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30 days free


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somewhat confused here, I had the e-mail stating I would be getting the 30-days free yet have been billed and paid on the 19/4 and the next billing date is 19/5 for same amount.


before anyone asks, I have 2x 50 1x 47 and 3 others 35 and under and am also legacy 25 and have paid monthly since early access


so when exactly are we getting this free month??

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oh and there was no 1 day added either


2012/04/19 3:19 AM OPEN - - £ 8.99 643758640

2012/03/20 3:54 AM CLOSED - - £ 8.99 613386242

2012/02/19 4:05 AM CLOSED - - £ 8.99 581166544

2012/01/21 8:35 AM CLOSED - - £ 8.99 545671540


this might be the wrong thread, but anything put in customer service generally gets eaten and ignored pretty quick

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30 Days free is 24/4, so it's a few more days until you get those 30 free days.


that makes 0 sense seeing as i have paid for this month (we pay in advance, not in arrears) and everyone will have different billing dates due to when they subscribed

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ok....re-read the updated sticky and realise one thing


I need to learn to read :D


will check my account after its been applied to see if they've changed the billing date from May to June 19/20th


some mod needs to nuke this thread now as I cant read and need to purchase some new glasses

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ok....re-read the updated sticky and realise one thing


I need to learn to read :D


will check my account after its been applied to see if they've changed the billing date from May to June 19/20th


some mod needs to nuke this thread now as I cant read and need to purchase some new glasses


Aye reading is hard eh, grats on learning a new skill tho...

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another person misled, by the promotion. It's oh so good of them to add those days on 2 days after the launch day subscribers subscriptions run out. I still say it was bad form, and yes there was no 1 day added, either and there been no mention on when that would happen.
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another person misled, by the promotion. It's oh so good of them to add those days on 2 days after the launch day subscribers subscriptions run out. I still say it was bad form, and yes there was no 1 day added, either and there been no mention on when that would happen.


I got my one day. My billing date went from the 19th to today, the 20th.


Most likely, they are applying the one day in waves as not to overwhelm the system.

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I canceled and am stay able to log in. They probably billed everyone with a still active account on the 19th.


Kind of shady, but par for the course with business.


Cancelling your account will not shut it down immediately. You can still play for the time you have payed for, however cancelling will stop you from being billed again when you game time runs out. Most MMO's do this and the only one that I recall not was AO which when you cancelled that was it and you did not get any refund on the balance of the account.

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ok....re-read the updated sticky and realise one thing


I need to learn to read :D


will check my account after its been applied to see if they've changed the billing date from May to June 19/20th


some mod needs to nuke this thread now as I cant read and need to purchase some new glasses


yeah well the damage you just did is done.


now this thread will be full of. I TOLD YOU bioware is FAIL!! NO 30 days FREE! LIES!

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ok....re-read the updated sticky and realise one thing


I need to learn to read :D


will check my account after its been applied to see if they've changed the billing date from May to June 19/20th


some mod needs to nuke this thread now as I cant read and need to purchase some new glasses


Cudos on realizing it was a mistake and your reaction to it :)


I make mistakes all the time, but owning up to them and not blaming them on others is a lost art

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