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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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My alt bank toon got infected !!! if i just wait til the event is over will he be just be "cured"?


Most likely, yes. That's what happens to me when I get the bug that "sticks" the progression of the infection, i.e. it's cured by itself after a while.

Edited by Runeshard
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Actually if you haven't played for 6 hours the stim will still be on your character when you log back in. I guessing the stim is for 6 hours of play not a straight 6 hours.

This is correct. It's six hours of gameplay on the character that's used the vaccine.


For example, you vaccinate your main and play him for an hour, then log onto an alt for the next four hours. Next time you log onto your vaccinated character, you will find the vaccine's timer is still at the point it was when you switched characters.


I think this is a fun event with several amusing touches, such as the probe droid inside my ship's hangar that gives me a quick scan, and if it finds an active infection in progress, summons a trio of Biohazard Containment soldiers to attack me and (try to) prevent me from entering my ship. First time it happened, I felt so bad I went ahead and popped a vaccine.


And yes, you get plenty of FREE vaccines as quest rewards if you do the quests.


To the OP, I'd suggest you have fun with it, and treat the "griefers" roaming Carrick Station as crazed carriers to be avoided at all costs.

Edited by Spectus
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With all due respect, we are talking about a gaming world where shuttles can pick you up in the middle of caves, where only our characters are given a life saving med droid that's kept us all from death numerous times and where you can re-live an entire botched conversation with someone just by hitting esc. Too much realism can be a bad thing and we can all benefit from a bit of suspension of disbelief.


Nicely put!


Previous to TOR, I was deeply involved in EVE Online. I was enjoying its "realism" up to the point where I realized I was living a second hectic, stressful life. I decided to join an MMO that is a game, played for fun.

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Too bad its ending on Tuesday.

Is it definitely ending this coming Tuesday (24th)? I have characters on Tatooine that I'm avoiding playing and have put on hold because I have no wish to get caught up in the whole "flag someone who doesn't want to be for PvP" thing, and I want to progress their stories.

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Is it definitely ending this coming Tuesday (24th)? I have characters on Tatooine that I'm avoiding playing and have put on hold because I have no wish to get caught up in the whole "flag someone who doesn't want to be for PvP" thing, and I want to progress their stories.


Yes, Tuseday is the end, but I think that it is actually Monday night (meaning, when the game comes back up from maintanence on Tuesday there will be no more event).


I just hope we get a new event soon, and I truly hope it is more disruptive to normal play than this one, it is FAR too easy to avoid this event.

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Cry me a river the event isn't even that long get over it. Do you people get that when you complain for the sake

of complaining your valid complaints go unheard like the boy who cried wolf.


Except there is a wolf; several of them, and some of us do not like paying for rabies vaccine. Plus, I for one hope the wolves are banned from future events if caught.

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This is correct. It's six hours of gameplay on the character that's used the vaccine.


For example, you vaccinate your main and play him for an hour, then log onto an alt for the next four hours. Next time you log onto your vaccinated character, you will find the vaccine's timer is still at the point it was when you switched characters.


I think this is a fun event with several amusing touches, such as the probe droid inside my ship's hangar that gives me a quick scan, and if it finds an active infection in progress, summons a trio of Biohazard Containment soldiers to attack me and (try to) prevent me from entering my ship. First time it happened, I felt so bad I went ahead and popped a vaccine.


And yes, you get plenty of FREE vaccines as quest rewards if you do the quests.


To the OP, I'd suggest you have fun with it, and treat the "griefers" roaming Carrick Station as crazed carriers to be avoided at all costs.


That is 6 hrs unless you die from something else (eg; Elites, Heroic areas, etc). And those quests are not available for lowbies w/o ships, I believe.


However, many infected do have ships, and see fit to lounge on the Fleet, near markets , mailboxes; even the Capitol worlds.

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Except there is a wolf; several of them, and some of us do not like paying for rabies vaccine. Plus, I for one hope the wolves are banned from future events if caught.


If they ban everyone that infected another player.... well, then you would be playing a single player game.

