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Bioware answer us.


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We've been waiting from last patch, it's obvious that something is wrong now, mercenary with arsenal build can't do so less dps, watch at the result in warzones, you will see all mercenaries at last slot in dps, no rotation, no chances to get better, somethig is not working, it's impossible that a full geared battlemaster, with rakata stim and adrenal is doing less dps that a randon newbie that cames in pvp with the neophit gear, doing nearly the same biggest hit.

We was patient, we waited, i don't mean that this issue must be correct now but a communication by the developers is a must, almost now, it will be the definetly choise? So almost we can decide to change build, reroll another class or quitting the game.

That is not serious from your staff, also if you give us a free month, it doesn't mean we are in a ptr, i think we all contributed too much to test your game with all the insolved bugs in pve and in pvp.

Soa still bugs, after 1.2, so....

Now i'm just asking an answer and i think, after buyng the game and payng my subscription to have the right to do it.

Still Waiting.

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ah, i forget to let you notice that enemy player in an huttball now, are ignoring dps from mercs, they look and laught passing over, and we can do nothing except stun or bounce, because killing a ball carrier is impossible that is making me crazy. My juggernaut with tank build can do nearly the same with a champion gear.
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As an Arsnelist since launch, never respec'd. The update yesterday really hurt. I was combat in effective last night in pvp. I either got ganged up on and quickly disposed of or made irrelevant and not even dealt with until all my teammates were dead, only to meet my quick demise. Before my best defense was offense, being able to burn someone down. Now I can't even stun my way to escape. I believe the nerf'ing was too much, but I understand the idea. I would like to see a revert back to want it was just after 1.2 with maybe more a capping of damage or leveling out after meeting a "top out". I was hip firing my heatseekers at around 2k to 3k without heat sigs and really not using much tracer and running around like an idiot. Now I have to stand and spam to maybe break 2k. I was hip firing heatseaker last night for 700. 700....2k easy, to 700. Explosive Dart will hit for 1300. I never use exp dart.
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I'd just like to know why my Heatseeker hit harder before 1.2 than it does now. four hours of pvp resulted in a max crit from hsm for ~3800, average biggest hit was 3100 across the whole night. pre patch I could hit another full BM for 4.2k at least. This seems like an oversight. :confused:


forget about my pve rotation. HSM max crit capped at 4700 with adrenal/relic popped. pre 1.2 max hsm was 4.6k :wea_02:


Post 1.2, pre nerf, max hsm was 6.1k, for reference

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I'd just like to know why my Heatseeker hit harder before 1.2 than it does now.

Georg Zoeller:

"(b) In response to your feedback, we've re-tested all classes to ensure they are falling within our desired DPS targets and found one issue with Demo Round / Heatseeker Missile which was getting increased DPS, not just from other people's stacks but also from an unwanted interaction with other skills. That issue was corrected in the 1.2.0c patch this week."

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Ya know I've been trying to stick with Bioware and hang on, hoping they would fix all this stuff.. But I think I've just about had it.. We have no raid usefulness, our dps is bottomed out now, and they just say its in the normal range.. The normal range they tested on the PTS WITH the BUG they just fixed you mean? Sure WAS!...


Don't get me wrong, I'm in a high ranked world PVE guild and I can adjust very well to changes and put out a good amount of dps, but really why bring a BH over other classes with things that help the entire raid?..

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Georg Zoeller:

"(b) In response to your feedback, we've re-tested all classes to ensure they are falling within our desired DPS targets and found one issue with Demo Round / Heatseeker Missile which was getting increased DPS, not just from other people's stacks but also from an unwanted interaction with other skills. That issue was corrected in the 1.2.0c patch this week."


Are you serious? This is the way it's going to stay?

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Ya know I've been trying to stick with Bioware and hang on, hoping they would fix all this stuff.. But I think I've just about had it.. We have no raid usefulness, our dps is bottomed out now, and they just say its in the normal range.. The normal range they tested on the PTS WITH the BUG they just fixed you mean? Sure WAS!...


Don't get me wrong, I'm in a high ranked world PVE guild and I can adjust very well to changes and put out a good amount of dps, but really why bring a BH over other classes with things that help the entire raid?..



before 1.2 i felt my bh was on a level playing field, sure the rotation was super simple (tracer missile, tracer missile, tracer missile, tracer missile, unload, rail shot, heat seeker) but we had some survivalablity, and our dps was right where it should be. as arsenal we NEVER topped the charts. we had good burst and overall dps in a warzone we were always in the middle.


now we have no real burst dps, always lowest dps overall after a warzone (even if we are in full BM gear and have absolutely no survivability.


its just not fun playing an arsenal BH. i cant believe they listened to the bads that said mercs were OP because of tracer spam.


arsenal is my main. i played a couple of warzones last night, didnt have fun. if i wasnt being killed in 4 hits i was stunned constantly, i have never seen my resolve bar work since its implementation in huttball. once it gets full it stays full, and i am not immune to CC.


they "fixed" our abilities to where we are completely useless as a dps in pvp.


at the moment my subscription is getting ready to be canceled until they do something to make arsenal BH fun again.

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I liked the post 1.2 Merc gameplay, to be honest. I understand that there was an issue in groups where heat sigs were applying from multiple BHs and that needed to be fixed. But from what I've seen, they've taken the heat sig bonus away altogether and are saying that it's now working as intended.


I really need someone from BW to say "Hey, we messed up when we tried to fix the other issue and we are working to get it working again".

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FYI several people have report that 1.2.0c broke HSM in the opposite direction where it is not only ignoring TM stacks from others, but your TM stacks as well.


I know several people have reported it as a bug. I'd recommend patience.


It took them no time to mess with it from the first whines on the forum. Why should I have patience, when they're not having patience when charging me for my subscription?

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It took them no time to mess with it from the first whines on the forum. Why should I have patience, when they're not having patience when charging me for my subscription?

Because your impatience isn't doing anything for anyone.

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this is not working as intended unless they intended to nerf something else in it.


i posted pre and post parses



its messed up and they don't know how to fix it and is calling it working as intended. somebody does need to get off their arse and come explain the numbers i have in the other thread. What the patch notes say and what happened are 2 completely different things

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