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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rakghoul Event Feedback - What was good, What was bad


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One suggestion I saw that would have been cool was player actually turning into Rak'Ghouls. Instead of exploding they should have turned you into system driven Rak'Ghoul that attacked other players. Of course this would flag you red and everyone would have to kill you.
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Good: to have an event at all was great.


Bad: No progression on holo news. iE I had to listen to the same headlines over and over for like what? 6 days? Worse than Governor Saresh on Taris! LOL


Utterly bad: The theme! Rakghouls are a sideshow of KotOR and should never have been given such an importance IMO. It does not belong to StarWars , or better and more moderately put, should have been the LAST choice for an event. How about a Rakata remnant faction returning or some such? Now there is epic for you. Zombies+SW=makes me want to vomit. (<---- only an opinion, just hate it that's all, don't try to convince me otherwise).

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Here is what I hope they learned from the event:


For people who do not want to participate, do not make them pay money to not participate.


A mechanic that allows 50 people to stand around the loading area of the fleet to infect others is probably a mechanic that needs fixed. Maybe have the containment officers 1 shot kill to keep a containment area contained.


Any vaccine type of mechanic needs to survive death, just like the plague that requires the vaccine. Same principle, so it should not be difficult for smart programmers to figure out.


Infection type of mechanic should not flag you for PVP. (This is something I hope they work on regardless of event. Manually flags only!)


Make any DNA type of inventory item able to go on the GTN.

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the only thing that really bothered about the Event is that i got another Set of Social LIGHT Armor.


So i wont be able to use it on my Sentinel for all purposes as all the "Light Armor Wearers".


I know this has always been an issue with the Social Armor, one they said they were taking care of.


Maybe getting a NPC to trade the Light Armor for some Medium armor xD

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Progressive quest unlock for the social gear set was a complete goof up.

Whoever came up with that idea needs to be reprimanded.

I understand the logic behind it, you want players to keep coming back through out the duration of the event.

But don't force us to do this. There isn't a whole lot to see anyways.

Also, I refuse to do the repeatable grind, I mean dailies. Because in my mind the moment you do them, it becomes a chore/work and no longer a game.


I totally disagree. The progressive quest unlock was a lot fo fun to me, giving the whole thing a spirit of exploration and whats new today over most of teh event. Without it, I would have finished the thing on a day and wouldnt have come back. Thus Ive done the event everyday.

Thank you BW for a fun week!

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One suggestion I saw that would have been cool was player actually turning into Rak'Ghouls. Instead of exploding they should have turned you into system driven Rak'Ghoul that attacked other players. Of course this would flag you red and everyone would have to kill you.



Yes and No, spawning a Rakghoul from an exploded player, okay.... though the exploding and infecting did open teh door for grief players at it was. And what lvl would that Rakghoul be? Ur lvl? >>> lvl50 infected griefer goes to newbie qorld, explodes there and has fun watching the lvl50 Rak killing the lvl1s ..really not cool.


Losing control of my PC? A big NOGO or you seriously expect it to be any fun to sit on front of your screen doing nothing for several minutes and watching a stupid Rakghoul running around until someone else kills it so you can continue playing?

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Good: to have an event at all was great.


Bad: No progression on holo news. iE I had to listen to the same headlines over and over for like what? 6 days? Worse than Governor Saresh on Taris! LOL


Utterly bad: The theme! Rakghouls are a sideshow of KotOR and should never have been given such an importance IMO. It does not belong to StarWars , or better and more moderately put, should have been the LAST choice for an event. How about a Rakata remnant faction returning or some such? Now there is epic for you. Zombies+SW=makes me want to vomit. (<---- only an opinion, just hate it that's all, don't try to convince me otherwise).


My opnion as well... However I did simply accept now that BW wants their little zombies in SWTOR as well.

This event was still cool though.

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Maybe this was all in my head, but I thought that once you were in the second stage (throw up, cloud, glowing eyes), you weren’t just infected. You became THE INFECTED i.e. the infected Republic agents from Tatooine.


You were now a pre-Rakghoul, and all you wanted to do was spread the illness. I honestly thought the game would have prevented me from continuing my normal quests as I was now in “Braaaains!!!” mode. So, to help players do this, since RP is rarely enough, they gave an actual in game compensation to spread illness to sway the players “on the fence” into participating in the infection process.


I just thought they allowed us to continue our own quests so that participating, or not, would be a player choice, not a character choice, if that makes sense.


TL;DR = I honestly thought when you were at Stage 2 of the illness, you were like “The Infected” mobs in Taris i.e. all you want is to infect… ergo… totally in character. Maybe it’s all in my head though, but that’s what I thought it meant.


Funny, all I wanted to do when escalating to stage2 was to undress and jump down the next cliff (or attack the closest biggest mobs) and then find the next rakghoul to reinfect myself. 8-)

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And hence the complaint and why I listed it in the Whats Bad section. This is confirmed. They are progressive.


One benefit of this technique is that it causes people to come back to the zone each day, making it easier to get groups for the world boss. Sadly I did the bosses with one toon, but not my other 50.

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I wanted it to go on longer, so I guess I liked it.


Although, I would like to see the progression of the event a bit in game. I.E. progression announcements, progression holo updates, progression presence of the containment forces, etc.


Maybe also have class quests available. I was sold on the idea of not doing the same thing on both sides (which we were told from very early that we would "never" be doing same quest on one side as the other), especially having specific class stories. It would have been nice to see how the plague effected each class. More work, yeah, I know.

