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50 active auctions on AH limit are you kidding me?


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You can be a crafter and not a merchant. Just saying...


Sure, you can. But the nature of the interdependent material sources, the orange schematic modable item system, and the "made by" tag on items would suggest that being a merchant is a part of the plan.

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I think much will improve when the WOW'er tourists go back to WOW. Don't hate on a good game that took a ridiculous amount of resources to make real because it isn't the game you are used to playing with the community you are used to playing with. I can see the improvements over the beta weekends and it is obvious BW listened to its customer base.


This is nonsense, there are plenty of different aspects to the game that I am enjoying. The GTN interface is not 'different', it's vastly inferior and benefits no one in its current state. This is not supposed to be about WoW vs. Tor, it's about good game design and how we can let Bioware (and the masses of 'different' people on this forum) know about it.

Edited by Oriox
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Sure, you can. But the nature of the interdependent material sources, the orange schematic modable item system, and the "made by" tag on items would suggest that being a merchant is a part of the plan.


Right, I am just saying that selling *each* item you make or gather is probably not part of the master plan.

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Oh, and the limited locations of the GTN don't help, since people are less likely to just browse the GTN.


Just about every MMO has limited locations of the AH or GTN in this case.. WOW had had them in the capital cities only.. Not including the goblin AH.. Of course we have the Hutt Cartel Trade Network on Nar Shaddaa.. How is this any different??

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Yeah, and that worked well for WoW's economy.


It did work well, as I have already explained. At any point you could go to the AH and get anything you wanted for a relatively cheap price. I would know, I played that game from Classic to Cata and at no point did I think that there was a problem with that AH system. If I wanted to list 500 auctions at a time I could do that. If I wanted to buy up a lot of things for crafting or leveling a profession, I could do that too. This was good game design, allowing the players more freedom to do as they pleased benefited everyone. Not everything in WoW was great, but they did many things well. Bioware should at least aspire to that level.

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Just about every MMO has limited locations of the AH or GTN in this case.. WOW had had them in the capital cities only.. Not including the goblin AH.. Of course we have the Hutt Cartel Trade Network on Nar Shaddaa.. How is this any different??


So, how many load screens do you need to sit through in order to get to an AH in WoW? Even from the most remote location, there is a single load screen (going through a portal). This isn't WoW. This isn't a huge, continuous world split into 4 pieces. This is double-digit separate planets that can't even be directly traveled to; you have to load your ship then load the planet. It's nowhere near comparable.

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"AH heroes" do not ruin server economies, they make server economies. Without those people there would be no cheap and easily accessible goods.


You are not trying to make a server economy.


You are simply trying to get wealthy faster.


I do not begrudge you playing the GTN because a lot of people enjoy that portion of the game.


I do have an issue with pages of single items for sale.


Either stack your items or just realize you will go a little slower 1 item at a time.


A 50 item limit is just fine.

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The attitude of "WoW had it therefore it sucks and should never be allowed here" is pretty closed minded and frankly, a bit ridiculous.


the problem goes both ways, its way too common (this thread is an example) of 'WoW did this so SWTOR should'


DAoC had a good economy, and for ages there was no 'AH' style selling. then you had venders at your house and there was a 20 or 30 item limit (cant remember the amount) so that limited even multiple toons selling as each needed a house.


games are different, work different ways, if you want it to just do what wow did and anything else is a fail, then just go play wow. if you want a change (as i do, i HATE WoW, honestly it bored me to tears) then try and find a new way to make your credits, adept what you want with the new limitations, think of this as 'Hard Mode'

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define cheap... because im getting the sinking feeling you aint looking to sell items cheap.


I sell items at whatever price people are willing to pay for them. If a competitor wants to undercut me that only benefits you.

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I sell items at whatever price people are willing to pay for them. If a competitor wants to undercut me that only benefits you.


guess your gonna have to sell things a little more responsibly in this game rather than what you did in the "other" one. i can see the devs giving 75 slots MAX to sell but no more than that... so good luck on your crusade.



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guess your gonna have to sell things a little more responsibly in this game rather than what you did in the "other" one. i can see the devs giving 75 slots MAX to sell but no more than that... so good luck on your crusade.




You have contributed nothing to this thread so don't say "/thread" when you really have no valuable input here.

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You have contributed nothing to this thread so don't say "/thread" when you really have no valuable input here.


try reading my earlier posts that you seemed to just browes over becasue they didnt suit your argument. i contributed dont worry about that.


Now i lay this thread to rest it will be missed... ok not really :p

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I like to work auction/trades in games to make myself more cash, who wouldn't?

I mean... what kind of person complains at the ability to make cash?

Oh that's right, people who aren't good at it.


The entire forums are filled with people who don't want certain game system because they simple are bad at it and know others would do better with the option.


In this case, the potential to make more cash.


Thing is, I made alts and parked them by the GTN/Mail box.

50 slots? Nope.. 250.

Edited by ChrisJSY
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