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If you fill a Sentinel's resolve...


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he could be at 10% health, and you at 60%.


He could pop Guarded by the force, then a relic/adrenal and use his master strike. 3 seconds later, you're dead and he's using introspection.


Just saying... any other class with full resolve and 10% health is dead in 3 seconds, unless they vanish.

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he could be at 10% health, and you at 60%.


He could pop Guarded by the force, then a relic/adrenal and use his master strike. 3 seconds later, you're dead and he's using introspection.


Just saying... any other class with full resolve and 10% health is dead in 3 seconds, unless they vanish.



Undying rage does not mean God mode, just sayin....

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Hmm. I see.


Excuse me guys commandos can buy several extra seconds defending objectives by throwing a sticky grenade. No other class can do this. Please balance.


What is this? Sorcerers can Force Storm to defend in Novari Coast. That AoE is HUGE. It doesn't even have a cooldown. No other class can do this. Please balance.


My God... Snipers can take cover! I can't leap on take cover. No other class can do this. Please balance.


Juggernauts can intercede in Huttball! Overpowered. No other class can do this. Balance needed immediately.


Do I think sentinels/marauders and even shadows/assassins are strong? Yes. But this game is not about 1v1s.

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Don't lie. It enough to to kill any TWO targers :D :D

It is abit crazy though i agree.


Haha. I admit I was talking about a marauder with a low IQ. He'd kill the first target in 4 seconds, but it'd take him longer than 1 second to find the next target.


So you are level 50 with 6500-7500 life (assuming all 3 hits crit)?




I've had just the last hit of ravage hit me for 6k.

Edited by Caelrie
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Haha. I admit I was talking about a marauder with a low IQ. He'd kill the first target in 4 seconds, but it'd take him longer than 1 second to find the next target.


You know, your QQs would be taken more seriously if you didn't exaggerate so much, or just straight up lie... :rolleyes:

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You know, your QQs would be taken more seriously if you didn't exaggerate so much, or just straight up lie... :rolleyes:


I'm not the one defending a class everyone knows is stupidly overpowered. So don't lecture me about credibility.

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having a you can't die cd on the class with the ability to output that much melee damage in such a short time is all too reminiscent of vanilla wow ret paladins.


Yes they can die, you can stun them till it runs out as well as kill them. It's a 99% damage reduction, not invincibility. I've killed them with it running.


Yes it does.


No it doesn't. L2P.


Just hit the Ravage button and wait. Target dead.


If only that were the case.


I'm not the one defending a class everyone knows is stupidly overpowered. So don't lecture me about credibility.


Funny, kill them all the time. Must not be as over-powered as you claim. Maybe it's another case of L2P.

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I'm not the one defending a class everyone knows is stupidly overpowered. So don't lecture me about credibility.


LOL! Isn't it funny how the Sent/Mara has been virtually unchanged since 1.0 and suddenly they are OP? A month ago they were boring and gimp....


One buff to MS/Ravage and some minor tweaks and suddenly, they are the FOTM? Who is gonna be next months FOTM? Ops/Scoundrels again? Maybe Sorcs/Sages? Hey, I know, Snipers and Gunslingers! ROFL...you whiners and complainers are like a roller coaster. I think your chair to keyboard interface is broken....

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he could be at 10% health, and you at 60%.


He could pop Guarded by the force, then a relic/adrenal and use his master strike. 3 seconds later, you're dead and he's using introspection.


Just saying... any other class with full resolve and 10% health is dead in 3 seconds, unless they vanish.


This is the only class in ANY MMO -that I know of- that kills people with more than a 50% hp gap! The burst they have is RIDICULOUS when you consider the CD's they have.


99% mitigation should also have 99% damage produced reduction.

20% mitigation should also have 20% damage produced reduction.


OP classes on the medium to long term kill MMO's.

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LOL! Isn't it funny how the Sent/Mara has been virtually unchanged since 1.0 and suddenly they are OP? A month ago they were boring and gimp....


One buff to MS/Ravage and some minor tweaks and suddenly, they are the FOTM? Who is gonna be next months FOTM? Ops/Scoundrels again? Maybe Sorcs/Sages? Hey, I know, Snipers and Gunslingers! ROFL...you whiners and complainers are like a roller coaster. I think your chair to keyboard interface is broken....


Are you illiterate or do you just ignore everything and make up your own world? They have the longest patch notes of any class, and they were plenty strong before 1.2. Only stupid people thought they were bad pre-1.2. Now it's obvious to even the scrubbiest players so there is just an explosion in their population.


Tell a lie enough times and it becomes true right? No, wrong, no matter how many times you try to pretend the class hasn't been constantly buffed and is now stronger than the other classes it won't change anything.


Prepare to be nerfed, and nerfed hard. After these next set of nerfs I doubt Mara will be viable for years, this is like a pity buff before the class gets killed for good.

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Are you illiterate or do you just ignore everything and make up your own world? They have the longest patch notes of any class, and they were plenty strong before 1.2. Only stupid people thought they were bad pre-1.2. Now it's obvious to even the scrubbiest players so there is just an explosion in their population.


Tell a lie enough times and it becomes true right? No, wrong, no matter how many times you try to pretend the class hasn't been constantly buffed and is now stronger than the other classes it won't change anything.


Prepare to be nerfed, and nerfed hard. After these next set of nerfs I doubt Mara will be viable for years, this is like a pity buff before the class gets killed for good.



Are you illiterate of just don't understand what BioWare did to the class?


They nerfed one tree and buffed the other (minor tweaks)


Oh and they fixed their execute so it's in line with other classes that have an execute.


The only major buff was to MS/Ravage and that buff helps Juggs/Guardians. Maybe you should go reread those patch notes and then come back.


"They had the longest patch notes...." ROFL! This means they instantly became godlike? News Flash: Sents/Maras have had all their defensive cooldowns since long before 1.2 and they need them. Don't believe me? Play one in PVE...

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I'm not the one defending a class everyone knows is stupidly overpowered. So don't lecture me about credibility.


No matter how overpowered something is, there will always be people who disagree.

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It pretty much means you're unbeatable. That 1 ability is 99% damage reduction. Unless someone is doing 10k dmg, no hit will be anywhere near 100 dmg. Feel free to use better numbers if mine are off. But I think its safe to say 4k would be a sizable damage number, and 16k a decent health pool. Lets be generous to the attacker and say you hit it at 25%, that's 50% of 4k, leaving you with 2k hp. If an attacker is doing a 4k hit, 1% would make them hit you for 40dmg. You would need to be hit 40 times to die. I would find it hard to believe that even if you were focused by all 8 people in the ops that you would take damage enough to kill you while having undying rage up.
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No matter how overpowered something is, there will always be people who disagree.


All the people that are saying its not OP are the ones playing those classes. They think that because they are able to wreck anyone that comes against them it is balanced. These people need to play other classes and see how it really is.

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