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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You want cross server LFG tool?


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Simple yes... if you dont like it dont use it, it wont destory anything by having one in...

Having more options is always better.... FACTT!!!!!!


easyer said then done.



do you think people really will want to try to form a group? or do you think they rather work the GTM or do dailys as they wait for a pop?



keep it safe keep it fun keep it lower on trolls. Server only LFG.



cross server gets lame. always some elite wanna be or 80% jerks.

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Reason: Content getting watered down and nerfed due to incompetent players who do not know the basic mechanics of dungeons/flashpoints etc.


Also zones becoming empty because everyone just stands around in the cities waiting for queues to pop

Edited by Skidrowbro
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Reason: Content getting watered down and nerfed due to incompetent players who do not know the basic mechanics of dungeons/flashpoints etc.


Also zones becoming empty because everyone just stands around in the cities waiting for queues to pop


I agree.



LFG finder Kills MMOs!!!!

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Reason: Content getting watered down and nerfed due to incompetent players who do not know the basic mechanics of dungeons/flashpoints etc.


Also zones becoming empty because everyone just stands around in the cities waiting for queues to pop


all the dungeons are already in the city hub? we cant leave the hub when we want to do a fp because we have no tool and we need to spam general chat . A lfg tool would actually encourage people to do stuff outside fleets while waiting for queue.

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Cross server LFG a NO way. After experiencing cross server lfg in a previous mmo I do not want to see that in this game. The number of trolls and douchebags I met in LFG far outnumbered the decent people I met.


Same server LFG I can live with.

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Didn't used to. I definitely do now. I can no longer find a heroic quest group, let alone a dungeon group. The more it feels like a ghost town, the more I need some method of finding people to do things with other than standing around spamming for hours while there are only 13 people on the entire fleet station.
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Reason: Content getting watered down and nerfed due to incompetent players who do not know the basic mechanics of dungeons/flashpoints etc.


Also zones becoming empty because everyone just stands around in the cities waiting for queues to pop

That's already happening on some servers.

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Definitely Yes.



I have kids and I cannot be on the game at a prescribed time on a consistent basis. I want to get on and be able to jump right into a FP or OP. Plus hanging out in the fleet is just too boring.

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Those who don't want to use it can form a "community" of like minded individuals and form up however they like. I do not appreciate being denied a useful tool by those trying to shoe-horn me into there little xenophobic cult.

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As mentioned, Cross Server LFG tool comes with many problems. I do want an LFG tool (Although ive gotten used to the way it is now).


Once BW sort out Severs, free transfers from LOW servers should fix things. And then a Sever only LFG tool would be perfect.

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A solution to that is to create flashpoint start points on level appropriate planets at the spaceport. But this would also require a universal general chat so players at fleet can communicate with players on a planet. You can quest and LFG for FPs and not have to spend ten minutes getting back to fleet.


To the primary topic at hand, I say no cross-server LFG tool. The reason is simple - been there done that (in WoW); was nice initially, but the lack of community consequences resulted in many bad experiences. I will say though that cross-server LFG would allow players to run FPs at off peak hours more readily.


I would wholeheartedly endorse an in-server LFG tool.


If that's what you want, then why not start a "LFG" channel - then shout about it in the fleet - within a short while you have a game wide channel - we did it on my server for 50ths - "LFG50"

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A big fat NO to cross server lfg. A single server lfg is fine though.


"LFG Flashpoint X"

<sound of crickets>

"LF1M dps Operation X then gtg"

<sound of crickets>


Uh..Yea...I see a same server tool helping that...[/sarcasm] The only benefit is you don't have to switch locations to repeat the above. At least it will be a step in the right direction, but not a successful end product (though I'm sure it will be fabulous on higher pop servers). And, btw, the above examples are from a "Standard" server where there's never more than 50 on fleet during peak time (either faction).

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I'm very much in favor of an LFG tool, server wide would be a bonus and help low-pop servers with grouping.

Personally I barely run flashpoints during leveling, since there is no LFG channel that I heard of on our server, and running a flashpoint means stopping what you do, then going to the fleet and shouting LFG until someone notices you. THen you have to find two more people before you can go. Not what I call fun in particular.


Granted some people might argue, but I don't see the worries about how "bad players can find groups easier". From my experience, flashpoint LFG goes like "LFG flashpoint" *invite* *run game* and done. How would an LFG tool be different from that process besides automation and convenience? If someone sucks, have a kickvote just like in WoW, it worked just fine there. I barely had any bad experiences, and I did a serious amount of instances back then when the LFG tool was introduced.


All in all, it's a bonus really. It brings more people into the position to run group content, and said content gets appreciated more. It helps new players get a feel for group play, and thusly gets them hooked up for endgame, which is traditionally almost all about groups. Before I had a taste of grouping made easy by WoW, frankly I had no real interest in running group stuff in prior MMOs, simply because it was a tedium to do, and the idea of having to go through that process every day wasn't exactly my idea of fun. Plus you never get into the habit of grouping, so are even less likely to run in a group.


I acknowledge this is my personal view, and may be objectionable, but this is how I see it, I highly doubt LFG tools would ruin the game for anyone, save for a few unfortunate occurances which would happen one way or another as long as people group, period.

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If that's what you want, then why not start a "LFG" channel - then shout about it in the fleet - within a short while you have a game wide channel - we did it on my server for 50ths - "LFG50"


And that would be the most logical solution but the biggest issue is that players have been coddled so much from having LFD/LFG in games that it's pretty much foreign to even think about looking in the chat bar. The only chat players read is the trash talk the most servers have going on in chat.

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