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Definitely one BIG problem with the event


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Not read all the posts.


I agree with the OP, that was griefing and on a PvE server you should not be flagged for PvP without doing it yourself. They need to find a way to stop this happening.


Don't get me wrong I am always flagged for PvP I like the danger :D But it should always be a choice and you shouldn't be able to get flagged through your normal PvE gameplay.

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* Posting this here, since Bioware didn't like this question to have its own thread.


Question: Still true? "PvE server - player fights must be agreed to by both sides"


According to the official SWTOR website:


"Player vs. Environment (PvE) - In Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, Player vs. Environment servers serve as the "default." On these servers, you have the option to role-play as your character, and player- vs.- player fights must be agreed to by both sides."


This was violated in the past event. I experienced it first hand. So did the OP of this thread.


Related to recent incidents such as that decribed by the OP, my question to the developers is about PvE server policy. What is your position regarding these reported events, and the implication for your PvE servers?


1) This is more of a guideline than a rule. It can change, without warning, and the player base will have to adjust accordingly.


2) This is a rule. Numerous complaints to the contrary, there's insufficient evidence that non-consensual PvP flagging actually occurred. The development team denies that it did.


3) This is a rule. What happened was a bug. It won't happen again.


There have been multiple complaints, but not one developer response stating any Bioware position on this game-changing exception to the server policy. The previous posts here describe the desirability (or lack thereof) of the OP's incident, but there's no clarity on whether or not it was "working as intended."


This is quite a bit more serious than Ashara's graphics, which seemed to be worthy of a Bioware post. No response is inexplicable, and unforgivable.

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You should have hopped on your speeder and zipped away from him. Right before he exploded, he would have dropped off his speeder for the final shudder before he exploded, which would have given you ample time to keep moving and cleared his infection radius.


I understand the OP's point, but next time maybe take some initiative rather than just standing there expecting some other player to respect your wishes.


I find myself doubting that this player had it timed perfectly so that he just ran up and immediately exploded. I suspect the OP had plenty of time to activate a vaccine or hop on his speeder and start moving away from the area.


Last night I was on Belsavis and had completed a mission prompt at a terminal and was just standing there facing the wall while I talked to a friend here in my home office.


All the sudden I started being attacked by something, and realized that a Sith had jumped me from behind and was attacking me. I was caught off guard, in Support Cell mode instead of Armor-Piercing mode, forgot to switch back, and almost had him killed before he took me out. Then he ran off like a little wuss while I healed up and prepared to come after him.


Yeah, it sucked. But you live, you learn, and you realize next time you don't stand there with your back against the wall. There's no real drawback to being PK'ed. You didn't have to wait there for 10 minutes. It takes 60-120 seconds to get back to the site of the bosses from the nearest med center.


You cannot blame BioWare for silly choices that you make. Just learn your lesson and make better choices!

Edited by Kubernetic
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I miss the good old days where griefing was just part of the fact an MMO is a player driven environment, completely dynamic and constantly random. you either ragequit or you learn to adapt and have fun.


these online single player games really took the fun out of MMO's, i think EvE is the only true MMO out there, why can't developers just put on the game packaging minimum requirements: "An IQ above 60" and start ignoring the QQers who most of the time allow themselves to be griefed?


And herein lies the problem. There will always be players like this guy who believe that because something is 'fun' for them its a good and just thing for the game. If this type of person was to try and run what he calls a 'real MMO' it would be bankrupt in a week.


I love the insult to peoples intelligence who disagree with him as if not liking something in the game had anything to do with their IQ, implying it's all avoidable if you're 'smart'. Yeah, right.

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I miss the good old days where griefing was just part of the fact an MMO is a player driven environment, completely dynamic and constantly random. you either ragequit or you learn to adapt and have fun.


these online single player games really took the fun out of MMO's, i think EvE is the only true MMO out there, why can't developers just put on the game packaging minimum requirements: "An IQ above 60" and start ignoring the QQers who most of the time allow themselves to be griefed?


So in other words, I have an IQ below 60 because I don't want to PvP unless I'm in a warzone?


That's kind of a low blow. :confused:

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This may not be the right game for you. I would suggest Hello Kitty Online or My Little Pony Adventures.


