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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dear Bioware, Please extend the Rakghoul event.

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yes belt and chest are on the same quest..and if your short on dna, just farm the dna by reinfecting yourself and blowing up...boom 5 dna every time, just rinse and repeat..i did this and got 7 crystals,the pet and all custom companions. a week was more than enough time to get everything you wanted,and more.


I disagree. Not all of my characters were prepared to be sent to Tatooine and it's a shame that I can't engage in the event from both factions. I would like to at least do them with one character from each faction. With the way that the dailies are set up, I can't even get to my ship (which I still haven't got to) and shoot over to Tatooine early because I don't have time to get the armour. Since the enemies that spawn are scaled to your level, it wouldn't be that bad.


As for the DNA, I just got my third crystal after buying DNA samples and getting them from friends. Not everyone has the time or desire to stand on the Fleet blowing up. On top of that, my Commando has been feverish for four days and hasn't blown up.

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If the event isn't extended I would like to have it reoccur at some points in the future, like some others have already said. Because in reality they are never going to actually completely destroy the Rakghoul plague so possibly in the future they could host the event on a different planet and possibly have new items to collect.


Because I for one didn't realize about this event until a few days ago when I became infected and searched up what it was all about. Since I can't really play that many hours during the week I didn't really have the time to sit there waiting for myself to explode and then get infected again.


Some people are disagreeing with this sense of extending the event, but from the recent posts Bioware seem quite hesitant of how it is going to end. So at the end of the day Bioware are going to do what the majority of the players want.


So I 100% agree with this cause :)

Edited by Chub
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FYI ... Source


Hi everyone, we just wanted to remind people to turn in your Rakghoul DNA before maintenance tomorrow morning at 2AM CDT (12AM PDT/3AM EDT/8AM BST/9AM CEST/5PM AEST). Jeelvic the Jawa will be disappearing after tonight, but he may possibly return by himself at some point in the future.
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Yes yes yes, definently extend this, I found out about it like 2 days before it ends! i haven't even bough one single thing and only have 31 samples. Please please please extend this i really want the cool pet, crystals and whatnot.

Thank you Bioware for your suppor and hard work!:)

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i laugh at the people who didnt know it was going on...i am on one of the deadest servers in this game and knew within 10 seconds of logging in on the first day. It was all over the chat with the news updates,not to mention the population buzzing about it. As far as bioware not telling us...GOOD.. some things should be a surprise,and i hope they do many more events like this,exactly the way they did this one!:D


Not everyone is a 46 year old bachelor living in their parents basement playing the game 22 hours a day.

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After reading an article about TOR on PC Gamer, it sounds like they don't plan on "redoing" events, so if they don't extend the event, this is probably the last chance we will get to experience it.


"It’s important to BioWare that the Rakghoul plague is a one-off. “Events are, by their very nature, transient things that build a sense of history within the game” Erickson explains. “Later you’ll pull out your red rakling pet and say, ‘remember when the rakghoul plague hit.’”



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At least a few more days....... I will be one piece short of armor (I started late because I didnt know what was going on until I turned green) and didn't know until tonight that there were a second set of missions for the level 50 players! There should have been an email or something in the patch notes about these events. :(
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If you did not start the quest chain by Wed before the reset at the latest, there is no possible way to get the full set of armour. Unfortunately, there was nothing on the patcher about a world event, so unless you were on fleet (only time I ever go there is to hit the GTM) or on Tat, you likely did not hear about it until a few days in, and that was too late.


It's a shame they did not just have the missions in a progressive chain rather than only 1 step opening per day. Such a good event with cool rewards and items, but many ppl just did not get in early enough to see it all. Not to mention the extra down times for maint and the 1.2b and c patches, further limiting pre-weekend access. They should have made a big announcement about it before it started to let ppl know it was coming. Too bad they won't extend it. Seems a waste all we did just to be cut off a day or 2 before finishing everything. Who's going to wear 4/6 of a matching set costume with some completely unrelated chest piece?


Oh well. :(

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The quest reward vendor should have been put next to the mission dropbox one for each faction. Impossible to buy anything on Veela Republic faction right now Sith have blockaded the vendor. Due to the population imbalance its not realistic to expect to dislodge them.
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MOAR time pls. Thks bye,



but if certain dev posts are true we are screwed. Also i saw mention in same dev post that the vendor is being removed with the next downtime so if you can't get to the vendor your SOL. Great job bioware:mad:

Edited by legionof
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At least leave vendor for a week or so.


The piece of crap imperials on my server have had 100 players sitting on the vendor for the past 6 hours making the massively imbalanced republic side impossible to exchange their dna tokens.


Awesome idea to only have one vendor, awesome.

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Too bad they won't extend it. Seems a waste all we did just to be cut off a day or 2 before finishing everything. Who's going to wear 4/6 of a matching set costume with some completely unrelated chest piece?


Oh well. :(


LOL exactly what happened to me. I got a late start managed to get 4 of 6. the belt doesn't matter but not having the chest piece makes having everything else pointless. What screwed me was the additional day of maintenance due to the fact I can only play at night during the week.

Edited by CaliKuch
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I truly enjoyed this event, however the daily - pre-quest commitment pyramid was not a good idea for those of us who missed a day or two and never was able to obtain the quest for the helm, belt or chest.

Why not just make the quest rewards for the full "containment' set available from day one? OR open up all the quests on the last few days? Additionally it didn't feel like we 'solved' or ended the event yet in game.


Please extend this event! Also allow the gear to be tradable in your legacy.


Thank you.

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I found out a little late of this event and luckily managed to complete them in time. However, I do think that the event should be extended a little longer and open to lower levels.


Events like this are great fun!

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I agree strongly.


The reason I play this game instead of WoW, is that I find it caters to casual play. I just don't have time to play for hours a day most of the time.


This event could have run for two weeks, and I'd have gotten to actually play it. As it is I was left behind and I am kind of feel like this month's subscription fee was a waste. I like the game and I am not threatening to unsub, but the fact that I missed this event certainly reduces the value of the game to me.


If future events are going to run for a single week or so then I'm never going to really get to play them.

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At least leave vendor for a week or so.


The piece of crap imperials on my server have had 100 players sitting on the vendor for the past 6 hours making the massively imbalanced republic side impossible to exchange their dna tokens.


Awesome idea to only have one vendor, awesome.


Yeah I can't believe that they would remove the vendor. Sitting on 90+ DNA samples, just found out I can't spend them. :/

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