course the other premades do it, too. Then it all comes down to skill and luck.


oh thanks!! i forgot about CC!!!


oh wait... i forgot, all of the healers all have cc also. and use it to keep from dying as well..



how come everyones posts about "its so easy to kill them, just cc and inturrupt"... and then forget that the healers have the same kinds of abilties... all it takes is 1 cc and they are back to full while you spin around like an idiot in a dust cloud... oh yeah, cause a bm/wh healer is easy to kill for any bm/wh dps 1 on 1 right? as far as i have seen most dps vs healer fights are a stalemate until something happens, ie, the healer runs out of steam. and when you throw in enemy dps trying to keep you from killing a healer. you die much quicker than the healer runs out of steam.




a good premade of dps, vs a good premade of healing.... healing will win, its just the way healing works in mmo's a healer isn't supposed to die 1 on 1, and neither is the dps vs the healer, but throw in damage here and there on the attacking dps. and he has no one to heal him back up.

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Saying healers are OP is like saying Guardians are OP these days, buddy boy. Nobody will take it seriously, and ridicule will result.


they aren't op. but the future of rated wz's will be dps+pocket hybrid healer. 4 heal hybrid, 4 dps.. and it will be a game of who can down the heal chain first

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lol @ the people who think healing is gimped.


operative healing is ridiculous... a full bm/wh op is something fierce to try to take down, they dont even have to stop to blink between heals on themselves while running around tossing the occasional 12 second mezz to keep you away from them

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they aren't op. but the future of rated wz's will be dps+pocket hybrid healer. 4 heal hybrid, 4 dps.. and it will be a game of who can down the heal chain first


No rated team worth their salt is going to bring more than 2 healers, and one of those might even be a hybrid. Expertise favoring damage done ensured that.

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Clearly what we need is for marauders to have an aura of interruption- so that wherever they go, nobody can heal around them. That is the only plausable way they can make it easier for you knuckle dragging mouth breathers to kill healers- yet you'd probably still complain.


DPS have this game on EZ mode to the extreme right now- a healer with a tank guarding him is STILL easier to kill than a healer by itself in every single other mmo out there.

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oh thanks!! i forgot about CC!!!


oh wait... i forgot, all of the healers all have cc also. and use it to keep from dying as well..



how come everyones posts about "its so easy to kill them, just cc and inturrupt"... and then forget that the healers have the same kinds of abilties... all it takes is 1 cc and they are back to full while you spin around like an idiot in a dust cloud... .


first i didn't wanted to answer you this, as this question is so stupid that you ask that i thought it won't help you anyway. then i said to myself: "he is just emotional". so i try to answer you this:


yes, healer also have their cc's. as a dps you ust have to wait till they use it and with your high amount of dmg you will force them (use an interrupt maybe). they will use their cc to get time to heal back. well, no it is your time for burst and cc and they can do nearly nothing against it as they already burned theirs.


why does this work? because they do far less damage to you, so you have plently of time to force them to use their cc.


you get the point? their cc does not help to win the fight, it only gives them time to wait for help or to run away.



but beside of this, i actually do not think that a single dps should be able to beat a pure healer in an 1on1. if a healer can't heal himself against one dps what use is he in a group fight?

though 2 dps shold be able to beat any healer, not instant though.

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No rated team worth their salt is going to bring more than 2 healers, and one of those might even be a hybrid. Expertise favoring damage done ensured that.


i would love to see a rated team with only 2 healers. 3 is the definate number. increased damage is good, yes, but healing is not out of the question as far as operatives are concerned. having 2 equally matched dps is fine. but throw in your healers on them and 1 dps can take out 2 dps without a healer no problem. all he has to do is pop a couple hots on the guy who is fighting, until the healer gets focused, then the dps can run around unchallenged to kill the guys on the healer.


i've seen it plenty of times. a healer that is guarded by a dps geared tank spec class is much more effective at taking on two full dps specs than throwing a bunch of dps at each other. healing changes every game expertise or not