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Except there is a wolf; several of them, and some of us do not like paying for rabies vaccine. Plus, I for one hope the wolves are banned from future events if caught.


sigh there is a daily that gives you free vaccine. play much?

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My alt bank toon got infected !!! if i just wait til the event is over will he be just be "cured"?


log on ur alt.. let him die and give you stuff you can sell for an amazing amount of creds.


Then come back and complain it wasn't enuf creds.

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You know, the people that are being griefed are right. We shouldn't ignore their pleas for help. They deserve better than this. How dare BW and other players effect their gameplay without their consent. I think BW should move quickly on this and solve the problem for good. I have an idea on how they can accomplish this. A Grief Free server or servers to be more accurate. They will be a PvE (Safe Mode) version. The following features will be included:


- Single Faction only. This would completely eliminate any possible griefing from a player from the opposing faction. There will be two PvE (Safe Mode) servers for this reason. One for the imperials and one for Republic players.


- Whisper Firewall. When a player attempts to whisper you a pop-up alert will notify you and ask if you want to accept this communication or ignore it.


- Phase Escape. Even being on a single faction server won't keep players from stalking you and stealing kills. Phase Escape allows you to go into a different phase with a click of a button.


- Altered State Alarm. Anytime a debuff is unwantedly applied to your character, an alarm will sound followed by a pop-up window asking whether you want to participate in this Environmental application or not.


- Proximity Aggro Field. Pulling mobs by accident can be very frustrating and in most cases unfair. Your character will have an adjustable visible aggro field which will help you avoid these surprising encounters. And even if a mob is still pulled by accident, a pop-up window will notify you of the impending attack and give you the option to flee.


Anyway, it's a work in progress but I think some people here will be thrilled with this type of server. The PvE servers we have right now are just too hardcore for some.

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- Whisper Firewall. When a player attempts to whisper you a pop-up alert will notify you and ask if you want to accept this communication or ignore it.


Best idea ever!


But seriously.... there is a very simple way for these players to get everything they want.... it's called KotOR 1 & 2

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You know, the people that are being griefed are right. We shouldn't ignore their pleas for help. They deserve better than this. How dare BW and other players effect their gameplay without their consent. I think BW should move quickly on this and solve the problem for good. I have an idea on how they can accomplish this. A Grief Free server or servers to be more accurate. They will be a PvE (Safe Mode) version. The following features will be included:


- Single Faction only. This would completely eliminate any possible griefing from a player from the opposing faction. There will be two PvE (Safe Mode) servers for this reason. One for the imperials and one for Republic players.


- Whisper Firewall. When a player attempts to whisper you a pop-up alert will notify you and ask if you want to accept this communication or ignore it.


- Phase Escape. Even being on a single faction server won't keep players from stalking you and stealing kills. Phase Escape allows you to go into a different phase with a click of a button.


- Altered State Alarm. Anytime a debuff is unwantedly applied to your character, an alarm will sound followed by a pop-up window asking whether you want to participate in this Environmental application or not.


- Proximity Aggro Field. Pulling mobs by accident can be very frustrating and in most cases unfair. Your character will have an adjustable visible aggro field which will help you avoid these surprising encounters. And even if a mob is still pulled by accident, a pop-up window will notify you of the impending attack and give you the option to flee.


Anyway, it's a work in progress but I think some people here will be thrilled with this type of server. The PvE servers we have right now are just too hardcore for some.


I would also suggest....

Grayscale Player: Some colors are simply unattractive and offensive to other players. So, at the click of a button all other player armor colors are removed, so as not to offend the player's eyes.


Modesty Button: Some players cannot handle the slightest hint of naked flesh, either in armor or in the underclothes all characters are equipped with. This button will put all players in full body coverings, much like long johns.

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If they ban everyone that infected another player.... well, then you would be playing a single player game.


Not seeking out everyone; only the ones that do not gain permission properly (ie; Invite in PvE, Flag set in PvP; no Safe areas, etc). The Griefers.

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You know, the people that are being griefed are right. We shouldn't ignore their pleas for help. .



