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Definitely one BIG problem with the event


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Another valid issue beeing ruined by the PvP tough guys.

I've been in UO, DAoC, Darkfall, MO, EvE. I'm a PvP player myself and i do love the FFA Free Loot Environment. But the OP went to a PvE server to avoid this situation thus Bioware needs to fix it so he can't get flagged unless he wants to.


There is nothing else to discuss.


Take your e-peen waving back to where it belongs. You are not smarter or tougher because you play on a PvP server. Currently i'd say that the best community are usually found on RP and PvE servers. PvP players started ruining the MMOGs with their e-sports and e-peen waving attitude long before the casuals came.

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griefing didn't sink subscriber numbers, poor development choices sank subscriber numbers.


SWG is a perfect example, lots of greifing going on but still incredibly popular, SOE then brought out the devastating NGE to try and dumb the game down and cater to the "casual" gamer but ended up destroying their subscriber base because of it.


just look at how death penalties have been pretty much eradicated from modern MMO's because of the QQing of "casual" gamers, SWG had perma death if your jedi died, other games had corpse runs, XP debt, destroyed items, lost credits, all a great incentive to learn2play


These days you spend a tiny fraction of credits(yet people are complaining on these very forums about the repair costs *rolleyes* ) to get back in the game and thats considered a death penalty,


EVE is still hugely success and of course I still play it, but its a niche market because of its extreme learning curve, one thing that impresses me with CCP is that they use the fact you can grief, rob "guild" banks etc as a selling point, they're attitude is "heres your sandbox, go and play"


its a great shame that the soul of an MMORPG has been gutted away over the years to create a single player facebook with some co-op elements and a tiny bit of PVP all because of corporate greed and a vocal minority.


there have been a few MMO's written just for "hardcore" players...they all faIled. There arent enough of you to financially support it and most of you are as fickle as a 8 year old with ADD and a sugar rush. Which is why we see all the QQ from the pvp servers demanding server merges. Games have learned that keeping the people that continue to pay month after month happy is the best way to remain employed. SWTOR is a business. They can keep the epeen strokers happy or they can make the game a fun place to play for everyone else. This is a form of recreation. If they make it unpleasant to gratify internet tough guys, they will lose subscribers.

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Which is why we see all the QQ from the pvp servers demanding server merges. .



This is ridiculous. People from all types of servers are asking for mergers because the games population is spread too thin.



Also, FYI, the heaviest server in the game is a PvP server.

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depends on how you view it, OP could of ran away, he could of done something. instead he stood there and did nothing and IMO he quite rightly died, should of just learnt from the experience, respawned and carried on playing


instead he decided to make a post highlighting his poor gameplay hoping the developers will gut out more of what makes a multiplayer game multiplayer. PVP.


I wish one day a mod/dev would have the stones to close a thread on the basis OP messed up and died.


Putz vs Putz does not make multiplayer. Does every conversation you have end up in a fist fight?

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I miss the good old days where griefing was just part of the fact an MMO is a player driven environment, completely dynamic and constantly random. you either ragequit or you learn to adapt and have fun.


these online single player games really took the fun out of MMO's, i think EvE is the only true MMO out there, why can't developers just put on the game packaging minimum requirements: "An IQ above 60" and start ignoring the QQers who most of the time allow themselves to be griefed?


Sorry your ability to grief freely has been removed. Ahh the good ole days where prebuscent kids can have free reign to annoy other people trying to enjoy themselves.


Maybe go take your 61 IQ and go play eve if you feel griefing is a fun "feature" missing in so many MMO's now.

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Finding it hard to see why this is such a big deal, maybe you could you know just press the respawn button?


On a PVE Server, a player should ONLY get flagged for PVP based on their own actions. There should not be anyway for someone else to flag you for PVP.


Finding it hard to see why this is so difficult for people to comprehend, maybe you could you know learn what the difference is between PVE and PVP ?

Edited by amantheil
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Actually, the "good old days" weren't like that at all.


In fact, once upon a time (I was there, so I know) there was actually a code of honor around PvP and it was founded on the notion that non-consensual PvP was just being a *******.


To be blunt, once upon a time, if your buddies found out you were a "PKer" (i.e., someone who deliberately seeks out and kills people who aren't PvPers) they'd whack your butt themselves and corpse camp you until you got the message.


What message, you ask? Well, it was kind of simple, really, and logical if you think more than three seconds ahead of your own instant gratification:


1. Ganking on folk who have no interest in PvP gives PvP overall a black eye, which,

2. Makes it much less likely that those who are curious about PvP will ever do more than be curious about it, which,

3. Lowers the number of new PvPers you get to enjoy (i.e., "fresh meat"), and also,

4. Ensures that those who do not like PvP (i.e., the majority, check the numbers, friend) continue to insist on mechanics that prevent as much of this behavior as possible.


In short, friend, your perspective is precisely the reason that World PvP has continued to become passe' AND why there are now different servers for it, AS WELL AS why there continues to be backlash and increasing strictures to segregate PvP from PvE unless you specifically opt into it.