As opposed to the grand macho games we play with emotional droids, swords of pretty colors, and Muppets.... :rolleyes:

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* Posting this here, since Bioware didn't like this question to have its own thread.


Question: Still true? "PvE server - player fights must be agreed to by both sides"


According to the official SWTOR website:


"Player vs. Environment (PvE) - In Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, Player vs. Environment servers serve as the "default." On these servers, you have the option to role-play as your character, and player- vs.- player fights must be agreed to by both sides."


This was violated in the past event. I experienced it first hand. So did the OP of this thread.


Related to recent incidents such as that decribed by the OP, my question to the developers is about PvE server policy. What is your position regarding these reported events, and the implication for your PvE servers?


1) This is more of a guideline than a rule. It can change, without warning, and the player base will have to adjust accordingly.


2) This is a rule. Numerous complaints to the contrary, there's insufficient evidence that non-consensual PvP flagging actually occurred. The development team denies that it did.


3) This is a rule. What happened was a bug. It won't happen again.


There have been multiple complaints, but not one developer response stating any Bioware position on this game-changing exception to the server policy. The previous posts here describe the desirability (or lack thereof) of the OP's incident, but there's no clarity on whether or not it was "working as intended."


This is quite a bit more serious than Ashara's graphics, which seemed to be worthy of a Bioware post. No response is inexplicable, and unforgivable.


It's nothing to do with the event. It's to do with area attacks (including a certain explosive infection) hitting flagged enemies enabling your flag, in the same way that if I targeted a yellow name (flagged enemy) and used a direct attack it would turn on my flag instead of telling me I can't attack them until I manually enable my flag.

Edited by Jestunhi
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This may not be the right game for you. I would suggest Hello Kitty Online or My Little Pony Adventures.


Yet another witty and original response. I find it impossible to take you seriously. :rolleyes:

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I agree 100% with the OP. If it's a PVE server than PVP should never be forced on anyone for any reason.




it just boggles my mind, how so many can try and justify greifing PVE players on PVE servers. If you are on a PVP server then you take what comes to you, but ruining the game for PVE players just puts PVP players in a bad light...and really why would anyone want that? Most PVP folks are good people, who just love PVP.


You have your own servers, they are called PVP and PVPRP servers... remember?


I just hope by the next event this whole unintentional flagging issue is resolved, I mean, if I can deny party and guild requests, I should be able to switch off PVP flagging as well.



Edited by JediElf
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Alright, so there I am out in the dunes, minding my own business on a PvE server. My flag's off - I'm not a big fan of PvP - and I'm waiting for Trapjaw to appear. A bunch of Imperials come out of nowhere. No biggie, they can have him, I'll just let my guys know so they can get the next one. Along comes a flagged for PvP guy. He's feverish. He runs up to me. I ask him to please back away, I don't want him to flag me or something when he explodes. I move away, he follows. I don't have enough time to use a vaccine before he explodes, flagging me for PvP, and the Imperials all start to attack me.


I don't retaliate, and just say "Stop."



Please, if you're going to have an event like this again, keep one thing I've said before in mind: If someone explodes from the plague and I get infected, ok - I caught their virus. What I should NOT catch, however, is their lust for PvP. I lost about ten minutes' worth of time waiting for my flag to go off - while dead - that I could have been participating in the event. And the respawn spot it throws you out at? Maybe ten feet away from where Trapjaw spawns, so I'd be killed immediately without any sort of time to get away from there.


I like everything in the event, except this one aspect . Exploding on a non-flagged player should not flag them for PvP - vaccine or not.


Thanks, and sorry for the rant.


There's several threads that revolve around this and it they all generally boil down into 2 camps.


People who think that on PVE servers the specific mechanic of an opposite faction player turning their pvp flag on just before they explode and infect you so that you also become flagged is an acceptable game mechanic, even though if they did the exact same thing unflagged it wouldn't.




The people who think thst on PVE servers this was broken and doesn't constitute consent in non PVP areas.


Links have been posted, quoted and argued to death. I personally was not affected by this, although I do play on a PVE server. The people who think it was ok also feel it should be your fault and/or you are to blame. I don't see how it can be your fault or you are to blame. Griefers will try and find any excuse for their behaviour.


This is what I think of everytime I see these people post now:


Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.


This describes griefers imo.

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