I have just had this happen on my alt i created specifically for the event that i was waiting to create till after my sniper, but long story short, 2 lvl 50s turned a 27 pvp flagged and then nuke me, i cant even get back in the area nor do the daily or my actual missions that are there.


there should be some setup in the game where if a lvl 50 attacks anyone below lvl 47 that guards drop from a ship right onto where the low lvl is and defend the low level and kick the shnell out of who ever is greifing, that will stop it instantly.

Edited by Shingara
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Not seeking out everyone; only the ones that do not gain permission properly (ie; Invite in PvE, Flag set in PvP; no Safe areas, etc). The Griefers.


Really? Has anyone heard of anyone asking permission?


Also, I hear a lot of made up terms in this thread. What exactly is a "safe area"? I've seen no reference to any area being called safe from environmental effects (or any effects for that matter). I've looked in my documentation that came with the game... I've looked on the BW website... I've looked in the in-game help section and found no reference.


Secondly, I hear several people mention that they should be allowed to play how they want "as advertised". Again, I'm not seeing anything anywhere that says you can play as you want. I see references to playing "your story" but, thats not the same thing, is it? This is advertised as a story-driven MMO... and like it or not, this event is part of that story.


Lastly, I've heard people mention PvP vs PvE rules of conduct. I've found nothing but a standard set of rules of conduct that apply to both play styles. There are no PvE specific rules of conduct that I can find.


Are there bugs with the event? Absolutely, the ease with which one can unintentionally flagged for PvP is problematic, and probably not intended.... but overall, in my opinion, this was a phenomenally successful event.


Honestly, I realize I'm not going to convince anyone (mostly because they don't want to be convinced)... at this point I'm just here for my own amusement. :)

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You know, the people that are being griefed are right. We shouldn't ignore their pleas for help. They deserve better than this. How dare BW and other players effect their gameplay without their consent. I think BW should move quickly on this and solve the problem for good. I have an idea on how they can accomplish this. A Grief Free server or servers to be more accurate. They will be a PvE (Safe Mode) version. The following features will be included:


- Single Faction only. This would completely eliminate any possible griefing from a player from the opposing faction. There will be two PvE (Safe Mode) servers for this reason. One for the imperials and one for Republic players.


- Whisper Firewall. When a player attempts to whisper you a pop-up alert will notify you and ask if you want to accept this communication or ignore it.


- Phase Escape. Even being on a single faction server won't keep players from stalking you and stealing kills. Phase Escape allows you to go into a different phase with a click of a button.


- Altered State Alarm. Anytime a debuff is unwantedly applied to your character, an alarm will sound followed by a pop-up window asking whether you want to participate in this Environmental application or not.


- Proximity Aggro Field. Pulling mobs by accident can be very frustrating and in most cases unfair. Your character will have an adjustable visible aggro field which will help you avoid these surprising encounters. And even if a mob is still pulled by accident, a pop-up window will notify you of the impending attack and give you the option to flee.


Anyway, it's a work in progress but I think some people here will be thrilled with this type of server. The PvE servers we have right now are just too hardcore for some.



I would also add

-Death Counseling: Upon player death, a Bioware representative will be dispatched to provide hugs, milk and cookies for the player. Upon completion of this comfort break, your character will be returned to full health and buffed by 10% to help them overcome the challenge.

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Except there is a wolf; several of them, and some of us do not like paying for rabies vaccine. Plus, I for one hope the wolves are banned from future events if caught.


Banned for what? Playing as intended?

When I started reading last thread, I tried to be open to your side of things. I understand you want to have a single player experience, but you can't get it through your head that even if you avoid all contact with others, people are still going to affect your playing experience. This is an MMO. There is going to be some player contact even if you are completely antisocial. This is just how MMOs work.


Then you reveal that you're flooding the CS with superfluous tickets, and that just enrages me.

I have nothing but contempt for you now due to your ridiculous actions.

I hope you get penalized for abusing the CS system, so people with valid complaints can actually get their tickets through.


Seriously, just zark off.


Edit: Apologies for the double post. I just couldn't help myself :t_redface:

Edited by Beslley
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Really? Has anyone heard of anyone asking permission?