Succinctly... players who think as you seem to are the reason PvP "can't have nice things".


Mind you, this comes to you from someone who began gaming life as a PvPer with UO and EQ and, by the time I got to AC, could see enough of where it was going to determine it was already largely ruined. Today, I'll duel, but you really won't see me PvPing anymore because, frankly, twitch ain't skill, being able to jump real fast in a circle ain't skill, and theorycrafting ain't skill. Skill is largely no longer an element excepting to the extent that correct use of timing, situational awareness, and knowledge of your spells and their effective use are concerned (and frankly, friend, that ain't skill either, it's just basic technique).



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What I should NOT catch, however, is their lust for PvP. I lost about ten minutes' worth of time waiting for my flag to go off - while dead - that I could have been participating in the event. And the respawn spot it throws you out at? Maybe ten feet away from where Trapjaw spawns, so I'd be killed immediately without any sort of time to get away from there.

Concur. Many of us want nothing to do with PvP, so please don't force it on us.

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The event is kind of a PvP event considering its main design is to draw the 2 factions together into the same place. If you want to avoid PvP the event may be difficult for you.


It certainly makes things interesting and a bit of a change though.... :)


I never got involved in any world PVP. It could have happened the first day before I knew that being infected by an enemy flagged you for PVP. But once I knew that I just "VACCINATED" myself and didn't worry about it.


IF you know the rules, you can avoid PvP. If you don't that's frankly your problem.

Edited by JerokTalram
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its a great shame that the soul of an MMORPG has been gutted away over the years to create a single player facebook with some co-op elements and a tiny bit of PVP all because of corporate greed and a vocal minority.


It's really more of a shame that people like you seem intent on trying to force your game-style on people who aren't interested in participating.


When you first create a character, you have a choice of selecting a PVP or PVE server. If you pick a PVP server, then you willingly accept the risk of griefing and are ok with it. If you like griefing and don't mind being griefed yourself, then go play on a PVP server, and stop trying to force people who aren't interested into doing open world PVP.


If you're on a PVE server, nothing that another player does should flag you for PVP. Period. End of story.

Edited by amantheil
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On a PVE Server, a player should ONLY get flagged for PVP based on their own actions. There should not be anyway for someone else to flag you for PVP.


Finding it hard to see why this is so difficult for people to comprehend, maybe you could you know learn what the difference is between PVE and PVP ?


This. It boggles my mind how so many want to justify the ganking of unsuspecting, and unwilling players, on a server that is not meant for open world PVP. That really does not seem like 'PVP' it's just being....


...well this post sums it up better than I ever could....


Actually, the "good old days" weren't like that at all.


In fact, once upon a time (I was there, so I know) there was actually a code of honor around PvP and it was founded on the notion that non-consensual PvP was just being a *******.


To be blunt, once upon a time, if your buddies found out you were a "PKer" (i.e., someone who deliberately seeks out and kills people who aren't PvPers) they'd whack your butt themselves and corpse camp you until you got the message.


What message, you ask? Well, it was kind of simple, really, and logical if you think more than three seconds ahead of your own instant gratification:


1. Ganking on folk who have no interest in PvP gives PvP overall a black eye, which,

2. Makes it much less likely that those who are curious about PvP will ever do more than be curious about it, which,

3. Lowers the number of new PvPers you get to enjoy (i.e., "fresh meat"), and also,

4. Ensures that those who do not like PvP (i.e., the majority, check the numbers, friend) continue to insist on mechanics that prevent as much of this behavior as possible.


In short, friend, your perspective is precisely the reason that World PvP has continued to become passe' AND why there are now different servers for it, AS WELL AS why there continues to be backlash and increasing strictures to segregate PvP from PvE unless you specifically opt into it.


Succinctly... players who think as you seem to are the reason PvP "can't have nice things".


Mind you, this comes to you from someone who began gaming life as a PvPer with UO and EQ and, by the time I got to AC, could see enough of where it was going to determine it was already largely ruined. Today, I'll duel, but you really won't see me PvPing anymore because, frankly, twitch ain't skill, being able to jump real fast in a circle ain't skill, and theorycrafting ain't skill. Skill is largely no longer an element excepting to the extent that correct use of timing, situational awareness, and knowledge of your spells and their effective use are concerned (and frankly, friend, that ain't skill either, it's just basic technique).


Bioware, we need that PVP Always Off option, and we need is soon.

Edited by JediElf
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I hear ME3 has co-op multiplayer and is made by Bioware, you could almost pretend its star wars based on the similarities between names in SW:TOR and the ME universe.


why can't PVE'ers stick to single player games with optional multiplayer rather than coming into MMORPG's and crying because its not single player enough for them?

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I would have a problem on a PvE server if they could continually turn your PvP flag on (with out remedy) but once as a surprise in a server event is not griefing. It's only griefing if it's repeated like camping the other teams base in novare coast so you can repeatedly kill them.


You care bears need to grow up and live in the real world.

Edited by JerokTalram
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why can't PVE'ers stick to single player games with optional multiplayer rather than coming into MMORPG's and crying because its not single player enough for them?