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first i didn't wanted to answer you this, as this question is so stupid that you ask that i thought it won't help you anyway. then i said to myself: "he is just emotional". so i try to answer you this:


yes, healer also have their cc's. as a dps you ust have to wait till they use it and with your high amount of dmg you will force them (use an interrupt maybe). they will use their cc to get time to heal back. well, no it is your time for burst and cc and they can do nearly nothing against it as they already burned theirs.


why does this work? because they do far less damage to you, so you have plently of time to force them to use their cc.


you get the point? their cc does not help to win the fight, it only gives them time to wait for help or to run away.



but beside of this, i actually do not think that a single dps should be able to beat a pure healer in an 1on1. if a healer can't heal himself against one dps what use is he in a group fight?

though 2 dps shold be able to beat any healer, not instant though.


thanks, you proved my point



so 2 healer vs 2 dps? now its back to even again. but what happens when they toss an occsasional instant cast HOT on an ally busy helping fight the rest of the crowd.. in other words. you always need to outnumber GOOD healers in order to down them. unless he is severely disctracted, the basic way to take down healers in groups is to focus them each while trying to cc the others. but theres is zero gaurantee that is going tow ork, because you dont always have a cc break up. and they have just as much cc's as you. not to mention sorc/sage bubbles are basically insta heals as well for nearly 5k




also. your basic assumption is that you are gong to be fighting a healer either 1 on 1 or a healer with another healer nex tto him. so you have 2 dps vs 2 healer and you guys are going to cream them.. doesn't work that way, healers are never alone (good ones) so while you are "trying" get him inturrupted and CC'd to the point of death. his dps buddy is beating on you and blowing his inturrupts while the healer saves his anyway.


in a PERFECT world... everyone wins, all healers die, and all dps live forever... too bad this is a real game right?

Edited by Kracin
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good thing theres always 3 snipres per wz lol!!



at least theres a healthy amount of maras... so that leaves 7 other classes that can't mitigate healing. whoopie


Other ways to deal more damage.


Armor debuffs? Check.

Death field? Check.

And on and on and on.

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Here's a wonderful plan (ya know... l2p).


Healers like to hide towards the back, to avoid FF and not get caught in AoE.


Shadows/Assassins tank spec have a pull.

Powertech/Vanguard have a pull.

Guardians/Juggernauts have a jump, and then a push.


All of these abilities will send the healer clear out of their hiding spot, right into your 4 dps, who should then burst down that healer before it can get back to it's friends. (I am a healer, I absolutely hate this, but it is effective).


Healing took a hit in the patch, and most hybrid "off-healers" took a bigger hit. Are we crippled? No. But truthfully, keeping someone alive is no long "Spam my heal button." and requires using the interlocking abilities to maximize healing.


So, in short OP... L2p.

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thanks, you proved my point



which point? the bold quote is my opinion how it SHOULD be and not how it CURRENTLY IS!

currently any class specced full on dps can beat any healer in a 1on1 quite easy.


so 2 healer vs 2 dps? now its back to even again. but what happens when they toss an occsasional instant cast HOT on an ally busy helping fight the rest of the crowd.. in other words. you always need to outnumber GOOD healers in order to down them.

i must say, i am getting bored of this. i mean do you try to top yourself in demonstrating your incompetence?


1. hots are so weak that a healer under pressure wouldn't even waste the gcd to cast it.

2. if you are so stupid to fight the dps or the tanks instead of the healers, so letting them heal efficiently without interrpting them, than you deserve to lose badly

3. actually, currently the dmg is so high that even in your scenario you would win.

4. warzones are grp pvps. grp pvps mean one group vs another. it does NOT mean that you can win with any group set up against any other group setup. actually this won't be possible anyway. hence playing random warzones it just sometimes happens that you end up in a worse group setup. so what?

even without any healer in their you can have the worse group setup


grow up!


a really friendly advice: stop continuing this. it does not do you any good. better play and try to extend your horizon a bit. you are so wrong that it must hurt.

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