Also, I hear a lot of made up terms in this thread. What exactly is a "safe area"? I've seen no reference to any area being called safe from environmental effects (or any effects for that matter). I've looked in my documentation that came with the game... I've looked on the BW website... I've looked in the in-game help section and found no reference.


Secondly, I hear several people mention that they should be allowed to play how they want "as advertised". Again, I'm not seeing anything anywhere that says you can play as you want. I see references to playing "your story" but, thats not the same thing, is it? This is advertised as a story-driven MMO... and like it or not, this event is part of that story.


Lastly, I've heard people mention PvP vs PvE rules of conduct. I've found nothing but a standard set of rules of conduct that apply to both play styles. There are no PvE specific rules of conduct that I can find.


Are there bugs with the event? Absolutely, the ease with which one can unintentionally flagged for PvP is problematic, and probably not intended.... but overall, in my opinion, this was a phenomenally successful event.


Honestly, I realize I'm not going to convince anyone (mostly because they don't want to be convinced)... at this point I'm just here for my own amusement. :)


Yes; listed in the New Players Guide under PvE Sever descriptions. I am guessing they mean send an Invite or Tell like any other Mission to join, but I have yet to explore this myself; simply declined several.


Pre-launch, Safe areas were described as the Rest areas, Fleet, Med Centers, and the like. And I cannot find any current Official PvP rules either. Having some posted in the PvP Forums would be helpful.

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Banned for what? Playing as intended?

When I started reading last thread, I tried to be open to your side of things. I understand you want to have a single player experience, but you can't get it through your head that even if you avoid all contact with others, people are still going to affect your playing experience. This is an MMO. There is going to be some player contact even if you are completely antisocial. This is just how MMOs work.


Then you reveal that you're flooding the CS with superfluous tickets, and that just enrages me.

I have nothing but contempt for you now due to your ridiculous actions.

I hope you get penalized for abusing the CS system, so people with valid complaints can actually get their tickets through.


Seriously, just zark off.


Sorry but when 2 lvls 50s are pvp flagged and purposly running like hell from the other sides lvl 50's whilst at the same time flagging lvl 30's so they can kill them i do not call that fair play or playing as intended.

Edited by Shingara
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Banned for what? Playing as intended?

When I started reading last thread, I tried to be open to your side of things. I understand you want to have a single player experience, but you can't get it through your head that even if you avoid all contact with others, people are still going to affect your playing experience. This is an MMO. There is going to be some player contact even if you are completely antisocial. This is just how MMOs work.


Then you reveal that you're flooding the CS with superfluous tickets, and that just enrages me.

I have nothing but contempt for you now due to your ridiculous actions.

I hope you get penalized for abusing the CS system, so people with valid complaints can actually get their tickets through.


Seriously, just zark off.


Edit: Apologies for the double post. I just couldn't help myself :t_redface:


You may wish to practice comprehension skills.


I have not yet issued a single Report in game to anyone; failed to react quickly enough when I was Griefed initially. I have encouraged others that are more Tech savvy to include docs like pics vids, etc, in their Reports for increased veracity.


I have known that issuing false Reports also is generally counted as Griefing, so I will try and insure this is the case when I choose to do so. However, if questionable, I will simply file the complaint to Bioware, and let them sort it.


Have a wonderful life!

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Yes; listed in the New Players Guide under PvE Sever descriptions. I am guessing they mean send an Invite or Tell like any other Mission to join, but I have yet to explore this myself; simply declined several.


I don't see anything relevant in that section. All it really says is, "On these servers, you have the option to role-play as your character, and player- vs.- player fights must be agreed to by both sides."


There is no fighting going on, so that certainly doesn't apply. There is nothing there that says that anyone has to ask your permission for anything other than fighting. Out of curiosity, Are you also offended when someone buffs you without asking?


Pre-launch, Safe areas were described as the Rest areas, Fleet, Med Centers, and the like. And I cannot find any current Official PvP rules either. Having some posted in the PvP Forums would be helpful.


Can you find any citations claiming that there are safe areas? Or that in said safe areas you'd be immune to everything?


You can't find official PvP rules, because there aren't any.... the rules are the same for everyone, regardless of server.

Edited by Dralanna
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