Show me a Star Wars (not Star Wars-like) RPG game that I can play cooperatively with my wife, and I'll play it.


I don't like PvP.

Edited by Notannos
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I hear ME3 has co-op multiplayer and is made by Bioware, you could almost pretend its star wars based on the similarities between names in SW:TOR and the ME universe.


why can't PVE'ers stick to single player games with optional multiplayer rather than coming into MMORPG's and crying because its not single player enough for them?


Okay, you just mananged to irritate me with your arrogance.


1. MMO DOES NOT MEAN PvP. It just does not. Where you got that idea from, well, I don't want to know.


2. Why don't YOU go play one of the numerous MEANT TO BE TOTALLY PvP games that are out there?


3. PvEers and part-time PvPers are the larger share of the market.

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I would have a problem on a PvE server if they could continually turn your PvP flag on (with out remedy) but once as a surprise in a server event is not griefing. It's only griefing if it's repeated like camping the other teams base in novare coast so you can repeatedly kill them.


You care bears need to grow up and live in the real world.


Please lay off the name-calling. It doesn't help the discussion. As for your assertion, there are PvP servers and PvE servers. Those who opt for PvE should not ever (and call 'em names if that makes your virtual appendage bigger) be coerced, forced, tricked etc. into PvP against their will.



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Show me a Star Wars (not Star Wars-like) RPG game that I can play cooperatively with my wife, and I'll play it.


I don't like PvP.


What difference is being jumped by another player(s) or a strong or elite walking into your mob fight and wiping you? THe result is same, you get sent to the cloners. You're crying over spilled milk.

Edited by Notannos
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I hear ME3 has co-op multiplayer and is made by Bioware, you could almost pretend its star wars based on the similarities between names in SW:TOR and the ME universe.


why can't PVE'ers stick to single player games with optional multiplayer rather than coming into MMORPG's and crying because its not single player enough for them?


I would have a problem on a PvE server if they could continually turn your PvP flag on (with out remedy) but once as a surprise in a server event is not griefing. It's only griefing if it's repeated like camping the other teams base in novare coast so you can repeatedly kill them.


You care bears need to grow up and live in the real world.


So both of you can not comprehend the actual different between a PVP server and a PVE server?


Are you serious?

Ganking other players on a PVE server (and that's all this is, this is not PVP) makes plyaers into 'tough guys'?


I really can't believe what I'm reading here. This is some very astounding ignorance, and arrogance.


If you want to PVP, play on a PVP server. Don't tag and gank PVE players. Is that so hard to understand?


I'll ask again, is it really that hard to understand for you guys?

Edited by JediElf
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I'm of two minds about this. On the one hand, PVP shouldn't be forced on someone who doesn't want it. On the other, the guy states he had a vaccine that he decided not to pop, so he knew what was going on and the event wasn't a surprise to him. Given that 1) he knew of the event. 2) there are other world bosses. and 3) He apparently didn't have any friends grouped with him (since they didn't help in the fight) this obviously wasn't a guild planned event or something. I have to wonder if it isn't a case of "staged martyrdom", where he intentionally placed himself in this position in order to draw attention to it. I don't know that that's the case, but a lot of the facts he mentions just don't seem to stand up to scrutiny IMO.


I'm pretty sure if you go. Back and reread his post he said he tired backing away and the guy followed and at that point he says he didn't have time to pop the vaccine before he exploded. So he actively tried avoiding the conflict and at the point he realized that wasnt going to happen he didn't have the chance to pop the vaccine. At which point he was flagged (against his wishes) and then griefed by the other players in the area.


Sorry but that is just not acceptable, on a PvE server. And the flagging mechanic should be looked at for reasons just like this one.

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Please lay off the name-calling. It doesn't help the discussion. As for your assertion, there are PvP servers and PvE servers. Those who opt for PvE should not ever (and call 'em names if that makes your virtual appendage bigger) be coerced, forced, tricked etc. into PvP against their will.




Well I guess BW doesn't agree with you. People were told not to go to tatooine but they went anyway. Actions have consequences.

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Let me see if I've got this straight ...


So ganking players, on a PVE server, by tagging their mobs. Is considered 'PVP'?


I'll ask again, why is this so hard for some of you to actually get your minds around? Is it ignorance? Is it something else? No one wants to get ganked on a PVE server, why is this so hard to comprehend?


Bioware we need that Off button, and we need it right now.

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Well I guess BW doesn't agree with you. People were told not to go to tatooine but they went anyway. Actions have consequences.


That's just silly. :) That was a total come-on to entice people to go pick up the quest series. It had nothing to do with PvPing aside from the one bit there in the Den.


Gawd, this is getting bizarre!

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What difference is being jumped by another player(s) or a strong or elite walking into your mob fight and wiping you? THe result is same, you get sent to the cloners. You're crying over spilled milk.


Incorrect. I'm pointing out that I'm playing the environment of the game (PvE), usually cooperatively with my wife, with ZERO interest in playing against other players (PvP). This isn't rocket science.

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