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I'll politely suggest to you that you're not apprehending my point. For the cost of a single infection and about 10 minutes of time, a player received 5 DNA samples. When sold, each individual sample's value was nearly equal to that of a vaccine on most servers. Thus, for a minor time investment (which is no more of a time investment than anything which produces credits), a player had a means to afford numerous vaccines. Simply put, there is no appreciable cost to infection except some time. Furthermore the gains can then be sold to remove this as well.

I caught your meaning: I just disagreed with it.


This is not a valid concern. Perhaps it is, insofar as your sense of immersion goes but the notion that your character accidentally getting infected is the same as him deliberately letting a rakghoul bite him and then traipsing about the Fleet, is not an honest assessment of the situation. Infected? Can't bear it IC? Then respond IC. Quarantine for a time and then continue play.

It might not be a valid concern to you but it is nonetheless a valid concern. Also I don't think anyone has claimed that getting accidentally and intentionally infected were the same so I'm not sure why you brought it up. I'll admit that I've been using the terms "infected" and "infection" a little loosely so perhaps that confused you, in which case apologies for that.


But saying that the digital pride of your character is an actual cost in this case is really a bit much.

Which is why I never said that.

Edited by Sunjammer
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The gaited aspect of the dailies was both good and bad: I like uncovering more of the mystery each day, but if you missed too many days you were completely outta luck. Thankfully, I got in the event on the last possible day for the whole set. I liked the reward crystals and customizations, but hated how I could (and did) get 3 Tharan customs in a row. I agree that they should have been pricier and then we could pick which we wanted. Or at the absolute least be random but not give us more than 2 of any 1 customization. All in all though, I enjoyed the event a lot. It made Tatooine feel like an active community and low level players were never excluded from world bosses.
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Progressive quest unlock for the social gear set was a complete goof up.

Whoever came up with that idea needs to be reprimanded.

I understand the logic behind it, you want players to keep coming back through out the duration of the event.

But don't force us to do this. There isn't a whole lot to see anyways.

Also, I refuse to do the repeatable grind, I mean dailies. Because in my mind the moment you do them, it becomes a chore/work and no longer a game.


the best way they could have handled this was a global unlock not a per person unlock. If you really wanted people to come back again and again have a quest unlock for EVERYBODY regardless of what they participated in previously each day.

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What I liked

- Open world PvP happened! I killed more Sith in the open world during the last week than in months before.

- Seeing all the people I usually only in the warzones actually in the open world, and doing with the PvE stuff, like the world bosses.

- The containment soldiers in your hangar that where there to prevent the plague from spreading.

- The progressive nature of the daily quest (sure some didn't liked that, but I thought it was neat to discover each day something new), gave a feeling that it is actually spreading.

- That I got one of those black-green crystals (actually I bought 3 of them, one with Expertise, one with Power and one with Endurance).

- That BioWare was not hand holding and let us discover where the stuff is our how it works without spelling everything out.


What I don't liked

- That the armour is not bound to legacy.

- That it might have been nice to see it for a few days longer.

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What I liked:

- Interesting, progressing quest-line

- Had something for everyone, group content and solo content alike.

- Nice rewards (love the little rakghoul pet!)


What I didn't like.

- The event was seriously too short, considering the amount of time needed to complete the entire quest line. I have no character with complete set of gear, and my alts missed most of it in the first place. Yes, yes, I know - you could have missed a few days and still get the entire set, but not if you happened to be on vacation for a large part of the event, like me. :(

- Vaccine was useless, since the game rewarded you for NOT using it. Maybe a different use for that would have been appropriate.

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Liked the event - it was interesting and was a lot of fun.


The gated questline caused problems though as well as the 'warning' in the forums as when it would end. The warning went out last Thursday I believe stating 'start the event by today in order to finish' Well there were 6 pieces of armor - of which I only ended up with 5 on each toon. And I figure they would have left the vendor up for a couple of days after to assist the players who couldn't log in last night.


Im stuck with 100+ DNA samples i was planning on buying crystals with.

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No, I think he was saying that it sucked for players like myself who have limited play time and couldn't do the whole set of dailies for 6 days.


And why do you even think that you "must" get the whole set of armor? That is not a mandatory event reward and it is obviously was designed for those players that can afford a full-length 6 days of farming.

I really don't like that attitude, "if it is affordable for somebody, i must have it too regardless of my effords, because i pay money for that game". Some rewards include challenge basis , deal with it.

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I enjoyed it. It lasted exactly the right amount of time for me.


Springing it on us without warning was excellent. Suddenly NPCs were talking about a plague and travel restricted to Tattooine, and you'd be picking up bits and pieces of information from other people. So exciting!


I also liked that there was progression. Can't remember an event in an MMO where it wasn't all there laid out on day one. Mechanics on that could be tweaked a little so those who came late weren't shut out from getting all the rewards.


Only quibble I have is the randomness of the customisation kits. I don't mind that I got kits for classes I'm not currently playing, as I'll prolly get to them eventually, or for companions I might not favour. What I didn't like was getting multiples of the same kit and having to take that as a pure loss, as there was no way to return them or trade them. Of course I'd have liked them for my personal favourite companions, but I can see why they limited them.

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Is it really true that if you didn't start on day one you couldn't do the all the armor quests? There were only 4 events that lead to the social armor, and the event lasted for 8 days. My understanding was that, so long as you did the base event the day before, the next quest would appear the next day.


Also I skipped one day doing this event, yet all of the armor quests were still there the next day, suggesting that the events marked as "done" didn't role back.


The reason I ask is that there were a lot of misconceptions about this event. Some people wrongly believed that you had to be level 50 to do the secret mission and get the red rakling. Similarly, some people mistakenly thought that getting hit with the rakghoul virus would sometimes switch on your pvp flag. Neither of these are true.

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